Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
TH E NYSSA G ATE CITY JO U R N A L, NYSSA, OREGON t several dinner parties last week Mrs. Rolland Holmes entertained e lehr a ting the birthdays of her •ith a party and weiner roast h Lsband, Rolland Holmes, and her aug'hter, Lila Mae. On Monday unday afternoon, May 23, cele- OREGON T R A IL , June 3— The rating the llb h birthday o f her vening, dinner guests were Mr. M erry Matrons club met at the nd Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert aughter, Lila Mae. nd Junior. On Tuesday evening home o f Lavinnie Smith Wednes Mrs. Grace Mills and Ted Dowes uests were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney day afternoon. May 26. Seven meni- f Payette and Mrs. George Clea- Valker of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ers and one guest, Ruth Conners, er and Lsvern were dinner guests lolmes and Bonnie Kressly. were present. The afternoon was Tiursday evening at the J. E. Bo Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and spent embroidering for the hostess. wen home. In the evening they I obert and Mrs. F. S. Byers and •anley made a business trip to Lunch was served by the hostess. all attended the commencement The next meeting will be held June ervice at Nyssa. Boise Thursday. Mrs. Rolland Holmes entertained Mrs. J. E. Bowen and Bernice 9, with Virginia Rookstool as hos- PARTIES ARE HELD A T OREGON TR AIL #//?£ //•eye/'.., T o Attend Convention— Rev. and Mrs. Roland G. Wuest and daughter, Karen, will leave Sunday afternoon for Oregon City, Oregon, the home of Pastor Wuest’s parents. From Oregon City, Rev. Wuest will proceed with his father to Pacific Lutheran college at T a coma, where they will attend the annual district church convention of the northwestern district o f the American Lutheran church. The convention will be held from M on day evening, June 7 to Friday noon, June 11. • Yes, once you consider that we, as a factory-appointed Ford dealer, have a reputation to maintain you realize that you can buy a used car here with complete confi dence. jHtRtSM ’S M n & o scr UNE FOODS To-Day's Bakery Specials — FRESH — 14c LARGE LO AF Bread 19c PARKER 79c Large Size HOUSE ROLLS 25c Dozen FRIED M APLE Chocolate M arshm allow Sauce 2 / j tablespoons V i cup Sego Milk 2 tablespoons water 12 marshmallows cocoa 1 V i tablespoons sugar few grains salt (3 o z t.) V i teaspoon vanilla M ix together cocoa, sugar and salt. Stir in milk and water slowly. Cook and stir over boiling water about 5 minutes, or until smooth. A d d marsh mallows. Continue cooking over boil ing water until marshmallows are al most dissolved. Remove from heat; add vanilla. Stir until marshmallows are melted and sauce is smooth. Cover and cool, but do not chill. Serve on ice cream, puddings, baked custard or plain cake. Makes W cup. Y o u W ill l\c e d : SEGO M ILK Can 15c Marshmallows Pkg. 15c Hershey’s Cocoa Pkg. 19c BARS 29c 6 For SESAME ROLLS 29c Dozen F A N C Y Q U A L IT Y APRICOTS No. 2V Z Can Heavy Syrup Ea. 19c 1,000-Sheet Rolls 3 For 33c SCOTT’S TOILET TISSUE G R APEFR U IT OR BLEND JUICE No. 2 Cans O-MI-O 3 For 25c W O O D B U R Y ’S TOILET SOAP 39c 4 Bars Garden Fresh Produce FRESH STRAWBERRIES CABBAGE lb. 7c JUICE ORANGES QUALITY -EVERY Market Price Crisp, Well-Trimmed New, Solid Heads CELERY Ib-9C Thin-Skin, Full of Juice MEATS CUT THAT lb. SATISFY GUARANTEED- PORK CHOPS, 65 Cents FA N C Y ASSORTED LU N C H MEATS, 57 Cents FRESH G R O U N D EEEF, OUR BEST, 59 Cents G O R D O N ’S DRIVE-IN THE “BIGGEST” STORE IN NYSSA FOR ITS SIZE NYSSA, OREGON Wilder, route 2. PH O NE 66 9c 3J2xp. ~ This marvelous new Gehl Forage Harvester will help you get greater production and bigger >tits. Takes the heavy, back-breaking work t of putting up hay and filling the silo . . . doe* e jobs faster and better than they were ever chops D R Y HAY. chops CiHASS SILAGE from windrow. 1 • Picks up sml chops COM BINED STRAW , which saves storage end rushes better bedding. • Row crop sttschment cuts STA N D IN G CORN (cane, etc.), chops sod drops it into wagon. • Separate FORAGE BLOW ER elevates the (crags into aiio or mow. • ONE M AN can operate it. FOR SALE— Acre tracts on high way 20, one mile out. Nyssa In surance agency. 3Jtfc. M ISCELLANEO US— Lawn m ow ers sharpened, also 1931 Chevrolet for sale. 59« N. W. Third St. 3J2xp TE AM AVERAGES AFTE R HOMEDALE GAME, M AY 30 Batting Name R B I AB R H AV S. Hartley 6 13 8 .53« Love joy 4 14 6 .500 Bellon 2 6 1 .500 0 2 0 B. Wilson ,500 F. Wilson 2 12 2 4 .333 Koyano 0 3 1 1 .333 Graham 1 16 4 5 .313 Iseri 0 4 0 1 .250 Wohlcke 0 4 0 1 .250 M. Hartley 1 13 1 3 .231 Lewis 2 6 0 1 .167 Rambaud 1 10 3 1 .100 C. Wilson 1 10 3 1 .100 0 1 0 0 .000 Ison Team 20 114 29 36 .316 Fielding PO A E AV. Name 0 2 0 1.000 Iseri 1 0 1.000 1 Ison 0 1.000 0 1 Wohlcke 0 1.000 1 0 Bellon 19 2 1 .955 F. Wilson 10 10 1 .952 Love joy 1 .875 7 7 C. Wilson 2 .926 24 1 S. Hartley 1 .875 0 7 Lewis 5 2 1 .875 Graham 1 .833 4 1 Rambaud 2 .800 4 4 Koyano 4 .733 2 9 M. Hartley 84 40 14 .899 Team Pitchers Ins. Hits SO BB W L Name 10 1/3 15 10 2 1 0 Iseri 5 2/3 10 0 4 0 0 Wohlcke 6 5 2 1 0 0 Ison 3 8 4 1 0 1 Rambaud 3 5 1 0 10 Graham B IIL D IN G PE R M ITS C lifford Main, construction, Fourth street, lot 16 and south half o f 17, block 36, Park addition, $8000, frame, 39 by 34. Laurence B. Findling, construc tion, Third street, lot 4, block 37, Park addition, *5400, 22 by 30, frame. J C. Crismon construction green house, 50 by 140, $8000, block 21, original townsite, Third street, m e I tal and glass. J. C. Crismon construction. Third street, original townsite, block 21, *10.000, 32 by 36. masonry. J. C. Crismon. Second street, lot 6 block 80, Green addition, $9000, 28 by 34 masonry. Cla*»ify W A N T E D — Farm work, married man. write Howard Penn. Adrian. Oregon 3Jlxp. TO R SALE;— John Deere pick-up hay baler, four years old, good con- | t diton. Registered Holstein bull, two years old, accredited herd. Floyd Holton, 34 mile* north and one east of Nvssa-Parma Junction. P ar ma route 2. 3Jlxp. W A N T E D - Good typist for credit office work Retail Credit Assoria- WITH LESS W O R K ...FE W E R MEN FO R SALE — Beautiful, modern home, two bedrooms, with 'basement apartment. All conveniences in cluding quick-freeze, good location, lawn, trees. Nyssa Insurance agen cy. 3Jtfc. Direct Bible School— Mr. and Mrs. V irgil Seward and B ill Main o f the Nampa Nazarene college are here for two weeks to conduct the Bible school at the Nazarene church. FO R SALE;— Furnished three-room house on three lots. 75 by 120. nice location. Phone 297-J after 6 p.m. SJlxp. in Quicker Tim ... FOR SALE— Flour m ill and grain business, including grain chopper, cleaner, treater, corn shelter, scales, Picnick in Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holmes of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Neal H ol mes and fam ily o f Caldwell picnick ed at Garden City, Idaho Memorial day. FO R 8 ALE;— Screen door* and un finished chests of drawers Ostrom Cabinet shop. 3Jlxc. MAKES HAY... SILAGE SJlxp., Return to Nebraska— Mr, and Mrs. F. G. Schmidt left this week to return to their home in Nebraska after spending two weeks visiUng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Neuman. Too Late To pre- p o R— ¡ ^Ts Plym outh. M M . car. At; 535 north Sixth street. Phone coal 2 0-R after 6 p.m. 3J2xp. FO R SALE;— Six-foot refrigerator fair condition, »50, 7th and Park, com er apartment. R. L. Sanders.! Return from Coast— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Tobler recently returned from a trip to Portland and Oregon City, where they visited friends. ANG EL-FO O D CAKES L O S T - B oys plaid Jacket. Left fe* (1 "h eat. PUlsburys at boat landing last Friday. Re- Paref* feeds, etc. Jersey cow. ward. Frank BarUes, phone 74-J1, tra'tor, good condition, and Call Bob Brown, Parma, Idaho after Sister Here— 3Jlxc. 6 p.m. or on Sundays. Miss Helen Bartholomew of Idaho \ Falls is visiting at the home of her PC'R SALE— 1946 Chevrolet two- 1 sister, Mrs. Don Engstrom. Miss ton truck. C. Herrud, C/o Joseph Bartholmew is a teacher In the Callahan, route 2, Nyssa. 3Jlxp. schools at Idaho Falls. cefi PA G E SEVEN Uon, room 6, F ry building, Nyssa. | hand trucks, etc., >4700. Also for [range. Phone 163-J. Rodger Ander- SJtfc. I sale at reduced prices one ton of son, Nyssa. SJlxc. FO R S A LE — Furnished three- room house on three lots, 75 x 120, nice location, phone 297-J after Completes Course— 3Jlxp Private First Class Bobbie D. 6 p. m. Ransom, son o f Mrs. Farrell R an W A N TE D — Married man wants som, Nyssa, has recently graduated from the ordnance automotive hou*e In connection with farm work. school at AUanta general distribu Grant Geddes, % Gilbert Chad 3Jlxp tion depot, at AUanta, Georgia. wick, Vale, Oregon. Ransom entered the army in Oc FO R SA LE — Smooth No. 12 wire tober o f last year and graduated for electric fences and other farm from the ordnance school May 7, uses at 5 cents per pound. Also l after completing tihe wheel vehicle Goodyear commercial battery char automotive mechanics course. ger and 4 -inch steel wire rope. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. SM A LL LO AF I lsited Mrs. Grace M ills of Pay- 1 tte Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and a ughters were Sunday dinner uests o f Mr. and Mrs. Thane .angford near Homedale. Mrs. Grace Mills spent several d iys with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. 1 jwen, this week. Jack Bowen, who made the trip t Portland with the Nyssa base ball team, remained to visit his sunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Burgess o f Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry attended M emorial day services at Payette unday. TH U R SD AY, JUNE 3, 1948 • Self powered by an efficient engine. An easy pull for n two-plow tractor. The Geld Forage Harvester is F IN E L Y ENGI NEERED . . . has the fast, clean cutting mecha nism marie famous in other Gehl machines. Sturdy construction throughout. Come in and dee it B & M EQUIPMENT CO., INC. A. GEHL WINS FRIENDS WHEREVER IT GOES Sunbeam Mixmaster Given Away Free Customers making purchases in our store between now and Tuesday, July I will receive chances on the mixmaster, which will be given away following a drawing. All You Have To Do Is Make A Purchase In Our Store SEWRIGHT AND TERRY numSHRLL-UJEUS STORES DAVENO’S F U LL SPRING CO N STR U C TIO N W IT H NO SAG SUPPORT, T A PE ST R Y COVERED P IL L O W ARM W IT H S W IN G ROCKER SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 5-PIECE BEDROOM SET IN EITHER DARK OR BLEACH ED W A L N U T W O O L RUGS, 9 by 12-ft. $64.50 $139.50 $24.50 $128.50 $59.50 “Montag” All Electric or Combination Ranges Full Automatic from $230 — Cash or Terms to Suit— A T THE B A R G A IN CENTER, OF C O U R S E -------- ED CASE FURNITURE CO.