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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1948)
Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY,- APRIL 22, 1948 PAGE THREE FOR SALE— Hall horse air com- | to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. • the afternoon of said day. in said Gate Olty Journal for Distrlet" or words equivalent there- | pressor, complete and ready to use ! No stock received on Sunday. At said election only resident two (2) weeks and this matter 1 to and shall also give notice of the Leo File, phone 05-R11, route 2. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery freeholders within the proposed having come on regularly to be date, time and place where such Nyssa. 18Mtfc. to Polar locker plant. district, as shown by the last Coun heard on the 7th day of April, election will be held. FOR SALE— Three-room house One mile west on Alberta avenue ty assessment, shall be entitled to 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M„ IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR vote. with bath, electric water tank, 75 DERED and DECREED that at Phone 05RI being the time fixed by the County ¡wid At said election there shall be Court by 119 comer lot, nice lawn, easy election there shall be elect for such hearing, and Har JAKE FISCHER elected three Directors-at-Large, three directjrs-at-large, whose RATES. Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one | terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF whose terms shall expire in one, old Henigson, the attorney for the ed shall expire in one, two and petitioner, having appeared and terms FOR SALE— Good type and quali two and three years, respectively, presented years, respectively, from the cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. to and filed herein the three THE STATE OF OREGON ty Russet seed potatoes, grown (rang the first Tuesday in January 1st Tuesday January next suc affidavits of the publisher of the ceeding their in election from Cralgmont blue lag. ltogued next succeeding their election, and FOR THE COUNTY OF and whose Gate City Journal, a newspaper S. E. Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa. whose respective terms shall be MALHEUR respective terms shall be decided published in Nyssa. Malheur Coun llMUc. >n the Matter of the Guardianship decided by lot. by lot. Nominations for members 1 FOR SALE— Two-bedroom house, ty, Oregon, showing by said aff of FRED LINDEK, Nominations for three (3) Dlr- idavits of publication that the not of the Board of Directors shall be For Sale _______ I modem except heat, part basement, FOR SALE- Seed potatoes, WHITE of the an Estate ctors-at-Large shall be made by ice of hearing and the petition made by petition of not less than Incompetent Person ROSE certified, tagged or bin run. FOR SALE— Electric record play- insulated, hardwood floors, bath Gems, grown from certified blue petition, signed by not less than herein CITATION ( 10 ) resident freeholders with had been given by publica ten ten ( 10 i qualified resident free tion thereof in said proposed district which er, in good condition, cheap. Phone ! and shower, landscaped, beautiful tag, some from foundation stock. TO: The Superintendent of the holders for two < 2 ! successive within siatd proposed -dis weeks, the first publication of said nominating petition shall be filed Eastern Oregon State Hospital, 1J7-J, W. W. Faster. 12Ftfc Custodian 15A1XC. lawn, lot 75 by 118. Phone 148-W. Ira Ure, phone 06R2. of fthe Person of Fred trict which nominating petition notice the County Court at least fif of hearing and petition be with 15A2xp. Linder, an incompetent, and to ¡hall be filed with the County ing March teen (15) days prior to said elec FOR SALE— Winesap and Rome FOR SALE— Onion seed, white All 25, 1948 and the second Cierk. Malheur County, Oregon, and the Clerk of this Court beauty apples. FYed Fisher, phone TO TRADE— Central Oregon pro- Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure, cern. Others Whom It May Con at least fifteen (15) days prior to publication thereof being April I. is tion. directed shall cause the 19Ftfc. TN THE NAME OF THE STATE the date of said election. 1948 and said notice of hearing and names of the and 22A2xp. j perty to exchange. We have a five- phone 06-R2. 28-J5, Apple Valley. so nominated petition as so puubished having to be placed on persons 'acre ranch with a new five-room FOR SALE— Bring your sacks and OF OREGON, You are hereby The name of the proposed dis ballots as can FOR SALE— Model A Ford coupe. I cement block house, bam, chicken get your eating potatoes, $1.50 per cited, required and commanded to trict Is Nyssa Community Park stated thp boundaries of such pro didates for the the respective offices Very good condition. Glen Strick- | house. This ranch has five-acre bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware appear before this Court on the and Recreation District and the posed District and said notice of for which they have been nomin hearing having stated the time land, Vi mile south Ole’s corner. I water. Located near Redmond. The house, Payette, Idaho. 15Jtfc. 18th day of May, 1948 at 10:00 boundaries of said proposed dis and place of hearing and having ated. o’clock AM. of said day at the trict are as follows: at Vale. Oregon this 7th 22A2xp. I price is *9500, and we will exchange FOR SALE—Have farms and homes Court required that all persons Interest day Dated Room of this Court In the Beginning at a point where the ed of April, 1948. therein show cause why an or for sale. Need more, list with Ken FOR SALE— White rose seed po- j for property near Ontario, Nyssa Courthouse at Vale, Malheur Coun half section line running east and der should not be made describ Irwin Troxell Oregon, then and there to show west through Section 33. Town ing the exterior boundaries of said County Judge tatoes. Donald Fisher, Apple Valley, or Vale. Shelley Real Estate, the Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. ty, if any exists, why an order ship 18, S„ Range 47 E.W.M , in District as determined bv said A. P. Ooodell FOR SALE— New Westinghouse re r-ause, 22A2xp. dirt merchant, Redmond, Oregon. frigerators. hould not be granted by the Hon- tersects the west bank of the Snake County County Commissioner Ostrom Bros. Appliance Court and directing that an Troxell, Judge of the River, thence running due west on John L. Caldwell, Jr. FOR SALE— Mahogany speed boat, j _________________________ lA4xc. Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. >rable Irwin be held in said proposed Court for Malheur County, the half section line through Sec election County Commissioner runabout, also 22 HP. Johnson ; FARMS—RANCHES—HOMES FOR SAE— New Westlnghouse el County district pursuant to Chapter 327 Oregon, authoriing and directing tions 33, 32 and 31, Twshp. 18 S., of Oregon Laws, 1941. Now at this ATTEST: motor, if desired. 611 Hays St .,1 FOR SALE 47 E.W.M. and on half sec time, being the date, time and H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom FYank T. Morgan, guardian of the Range Boise, phone 4537-R after 3 p.m. tion line through Section 36, Town place First pub. April 15, 1948. Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W estate of FYed Linder, an incom ship 22 A 2 xc 10 acres near good water said Court for such Last S., Range 46 to the west hearing, fixed the by Court _______________________ ______ ' right. Fine large new home, partly pub. May 13, 1948. 15Jtic. petent person, to sell the undivided ern 18 proceeded with boundary line of Sectlon36, one-half ( 4 ) interest owned by FY>R SALE— Nine weaner pigs , 1 furnished. This is a swell place, FOR SALE— Electric wiring and hearing of such petition and Township 19 S., Range 46 E.W.M. said ¡aid Guardianship Estate in the dandy ones and one nice Jersey! $9.500. the testimony off several ARCADIA WOMEN of all kinds at your Wes described real property southerly along the west boundary received heifer, about 14 months old. J. H .! 86 acres, mostly In row crop, new supplies with respect thereto and tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. following line of Section 36, Township 18 S., witnesses HOLD GATHERING ocated in Malheur County, Oregon, Benedict, route 2, Nyssa. 22A lxp. j modern home, full basement, new Appliance in favor of the organization of said Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. to-wit: Range 45 to the north boundary proposed — -------------------------------- ¡barn, water piped to all buildings. District and of the boun- w , . . ... .. ARCADIA, April 22— The Arcadia FOR SALE— Dalhia bulbs, $1.80 ¡This is fine soil. $25,000, without FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write The N 4 of the N4 of the SW4 line of Section 2, Township 19 S„ dozen, all different. Mrs. Dick crops. hereof as no set persons forth ln having sald Sunshine club met at the home of of the NW'i of Section 31, Town Range 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly daries petition and Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for Groot, Columbia avenue, Nyssa, I 5-room house, on large double Willys parts, motors, extra equip ship 19 S.. Range 47 E.W.M., to on said north line of Section 2; appeared at such hearing in opp Mrs Glenn Dowers April 16 for with 5 shares of Capital Township 19 S., Range 46 E.W.M.: osition thereto and the hearing on an all-day meeting and a potluck route 2. 15A2xp. ' lot, very well located, $4,800. jeeps, station wagons, pickup gether The members tied a com Stock of the Owyhee Ditch Com to the west line of said Section 2: said Very nice 4-room house, lots of ment, petition having been conclud dinner. trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. FOR SALE— 1946 G.M.C. 24 ton shade, fort for Mrs. Dowers. Mrs. FYed pany representing the water right thence southerly on the west line ed. now garage, $3,700. therefore, truck, 8V4 12 -ply tires, 2 -speed axle, 10 acres, of said section 2 to the half sec IT 19 HEREBY ORDERED AND Shilling received the birthday gifts 4-room FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. appurtenant thereto vacuum brakes, 14-foot new beet house, lots of good fruit livable as prayed for in the Petition of tion line of Section 3, Township 19 DECREED toe month. The next meeting and berries. Guaranteed to be washable and that the petition as pre for bed. Darwin Jensen, route 2, Nys All in ¡alfalfa and pasture, 'be held April 30, with Mrs. $6,500. non-fading lor three years. Good Frank T. Morgan, Guardian of the S„ Range 46 E.WM.; thence west sented herein be, and the same is will sa. 15A3xp. Estate of FYed Linder, and incom George Hust as hostess. erly along the half section line to stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com approved and that the exterior E. L. JAMISON the western boundary of said Sec petent, on file in said Court. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Amidon vis FOR SALE— Ladies used suits, Phone 65-J pany. 26Jtfc. boundaries of such proposed Dis 252 So. 4th St. tion 3, Township 19 S., Range 46; WITNESS the Honorable Irwin ited, in the George Moeller home coats and dresses, may be seen at trict shall be as follows: Office in my home thence southerly along the western Troxell, Judge of the County Court Wednesday evening. Help-Ur-Self laundry. 15A2xc. Two blocks Beginning at a point where the For Rent So. International store of Malheur County, State of Ore boundary line of said Section 3 and Miss Janet Kitamura of Payette section line running east and visited FOR SALE—Good A derrick, Frank FOR SALE— 150 bushels of extra FOR RENT— Long apartments, 3- gon, this 7th day of April, 1948. Section 10 to the northeast com half Miss Nancle Lida Sunday. west through Section 33. Township er of Section 16, Township 19 S., 18. S„ Range 47 E. W. M.. inter Miss Velma Sato, nurse in the Whipple, $60, seven miles south good yellow ear corn. FYank Rook- room furnished apartment, close A ttest * west of Nyssa. 15A3xp. stool, four miles west of Adrian. In. Only permanent renters need H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the Range 46; thence westerly along Holy Rosary hospital, spant two the west bank of the Snake days County Court of Malheur Coun the section lines to the northeast sects here last week with her par River, thence running due west on 12A2xp. apply. See Jack Long or Lee Bare. FOR SALE— 22 caterpillar tractor, comer of Section 18, Township 19 the half section line through Sec ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sato. 22A2XC. By: ty, Oregon. A-l condition, 94 miles north On FOR SALE— Beans for seed or /s/ S„ Range 45; thence southerly al tions 33, 32 and 31. Twshp. 18 S. Ira Ure returned home last week tario on Hyline road. Edward 15A3 Ker. R. W. Lewis, Deputy ong the section line to the Town Range 47 E W.M. and on half from a Boise hospital. xt ) i eating' red Mexican, good yielders, FOR RENT— Polish your own ship line between Townships 19 and section line through Section 36 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and fami p’ j 12 cents pound cleaned. A. D. Mcs- floors. Rent our high-speed pol 20 ; thence westerly along said Township 18 S., Range 46 to the ly of Nyssa visited Sunday in the NOTICE OF MEETING ishing equipment. Easily handled FOR SALE— Six-row side dresser, j es, near Owyhee Junction. lA5xp. by township line to the northwest BIG BEND IRRIGATION Zittercob home. boundary line of Section John fits 'any make at- tractor. Clayton \ FOR SALE OR TRADE— Three- women. Nyssa Lumber company. comer of Section 6 , Township 20 western DISTRICT Misses Heien and Nancie Iida, 3Atfc. 36. Township 18 S., Range 46: Patton, 3 miles west of Langton’ s lot, l , Notice is hereby given, that the S., Range 45; thence southerly al thence southerly along the west and Dlly Sato were dinner guests 1 5 A*^xn I room i frame i j j i i c i house, U/U o c , bath, u iu /ii, l comer u m c i iu ‘ I nice lawn, close In, immediate pos- Big Bend Irrigation District, sit ong the range line between rang boundary in toe George Moeller WANTED of Section 36. Town- Sunday ing as a Board of Equalization,' es 44 E.WM. and 46 E.W.M. to the hip 18 S.. line Range home. FOR SALE— Colored fryers. Live- j session, consider late model car, 45 to the north northwest Comer of Section 6 . will meet on the 4th day of Mav, Mrs. Clyde Bowers met with her weight, 4b cents per pound. FYed i easy terms. Inquire first house left WANTED— Cleaning: Furniture, _ Range _ df ^ Section 2. Town- 25Mtfc. rugs and carpets, in your home. 1948 at 8:00 o’clock P.M. of said Township 21 S., 45 .. E.W_M. .boundary _hl ](, g line Rance E.W.M.; thence 4-H breakfast and homemaking Kratzberg, route 1, Nyssa. 15A3xp. on East Third street. or write Roy Vawter, Nampa day at Its office at the home of thence easterly along toe township | wraterly on Mld north ,ln€ of g « . club Saturday, April 17, at the SALE—H HP Advance pump, Phone FOR SALE— F12 Fapnall tractor FOR 468 or box 175. 22A8xp. A. C. Holly, near the Snake River line between townships 20 ai and j , 2;J Townf5hlp M S, Range 46 nome of Margaret Bates on Al- new. Deep well type. Priced very completely overhauled, good two- reasonably. Gem seed spuds, grown I WANTED— at Adrian, Malheur County, 21 S to toe Snake river; thence |E WM to a * W08t „„e of said oerta avenue. Seven members and Custom land leveling Bridge way International beet and potato from blue tag stock. Wanted to Oregon, for the purpose of review northeasterly along the west j» n k |8ectlon 2; thence southerly on the jne visitor were present. One new cultivator bar with all tools com buy, grain drill. Irving T. Duffin, by hour or contract. Howard By ing and correcting its assessment of Snake River to the point of be- llnP ,of sald Sectlon 2 t0 the member, Irene Taylor, joined the 179-W. roll and apportionment of charges ginning. plete: 7-fcot International mowing 1 mile north anid V4 mile east of bee, King avenue, phone 8A5xp. jluo. The girls judged cookies made half section line of Section 3, Town- machine: International beet puller underpass. for operation and maintenance for The ballots to be used at said phip lg g Range jy toe members. They will meet E.W M ; then- 25Mtfc. and Phillips crowner. This is an the 1948 season, and assessment of April 24 at the home of Mrs. Bo election shall contain toe w ords,^ westerly along the half section WANTED— 40 or 80 acres to rent excellent buy. Western Cornua tor FOR SALE— 1940 John Deere trac for potatoes. H. K. Hashltani. 50c pe acre for operation and main "I vote in favor of the creation o f. llne yers. western boundary of company. 8 Atfc. tor, model A, good condition. Nys Phone 04-R1. of the Big Bend Unit of District. - , Xfs said Section 3, Township 19 S.. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook visited 8A3xp. tenance said District and 14c per acre for creation Nyssa Community Park and Re- Ranpe thence southerly along Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Childs and of FOR SALE— Boat, motor and trai sa Implement C,p., “The House and maintenance ana and “I vote In favor of the crea- 18Mtfc.. WANTED— The best one-mafl operation WeStem boundary line of said family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ler. Phone 1417-M, Caldwell. Idaho. Oliver". and g ^ io n 3 and Section 10 to the Cook and family ln Payette Sat in this county now avail $2.06 per acre for construction tion of Nyssa Community Park No”. _____________ 15A3xp- j poR S ale — One utility two-wheel business able. Income starts at once. We charges of the Park Unit of said Recreation District. northeast comer of Section 16, urday. FOR SALE— Trailer house, call!trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-R11. furnish capital. Write J. R. Wat District, during the year 1948. The voters the shall place “District" a crass and ^'¡T ow nship 19 S., Range 46; thence Tne young people of the Notus between Word The assessment roll and record 290-J after 6:30. 8 Atfc. 18Mtfc. kins Co., 137 Dexter avenue, Sea may be inspected at the residence the word “Yes’ or between toe word westerly along the section lines to Baptist church will have charge ttle 9, Washington. 25M7xc. of the closing service at Arcadia the northeast corner of Section 18. Sunday sf H. R. Hatch, Secretary of said and the word “No", Township. school next Sunday. 19 S., Range 45; thence Miss Esther WANTED— To buy anything in District by any interested persons. "District" whichever indicates their choice. Lacy of Vanport, along the section line to beef or veal. Also custom killed By order of the Board of Direc The ballots shall also contain the southerly Washington visited ln toe OU 11 Lay toe Township line between Town- name and delivered to Polar C.old Stor tors, by H. R. Hatch, Secretary names of toe persons nominated fhlT» last week. 19 and 20: thence westerly age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Big Bend Irrigation District. as candidates for the offices of said township line to the Mrs. Vem Butler and Margaret First publication, April 8 , 1948. Director-at-Large and shall also along northwest of Section 6 . Payne were business visitors in MISCELLANEOUS Last publication, April 29, 1948. contain a blank Une thereon for Township 20 corner S., Range thence Boise last Wednesday. the voters to write in the name of southerly along the range 45; line Earnest Barker has rented the MISCELLANEOUS— Send us your any candidate voted for as such tween ranges 44 E.W.M. and 45 be NOTICE OF FINAL John Stringer place here. E. saws for sharpening, gumming or Director-« t-Carge. SETTLEMENT Margaret and Wallace Butler W.M. to toe northwest comer of re-toobhing to any size teeth you In the Matter of the Estate of At the next regular meeting of Section 6 , Township 21 S., Range spent toe week-end with their wish. Patterson saw shop, North AUBREY L. FLETCHER the County Court following such 45 E.W.M.; thence easterly along grandmother, Margaret Payne, in First street. ' lAtfc. NOTICE IS HEREBY Deceased. GIVEN, election the Court will proceed to toe h own ship line between Town Ontario. That Susan Jean Fletcher. Ad canvass toe votes oast and will ships 20 S and 21 S., to the Snake Jonnson of Ontario moved Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS— Have excellent ministratrix of the estate of AU enter an order declaring the result River; thence northeasterly along Anna Dail's house on the Otis tenant for farm. Prefers row crop DENTISTS PHYSICIANS BREY L. FT j ETOHER, deceased, of toe election and if a majority the west bank of toe Snake River Bullard farm from above toe shoe land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. has rendered and filed her final of the votes cast at such election to the point, of beginning. ditch to a point below the MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in account of the administration of shall be in favor of toe creation IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR string ditch this week. SARAZ1N CLINIC of the Nyssa Community Park and stallation of heating systems, coal the estate of Aubrey L. Fletcher, DERED AND SECREED that an Mrs. Martin Farmer and son, Recreation District the Court shall or oil. Also servicing and repair. deceased. DR. C. M. TYLER election be held within the pro of New Plymouth spent last Dr. J. J. Sarazin Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. That the 10th day of May, 1948 make and cause to be entered Into posed district upon the question Jimmy, week with* her parents, Mr. and 15Jtfc. the Journal of said Court an order at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. of whether or not the Nyssa Com Mrs. Elmer Stradley. Wilson Building Dr. K E. Kerby that a park and recreation district, at toe County Court House at munity Park and Recreation Dis Mrs. Sparks of Bennington, Ida MISCELLANEOUS—Available now Vale, Oregon is fixed and appoint of toe name and with the bound trict Phone 165-J, Nyssa be organized pursuant to ho is visiting her son, Roy Sparks, Physician and Surgeons Electrolux cleaners and air puri ed as the time and place for hear aries stated in the order caUing teh shall provisions of Chapter 32 of and family. Office hours from 9 to 5 except fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An ing of objections to the said final said election, has been duly es Oregon Laws, 1941. ___ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers and derson, route * Weiser, Idaho. tablished. account. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR family of Kingman Kolony were Saturdays, 9 to 12. Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. AU persons having objections to By order of toe County Court, Mai DERED and DECREED that an dinner L. A. Maulding. M. D. guests Sunday In the Clyde heur County, Oregon, dated April election shall be held on Wednes- said final account shall appear at Bowers home, They drove to the Physician and Surgeon MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and said time and place and show cause, 7, 1948. day. May 26. 1948 between the free pick-up or your dead, crippled if any exists, why toe said final Phone 37 H. S. Sackett hours of 8:00 o’clock in the morn Jam in the afternoon. or sick livestock. Calls received be account County Clerk should not be allowed and ing and 5:00 o'clock In the after BOY SCOUTS PLAN J. R. CUNDALL Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 fore 9 o’clock are picked up by approved. First pub. April 15, 1948. noon of said day of election, and Daily—Except Sunday noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Susan Jean Fletcher, Adminis Last pilb. May 13, 1948. that there shall be one polling Dentist TO BUILD BRIDGE lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys tratrix of the estate of Aubrey place, to wit: The Orade School sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products IN THE COUNTY COURT OF L. Fletcher, deceased. building, in toe City of Nyssa with Phone 56-J JEWELRY STORES Company. SJtfc. First publication April 15, 1948. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR in said proposed district, and that NEWELL HEIOHTS, April 22—Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and Bob and COUNTY OF MALHEUR the entire body of land embraced Joyce Sarazin Clinic MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Last publication May 13, 1946. In THE and Norma Jean Dlerking the matter of the formation of within the boundaries of said dis NYSSA OREGON Loans on farms for refinancing, spent Sunday at the Dudley Kurtz PAULUS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF NYSSA COMMUNITY PARK AND trict as hereinbefore described, home building, improvements, b u y in g . RECREATION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON FOR shall constitutes one voting pre Mrs. in M. Caldwell. JEWELRY STORE Long term, low Interest, see Ber THE L. Kurtz, Mrs. George Order Determining Boundaries and THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR cinct for the purpose of said elec 3chiemer, and Union Pacific Time Inspector nard Eastmsn, phone 64, Nyssa. Mrs. Cecil Smith OPTOMETRISTS Directing Election to be Held tion. OF ELECTION 3Atfc. In toe NOTICE JEWELRY — DIAMONDS cook dinner for the junior- Matter of toe Formation of The petition of Wilbur W Fos- it IS HF1RRBY FURTHER OR- helped senior prom at Adrian Friday ev WATCHES Park and Re ter and more than 25% of the DERED and DECREED that Mar- ening. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Nyssa Community Main Street a. Second District resident freeholders of certain lands Jorle Eastman, Joyce Lienkaenvper Shirley Smith is confined to her DR. J. A. MCFALL and clylnder lock keys made. Wes Notice is creation given that upon the boundaries of which are set and Ida Miner, who are three com' tern Auto Store. 250tfc toe petition hereby because of influenza. of Wilbur W Foster forth in said petition, proposing petent and qualified persons and home DR. JOHN EASLY Mrs. W. W. Smith visited Mon the organization of a park and and more than 25% of the resi resident freeholders of said pro CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WYCKOFF at toe Claude Smith home at dent freeholders of certain lands, recreation district pursuant to the posed district, are hereby appointed day Stock received Monday, Tuesday, corner. JEWELRY STORE boundaries of which are here provisions of Chapter 327, Oregon » Board of Election for said elec- the The Owyhee Wednesday and Thursday, • a. m. the Rifle club has ground cleared inafter more particularly set forth, Laws, 1941, having been filed with tion. Official Time Inspector for Cedi and Leonard Smith proposing the organization of a this Court on March 23, 1948 at IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR on toe for Union Pacific a rifle range. Park and Recreation District, pur a special meeting and term of the DERED and DECREED that toe ranches ONTARIO OREGON Mrs. W. E. Piercy and Mrs. Rube suant to the provisions of Chapter County Court held on said date, Clerk of this Court shall give not Graham have received word that Free Pick Up 327. Oregon Law, 1941, duly filed and upon the filing of such pet ice of said election so to be held, their mother ln Burley, Idaho. LODGES with the County Clerk, and after a ition accompanied by a bond in by publication of notice of election Evyln Stark is of 111 Denver Is visiting Of Your hearing on said petition and no the sum of three hundred ($300) once each week for at least four at toe home of her sister, Mrs. person having appeared ln oppost- dollars Which was approved by the • 4) successive weeks, being five Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Piercy. Nyt$a Post No. 79 thereto or having objected to the County Court and which is deem- <5) consecutive publications prior Wayne Dead and Worthless Carrol Matthews is visiting boundaries of such district as pro rovlng the formation of said Dis- to toe date of the holding of such at Mrs. American Legion the Cedi Smith home. posed or having requested the in ed sufficient to cover the probable | election, in the Qate City Journal, Heights residents Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. GRAVE MARKERS Animals clusion of any lands therein, and cost of organizing said district and | a newspaper published ln Nyssa Many Newell the mother and daughter upon the order of the County Court a certified copy of a resolution oi Oregon, and having a general clr- attended Project Office, 8 p. m. school given ln of Malheur County, Oregon, duly *he Olty Council of the City o f' culattan within the boundaries of tea at by the toe high Call Collect All Veterans Welcome For grave markers and Olrls league. made and entered ln its Journal, Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, I the proposed district and that the Adrian There 1s a Phone Near You the County Court has called and having been filed therewith, app- ¡notice so published shall dearrtbe J. Stevens. Junior and Efclbert, will be held, within the boun triet; and the County Court having , the boundaries of the proposed dis- Oeorge Schiemer and George, Stan Parma 28 there Gate City Lodge monuments write or see Nyssa 100 daries of the proposed district, an fixed a time and place for the j trict, shall designate the name of ley Hill. Dick and Louis Stam. R. A. BENTLEY election upon the question of wheth hearing of said petition and hnv -1 the proposed district and shall not Oary Graham, Edmund Morris and No. 214 Ontario S3 er or not such district shall be ing ordered notice of such hearing tfy the resident freeholders of said Charley Newbtll and Donald went I.O.O.F. Haines, Oregon to be given by publication thereof [«reposed district that they will be with the Scouts fishing above Owy “We Haul the Day You Call" organized. Such election will be held at the for at least two ( 2 ) weeks In the required to cast ballots containing hee dam Saturday and Sunday Meets every Monday Better Values School building in toe City Gate City Journal, a weekly news - 1 the words "I vote ln favor of the Several farmers are starting to Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Orade night, 8:30. of Nywa. in said proposed dis paper of general circulation pub- creation of Nyssa Community Park cultivate beets. The community Boy Scouts are Lower Prices trict on the 26th day of May, 1948 lished in the City of Nyssa, Mai- and Recreation District” or South First Street 1 Nyssa, Oregon between the hours of 8 00 o'clock heur County, Oregon, and said pe- 1 vote against the creation of Nyssa making plans to build a bridge at ln the morning and 5:00 o'clock In tltion having also been published Community Park and Recreation the rifle range. W n i iir a A .i professional And Business Directory i • ___ U— ------------ ■ i — - 4lV)P 417* '.T*d ‘‘r V o fr ift " 0 7 1 (1 ■ . . . .. . • a, a