4< ; . % w V * » / y * ,V>VS52s«^ 77ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X III NO. 21 ----- —t~= U.S. Is Called Still Short Of Lincoln’s Goal Gemhardt Delivers Mem oial Day T a lk ; Memory O f Dead Honored JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, JUNE 3, 1948 7 TRANSFORMERS OWNED BY IDAHO OWER CO. DAMAGE! 4.52 Acre-Feet Is Allotted To Owyhee Farmers T h e Idaho Power company lost seven transformers by lightning last Thursday and Friday Bernard Frcst, company manager in this rea, reported. All o f the damaged transformers were in the rural area, mostly in Sunset valley. A one and three-quarter hour interuption occurred in the service :n the Adrian area Sunday when a river crossing at Kingm an Koiony wn 3 damaged. Condition o f the wires indicated that they had been hit by an airplane. T hey were not out, but were torn loose from the tower. Th e crossing, located east and north of the Kingm an Koiony schoolhouse, was installed this pring. GUEST SPEAKER Run-Off Conditions Not Favorable For Filling Reservoir Optimism Given Recognition At Commencement Dr. Paul Jacobson Deliv ers Talk; Miss Schenk, Miss Bybee Speak Rev. H. J. G em hardt o f the M e O ffic e »« o f the irrigation districts The 1918 commencement exercis thodist church told a ram er small j under the Owyhee gravity system es of the Nvssa high school, giving M emorial day audience Sunday a f decided at a meeting held Tuesday less consideration than similar pro ternoon that this nation has not grams of recent years to the m ili to set the season allotment at 4.25 rea.hed the goal that Abraham tary aspect U the national life, Lincoln visioned in his Gettysburg acre-feet per acre and to termin was held in a spirit of optimism ad ress in 1863. ate tne irrigation season October 1. ¡ i f i and praise for the 57 graduates Rev. Gemhardt, speaking at the R u n -off conditions on the O wy who had completed 12 years of veterans monument in the Nyssa hee river watershed are not favor- school. Only one year of tlie grad cemetery, said “85 years ago a great —e for filling the reservoir this uating dents' high school course American stood on a .battlefield of sumner, according to District M an j was spent during the war period, the C ivil war to dedicate the first ager James Spofford, who said 1S44-45. national cemetery and begin the oat a maximum storage of 488,360 | In the first address of the even spirit that resulted in the establish acre-feet, 68 per cent o f the res ing, the salutatory. Miss Lois Bybee ment o f Memorial day” . ervoir capacity, was reached May The minister pointed out that Dr. Paul Jacobson, dean of th e ! ' S ‘\‘ d " AU the workl ls ior Ule nuin 13 and lire L ow o f the river has Lincoln said the government was school of education of the Univer- * ho somewhere. T o the gradually decreased since that date. dedicated to certain propositions— head u.^. ,the, ^'orld in early April a shortage o f wat sity of Oregon, delivered the ad- I that men were created equal with dress at the Nyssa high school 18 bri* ht- Man 13 a child of tom- er was anticipated and the offifeers the right to be free men. T h e for ■onunencement exercises last Thurs- 1 ? rrcT , ty morrow holds everything of the districts under the gravity day night. |Ior nlni • m er president said those principles l ast rites were held in the Nyssa i system met and decided that under ---------- 1___________________________t Miss Bybee thanked the faculty, were being sorely tested and some L.D.S. church Monday, M ay 31, for .ire unfavorable run-off conditions board of directors and parents “ who Grover Vest is shown above with j County Dairy Breeders association. peop e questioned whether such a 44-year-old Irving P. Duffin, local it would be necessary -to toe care stood by us and urged us on to government could stand and whe farmer, who succumbed Thursday he first calf born in Malheur coun- | The Holstein calf is owned by G ro- ful o f the use of water and that higher Ideals". ther men were really equal. in a Salt Lake C ity hospital, where y under the artificial breeding pro- i ver and Robert Vest o f Nyssa rural restrictions above the four acre Miss Mary Lou Sohenk, the val “ Excusing himself for his lack he had been ill for several weeks. gram sponsored by the Malheur route. foot minimum might toe necessary edictorian, said that "Despite our of time to prepare the address, Bi-hop Dean F ife officiated. ih e officers m et again June 1, exuberance, this is a time o f sol Abraham Lincoln gave one at the Duffin was born in Touquerville, when the season allotment o f 4.25 LANS COMPLETED emnity. I f we have learned to think choicest bits of literature the world Utah, November 21, 1903. He moved T h e proposed creation of a Nyssa acre-feet per acre was determined our education has been a success. possesses” , Rev. G em h ardt said, to Aberdeen, Idaho in 1918 and was FOR FAT STOCK "Although only the average am park and recreation district was We have learned the responsibility "an oration that w ill live as long graduated from Aberdeen high ount o f moisture has fallen during overwhelmingly defeated by voters of 'being good citizens and being SHOW AND SALE as men live on the earth. I t caused school. Upon leaving Ricks college Aril and M ay on the valley lands, in a special election held Tuesday good citizens is the first step in men to remember those who laid at Rexburg, he began farm ing and The first annual F.F.A. fat stock developing a democratic nation and T h e Nyssa chamber o f commerce the evaporation conditions have of last week. down their lives that this nation livestock raising. been favorable and less irrigation The vote, 489 to 85, was announc a peaceful world. Many are criti m ight continue. I f Lincoln could Mr. Duffin married Pay Haws show and sale will be held Monday, has been notified that the inter- water was used during April and ed Friday following a canvass of cizing the management of the have looked into the future he and left Aberdeen for Vale in 1936. June 7 at the county fairgrounds state commerce commission has is- May than average” , Mr. Spofford the ballots by the county court. government, but fall to realize their m ight have seen San Juan, Belleau Th ey lived in the Nyssa area since af Ontario. sued to the Union Pacific stages said. “ Records o f wateer deliveries The three candidates for direc own responsibilities. I t is our own Wood, Pearl Harbor, Verdun, Saipan liH5. Mr. Duffin served a two-year Approximately 25 fa t steers. 25 a certificate o f .public convenience deliveries for the season indicate tors received the following votes: individual characters that will build and all the others. W e have an ideal L.DJ3. mission and later served in that less than 3/4 acre-feet per R. G. Larson 116, J. C. Olsen 97, or break this nation”. o f freedom, but we have not yet the bishopric of the Vale ward and fat hogs and 30 fa t lambs will be and necessity authorizing the oper acre (average) was used during the and Harold Sisson 99. The names of Miss Schenk listed the important realized the fullness o f freedom. in the Weiser stake Sunday school sold at auction by the F.F.A. chap ation o f its passenger busse- be ters of Ontario, Fruitland, Wilder, tween Caldwell, Id alio and On two months just past, which is these men appeared on the ballot. characteristics as integrity, service, Freedom must 'be wrought out superintendency. favorable start and shows that most In the w rite-lr classification, dependability, industriousness, tol month by month, year toy year in Mr. Duffin is survived by his Parma, Nyssa, Adrian, Vale, Nam tario, Oregon via Nyssa in inter water users are making the best state commerce. This inter-state Frank Parr received 111 votes and erance. unselfishness and loyalty. the changing experiences o f man widow, a daughter, Carolyn, and pa, Emmett and Weisdr. Joe Church and Clkyt Tschirgi service will be commenced accord use of water. W ith the above res 3id Flanagan received 11. Men re- She thanked the teachers and par kind. W hile we pay lip service to wo sons, Daryl and Terry Duffin, trictions it is anticipated that there eiving one vote each were Russell ents and added that Principal those who have died, are we ready all o f Nyssa; his parents, M r. and have donated their services as auc tog to present plans June 15, L. W. will be a reserve o f about 150,000 Cecil run, Rev. George Whipple, O. Patch and Mrs. Ehgstrom were two to give out life tolood, give our Mr?. H. E. D uffin of Aberdeen, tioneers for the sale and 'Bert A n Hobbs, Union Pacific Stages gener acre-feet in the reservoir at the E. Cheldelin, Ed Jamison, Ted Pom of the 'best advisers any class could bodies as living sacrifices, living ind a sister, Mrs. Lyda Romell of derson and Ellis W hite will act as al attorney, said. * ring assistants. T h e auction will 'The state o f Idaho has ¡if. 'ady end of the irrigation season, which eroy, Neil Dimmick, George M itch ever have. .o r those things they dieu fo r t Rook Island, Illinois. Superintendent Henry H artley in start in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, issued permit fo r intra-state opera- is 63 per cent of the carry-over ell, Arvel Child, Bert Ljenkaemper “ W e haven't completed the task troduced Che «mttnencemen*- speak-. with all animals going to the high- tions within Idaho along this route last fall. and Ormond Thomas. that Lincoln started back there In er, Dr. Paul Jacobson, dean o f tlIt est bidder. Local merchants expect and at or about the time inter- 1863. Every one of us should take school o f education of the Uni to buy most o f the animals, but j state operations are commenced we APPEAL IS ISSUED our citizenship as a sacred respon versity of Oregon, who spoke on several individuals will also buy. expect to file application with the sibility and toe mindful o f the su FOR CONTRIBUTIONS the topic, "America, Unlim ited”. The fittin g and showmanship Oregon public utilities commission- preme sacrifices they made. W e “Leadership is getting people to contest w ill 'begin at 1 p. m., with er for authority to operate in O re FOR FLOOD VICTIMS must change our ideas about su do something” , Dr. Jacobson said. rJbbons awaiting the outstanding gon intra-state commerce over the periority and inferiority” . Th e Nyssa high school baseball livestock showmen. "While we welcome you (the gradu- route” , Mr. Hobbs said. Rev. C. L. Callahan, chairman Reverend G em hardt recommend team went to Portland last week _ .. ., , , . „ ales) to our society we aren’t going T h e fa t animals will not be plac “ Insofar as the Oregon intra o f the county Red Cross chapter, ed voting fo r men "whom we be end to participate in the state ed in first, second and third class state operations are concerned, au ? * S S Z l *> * v e you the big Jobs. Leadership has issued notice that contribu n e l hnri r T lieve would, toe statesmen", not vot tournament and complete one of ifications, tout will be graded on a thority fo r the company to so oper V ^ , c 7 “ evlden? fd Without character is another story; tions for disaster relief in thee ing on the basis of possible finan Nyssa’s most successful athletic commercial basis by Wade Wells, ate would permit the handling of unimportant, Character coni 5 2 ? L ^ fc to r y the it is unimportant. northwest flood areas may be left Homedale nine on the local field cial g rin from the politicians. reasons in its history. Boise. passengers locally between Nyssa at the Idaho Power oomany o ff Sunday afternoon. Although he skts of doing what you know you "W ill we here highly resolve to However, Nyssa lost to Washing should do whether anyone is look and Ontario. From Nyssa to other ice in Nyssa. learn to know what freedom means ieeds more practice, Ison pitched ton high school o f Portland 12 to 0 ing at you or not” . points in Oregon or from other The following message was re six Innings. better than we have ever known it in the first game o f the tourna Citing thte many things that “ we points in Oregon to Nyssa the op ceived from national headquarters before and pledge ourselves to one Homedale managed to keep an ment. The Colonials went on to eration is inter-state in character o f the American Red Cross by edge on the Nyssa men until the take for granted", the speaker said government, one flag, that will light win the state pennant Saturday " I am talking about the little things and such transportation will be av Rev. Callahan: the nations until all o f the world last half o f the ninth frame when night by defeating Albany in the ailable to residents of Nyssa on or “ Voluntary Red Cross contribu the local team rallied and turned that indicate you are willing to will know what it means to be final contest 4 to 2. about June 15” . tions for relief o f northwest flood a 4 to 5 opposing score to a 6 to carry your share” . free?” W hite o f Washington stuck out As an expression o f his feeling No Indication was given as to sufferers will be accepted by any Kingman Koiony and Owyhee Chaplain Don Graham opened count with Homedale on the short about military training, Dr. Jacob 11 m en and Nyssa hurlers fanned girls won several of the outstanding where depot facilities will be es of the American chapters” . the service with prayer and Com end. seven men and allowed 11 walks. son said "Young people could well Mr. Callahan said "This chapter awards given at the annual 4-H tablished. mander H. J. CouxisU o f the V et W ith no outs, Bellon singled and 'Koyano, Nyssa pitcher, held W ash is asking all people of this area to Lovejoy doubled, putting Bellon on give a year o f service to their spring show in Ontario this week. erans oi Foreign Wars read General ington hitless until the fourth help now. Please leave your contri third. B. Wilson rapped a squarely country for the opportunities they The grand champion clothing ex Logan’s orders. Commander Leon frame. bution at the office o f the Idaho hit grounder to C. Johnstone, who have had". hibit was shown by Geraldine Dick ard Huseby of the American Legion T h e Nyssa lineup was as follows: Scholarship, the dean said, la im Power company in Nyssa. This tryed for Bellon at the plate. The ey of Brogan. The grand champion paid a short tribute to the dead. Osborne ss, Green 2to, Itamuro If, money Is urgently needed. Please catcher, standing on the baseline, portant because it consists of know- in cooking was Mollie Connaughy Arthur Rouse, adjutant o f the Leg Koyano p, Iseri cf, Takami c, Hol (Continued On Page Two) be generous and prompt” . ion, read the names o f the deceased comb 3b, Bowen rf, and Suther of Owyhee. Ard.vce Hurst of King- received the ball In plenty of time man Koiony won the dollar dinner veterans o f world war n . but dropped it when hard-running land lb. Cleaver pitched the fourth contest, Avadna Peterson of King- Mrs. A. B. G ray placed flowers A fter telling a large delegation Bellon charged toward the plate. ELMO SMITH BUYS and fifth innings and Koyano re man Koiony won the bread-baking Wednesday that no money was av on the monument for the Canad Oraham singled to bring In Lovejoy ONE NEWSPAPER AND turned to the fray to pitch the contest and Shirley Sparks of King- ailable for a full-tim e health unit, ian veterans, Mrs. Hugh Tobler, with the wining run sixth. Substitutes were Pounds for HALF OF ANOTHER man Koiony won the rake-baking the Malheur county budget board on behalf o f the American Legion Nyssa A lt R II I’O A E Bowen and Hale fe r Sutherland. contest. Winners in the demonstra reversed its decision Thursday and auxiliary, and Barbara Duncan, on Lovejoy, ss 6 1 2 6 4 0 Nyssa high school ended the fo o t Elmo Smith, mayor o f Ontario tion team contests are being de allowed $24,000 fo r operation of behalf of the Junior groups. Rambaud, If 2 0 0 0 0 0 ball season last fa ll in a three- 1 0 0 0 0 0 and formerly owner and publisher the unit fo r a year. The city has started laying a B. Wilson, If way tie fo r the Snake river valley cided today. A third more exhibits than last 5 0 2 0 2 0 of the Eastern Oregon Observer at T h e board decided to allow the carload o f eight-inch transite pipe Oraham, cf-p NYSSA JUNIORS WIN title. year were shown at the annual expenditure a fter making a further for a water main from T hird street S. Hartley, lb 3 0 0 11 1 1 Ontario, announced this week that T h e Nyssa basketball team fin OVER ADRIAN NINE 4-H club spring show this week study o f carry-over funds ad an west along Park avenue to the F. Wilson, c 4 1 2 2 1 0 he has purchased the John Day The Nyssa American Legion jun ished the season this spring in in the Conklin school building in ticipated revenues. The state will highway. Koyano, ss 3 1 1 4 4 2 Eagle-Ranger at John Day and that second place In the Snake river ior baseball team defeated the Ad 3 1 1 1 1 0 he and William Robinson of O n pay $6600 o f the $24.000. The city will also run a line from M Hartley, 3b valley. T h e Nyssa quintet was the Ontario. rian nine toy a score of 15 to 1 on 3 1 t 1 l 0 tario have purchased the Madras The exhibits Included 179 clothing Th e budget committee made a Idaho street and Locust avenue C. Wilson, rf only team to defeat Emmett, the the Adrian diamond last Thursday 1 0 0 1 1 0 Pioneer. exhibits, three kntting, nine home recommendation to the state leg- to the Idaho Canning company Ison, p 1947-48 champion. Robinson, advertising manager of evening. making and approximately 100cook islature for an increase in the sal- plant to connect with the com Bellon, cf 2 1 1 1 0 0 In track. Nyssa won every meet 'S'tlson, hurling fo r Nyssa, came Totals 32 6 in 27 16 4 the Ontario Argus-Observer, will in the Snake river valley and sent ing displays, or a total o f more than | aries of county officials and made pany's well for an additional water Close to pitching a shut-out, tout al Homedale AK R II PO \ E be manager of the Madras news four boys to the state meet, where 285. T h e total last year was 218.! provision for the proposed increas- supply of 230 gallons a minute. In lowed two hits. Adrian scored its 4 0 0 3 3 0 paper, a weekly publication. Smith, return for the water, the city will Landa, 2b all Nyssa entries placed In the T h e clothing exhibits were placed j ess. lone tally on the last play in the 5 0 2 2 1 1 who went to Madras this week with on display Tuesday and the cooking T h e board supported the county provide fire protection fo r the can R. Hays, cf finals. fin al inning. 5 0 3 9 0 1 Robinson, did not announce when .exhibits Wednesday. welfare board on the welfare bud nery. The line will have to> be laid Mausling. lb T h e Nyssa team w ill play the 4 0 0 1 2 0 he would take possesion of the Mrs. Geraldine Danzel o f Cor get o f $39,979.60 as opposed to the under the Union Pacific railroad C. Johnstone, ss Vale juniors here this evening. vallis, assistant state club leader, arbtrary figure o f $43.901 demand tracks. Stover, rf 3 2 1 1 0 0 John Day paper. Smith, who is the republican arrived Wednesday morning to ed by the state welfare commission. 1 0 0 1 0 0 T h e work will be part of the Smith, rf 3 2 3 2 2 0 candidate for the state senate from start judging the exhibits and ex The officials also approved an city’s water system improvement Kushlaw, 3b MEXICAN HURT IN Ferguson, c 2 0 0 3 1 1 Malheur, Harney and O rant coun pected to finish late Wednesday item of $4000 for predatory ani project started last fall. FIGHT ARRESTED 0 0 0 0 1 0 ties. said he will maintain his fam i Shanley, c night or early this morning. mal control. The money, which T on y Lopez, a transient Mexican, Hamilton, p 1 1 0 0 0 0 ly residence in Ontario. will matoh federal control funds, CHAMBER TO GIVE was arrested by city police officers Harvesting o f spring lettuce was Lineberger, p 2 0 0 0 3 0 was asked by a delegation of sheep MEMORIAL DRINKING Sunday night on a charge of dis started this week with two com TWO SCHOLARSHIPS Davis, p 0 0 0 0 1 0 Nursing llomr Note men. New arrivals. May 28, to Mr. orderly conduct following a fight panies. the J. C. Watson company BRINGS $396 FINES Totals 34 5 10 24 14 4 and the Eastern Oregon Produce in the Nyssa Tavern. Stolen bases, M. Hartley, C. John and Mrs, Roy Deffenbaugh, Nyssa, The Nyssa chamber of commerce GREENHOUSE WILL O fficers said Lopez' head was company, doing the packing. Fines amounting to $396 were voted at its weekly luncheon W ed stone. Sacrifices, Rambaud, C. W ll- twin sons, weighing 5 pounds, 5 badly cut when he was pushed T h e companies are packing let assesed in city police court Tuesday BE BUILT IN NYSSA nesday noon to sponsor two schol ’ on, Ferguson, Kuajilaw. Landa. ounces and 5 pounds, 8 ounces; through the window o f a telephone tuce planted last fall. The acreage following the Memorial day holi arships to the 4-H summer school Two-base hits, Lovejoy, Kushlaiw. May 29, to Mr and Mrs. Ralph booth by Charley Martinez, local is light, so that harvesting is ex days. Practically all o f the fines, Double plays, Kushlaw to Landa Howard, Nyssa, a daughter, weigh J. C. Crismon o f Nyssa announced this year and two next year. Mexican. Lopez received treatment pected to be completed in 10 days pronounced by Judge Felton Dun today that he will start construe , T h e scholarships this year will to Mausling, Koyano to Lovejoy ing 9 pounds, 12 ounces; M ay 31, in the Nyssa Nursing home for or two weeks. During that time can, were assessed against men tion soon on a greenhouse at Third ?{) t0 Robert Hartley of Nyssa for to S. Hartley. Runs batted in, to Mr and Mrs. Orto Moyes, Nys- two days before he was taken to probably 100 carloads will be ship charged with being intoxicated The street and K ing avenue. j livestock project and to Joanne Oraham. C. Wilson, Bellon, Kush sa, a son. weighing 8 pounds. 2 the city jaiL He failed to pay a ped. T h e quality and prices are fines ranged from $25 to $80, city The building, built of metal and Qf the Jefferson district for law, Ferguson. Struck out by. Ison ounces; June 1, to Mr. and Mrs. *100 fine assessed by Judge Felton good. 2 in 6 innings, and Lineberger 2 Joe G rijalva. Nyssa, a son, 7 pounds, glass, will be 50 toy 140 feet. It will i per food preservation project, officials said. Packing of lettuce planted this Duncan and is still In jail. in 7 Innings. Hits off, Ison 5, O ra 7 ounces. June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Police officers reported Wednes be erected In an L shape. A l a r g e ------------------------ spring will be started about June day that fines assessed In city po res id e n t will be er- . i on the ADRIAN WILL VOTE ham 5, Lineberger 8, Davis 1, Ha Clarence Curtis, Hood River, daugh Daughter Arrives— milton 3. Bases on balk, by Ison 1, ter. 6 pounds. 444 ounces, and June IS. lice court during M ay amounted A daughter was bom June 1 M r Crismon said he expects to ON SCHOOL BONDS Lineberger *. Davis 1. Left on bases, 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkerson. to $1285 T h e Tuesday fines were Parma, son, weighing 7 pounds, 12 to M r and Mrs T. F. Barrett at Attend Convention— Nyssa 9. Homedale 6. included in the May business” . have the greenhouse finished b y ) Olean Wells, president, and Ev St. Luke's hospital in Bc*se The fall. I Taxpayers of Union High School I The next game for Nyssa will be ounces. Benjamin Oltbralth. mechanic for babv. who has been named Linda erett Heldt. secretary of the Nyssa Regatta Plannrd— I at W ilder Friday night, June istriot No. 4 will vote Saturday. the Turteling Construction com ene! is a granddaughter o f Mrs. Lions club, attended an Idaho state ( June 5 on two proposed bond la* 4 T h e annual Black Canyon regatta View Floods from Air— pany, entered for medical attention Lions club convention to Sun Val- will be held Sunday, June 6 at Dr and Mrs. J. R. Cundall flew sues, one for $15.000 and the other W. Flanary. ey last Thursday and Friday. Oth Lions park seven miles northeast to Ellensburg, Spokane and Yaki- for *10.000. May 29. lose Belongings in Flood— Mrs V irgil Holton of Caldwell ers attending were M r and Mrs. of Emmett, with the races starting ma over the Memorial holidays. Here from Portland— j f the measures are approved, Harold Taylor, form er Nyssa resi A(tas Darlene Sayles a t Portland Ron Whitaker, who flew to Sun at I 1 | pm . All classes o f outboard Dr. Cundall said flood waters were the * 15.000 will be used to erect dent, and Mrs. T aylor lost all of was dismissed June 2 after receiv is spending this week as a guest j Valley fo r one day; Donna Frank- and Inboard boats will be entered, op to the roofs of residences and houses for teachers in the district •heir belongings in the Vanport ing medical treatment. o f Miss March Sallee. Miss Sayles j .in and Mrs. Finley Shuster. “ ‘ * features will ................ Other include water warehouses in the Yakima river and the *10,000 will be used to flood, according to Information re form erly Bred In Nyssa j ------------------------ area | repair and improve the school build- ceived here. Mr. Taylor, who has To Pallas— skiing, stunts and concessions. Mrs Henry Hartley and Robert Attend Funeral— mgs. Most of the »10,000 will be | been studying medicine in Port- visit in Idaho— Mrs. J. L. Herriman and Dickie Return from Trip— Guild to Meet— 1 used for repairing the gymnasium jland. and Mrs T aylor were visiting and David left th k week for Dallas, Mr and Mrs. John Schenk and left Tuesday evening fo r Tw in Falk, The Episcopal Guild will meet T h e polk will be open in the Ad-1 his brother, Del Taylor, In Port- Oregon, where they will visit Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldman have fam ily returned Tuesday from a where they will attend the funeral returned from a visit in Ban Fran- Wednesday. June 9. at 2 30 at the Ran high school building from 2 land at the time Vanport was swept Hartley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. of a former neighbor. Dove Orant. week-end trip to Bancroft, Idaho. home of Mrs. H. R- Sherwood. ‘ p m. to 7 pm . *by Ihe flood. ' cisco and Portland. Funeral is Held For I.P. Duffin Park Proposal Defeated 489-85 U.P. Stages Will Stop in Nyssa Nyssa Finishes Athletic Season Nyssa Defeats Homedale 6 to 5 More 4-H Club Exhibits Shown Health Unit Is Given Approval City Continues Laying of Mains Lettuce Packing Is Started Here