Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
THE NYSSA G ATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE e i g h t ........ Social ^ntcs - 5 - CLUB W OM EN MEET Approximately 112 women attend ed the meeting of the Associated Clubs of Malheur County in On tario Saturday afternoon, April la, with the Ontario Women's club act ing as hostess. A covered dish luncheon was held at noon in the dining room of the Conklin school. T h e club colors, green and white, were used in badges presented at the registra tion table and in the table decora- ions. Mrs. Byrd Walters, president o f the Owyhee O.K.K. club, won the door prize. Following the lun cheon the group adjourned to the iclub room for the business meet i n g and program, with Mrs. E. C. i Van Petten presiding. The Ontario Choral club, under the direction o f Mrs. L. L. Kline, | accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Tuller, 'sang a group o f songs. Mrs. So phia Aldrich gave two humorous readings, “ A t the Theater" and “Sales and Solitaire". Thirty-four clubs answered to the roll call by the club secretary, Mrs. Fred Olmstead, with a report of their year's activities. The Sunshine club of Arcadia will entertain the associated clubs next year. Those attending from Nyssa were Mrs. W illiam Schireman, Mrs. Albert Pfeiler, Mrs. Q arrrit Stam, Mrs. Dick Groot, Mrs. John Broad, Mrs Pete Tensen, Mrs. Bernard East man, Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. SPECIAL M ACHINERY, MERCHANDISE AND MISCELLANEOUS A U C TIO N NYSSA LIVESTOCK COM. CO YARDS SATU R D AY, A P R IL 17 — 2 P. M. Regular Livestock Auction Every Wednesday Lane and Lane, Aucts. and Managers Spring-Filled Mattresses W H ILE TH E Y LA ST $ 19.95 Both Full Size and Twin Size Ed Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. More Huyers More Orders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YO U R LIVESTOCK Market Report for April 111, 1948 Grass fat cows $20.50-$21.50. Cutter cows $16.50 Co $18.50. Canner cows $14 to $16,50. Beef bulls $21 to $23.80. Veal calves $20 to $32.50. Fed heifers $22 to $25. Feeder steers $22 to $26. +* Feeder cows $160 to $210. Weaner calves $20 to $26 cwt. Fat hogs $22.50. Sows $16 to $20. Feeder pigs 020 t'o $23. Fat lambs $18 to $21. Ewes $8.50 to $12. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT FOR A P R IL 20 200 stock cattle from Jack Withers of Burns. 15 head of registered bulls from Billings, Mont. * — ----------1 CITTB P LA N Hi S S S T T Y Y L L E E R R E E V V IE IE W W The Nyssa Civic club will present a style review next Wednesday a f ternoon at the local theater at 3 o’ clock. Preceding the style show, a business meeting o f the members will hp h^lri at 2 nVlork at Lhp parish hall, at which time Mrs. Houston Wilson, the new civic club nresiflent will Dresent some im- " “ uems of “ els. ^ e s " e show is is under under tne the direction direction of of snow Mrs. J :e Sutherland, with Mrs. Ron Campbell chairman for the Golden Ru'e store: Mrs. A. C. Sallee for Bracken's, Mrs. Bernard Frost for Wilson’s and Mrs. Bumall Brown for the Ritzie shoppe. Mrs. J. L. Church will have charge of the music for the affair, presses will also be modeled by the adult clothing class members. The meet ing will be the annual Civic club guest day meeting, so that all women are Invited to attend. — 1-- E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton enter tained at their home Saturday ev ening with three tables of pino chle. High scores were held by Mrs. Walter Fox and W yatt Smith The traveling prizes went to Mrs. W al ter Fox and II. H. Kingrey. REPUBLICAN WOMEN of Nyssa are urged to register by April 20, in order to vote in the May 20 primary. Nyssa Republican Women’s Club Come in and get your FREE 52 iw u u Size SAMPLE DECAL EVERYBODY’S DIME STORE Nyssa, Oregon THEATRE Officers of Glr.l Scout troop No Kroom WaS attended Bob for Hill ,,nd Calvin Vertrees. by Ushers 6 were elected at a meeting held (he were Ellis and G ar. at the home of Mrs. Vern Parson old Horn, Richard Imbler and W al last Thursday afternoon. The new do Forsman. officers are Carolyn Vaughn, presi A reception honoring the couple dent: M arilyn Myers, reporter, and was held in the church parlors, M ary Jean nuusc, House, treasurer. treasurer. The w me Zol™a f ' S P‘ ^ ! ° Send a ° irl 800111 , k ltK l ° a needy glrl over- stnf? wlth tbe servln8 were Mrs. seas. Refreshments were served by 1 ^ ° ribble' £ “ * f ' T ^ Car° ' 1ter Hendereon and Warma Bar- Lundy, bara and Wiggins. sh lriey Pace had charge of the gift table. CO UPLE ENGAGED The bride will graduate from the Mr. and Mrs. James R. Osborn Parma high school in May. The of Parma, route 2. announce the ?room, who was graduated from the i engagement of their daughter, Jan- Parma high school in 1945, is em- ! ice Marie, to Paul R. Herring, son ployed at the Brower Plum bing1 o ff Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Herring of shop in Vale. Nyssa, route 1. — 5— . No date has been set for the wed- A M IT Y CLUB MEETS I ding. Miss Osborn is a student o Mrs. Ersel Beus was hostess to Parma high school, and Herring the members of the Nyssa Junior is bookkeeper for the Hollingsworth Women's Am ity club at her home corporation in Nyssa. Friday evening. Mi's. Frell Blair, the new club president, had charge E N T E R T A IN S TU E SD AY CLUB of the business meeting. New com Mrs. Bum all Brown entertained mittee chairmen appointed for the the members o f her Tuesday after coming year are social service, Mrs. noon bridge club at her home th is ' Ersel Beus; sick commitee, Mrs. week. Mrs. Henry Hartley won the ! T a ft Pett, entertainment, Mrs. prize for high score, and Mrs. J. J. Lloyd Lewis, and program, Mrs. Sarazin second. Guests for the Henry Zobell. Following the busi afternoon were Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, ness meeting, an evening of in Mrs. Henry Hartley, Mrs. J. L. formal entertainment was enjoyed, Herriman and Mrs. Ed Frost. with refreshments being served at the close of the evening to the N YS SA G IR L MARRTES 12 members. The next meeting will Hazel Ilene Graham, daughter of be held at the home of Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. C. A. W em ick of Vaughn. Nyssa, was married to Albert Clay of New Meadows March 27 in F A R E W E L L P A R T Y G IV EN Winnemucca, Nevada. The young Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storm en couple will make their home in tertained Sunday evening with a Centerville, where Mrs. Clay ■ is farewell party honoring Mr. and teaching school. Mr. Clay is an Mrs. Cecil Richards, who are leav employe of the Baumhoff-Marshall ing soon to make their home in gold dredging company. Nebraska. — 5— T O V IS IT LODGE MR. A N D MRS. CLUB MEETS Mrs. Pearl McClay of LaGrande, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer en associate grand conductress of the tertained the members of the W ed Eastern Star chapter of Oregon, nesday nig’h t Mr. and Mrs. club last will pay her official visit to Golden week. High score was held by W ar Rule chapter Saturday evening at ren Farmer, and second high by 8 o’clock. A school o f instruction Mrs. Glea Billings. Guests for the will be held. A t the regular meet evening were Mr. and Mrs. Grant ing Monday evening there will be i Rinehart. a dedication and affiliation. FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE... ...O R RAGING Mat., Sat., 2:30; Adm. 25c-5c. Inc. Tax A dm Evenings, 40c- 0c. Including Tax Bv TO GLORY... AD V EN TU RE . . ."B ig Red'»" sloshing hoots in mortal combat with a wild boar's savage dawsl SCENES NEVER BEFORE F U M E D os "B ig Red" brings you the screen thrill o f the year! SUNDAY & MONDAY, A P R IL 18 19 Come and hug "that Hagen girl” to your heart! For it’s spirit, it’s freshness; it’s a picture in a million that leaves you with a million mem ories ! Shirley Temple, Ronald Regan, Rory Calhoun and Harry Davenport in “ T H A T HAGEN G IR L” Special: "Power Behind the Nation" IT’S “ BIG RED” ...A L L THE WAY! Mat.. Sun.. 2:30; Adm. 30c-!*c, Inc. Tax Adm. Kvenings. 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. ________________ Adm. 25c-9c, lue. Tax W EDNESDAY & THURSDAY, A PR IL 21-22 Here in all it’s heart-pounding power comes the story of the most gallant horse, fighting to the death with a savage bear, racing to glory! “ RED S TA LLIO N ” Filmed in all the glorious colors of the west. With Ted Donaldson, Noreen Nash, Bob Paige, Jane Darwell and Guy Kibbee Adm. Evening», 40c-E\ Inc. Tax 5 - HOSTESS A T BRID G E P A R T Y B R O W N IE T R O O P MEETS Mrs. George Henneman entertain Brownie troop No. 1 entertained ed with three tables o f bridge at their mothers at a party last Thurs- her . home . . . Friday „ evening. The priz- day afternoon at the schoolhouse. es for high score was held by Mrs. A fter a short business meetin, „ program consisting of a skit and songs were given with each Brown — Public Accountant— ie taking part. Nineteen girls arc enrolled In this troop. The leaders Bookkeeping Service are Mrs. Durlin Hammon, Mrs. C lifford Fox and Mrs. Ralph Law Income Tax Service rence. Tentative plans were made Notary Public for the all G irl Scout tea to be given In the near future. Auditing Office and Accounting W O M E N 'S S O — C $— IE T Y T O MEET A meeting of the Women's Soc Systems iety of the Methodist church will John E. Denenk be held Thursday. April 22 at 2 549 North Fourth Street o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt. A review of articles Phone 178-M, Nyssa from the W orld Outlook will be given. A. V. C O O K Candidate For Republican Nomination for Sheriff of Malheur County at the Primary Election J r « ■ '\ æ ê I - ----- - FRIDAY, M A Y 21 I 8V2 yrs. of experience Vote 68 X for the man who is qualified Ño $ "Pretty Iron,” in used car parlance, means: a n 1 attractive appearing car but in bad condition mechanically, even though it doesn’t seem to be. You’ll find no "Pretty Iron” offered for sale in our used car department. As an authorized Ford dealer we have a rep utation to uphold. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. REAL VALUES IN FURNITURE A L L NEW MERCHANDISE C O O K IN G CLUB MEETS A meeting o f the third year 4-H cooking club of Adrian was held at the home flf Shirley Sparks last Thursday. The club, known FR ID A Y & SATU R D AY, A PR IL 16-17 Gerald Mohr— Nancy Saunders in “ LONE W O LF IN LONDON” Charles Starrett— Virginia Hunter in “ PH ANTO M V A L L E Y ” TUESDAY. A P R IL 20 Jean Porter in “ T W O BLONDES AND A REDHEAD” Charles Starrett and Smiley Burnette in “ W EST OF SONÒRA” - - - - - MEYERCORD PHONE 264 O NTARIO , OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. Phone IOÖ " — Saturday Specials W H ILE TH E Y LA S T ! * So Easy to Use and... * So Easy to Remove! Adults Only — Please! PROGRAM — THURSDAY, A PR IL 15, 1948 ----- — * ---------- - ~ = Ed Frost and second high by Mrs. as "Food for Beauty", discussed | fer Thompson demonstrated the Bud Wilson, Mrs. Dennis Patch,: PLEDGE VOW S Mrs. Houston Wilson, Mrs, Erma Miss Tempy Ann Horn, daughter Artie Robertson. Those for low vegetables. Ardis Hurst and Jenni -1 cooking of cauliflower and broccoli. Anderson and Mrs. M ary Pruyn. ! of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn of j score went to Mrs. Ron Campbell v ____ I Parma, and Raymond Charles Hild and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. E PISCO PAL G U IL D M EETS ^ pledged their vows In the Assembly — Mrs. Hilda Tensen entertained 1 o f God church in Nyssa, with Rev. E NG AG EM E N T ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Browne ; the members of the Episcopal guild ' Sterl Speisz performing the double- at her home Mondav evenlnu Mrs rin* cerem<>ny Preceding the cere- o f Nyssa have announced the en- J J S a r a d n i r^ided (Aer he h u i mon>' Mrs Blanche Sevy, aunt o f gagement o f their daughter, Martha A PR IL 17----- A L L D A Y ness me™ n g T which plam were the bride' « • * * " Alwa>s"' «ccom - Browne of Nyssa, to H. Scott Coul- dScussed f j r th e fr lo d [janied by Mrs. Helen Pearson' who ¡ter, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Cannon Dish Cloths ----- 5c Each held April 17 at Eder’s store The also played the wedding marches. Coulter o f Kendrick. Idaho. The vronD also olcd^ed a monthlv Jm The (andles were lighted by W an d acou p le will be married the first Children’s Chenille Bathrobes----- $1 oun[P to assist Rev* C L C a l ^ I ! 80011 and Bill>’ ***«■ ^ bride's part of June. Miss Browne is a Inn with car expenses Announce- wedding gown was of white satin ,! student at the Eastern Oregon men! was « m * made made That «nm* of nf the the and her bouquet of roses, frezias College of Education and Mr. Coul- ment that some W ILSON BROS. DEPARTM ENT STORE ter is mathematics instructor in members are selling dish cloths a s , and _ . stephanatus. . .. __ . . the college. a guild project. Refreshments were br^ ^ af att0^ f b^ r — 4— served by the hostess. £ ,m ^ d ^ i l H o^ a n ^ l“ G IR L SCOUTS ELECT ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY NYSSA m ■«•tft-tio« mm GLORIOUS COLORS O F The G r e a t M K R I FAKE NOREIN NASH rQOONAlDSON 'RED STALLION’, >'• C IN IC O IO R m n «Meet - MM dmwiu ^TRITTS» '• W EDNESDAY AND THURSDAY April 21 and 22 Admission 40c-9c, Inc. Tax Nyssa Theatre NEWS VIEWS B Y LEW H E R R IM AN Scientists from the American Mu seum o f Natural History have just finished a study of the habits of ants— and they claim the idea that ants work hard is, strictly propa ganda. As Durante says, “ Dis is humiliatin'.” Solomon urged us to "go to the ant. thou sluggard." Now we find the ant is lazier than a three-toed sloth on a hot day. The scientific wreckers of our state-of- mlnd report that 40"; of the ants spend their entire day lolling ar ound the nest. This is our second natural-history disappointment. The first was Abe Martin's comment. Bees ain't really so busy. They just can't buzz any slower". Gordon Ray says that he doesn't agree with this theory, because when he Is buzzin'. he Is busy. * In Louisiana, wood is being made into wood molasses to feed cattle I should think the milkers would be afraid of getting slivers in their fingers. It won’t take much "moo- la" to have the motor of your car carefully overhauled bv the experts at the H E R R IM A N M O TO R C O M P A N Y It's the smart tiling to do. I right about this time of year, be- | case then you'll be all set for that | summer vacation trip! And for easier riding, be sure you have us j Marfak your car— It's Texaco's fa- I mous chassis lubricant, that saves the working parts of A N Y auto-1 mobile Phone: 77. H e r r im a n m o t o r CO. BATTE R Y RADIO Regular Plastic Case, 8 inches long, 4 inches high. $29.50 Phonograph RECORD CHANGER Plays 12 ten-inch rec ords. 49.50 Special $19.50 29.50 Fibreboard Storage CHESTS With castors. Size same as trunk. 4.98 2.98 Mirrored SHADOW BOX Three shelves. Hard wood frame. 5.95 2.50 CH AIN SWINGS Hardwood seats. Ideal for children. 4.95 2.49 Leatherette Covered Tilt-Back CARD TABLE * Adjustable to coffee table height. Ideal for a student desk. 12.50 6.00 NYSSA FURNITURE CO.