Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
THE,MESSA GATE CITY J O U R N A L NYSSA. PAGE FOUR OREGON TUUKSDAY,jUffjL_22, 1H18 Here from Texas— IRRIGATING W ATER and can be used as a spillway in , son were all-day guests at the O tto ! and twin sons were guests of Mr. MERRY MATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barnes of SYSTEM INSTAl LED an ernergen"y- With no open ditch- Wolfe home in Nampa last Sunday, and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen Friday HOLD G ATHERING Houston, iexas visited last week _____ es, weed control in abetted. This Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Hattie, evening. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy « w v A n rii TT11 *s o n e s e v e r a * underground ir- who were recently wed, were hon- M r- and Mrs- Tern Bumingham OREGON TRAIL. April 22— The I chm v t SUNSET valley , April m 22 un derground system of irrigation has been installed on the Sid E. Flana- gan farm by the Armco Drainage and Metal company. Three-foot lengths of all-concrete pipe with Joints banded with a concrete mix- ture were used. The water is con trolled by hand valve outlets. On Flanagan's set-up, about 4,000 feet of pipe of various sizes were used The stand-pipe, which is visible, is higher than the inlet of the line modem stucco 10-unlt apartment ------------- ' 1 which the Armco , .. , , „ and Mr. and Mrs Dave Mitchell Merry Matrons club met . at the Drainage and Metal company has or guesU at a dlnner given by Mr. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. home of Marie Holmes Wednesday installed tn this area. Others are and Mrs. Ed Corfield last Wednes Cliff Beckstead Sunday. on the Bill Hepworth, E. H. Flesh day evening at the Chet Corfield Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler of afternoon, April 14. Ten members man. and Desseret Sheep company iiome. After dinner, the newlyweds Ontario were guests of Mr. and were present. Club birthday gifts ranches. Ray Russell Friday evening. were exenanged. Guessing games were surprised with a charivari, Mrs. Mrs. Oce Schweiaer was hostess Maged Mr. Mrs. Joe Dirksen shop were played, with Viola Adams, by a group of friends and ped in and Boise to lire members of the Worthwhile Tuesday. Holmes and Opal Holmes club Thursday afternoon at ner relatives. Mrs. Rawley Pattis, for The Gate City Cooking club met Marie pries. Lunch was served home. Mrs. George Schweiaer re merly Dorothy Corfield, and her at the home of their leader, Mrs. winning by the hostess, assisted by Opal p;rted on the associated club meet- .»iioband weie overnight guests at Clifford Nielsen. The event was a Holmes. The next meeting will be ing held in Ontario, and also on in honor of Phyllis Cheldel- Art Hann home. The newly party April 28, with Opal Holmes the need cf assistance in furnis. i riie in. because she was the first to held weds left Thursday for Hunting- hostess. Roll call will be ans mg articles for the hospital. The ton, where they will make their finish her year’s 4-H cluo work. as with a current event. Mrs. club voted to help with the hos- home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweaney were wered Pattie works at Lime. Anderson will be present pital work. Mrs. Grover Cooper Prayer meeting was held at the the Qinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. to Leona give plans for remodeling kitch I who is project leader of the county William Gre=g home Tuesday ev Loilis Rogers Friday evening. unit in this valley, gave ening, with 25 present. Public A ccountant I | extension Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russeil, Mr. ens.Mrs. Grace Mills, and Frank and a practical demonstration on the and Mrs. Cliff Beckstead, and Mr. Ted Daws of Payette were dinner Last Thursday afternoon’ s hail Bookkeeping Service ! mixing and serving of spring salads and rain storm made a lot of and Mrs. E. H. Brandt were guests guests reecntly at the J. E. Bowen Refreshments of salad, sandwiches extra work for the farmers. A few of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Birmingham home. Auditing pie and coffee were served. •Saturday evening at the country Mrs. Alice Holmes, Mrs. Lavinnie are being disced. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb were fields Office and Accounting | ! dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guthrie, Mrs. club. Viola Adams and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Marie and Mrs. Joe Dirksen visited Smith, Mrs. B.uck and Mr. and Mrs. Lew at ivir. Byers attended the associ Systems Smith in Parma Sunday. the John Stam home Wednes Gladys McCoy were Sunday dinner guests ated club meeting in Ontario Ap Marie C. Black and Fred Guthrie at the L. W. Pomeroy home. The day. JOHN E. DENENK purchased a 10-unit auto court men dehorned cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen ril Mr. 10. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and located on Main street in Boise. Miss Clarice Notheis was the and Jill Marie were guests of Mr. Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 549 North Fourth St. Remodeling work has been started Mrs. Liver Nielsen at dinner Holmes visited at the A. M Good- guest of Miss Fothergill and Phone 178-M, Nyssa house. ’o convert the building into at week-end Sunday. The dinner was in ceie- son Caldwell. home near Parma Wednesday Mrs. Harold Snyder and Mrs. Ira orauoa of Mr. Elver Nielsen’s evening. M r . and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe and Price were among the mothers birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes who took their children to the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sisson were were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. called to Twin Falls because of clinic round-up Tuesday morning and Mrs. Philip Mitchell neat the death of Mrs. Warren Wilii- at the Owyhee schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner vis-iams. sister-in-law of Mrs. Sisson, Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sehoen and ited Mrs. L. Cunnigham near Vale1 Mrs. Williams had been ill for six LaDonna of Nyssa were dinner weeks. last Sunday. guests Wednesday evening at the 3 Mr. and Mrs. William Orr, Mrs. Jenny Orr, and Mrs. Fred Mitchell JESSE KYGAR’S SON F. S. Byers home. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Elmer Scott in Pay SUCCUMBS IN UTAH ette. RANDOLPH C.O.2 SATURDAY, APRIL 24 April 22— Mr. and Henry, Densil, and Lewis Mitch OWYHEE— Mrs. Jesse Kygar received word ell, and Alonzo Knowles helped Sunday Something new and death of their son, Ora Newgen with his basement Everett, of who the died of a heart at outstanding in fire pro digging last week. Newgen plans tack Sunday morning in his home tection. Will knock out on finishing the basement for at Devils Slide, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. housekeeping rooms. Lynn Kygar, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse tough fires in split sec Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg were Kygar, and Kygar left Mon dinner guests in Apple valley Sun- day morning Merle to attend the funeral. onds. Carbon dioxide is aay at the Lloyd Dibble home. Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and children harmless to finest of were dinner guests in the clothing, food or hu Located l l/ j miles south of Adrian on east GIRL IS HONORED Virgil Sunday Olp home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty spent man flesh. side of Snake river, 2 miles west of Big Bend park AT 4-H CLUB PARTY Sunday visiting in Nyssa with Mrs. on banks of Snake river. Atkeson, who has recently RICHLAND, April 22— Mr. and i Gertrude from a trip to California. See Your Local Dealer Mrs. E. H. Brandt entertained at returned Culbertson, William Peu- two tables of bridge and two tables tz, Charley CLAUD W ILLSON Sr., and William Feutz, Jr., of pinochle Tuesday evening. Mrs. attended a sale in Caldwell Thurs Ray Russell won high in bridge and day, where they purchased three Box 184 Mrs. Cliff Beckstead won high in purebred bulls. pinochle. 12:00 NOON and Mrs. Lee Householder Phone 128-J Evenings A. R. Wilgus of Mountain Home and Mr. Mrs. McConnell drove 1 Bay horse, smooth mouth. visited a few days with his niece, Marsing Ruth Sunday to visit in the Mrs. F. P. Runcorn. 3 Sets of good harness and collars. Sehweizer home. C. Van Zelf is spending sev Earl Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown and 1 Team, bay and black, 2900 lbs. Good work team . eral Mrs. days with her daughter, Mrj. children of Boise called in the 1 Guernsey bull, Crescent View Mischief, born O cto Joe Mr. Dirksen. uynn Kygar home Sunday after and Mrs. Emerson Bingman noon. ber 8, 1946, No. 404498 from Everet Shirts’ herd. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klingbaek 1 Guer. cow, Goldie, 3 years old, springer. and Mr. and Mrs. John Max Kling- 1 Guer, cow, 3 years old, 3 gal. now. jack of Emmett were Sunday din ner guests in the Martha Kling- 1 Guer. cow, Molly, 7 years old, 3 gal. now. jack home. Other guests were Mr. 1 Guer. cow, Pet, first calf springer. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and child ren, "Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Mc 1 Guer. cow, Beauty, 3 years, springer. Donald and children, and Mr. and 3 Guer. heifer springers. Mrs. George Gregg and daughter. Mrs. Houston Dunaway and Jac- 1 Guer. heifer, Pet, springer. .le and Danny left Wednesday for 6 Guer. heifers, 9 to 12 months old. Portland to visit a doctor, wno is’ .rearing Jackie for asthma. 1 Guer. cow, Bess, 4 years old, 4 gal. now. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher of 1 Guer. cow, 3 years old, 2 gal. now. Homedale were callers in the Ken neth McDonald home Sunday af 1 Guer. cow, Specks, 2 years old, springer. ternoon. 1 Guer. heifer, springer. iviene Kygar started construction 1 Guer. cow, first calf springer. on a new 40 by 50 foot cinderblock garage and machine shop adjoining 1 Guer. cow, Red, 3 years, springer. ms present garage. 1 Guer. heifer, W hitty, springer. Henry Reuter and nine of his F.F.A. boys branded calves for Mrs. 4 Guer. heifer calves, 4 months old. Martha KJlngback Thursday. Rev. Robert Kiiner will hold This is an outstanding herd of guernsey cows; services at the Owyhee Sunday have always used a registered bull, test 4.4 to 5.6. school in the morning and evening April 25. Public invited to come and see cows before sale day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Winter and This herd is vaccinated against abortion. children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ad 20 W eaner pigs. ams and children, Bobby Skinner and Terry Flanagan went on a pic 1 Sow, 11 pigs, O. I. C. pigs. 2 Gilts, O. I. C. nic and rock-gathering expedition 100 Hens, 1 and 2 years old, N. Hem pshire reds. at Succor creek Sunday. Bill Norris was a Friday Evening Chicken feeders, w aterers and 1 new crate. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 New Valley Mound corrugator. Ditty. Cut your application costs at least Jesse Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., 2 Rose corrugators. 1 Six-foot horse disc. 75%! Spray up to 125 acres a day were business visitors in Ontario —use only 3 to 10 gallons of spray Monday. 2 Two-section harrows. 1 Float, 7 x 20 feet. per acre! Low-gallonage booms Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were 2 O liver mowers. 2 Hay rakes. fit easily on any tractor, Jeep, Sunday dinner guests in the Ray trailer. 1 14-inch P. O. two-way plow. YELLOWSTONE Nat l Pork Franklin home in Parma. David Lewis of Wilder spent 1 Corn and potato cultivator. 2 One-horse cult. Land of Magic with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nyssa Implement Sunday 2 Chopped hay carts. 2 Chopped hay forks. Brewer. 1 G arden cultivator. 1 Four-ft. wheel fresno. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman were dinner guests in the Donald Bre Company 1 Jackson fork. 1 Two-wheel machinery trailer. wer home Thursday. 1 B rooder house and pen, new. vat t rigation systems Barnes. Attend Conference— Lois Bybee, Betty Winchell and Deane Irving attended the state Girls league conference at Salem last week-end. They were accom- ^anid by Miss Nathelle Holton, .vcretary at the high school. A ppointed M anager— Keneth Maze has been appointed by tlie By bee brothers as manager of the Bybee usd car lot, Just east of the Chicken In club. EXTENDED COVERAGE \ Covers Much \ o'chJ< To Give Benefit Dance— A benefit dance wlU be sponsored by the American Legion at the high school gymnasium May 8 to rase money iof the veterans mem orial hall. Costs Little Ask Us About It Frank T. Morgan SPECIALTY Farm Sale W e are now open for business in Repairing Radiators. New equipm ent has arrived for autom obile radiator repairing. — None too large, none too small— W e call for your radiator and deliver it. — W e A ppreciate All Your R epair W ork— Monday, April 26 Carl & Burt’s Machine Shop PHONE 269-W SPRAY BOOM S for applying , 1 Levy disc. 2 Hay wagons. 1 Box wagon. 1 Three-section spring-tooth harrow. 1 Six-foot John Deere hinder. 2 W alking plows. 1 16 inch slat m old-board plow. 1 M anure spreader. 1 Two-horse fresno. 2 Slips. 1 W heelbarrow. 1 Pum p-jack with Vz H. P. motor. 1 Anvil vise, post drill, forge, 1 table saw, 1 3 motor. 1 Shed, 5 by 6, new. Some slab wood. 1 Pressure cooker. 2 Jars, 10 and 20 gal. 2 K itchen cupboards. 5 Chairs. 1 Typew riter and stand. 1 W riting desk. 2 Library tables. 2 Kitchen tables. 1 Dresser. 1 Dressing table. This ranch for sale; see owner, E. A. Bockus. 2 Book cases. 1 Baby buggy. 1 C irculating heater. 1 Radio. 1 Phonograph and records. 1 O rgan. 1 W ash stand, lots of jars, dishes, cooking utensils. 1 Milk cooler and some milk cans. 6 Tons of first crop hay, good alfalfa. 2 Tons chopped hay. 30 Bushels of wheat. TERM S: CASH LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS E. A. and Phil Bockus, Owners • A uctioneers: Cola. Bert Anderson and Joe Church. C lerk: L. H. Fritts Notice To Water Users Of Owyhee Irrigation District Conserve your water. Don’t waste. Unless water conditions change for the better within the next sixty days, you will be restricted to four feet per acre delivery. By order of Board of Directors O W YH EE IRRIGATION DISTRICT PACIFIC NORTHWEST the Ever-Green Empire CALIFORNIA land of Romance ★ In the colorful Union Pacific West, you will enjoy natural beputy, with healthful a n d enjoyable recreation. ^ Begin an d and you r vacation in relaxation. Travel b y train a n d enjoy air-conditioned comfort . . . room to roam . . . restful nights . . . a n d delicious dining-car meals. f ° r unsurpassed vacation travel, in all seasons, w e su gge st you be specific — s a y "U n io n Pacific." For complete information, inquire at your nearest Union Pacific ticket office. U N IO N PACIFIC RAILROAD