V FOUR PAGES SECOND SECTION 77 i e it to y o u r s e lf anil you r fa m ily to g et ALL THE FACTS a bou t this “ B lanket o f P rotection RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY NYSSA, OREGON ¿dfsulc SßuZal Z t "H u . d iû U ljU K . të u lt ŸtÔk g . FARM HAND KILLED WHILE REPAIRING WINDMILL . . . Budget Board Named— Gordon F. Ray and Otis Bullard were appointed by the school board at its last meeting as members of lhe school budget board. They will serve for three years, succeeding J. L. Herriman and Vem Butler, whose terms will exipire. The re­ maining members of the budget board are R. G. Larson, Arvel Child and Dale Garrison. -d$2M ~cL-\iu uxudc&j Beet Growers Attention Finally, since the security loan campaign and the savings bond program depend upon the volun­ teer aid of public spirited citizens, I call upon all who can help sell bohds to others to offer their ser­ vices to the local savings bond committee. America's security la our security. Let us build it to­ gether". Casting, Fly, and Automatic Nets, fly books, hooks and the rest of your needed equipment. Everybody’s Inc. NYSSA OREGON 9:15 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 20 KEEP SENATOR CORDON ON THE JOB Oregon Primary Elections May 21, 1948 Pd. Adv. Guy Cordon for U. S. Senator Comm. George F Jameson, Exec. Secty. Portland, Ore. reuforo Sim a spins REM FORO sm e sr S a ve w ith Ford- tra in e d M echanics who know your Ford best, give you immediate, skilled service. Save with G en u in e Ford P arts Twins of the parts built into your Ford, they’re made right, to fit right and last longer. S a ve with Sp ecial Ford Equipm ent Ford designed to help make your Ford run like new again. Saves you time and money. S a ve with Facto ry- a p p ro ve d M ethods planned by the men who made your Ford to save you time and money. Year Ferd Oeolet leeitet ree te Ihtee te the Fred After Shew, Seeder f reel re t— NSC eetwerh. Litter te the Feed 1 heeler. Seeder A/terreeet—N tC eetwerh. See rear rentereer let time eed itetler. W E F O R D D E A L E R S K N O W F O R D S BEST HERRIMAN MOTOR CO