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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON ren's home and the state peniten- SUNSET FARMERS PLANTING POTATOES tiaiy 111 Boise last WedJie3d*y- _______ I David Allen Wilson was an over- THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1918 PA G E SEVEN Rataezyk. L eg al A dvertisin g ' place, to wit: The Grade School LOST— Black cocker spaniel, be Too Late To Classify tween Mr. and Mrs. A1 Doughty and - ^ THE COUNTY COU RT OE building, in the City of Nyssa with Langton's corner and Owy- children- of Parma were dinner t h e STATE OF OREGON FOR in said proDosed district, and that AOR SALE— Dalhia bulbs, $1 80 hee dam An"wers nalne of ^ ddle- SUNSET VALLEY, April 15— Fruit 1118111 vlsltor at the Jim Robb home guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Field THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR the entire body of land embraced loam . aU different. Mrs Du k I Re* ud- 0311 F*"leV Shuster, 23-W. In thr mattrr of the formation of within the boundaries of said dis Groot, Columbia avenue, Nyssa, j Sunday. trees are In bloom. Most farmers last lMiday and Saturday, 15Alxc. COMMI'NITY PARK AND trict as hereinbefore described, Charles Ditty and Mary Query NYSSA have been planting potatoes this Mr' an<1 Mrs' John Strickland, attended route J2. ----------------------------- 15A2xp. | £ £ £ SALE_ 1946 o.M.C. 214 ton RECREATION DISTRICT shall constitute one voting pre- a farm sale Tuesday near Mrs. Lila Mitchell and son, Val, Notus and bought a cow and heifer. Order Determining Boundaries and cinrt for the purpose of said elec- WANTED— Single mhn wants farm truck, 8'» 12-ply tires, 2-speed axle, past week. and Mrs. M. A. Ratazeyk were Bemad ine Price was hostess to Directing Election to be Held ition. vork. Cleve Johnson, route 1, Nys- | vacuum brakes. 14-foot new beet Marian Price was a guest at a . Mr. all in Ontario on business one day the “Just So" 4-H members last The petition of Wilbur W. Fos-1 IT IS HERFBY FURTHER OR- sa. C o Raymond Carpenter. bed. Darwin Jensen, route 2. Nys- bridal shower honoring Mrs. Ray fast week. Saturday afternoon. The April 17 ter and more than 25% of the DERED and DECREED that Mar- 15Alxp. I sa. 15A3xp. Landau at the home of Joyce Kurtz I Mrs. Clarence Reed was ill all meeting resident freeholders of certain lands jorie Eastman. Joyce Lienkaenvper will be held at the home the boundaries of which are set land Ida Miner, who are three com- Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Landau.1 last week, but is feeling better. of Mrs. Glenn Strickland. f ’rth in raid petition, proposing petent and qualified persons and who was tne I Turner's LaSt Sunday' wind chicken ufted house 03811 Rev. and Mrs. J. A. McMatt and the wno was recently recently married mairled, Ls ls tne i2 by s 16 organization of a park and resident freeholders of said pro- Rev. and dinner Mrs. guests E. J. Wilson former atsy DeHaveiL , ?ff foundation. The building, I Sunday of Mr. were and recreation district pursuant to the posed district, are hereby appointed Irvin Wolfe purchased 26 head formerly facing south, is now facing Mrs E j Hobson Rev McMatt provisions of Chapter 327. Oregon a Board of Election for said elec- of white-face steers at Caldwell, east. Two electric Ught poles were ls che ' s t r ic t superintendent of law s. 1941. having been filed with tion. Wednesday. i also broken. this Court on March 23, 194« at IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR- church Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmiek were I Ted Howell, formerly of Nyssa, the W. Naaarene a special meeting and term of the DERED and DECREED that the T. Cannon is around again Ontario visitors Tuesday evening, spent several days visiting his after his recent illness. County Court held <om said date, Clerk of this Court shall give not- FARMERS TO GROW SEED ON CONTRACT Dimmiek attended the meeting of friend, Charlie McCoy. Howell, who, Mr an{1 Mrs Nell nimmick were and upon the Ming of su-h pet- ice of said election so to be held, the fair board ¡spent five years in the navy, rec- supper g ^ t s of Mr.'and Mrs. Roy ition accompanied by a bond in by publication of notice of election We want to place some contracts among Mrs. Charles Share suffered from ently received his discharge. Ho- Holmes last Sunday evening the sum of three hundred t *300' once each week for at least four farmers for the growing of turnip and a sprained ankle last week. j well's mother, brother and sister Mr an<1 Mrs E]Ver Nielsen were ^otlairs vhi"h was approved by the <4) successive weeks, being five . mustard seeds. Kenneth, JoAnn and Marian' are now living in Portland. guests of Mr and Mrs. Wilson County Court and Which is deem - 1 (5) consecutive publications prior Price and members of the high | Those taking their cattle out on winter last Saturday evening, roving the formation of said D is-’to the date of the holding of such These varieties will produce seed this year, school journalism class visited the the range the past week were Wil- Mrs Marie Black of Nyssa was ed sufficient to cover the probable election, in the Gate City Journal, Idaho Statesman office, the child- bur Chapin, Lew McCoy and Mike an overnight guest at the home cost of organizing said district and a newspaper published in Nyssa, in early fall. ' • of Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy Wed a certified copy of a resolution of Oregon, and having a general cir- See us at once if you have a piece of ground the City Council of the City of culaticn within the boundaries of nesday evening. suitable for this. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis were Nyssa, Malheur Countv, Oregon,.the proposed district and that the dinner guests at the Harold Five- hiving been filed therewith, app- notice so published shall describe trict: and the County Court having the boundaries of the proposed dLs- coat home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Ditty. Mary Query, fixed a time and place for the trict, shall designate the name of Rev. and Mrs. Joe Dodson, Walter hearing of said petition and hnv- the proposed district and shall not Reeves, and Mrs. D. Splesz motored ing ordered notice of such hearing ify the resident freeholders of said PHONE 74, PARMA — PHONE 144-J, NYSSA to Baker Wednesday to attend the *o be given by publication thereof preposed district that they will be fellowship meeting of the eastern for at least two (2) weeks in the required to cast ballots containing Oregon district of the Assembly Gate City Journal, a weekly news- the words “I vote in favor of the DELIVERED IN TON LOTS, oaner of general circulation pub- creation of Nyssa Community Park of God Church. Mrs. Thomas Nishitani and Mrs. lished in the City of Nyssa, Mai- j and Recreation District” or “I TRUCKLOADS, OR CARLOAD Sig Murakami were guests of Mrs. heur County, Oregon, and said ne- vote against the creation of Nyssa fition having also been published Community Park and Recreation ’ George Sugai of Fruitland Monday in Gate City Journal for District” or words equivalent there- j evening at a pink and blue shower two said SHIPMENTS (3) weeks and this m atter, to and shall also give notice of the I honoring Mrs. Roy Hashitani. , Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Anderson having came on regularly to be date, time and place where such I and Oscar Anderson were Saturday heard on the 7th day of April, I election will be held. ! evening guests at a late pinochle 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M„ | IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR- i psriv at the Cash Turner home. being the time fixed by the County l DERED and DECREED that at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiner and Court for such hearing, and Har-1 said election there shall be elect- ! Dirlene were Sunday dinner guests old Henlgson. the attorney for the ed three dlrectors-at-large, whose 98 SOUTH THIRD STREET at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud petitioner, having appeared and terms shall expire In one, two and presented to and filed herein the three years, respectively, from the Charland. 1st Tuesday in January next suc Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Nelson and affidavits of the publisher of the ceeding their election and whose daughter were dinner guests of Gate City Journal, a newspaper respective terms shall be decided Mr. and Mrs. Robert Piercy of published in Nyssa, Malheur Coun by lot. Nominations for members tv. Oregon, showing by said aff Nv=sa last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hillis, Manon idavits of publication that the not of the Board of Directors shall be Hillis and Collen and Jay, all of ice of hearing and the petition made by petition Of not less than OWYHEE RIDING CLUB Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis herein had been given by publica ten (10) resident freeholders with- , Mitchell were Sunday dinner guests tion thereof for two (2) successive in said proposed district which | at the Walter Hillis home. The weeks, the first publication of said nominating petition shall be filed ; Boise guests also visited at the notice of hearing and petition be with the County Court at least fif (15) days prior to said elec i Ora Newgen home in the after ing March 25, 1948 and the second teen publication thereof being April 1. tion, and the Clerk of this Court noon. is directed and shall cause the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishiani 1948 and said notice of hearing and of the persons so nominated ! attended the J.C.L. meeting Sat petition as so puubished having names be placed on the ballots as can urday at the Ontario community stated the boundaries of such pro- to nosed District and said notice of didates for the respective offices hall. Conserve your water. Don’t waste. Unless Fred McCoy of Audubon, Iowa, hearing having stated the time for which they have been nomin | who has been visiting his brother, and place of hearing and having ated. water conditions change for the better within Lew McCoy, left Tuesday for Iowa. required that all persons interest Dated at Vale, Oregon this 7th Mrs. Margaret Terra has moved ed therein show cause why an or day of April, 1948. Irwin Troxell the next sixty days, you will be restricted to to Nyssa and is now living in a der should not be made describ County Judge ing the exterior boundaries of said cottage by the Star hotel. A. P. Goodell Ora Newgen and his sister, Mae District as determined by said four feet per acre delivery. County Commissioner Bagwell, went to Madras Tuesday County Court ana directing that an John L. Caldwell, Jr. to visit the Leonard Newgen fami election be held in said proposed By order of Board of Directors County Commissioner several days. Mrs. Florence Rich district pursuant to Chapter 327 Adm. $1, Inc. Tax ly ________________ KA/PPS ORCHESTRA „___ __ of of Oregon Laws. 1941. Now at this ATTEST: ardson of Parma ____ was a _ guest OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Mrs. Ora Newgen while Newgen time, being the date, time and H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. place fixed by said Court for such First pub. April 15. 1948. and his sister were gone. hearing, the Court proceeded with Last pub. May 13, 1948. ¡said hearing of such petition and received the testimony off several witnesses with respect thereto and in favor of the organization of said For that Spring Clean-Up... nrooosed District and of the boun daries thereof as set forth in said petition and no persons having Paint-Up Urge— U se. . . appeared at such hearing in opp osition thereto and the hearing on said petition having been conclud- I ed. now therefore, TT T<4 HEREBY ORDERED AND | DECREED that the petition as pre sented herein be. and the same is ; approved and that the exterior boundaries of such proposed Dis trict shall be as follows: Beginning at a point where the tx.«***’* I half section line running e’ *t and west through Sect ten 33, Township 1«. Range 47 e . W. M„ inter sects the west bank of the Snake V«'«1' River, thence running due west on î/JAL the half section line through Sec tions 33 . 32 and 31. Twshp. 18 S , .fctk-w Range 47 E.W.M. and on half section line through Section 36. **hT' Township 18 S., Range 46 to the western boundary line of Section 36. Township 18 S., Range 46: thence southerly along the west boundary line of Section 36, Town- chip 18 S.. Range 45 to the north boundary line of Section 2, Town- chin 19 S.. Range 46, E.W M.; thence No other paints are enriched westerly on said north- line of Sec tion 2: Township 19 8.. Range 46 with special ’’Vitolized Oils E.W.M.: to the west line of said Section 2; thence southerly on the YES, the farmer whose employee for livt-paint protection I line of said Section 2 to the hs'f section line of Section 3, Town G E N E R A L P R O T E C T IO N suffered a broken hack was liable, ship 19 S.. Ranee 46. EW M.: then ce westerly along the half section G e n e ra l of A m e rica 's Special hut GENERAL OF AMERICA paid ittsburgh Point* give line to the western boundary of Blanket Liability Policy for Farm c-a-id Section 3. Township 19 S.. outstanding valuo bo- everything—medical expenses and Range 46: thence southerly along ers with supplements which may cause the "vitolized oMs" the western boundary line of said be added provides in O N E , a ll- com pensatory dam age! Every Section 3 and Section 10 to the used make them live, embracing policy this MULTIPLE northeast comer of Section 16, tough, and olastlc— to farmer and rancher should have Township 19 S.. Range 46: thence insurance! westerly along the section lines to koep thorn bottor and the northeast comer cf Section 18 this famous FARMERS’ SPECIAL • A G A IN S T d a m a g e cfa/m i w h lth woar longer. You can Township 19 S., Range 45; thence m ight b e entered by employee• or southerly along the section line to guests. [Autom atically pays up to BLANKET LIABILITY' POLICY. count on P itts b u rg h Pittsburgh the Township line between Town $500 medical costs to each person Paints for long lasting, ships 19 and 20: thence westerly Injured.] It protects at low cost against just e Need l along said township line to the money saving results. • AGAINST most losses of livestock northwest comer of Section 6, about every conceivable hazard and farm machinery through fire, Township 20 S Range 45: thence theft or flood. southerly along the range line be which can cause financial loss to tween ranges 44 EW.M. and 45 E. • AGAINST burglary or loss through S U N -P R O O P W A L L H ID I WATCRSPAR P LO R H ID I WM. to the northwest comer of fire of ho u se h o ld and p e rs o n a l farm or ranch owners. ENAMEL Section 6. Township 21 8-, Range Superior exterior Paint Wondar working oil The Floor Paint that possessions. 45 EW.M: thence easterly along Quick-drying Enam el — — contains "vitolized bos# point—covers any withstands haavy foot • AGAINST automobile damages or the hown'hip line between Town- iv e s w oodw ork en d oils'*— Primer seals audace— uniform rich traffic—uea it on floors g furniture loss through theft or fire. -hios 20 S and 21 8 . to the Snake You owe it to yourielf and your new beauty thoroughly—Two coats theen coating—can ba and atapa cf wood, ce River: thence northeasterly along • AGAINST a multitude of unforeseen and added life— resists fa m ily to get ALL THE FACTS the west bank of the Snake River do the work of three. waahed repeatedly. marring— cleans easily. ment. metal or worn li damage claims and losses. about thit “ Blanket of Protection . ” to the point of beginning. $QOO »0°° *o°° *0 0 ° noleum. IT TS HEREBY FURTHER OR Mail coupon TODAY. DERED AND SECREED that an election be held within the pro posed district upon the question Como in today for PRIE booklet, "Color Dynamics for Your Homo" of whether or not the Nyssa Com munity Park and Recreation Dis trict shall be organized pursuant to teh provisions of Chapter 32 of RENSTRO M IN SU RAN CE Oregon Laws 1941. _____ IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR DERED and DECREED that an general A G EN CY . election shall be held on Wednes JOHN OSTROM, OWNER day, May 26. 1948 between the hours if 8 00 o’clock in the morn NYSSA, OREGON ing and 5 00 o'clock in the after noon of said day of election, and that there rfiall be one polling WANTED BALED HAY W .F.JAH N WATTS SEED CO. Notice To Water Users Of DANCE Owyhee Irrigation District Boulevard Grange Hall Saturday, April 17 FARM HAND BREAKS BACK In Serious Fall While at Work FV‘L » j: « ».*«. V*A>*< 1 a »H K & W i t , 0 KAÎ- ‘ ~ / „ »« « * * * «V.*. NYSSA LUMBER CO.