\ THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THU RSDAY, M A Y 6, 194S PAGE THREE M A R T H A K LING BACK son left Saturday for Portland Eads in W ilder Sunday. j orated birthday cake was served L. A. Maulding and Mrs. Ward I°r a ladth Carol Slippy, who is Prayer meeting will be held at with the dinner. Pictures were Tyler. Mrs. T yler was a guest receiving treatment in a Portland t the S. D. Bigelow home at Owyhee taken of Mrs. Klingback with her player. j hospn.il. Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. T H. Brewer were corner Tuesday evening. May 11. six grandchildren who were pres- - 8 - B R ID O E HOSTESS Culbert- ‘ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Donald Grant will be the leader.' ent. She was presented with a The home extension unit will i beautiful parlor lamp. Mrs. Max Goldman entertained 11 meet at the Sunset valley h a ll' Rev. r R. o G. Chandler, Union the members o f her bridge club at Wednesday, May 12. [ Sunday school missionary of Cald- her home Tuesday evening. Prizes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown I well, will visit the Owyhee Sunday and two sons of Boise were Sunday school Sunday. He will bring Rev went to Mrs. Luray Trabert for high score, Mrs. Lloyd Marshall guests o f the Lynn K ygar family. Stanley Cain as guest speaker. They took their daughter, Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Bud VanScoy of for second high and Mrs. Aden home with them. Seneca were week-end guests in Wilson for traveling. Mrs. Jesse Gregg entertained at the George Schweizer home. Mr. a birthday dinner at the Klingback and Mrs VanScoy purchased a tract B R ID G E H O STESS T U E S D A Y home in honor o f her mother, o f land in Payette and plan to Mrs. Joe Sutherland entertained Mrs. Martha Klingback Thursday make their home there in the near the members o f her Tuesday a f evening. Besides the honor guest future. were Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall and ternoon bridge club at her home have the answer to all your and two daughters, Annette and two children of Seneca were guests last week. High score was held by Janice. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M c over the week-end o f Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Mitchell and second high by Mrs. Burniall Brown. Guests Donald and K ay and Butch, and Darrell Williams. weed problems. Jesse, Becky and Victor Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Watts and for the afternoon were Mrs. Tom Pf-ed Klingback. An artistically dec- son were guests o f friends in W ild Eldridge and Mrs. J. L. Church. er Sunday. —9 - T U E S D A Y C LU B M EETS Mrs. Byrd Walters spent the Mrs. J. J. Sarazin was hostess week-end in Boise visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones. to the members of her Tuesday The Owyhee P.T.A. will meet evening bridge club at her home Real Estate at the schoolhouse Thursday, May this week. High score was held by Insurance 13. Plans for the school picnic will Mrs. Henry Hartley and second high by Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. be discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hislop Ethel Crawford and Mrs. John Nyssa, Oregon Phone 64 and daughter. Madge, of Fruit- Beckham were guest players. land were dinner guests of the - 8 — B A R N E Y ’S HO NORED Grant Patterson family. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. LoRoy Barney were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patton. Sr., entertained at dinner Tuesday ev honored with a shower given by ening for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton their friends at Black Canyon this Patton in observance of their birth week. The couple received many gifts. Refreshments were days. Other guests were Mr. and lovely Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., and two served. Mrs. Barney was formerly children and Linda and Ronnie Mrs. Myrtle Telford. Patton. - 8 - Mrs. Gerrude Jackson of Nampa B R ID G E CLUB E N T E R T A IN E D Mrs. Wayne Morris entertained was a week-end guest in the Lee Householder home. the members of her Tuesday a f Jack W alters went to Boise M on ternoon bridge club at her home 'ast week. High score was held by day for a visit of several days. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall of Mrs. L. A. Maulding, second high Nyssa were Sunday evening guests by Mrs. Eldon Ulmer and low by o f Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer. Mrs. Ward Wieneke. Mrs. Mauld Mrs. Niss Hat was an afternoon ing was a guest. —j — caller in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy went E N T E R T A IN S A T D IN N E R Miss Colleen Towne entertained to Anderson dam Tuesday on a with a birthday dinner Sunday business trip. T. H. Brewer has completed a in honor of her fiance, Robert pump house near the Owyhee ditch Barry of Boise. Covers were laid to get water to his lawn and gar :or eight guests. den. Jack Glasscock has been help _____ ing with the work. SE W IN G CLUB M EETS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner spent The first year 4-H sewing club Saturday ¡siting in the G. L. M c met last Monday at the home of M illan home in Boise. Mrs. M cM il heir leader, Mrs. Ron Whitaker, lan is recuperating from a major rhe club members are working on operation. heir sewing projects for the year. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald returned home from the Ontario hospital F A R E W E LL P A R T Y G IV E N Wednesday, April 28, and is recup Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland were erating from an operation. honored at a going-away party Mrs. George G regg and small Friday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall daughter, Janice, spent several days when 48 members of the Rebekah in the home of her mother, Mrs. ind Odd Fellows lodges met for a Martha Klingback, and at the ootluck dinner. The dinner was Wallace Gregg home upon her re followed by an evening of “ bunco” . turn from the nursing home in A going-away g ift was presented Nyssa. to the guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Peutz spent Monday afternoon in the C. L. Van der W all home near Nyssa. D ID T U n A V flB C C C1K I M U A I U B j L --------- OW YH EE, May 6— Mrs. Slippy and Mrs. Charles D t/cn K V L U \jxdLjs S W _ Beet Growers Attention At last we BEET TRAILER IRONS SA TU R D A Y, M A Y 8 Payette Blossom Festival Bernard Eastm an Western Corrugator Co. Social News . SI** roP °rh o n a te i A,. A LL o T V * V A A D N E c G ARD EN CLUB T O M E ET Mrs. Ralph Fowler o f Pendleton, president-elect of the Oregon Fed eration of Garden clubs, will be guest speaker at the regular meet ing o f the A.N.K. Garden club at the home of Mrs. Frank Morgan M ay 11 at 2:30. - PAY O N LY V lifetime ^uana^tce lire or tube of our manufoc.ure, STANDARD TIRE W e'll Buy A ll the Unused M ileage in Your Present Tires Here are quality, dependability and long mileage at an extremely Public Accountant Bookkeeping Service Auditing Office and Accounting Systems JOHN E. DENENK 549 North Fourth St. Phone 178-M, Nyssa 8 - H O LD SO CIAL M E E TIN G Members of Job’s Daughters, bethel No. 33 entertained at a social at the Masonic hall Saurday ev ening, May 24. The main event of the evening was the cake walk, in which 24 persons won cakes. Preceding the cake walk, a program was presented with Doris Rigney, Lorraine Fischer, JoAnn Garrison ancl Lorretta Russell singing a group o f old-time songs A polka was danced by Donna Trabert, Phyllis Galloway, Ruth Russell and Marine Moss Several skits were presented, with Darlene Sessler Beverly Burbidge, Verla Blodgett, Patricia Grunke. Doris Rigney, Glenda Moss, Patsy Settles and Joan Narragon participating. Danc ing was enjoyed during the latter part of the evening. May 8 Starting at 10 A.M. Pageant, Parade, Baseball, Fireworks All Kinds of Entertainment All Day Long Payette Invites You To Be Her Guest For A Day Mother COSTUME JEW ELRY M OTHER’S D A Y CARDS CHOCOLATES $1.50 lb. POTTERY 59c— $1.59 COSMETICS C O TY PERFUME N A Y L O N N EW LOOK $1.50 EX CEL CIS SETS $2.75 $1.00 $1.50 W R ISLE Y ’S BATH SALTS D U BARRY COLOGNE CARPENTER W O R K Remodeling, Repairing, and home building. Gerald Warren Phone 36-M $2.50 $5.50 RICHARD H U D N U T COM PACT EVEN IN G IN PARIS SETS From $1.50 — 20', Tax on All Cosmetics and Jewelry— Owyhee Drug Company Idaho Power Bldg. G. H. Peirsol Phone 29-W - 8 - . E N T E R T A IN S B RID G E CLUB Mrs. Grant Rinehart entertained her bridge club at her home this week. Mrs. Howard Lovejoy won the prize for high score, and Mrs. Bernard Eastman for second high. Prizes for low score went to Mrs. low price. Silent treadl “ Curve gripping" safety shoulders! Famous jßoakiHKf, ai Jßijje Gum-Dipped cord body for protec By Tuttle's Mobil Service HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR OLSON ROTO-BEATER ? tion against blowouts! And a full For Safer Driving Lifetime G uaranteel Don't wait. Come in now. SEE ? YOU HEAR A SURE its a little early, BUT if you don’t ORDER NOW, you Put a N e w ?ir*$ton* tube IN EVERY NEW TIRE Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store may not get it when you need it. The coal strike has shut down w°v> The common Owl is known as the silent filer. His wings are equipped with a "soft down” , which muffles the sound of his flapping wings as he flies. In this manner he Is able to creep up on his prey with cunning stealth. Tuttle's Mobil Service MOBIL TIRES — BATTERIES ACCESSORIES LOCATED 1 MILE NORTH ON HIWAY 20 J. V. TUTTLE, O w ner Phone 0I1-J-4 N y s s a ........... Oregon a lot of steel production which will not be made up. The demand for OLSON-BEATERS has swept the country. Orders are coming in from Maine to Florida to California to Washington. Don’t Delay— Place Your Order Now Phone us or come in. B and M Equipment Co. Phone 270-W Nyssa, Oregon