Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUKNAL, NYSSA, OREGON N U -A C R E S G R A N G E G IV E S O B L IG A T IO N , Tish of Greenleaf. ________ N U-AC RES, April 22— Carl Mc- Droe, brother o f Jim McDroe, and fam ily drove from Ontario for a short visit in the MoDroe home. T h e regular Grange meeting was held Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Sturm were given the obligation as new members. T h e 4-H clubs met Friday night in the community hall. The main feature o f the meeting was installa tion o f officers and learning the proper way to carry on a business meeting. T h e officers for the com ing year are Phillis Evans, presi dent; M ary Lou Grasmick, vice president; M ary Jo Jenkins, secre tary: T a le Montage, reporter; Jac- aiine Orcutt, song leader, and Dal- ora Sager, pianist. Several attended the southwest ern Idaho district music festival in Weiser Wednesday, as the Fruit- land school band participated in the festival. Mrs. Leora Wilson o f Marsing visited in the George Grasmick home Sunday. Pic. R o je r Godwin is spending a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Godwin. Pvt. Godwin is on leave en route to the coast to be transferred to the South Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and fam ily spent Saturday with Mrs. Evans' fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ira NEW T R U M M E L S T A R T IN G iirult stand' aud sma11 house 0,1 2 Mrs ° eat* 1 Smitt has *been m! C O N S T R U C T IO N JOB * U* 1 1 milc n<£ J lx* for the past week. M r and Mrs. Leo Ellibee and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oathoun and daughter, Carole, of Fruitland. | Mr. Lawrence and Dick Hawley attended the registered Guernsey heifer sale at Jerome Saturday. Th e sale was sponsored by the ¡Idaho Guernsey Breeders assoc la - ' tlon for the 4-H and F.F.A. mem bers. Miss Lorraine Hawley accom- pan.ed them to Jerome, and return ed Saturday night with Dick. Mr Hawley remained for a short visit with friends. Others known tc have attended the sale were Paul Thompson, 4-H leader; Mike O ' Leary, Jimmy Crusen and Richard Jenkins. They drove to Jerome with Mr. Matson, the county agent. | in the George Gras- mi :k home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ramer and daughte» o f Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gurnsey and daughter of I Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and Donna Lee. Melvin Myers is spending a few days visiting F. A. Johnson. The Parma Riding club met at the Dimenico ranch Sunday and the eight riders spend the after noon riding northeast of Parma. Eva Meroney visited in the Lloyd Land heme at Ontario Sunday. Any news of the community may be left in the m ail box or at the home of Frank Nedbalek. O P E N IN G A N D C L O S IN G Hours On and After May 1, Closed Sundays And Holidays Polar Cold Storage 4 each 14 inches deep, 14 tnchesQregon, on the 11th day of May, long, 8 inches wide. Center com- 1948 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said partment holds 50 pounds ice. 1943 ^av■ then and there to show cause, Ford Jeep, permanent top, first ^ an7 extsts, why said applica tions condition,. 30-day guarantee, should not be granted; and $800. W. F. Jahn, 98 South Third IS HEREBY F U R TH E R O R - street 22Atfc. GERED ^ a t a copy of this order I_________________________ to show cause be published in the FOR R E N T — Garden spot. S. C. Gate City Journal, a newspaper of McConnell, Box 306, Nyssa. 22A3xp. general circulation published in the SUNSET V A LLE Y , April 22— J. S. F O R R E N T — Sleeping room, 142 IYumnrei of the Trummel Con Bower avenue, or inquire at R on struction and Land leveling com ald’s Shoe shop. 22Alxc pany has taken on a $35,000 con struction >ob at Riverton, W yom FO R SALE— Toledo wood and coal ing. Trummel is collecting his range, good condition, $10. Call at equipment at Corvallis and Adrian Patterson Saw shop. 22Alxp. and moving it to the Wyoming Legal Advertising irea. Work o f construction of can F O R S A L il— Netted gem seed po als will begin in two weeks on this tatoes, already cut. Roy Hashi^ani, IN THE C O U N T Y COURT OF phone 013-R5. 22Alxp. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR eclamatian project. THE CO UN TY OF MALHEUR Mrs. Charles Ditty and Marq ___ „ , , . _ . ..__ .. FO R SA LE — Milk cow's. Zack O R D E R T O SH O W CAUSE 3uery attended the wedding of v,. Dhone 78NR 22 \lfc Mary Rose Howell and Robert Robert Walker, pnone i o n k _____JdAtlc In the Matter of the Application of ELDRED GARRETT 3ood in Ontario last Sunday a f F O R SA LE — Tarps. extra heavy, B U R N IN G H AM ternoon. Th e couple left immediate- 8 by 12, $9.50; beds, full size with for Change of Name ,y for Corvallis, where the groom spring, $5; 145 foot rope, $3.50; Eldred G arrett Burnlnglmm hav is attending college. cots and pads, 3 foot, $7.95; tent, Mrs. Jim Robb and Mrs. Charles 12 by 14. $18,50; spring-filled mat ing filed a petition wilth the County West were co-hostesses at a pink tresses, $19.96; white enamel ranges Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and blue shower for Mrs. Dave wltil water fronts, $27.50; new far an order changing his name Hall last Sunday afternoon at Mrs. chairs $3 .66; ca&t S;nk, $5; 30- from Eldred Garrett Burningham H all’s home. gallon hot water tanks, $7.50; to Tom G arrett Burningham and Mrs. Lila M itchell was among g rease Penzoil, Texaco, Union, 'sufficient reason appearing there the L.D S. leaders who attended nera; petroleum, etc., 10 cents for. I T IS H E R EB Y ORDERED that the M.I.A. leadership meeting in p<)und. Bargains every day. Ed Ontario Sunday afternoon. Case's H i-W ay Mdse. Mart. 22Alxc. all persons interested in the matter aforesaid appear at the Court Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin ---------------- ---------------------- made a business trip to Nampa F O R S A LE — Galvanized insulator Room o f this Court in the Court Saturday. • cooler, with three compartments, house at Vale, Malheur County, Marian and JoAnn Price w e r e ------------------------------------------------------- among the young people of the Adrian United Presbyterian church who gave a musical program at By TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL the Ontario Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dimmick were Boise visitors Friday. Those in Ontario on business ANYWAY. THERE IS ONE Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C lifford THIN 6 IN FAVOR OF NEW UP TO W olfe, and Mr. and Mrs. Cash Tur- YEARS RESOLUTION'S- - J ie llo THEY DON’T CONSUME PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 194* City of Nyssa, County of Malheur, for two ( i ) successive weeks, and in three (3> consecutive issues, next preceding the date set for the hearu.g thereof. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 20th day of April, 1948 Irwin Troxell, County* Judge. Fir 4 publication 4/22 48 Last publication 5/6/48 -ôt£ûT<L-t4u uxteJL&j 5 o'cJUdc Sflt¿Loi Tit tiu . Ÿ ju X SATURDAY, APRIL c S 24 tÌL c SEE US FO R T H E F O L L O W IN G Good Buys In Used Equipment 33 LBS. 1947 Two-ton Dodge truck with beet bed and two-speed axle, only 5000 miles. 90-day new truck guarantee. $2695. MEAT 1940 International D-2Vl>-ton pick-up in good condition. $690. T h e Ira Price fam ily and O. p. FN 0 U 6 H PAPER TO CREATE OF Counsil fam ily attended the Junior MUCH OF A ■SH 0 RTA 6 E. class play a t the Adrian high school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs spent Sunday in Boise visiting Mrs. Briggs’ brothers, Bob and Jake Albrecht, and sister, Mrs. Henry Bower. M INttW. Mr. and Mrs, Hudson Robb en tertained at dinner Tuesday ev ening for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter, Mr. re r Bag of and Mrs. Pete W ilson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson were In your broiler profits, lt*s dinner guests at the home o f Mr. m eat per b a g of feed that and Mrs. Frank Perko Sunday. counts. M any growers on the Mrs. Charlqs Chritton made a Purina Broiler Plan get 30 to business trip to Boise Wednesday. 33 pounds of meat (live weight) JoAnn and Marion Price, Vera per bag of Broiler Chow. Faye Counsil and Charles Chapin oarticipated in the band concert in Adrian last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R effett of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Loren H ite of Haines, Mrs. Blanche H ite and Iris Hite of Nyssa., Mr. and Mrs. Hobert R effett. and Mr. and Mrs. YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKER BOARD SIG N. ! John R effett picnicked at the dam last Sunday. Across from Telephone Office Dr. and Mrs. Kellogg and two I children were dinner guests of HUGH J. TOBLER — Owners — LLOYD L. TOBLER Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson and' Phone 26 NYSSA, OREGON son, Jim, made a business trip to Caldwell Thursday, and also visited the Charles Wilson and Lester Züricher families. PURINA BROILER CHOW TOBLER'S FEED & FU EL Farmall F-12 tractor with plow, cultivator, mower and beet puller. $1275. Farmall “ A ” tractor with beet puller, cul tivator and side dresser. $1395. Also see us for the following in New Equipment: Chattin and Martin single and double wing ditchers, Jenkins buck rakes and stackers, Far- mall cultivators, Dempster corrugators, Good year and Firestone tires and batteries, baler twine, Crosley appliances, deep freezers and various other equipment. OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMP. CO. Your Farmall Headquarters N YS S A PHONE 83-J OREGON Too Late To Classify Brilliant, lasting, easy-to-use colors for refinishing: Furniture Tools and toys Porch sets Fixtures Interior woodwork Garbage Cans Kitchen and Anything else— bathroom inside or out walls Doors and .. . . .1 screens ¡pl.ll pi* STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY ! W A N TE D — Married man for work 1 on Irrigated ranch. House furnish ed. E. C. Terhune, Enterprise ave- j nue. 22A2xp. Statement of Condition : W A N T E D — Capable women to han- i die business opportunity in own ! community. W rite Avon products, I Incorporated. P. O. box 1325, Boise, Idaho. 22A2xp W A N T E D — Married man fo r year round work. General farming dair ying. Nice home with lawn and shade. Jacob Roe Gen. Del. Nyssa. 22Alxp F O R SALE — Used M -W washer for $30. phone 130. 22Alxc FOR SA LE — Tuttle's store and C ash on H an d and Duo from B anka ............................... U . S. Bond«, in clud in g U . T G overnm ent AgencieO M u n ic ip a l Bonds and W a rra n t* ............................................ O th er B o n d i ............................................... ... Loons and D isc o u n t*.................................. S ta ck in Fed eral R eserve Bonk .............. ... B a n k Prem ises, F u rn itu re and F iitu re e . . . . . . . . . . O th e r R eal E state ...................................................... ... C u sto m ers' L ia b ility on A c c e p t a n c e * ............... ... In te re st E a rn e d ............................................................ , O th er R e s o u r c e * ............................................... . . . . ■ $329,921,512.43 58.874,928.85 1,813,700.00 133.218,983.43 450,000.00 4,374,062.70 Non* 29,462.89 1,146,807.82 405,438.98 T O T A L R E S O U R C E S ............................................ Innerspring Mattresses IN H E A V Y D U R A B L E C O V E R S S H A D Y REST * 26.50 $ / ■ O R A DEPOSITS T h e Firs# N atio n al B an k o f P o rtlan d and 4 4 B ra n ch e s ................................................................ $ 4 9 9 ,4 3 7 ,3 4 5 .8 9 12 oth er Oregon b a n k s a ffilia te d w ith T h e F irst N a tio n a l Bank e f Portland . . . 9 2 ,8 0 9 ,2 6 8 .7 6 TO TA L B E A U T Y REST ^ D E P O S IT S ......................................................$ 5 9 2 , 2 4 6 , 6 1 4 . 6 5 L O A N S A N D D I S C O U N T S T h e F irst N atio n al B an k o f Portland and 44 B ra n c h e s ...................................................................$ 1 3 3 ,2 1 8 ,9 8 3 .4 3 12 oth er Oregon b anks a ffilia te d w ith T h e F irst N a tio n a l Bank o# Portland . 1 5 ,9 51 ,1 5 6 .7 1 T O T A L L O A N S A N D D IS C O U N T S ..............$ 1 4 9 , 1 7 0 , 1 4 0 . 1 4 Mattress Cr Box Springs Friday and Saturday Only T O T A L L I A B I L I T I E S .................................. In addition to Ita 44 tranche* throughout Oregon, 12 other Oregon banks are affiliated with the First National Bank of Portland Innerspring Mattresses Record Special C a p ita l ............................................... ......................................... Su rplus ................................................................................................. U n divided P ro fit* and R eserve* ................................. R eserves A llo cate d fo r T o * * * , In te re st, etc A cce p ta n ce s .................................................................................... In te re st C o llected in A d v an ce ........................................ O th er L i a b i l i t i e s ............................................................................. D eposits I E xclu sive o f R ecip rocal B an k Deposits) 25c and 50c Peterson-Newsom Furniture Company PE T E R S O N F U R N IT U R E C O M P A N Y FIRST NATIONAL BANK O N T A R IO — V A L E — P A Y E T T E M ^nòer Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation