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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
PAGE SIX T H E N YS S A G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, N YS S A , OREGON the civic club. T h e narration was written by Mis. G eor.e Henneman and was lead by Mrs. Dennis Patch, j Models presented fashions from u C I Wilson’s Dry Good« store, the RU- - 8 - zie shoppe, the Oolden Rule store 240 A T T E N D S T Y L E SHOW and Bracken 's Others represen tea Tw o hundred and forty women of were the Beauty Nook, the Owyhee N yssi and vicinity attended the Beauty shop, PaUiUS Jewelry store, spring styie snow sponsored by the Mrs. E. H. Fle.hman o f Luzier, Inc. Nyssa Civic club at the Nyssa thea and Mrs. Hairy Collins, ooraetin. ter Wednesday afternoon. The Members of the adult sewing class guests were presented with favors under the direction o f Mrs. Charles from the Owyhee Drug company - Steffens presented a number ot by the members of the hospitality garments made at class sessions. A trio consisting c f Miss June committee, Mrs. Walter M cPart- land, Mrs. Richard Wilson, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Lynn Lawrence anu Oarlos Buchner and Janice Frost. Mrs. Vern Chadwick sang “ Johnny The guests were welcomed by Fedora" and “ Summertime” . Refreshments were served in the Mrs. Houston Wilson, president of Social ^ntes Saturday Special April 24, 1948 First Quality Pepperell Pillow Cases, 42 by 36 Regular Price 69c _ _ 49c — — W IL S O N BROS. DEPT. STO R E Phone 32 A. V. COOK Candidate F^or Republican Nomination for Sheriff o f Malheur County at the Primary Election F R ID A Y , M A Y 21 18% yrs- of experience Vote 68 X for the man who is qualified WANTED FA R M E R S T O G R O W SEED O N C O N T R A C T W e want to place some contract* among farmers for the growing of turnip and mustard seeds. These varieties will produce seed this year, in early fall. See us at once if you have a piece of ground suitable for this. WATTS SEED CO. PH O NE 74, P A R M A — PH O NE 144-J, NYSSA NYSSA PROGRAM Phone 108 THEATRE F R ID A Y & S A T U R D A Y , A P R IL 23-24 Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton as Dagwood and Blondie Bumstead in “B L O N D IE ’S A N N IV E R S A R Y ” and Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Mrs. J. L. Church had charge of the music or the affair. - «- F A R E W E L L P A R T Y GIVEN A farewell party was given at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Cottle recently in honor of Mrs. A. C. Newsom, who left last week to make her home in California. Guests form ng three tables of bridge were invited. Scores in cards were won toy Mrs. Glea Billings apd Mrs. George Mitchell. Mrs. Newsom was given a going-away gift. —I - v/K:? E N T E R T A IN S BOOK CLUB Mrs. Hilda Tensen entertained the members o f the Kingman Kol- ony Book club at her home Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Fry reviewed “T h e Bish p's M antle" by Agnes Turnbull. Mrs. Merle Judd was a guest for the afternoon. R e freshments were served by the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne of hostess. Nyssa announce the engagement of - 8 - heir daughter. Colleen Elizabeth, B R ID G E HOSTESS o Robert O. Barry of Boise, son Mrs. George Henneman enter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barry of tained with two tables of bridge at Mountain Home. Miss Towne at jher home Wednesday afternoon of tended high school for three years last week. Prizes for the afternoon at Nyssa and graduated from St. went to Mrs. George Mitchell for Teresa's academy at Boise. She also high score, and Mrs. Henry Hartley attended Marylhurst college at for second high. Portland. Mr. Ban’y, a graduate of Mountain Home high school, is a A D R IA N T E A * PRO M HELD veteran of the navy. T h e couple One o f the outstanding occasions plan a summer wedding. of the Adrian high school’s pro A lobby of the theater by the tea committee, Mrs. Harry Miner, Mrs. C. A. Molly, Mrs. J. L. Herriman, Mrs. S. P. Bybee. Mrs George M it chell, Mrs. Tom Eldredge, Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and Mrs. F. G. Holmes. C arl’s Doll House and Curry Produce assisted the tea committee with equipment. Brack en’s assisted in the stage decora tions and modeling. Olean Wells, manager cf the theater, assisted with lighting and stage settings. Mrs. Joe Sutherland was general chairman of the style show, assist ed by Mrs. Burnall Brown, Mrs. Ron Campbell, Mrs. Bernard Frosi NEWS VIEWS B Y LEW HERRIMAN Dr. John R. Saunders, a top government scientist, says that ten million Americans carry a rabbit’s foot for good luck. Which gives you an idea of what scientists do in their spare time. It's kind of interesting at that. Here we are up to our budgets in the atomic age and ten m illion of us are luring Lady Luck with Br’er Rabbit’s paw. O f course some o f the rest of us refuse to walk under ladders, or let a black cat cross our paths. We “ knock on wood” and worrry about spilled salt. None of us really believes in these things, but shucks, there's no use taking chan ces! Still, those rabbit-feet didn’t help the rabbits much. The Canadian Red Crass Blood bank in Victoria, B. C., just got a transfusion of blood from A. Stone. Which proves that nothing is impossible. Is your car getting to the "Rheum atic" stage? Per haps it could stand a transfusion of good Havoline M otor Oil? Using the wrong oil, or letting it go bey ond the safety point, has ruined many a good car. W hy take the chance of it happening to you? Drive in today . . . H E R R IM A N M O TO R C O M P A N Y . Phone: 77. grams for the year was the annual lunior-senior prom, which was held n the auditorium of the high chool building Friday evening, A p ril 16. The beautifully decorated room arried out the theme, “April “bowers” . In the center of the room was a lovely summer garden, urrounded by a little white picket "ence. T h e west end of the room •ontained a large rainbow with r * s o f cold at either end. The soft lighting effect was made by floor lamps and candles. The scene was complete with a blue sky over head. The dinner sponsored by the Jun- < ct mothers was served by the freshman and sophomore girls. Fol- 'owing the dinner, dancing was enjoyed by the students and the ra?ulty. Music was furnLshed toy Shane’s orchestra from Ontario. The same decorations were used he following afternoon, when lie G irls’ league of the Adrian high chool, sponsored a" tea honoring their mothers and invited guests. Eloise Crocker, who has been act ing president of the G irls' league for the past year, was in charge of the ceremonies for the after noon. Ardys »Hurst, program chair man, introduced the visiting presi dents from Vale, Nyssa, Parma and Ontario. T h e new officers installed for the coming year are: President, Norma Jean Dierking; vice presi dent, Carman Sillonis: treasurer, Arlene Piercy, and secretary, Joyce Kurtz. Tea was served by the girls, with the mothers of the outgoing President, Mrs. E. E. Crocker, and the incoming president, Mrs. Lam bert Dierking, presiding at the tea table. - 8 - R F P O R T ON M E E T IN G A t the regular meeting of Job’s Daughters bethel No. 33 last Thurs day night, the members enjoyed i report of the grand session held in Portland April 8, 9 and 10. Three delegates, Ellen McGee, Viva Mary Leseburg and Beverly Hoehn, dis cussed the convention. A t the close of the meeting, the bethel gave a surprise shower for the past honor queen, Lorraine Chard, who is a recent bride. Many lovely gifts were presented, and refreshments were served by Dar lene Sessler, Marlene Moss, Glenda Moss and Beverly Burbidge. HERRIMAN M O T O R CO. D IN N E R C L U B MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown en tertained the members o f the W ed nesday evening dinner club last week. Dinner was enjoyed at the country club, followed by 'an ev ening o f bridge a t the Brown “ A D V E N T U R E S OF DO N C O Y O T E ” Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 25c-5c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y , A P R IL 25-26 A love stoiy so beautiful it was set to music! Katherine Hepburn, Paul Henreid, Robert Walker and Leo J. Carroll 'in OF Mrs. R. T. Sager and Mrs. Merlin Norma McKlmmey. Dedication of a Myers. Sponsor for this .group is new signet was held. A past pa the Women's Society of Christian tron’s pin was presented to Luray Service of the Methodist church. Trabert. Hostesses for the even A fter roll call a short program was ing were Mrs. J. L. Church, Mrs. | given for the girls mothers who L. A. Maulding. and Mrs. Grant were in attendance. Rinehart. — 8— - 5 - SC O U TS E NJO Y M E ETIN G E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y The members o f G irl Scouts Mr and Mrs. Gene Stunz enter Troop No. 5 met for a meeting last tained with three tables of bridge Thursday at the park. The girls at their heme Sunday evening. practiced trail finds, firemaking, H i’ h score for the evening was held and out-door cookery and heard a by Mrs. Houston Wilson, and sec book review by Kristine Rinehart. ond high by Robert Wilson. „ X_ - 8 - • E ASTE R N S T A R MEETS E N T E R T A IN S A T D IN N E R The Golden Rule chapter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox enter Eastern Star met at the Masonic tained on Tuesday evening at the hall Monday evening. An affilia country club for Mr. and Mrs. W y tion ceremony was held for Mrs. att Smith. -y» *¿< m i. ■A? * ■ »’ More The engagement of Miss Janice Osborn of Parma to Paul R. Herr ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Herring o f Nyssa, has been ann ounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Osborn o f Parma. home. High score was held by Mrs. Ray Larson and second high by Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCurdy were guest players. — S— E N T E R T A IN S U N D A Y G UESTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison entertained Sunday for Mrs. Char les Newbill and Betty Lou. and Mrs. Nellie Newbill of Newell Heights. Fallowing a motor trip in the afternoon, the guests were entertained at dinner at the W a- hington hotel in Weiser. LE G IO N A U X IL IA R Y M EETS The American Legion auxiliary met last Thursday at the home af Mrs. H. Collins. Plans were made for the distribution of the 10 dress es that the members are making for children of disabled war vet erans. A report was made on the package that had been sent to a French orphan. Mrs. Albert Heldt was assistant hostess. - 8 H O NORED A T P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. G rant Lewis were hosts Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kuehn, who will leave Nyssa in M ay to make their home in Boulder, Colo rado. High scores for the guests playing at the four tables of bridge were won by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer. A lovely going-away gift was given to Mr. and Mrs. Kuehn by the hosts. E N T E R T A IN S CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson cn tertained the members of the F ri day evening Mr. and Mrs. bridge club at their home last week. Mrs. Edward Boydell held high score for the evening and Mrs. Houston W il son second high. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stunz and Miss Nathelle Holton. 8 - NEW T R O O P FORM ED A group of 20 girls met April 15 at the grade schoolhouse to form Brownie troop No. 2, with Mrs. W illiam Schireman as in stalling officer. The girls’ leaders will be Mrs. T. C. Seppich and Mrs. Earnest Keiselhorst. The coun cil members are Mrs. Leo Gonyer, More Orders M O R E N E T PR O CEED S FOR Y O U R L IV E S T O C K Market Report for Grass fat cows $20 to $22.60. Cutter cows $16 to $18. Canner cows $14 to $13. Beef bulls $22 to $24. Veal calves $20 to $32.80. Fed heifers $22 to $25. Feeder steers $22 to $27. S P E C IA L F R ID A Y , April 20, 1948 Feeder ccws $190 to $220. Weaner calves $30 to $155 hd. Fat hogs $22. Sews $13 to $'20. Feeder pigs $19 to $21. F. t lambs $16 to $20. Ewe; $7 to $10.50. H O R SE A P R IL SALE 30 A T 1 P. M. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY PH O NE 264 O N T A R IO , OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. The Answer to ALL Housedeoning Needs Your H< - P L A Y B RID G E Members o f the Wednesday ev ening bridge club were entertained at the Doll House with Mrs. Joe M a ugh an as hostess. Guests of the evening were Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs. Ward Tyler. Prizes went to Mrs. Ed Frost and Mrs. Bernard Frost. - Buyers f f f Above the Floor, the dimin- utive T I D Y . . . a new kind o f above - the - floor cleaner. On the Floor, the dtstin- guished T A L L . . . perfect for rug cleaning. Tidy, the 734 pound cleaning wonder that slings over your shoulder by an adjustable strap. Complete set of light weight attach« ments clean upholstery, lamps, draperie dust rioors, walls, stairs— spray insecticides and light lacquers. Tall, a marvel of ease and efficiency—cleans rugs to perfection. Handle locks in position for easy under-furniture and rug-edge clean ing. Dirt-spotter light hunts out dark-corner dust. Easy-to-empty, accordion-top bag. They’re the “PERFECT PAIR»’— right for all your housecleaning needs. Other G-E up right cleaners can also be bought in combin ation with the Tidy. SEE THEM TODAY AT Henneman’s -5 - Also Richard M ailin and Frances Rafferty in “S O N G T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 22, 1948 LOVE” Wc look upon ourselves not merely as an automobile dealer, but as "Trans portation Merchants” — interested 'in supplying you with satisfactory miles of transportation at the lowest possible cost. On this hinges our future success in this community. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO The immortal music o f Schumann, Lizt and Brahms played as it never has been played before. Color Cartoon Mat., Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-0c, tnc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-S,\ Inc. Tax T U E S D A Y & W E D N E S D A Y . A P R IL 27-28 A Dame designed for danger— And a Guy geared fo r action . . . . Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake in s- «a «"* “S A IG O N ” . . . . Their paths crossed in Saigon, citv o f intrigue, and they set out on a desperate jour ney. Filled with danger and loaded with ex citement! Cartoon Sports ^ otv V jfy .e e tv C,t Here’s your favorite pep-up paint— gloeay. smooth, durable D E C O R E T E N A M E L - now here in 18 glorioua new colors. Cheer up furniture, woodwork, knick-knacks, toys— indoors and outl Beautiful Venetian DECORET— ideal household enamel. Easy to apply, quick to d ry— Custom-fitted to your windows, these blinds will lend distinction to your rooms. Choose from a wide range of standard color or order special shades. W e recommend rust proof, aluminum slats for best service. A ll blinds, wheth er aluminum, wood or composition, have no-snag pull-cord mechanism. Call us for an estimate today! and inexpensive! Ad. E tc .. 40 c -9 c . In. lax T H U R S D A Y & F R ID A Y . A P R IL 29-30 Here’s heart-stopping adventure! ^ o v ^ R e A -te e b \\r o « * P rints i “T Y C O O N ” , John Wayne, Laraine Day, Sir Cedric Hardwieke, and James Gleason The stoiy o f a rugged man o f action— and a beautiful girl— in a land laden with savage thrills and slashing excitement. Donald Duck Cartoon dm. Evening*, Mt-tr, Inr. Tax. Blinds! Phone 149-W Plenty o f Outside W hite In One-Gallon And 5-Gallon Lots Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block West R. R. Depot