Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
W O M A N ATTENDS F U N E R A L IN U T A H U PPE R SUNSET, April 15 Mr and Mrs Albert Notheis and Clar- ice were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clonlnger Sunday. Mrs. Deb Garner was called to Utah last week to attend a funeral o f a relative. Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman and children were guests in the Deb G am er home Sunday. Wayne Berrett purchased a new Ford truck last week. The "Just Sew” 4-H club met at the home of Joe Stephens Sat urday, with M ary Ann Cates as hostess. In the absence of the lead er, Mrs. Strickland, the assistant leader, Ruth Berrett, took charge. The girls worked on their crocheted potholders. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. George Folkman of Oregon T rail were Wednesday ev ening guests in the Roy Rookstool home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and children spent Sunday at the J. C. Rookstool home near Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clonlnger returned home last week from Portland, where they had spent command school, Keck was sta several weeks on business. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt Sunday. | were In Caldwell Friday. ! Vale were visitors In M r and Mrs Finishes Army Course Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett and Mi's. Davis left Monday for Her- 1 Vlr and Mrs. W illis Bertram and o le n n Hansens home Sunday af-| Pfc. Dalas Keck, of route 1, Nys- tioned at Keesler field, Missouri. sa, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keck, children have returned home from miston, Oregon, after visiting sev- <c f>° <the '^Ov^yhee^Rid-ng“ club ' ternoon- To Attend School— who rode and panicked at Double | Joan Webb. Wilbur Jackson, Don- ! recently graduated from the R-2000 I * trip to Roy, Utah, where they eral days with her granddaughter, Pfc. Leo E. Toombs o f Nyssa Mountain Sunday. ’ aid Elliot, and Donald Hatch were [ Power Plant course at Chanute accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mrs. Wallace Gregg. was recently selected to attend the Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver among a group o f young people who field, Illinois. The duration of the G am er last week. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams were and G ary were Sunday dinner went to Boise to attend a motor- course was eight weeks. Prior to signal school at Ft. Monmouth, New Mrs. Charles Durfee went to in Boise Monday. — * ------ cycle race. guests at the Lloyd Cleaver home attending this air force training Jersey. New Plymouth to the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Dalles Rogers and and later attended the K and K Junior Matthews was In Boise son, Dee, and brought home her Linda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. drive-tn picture show. over the week-end visiting his wife infant grandson to care for while Jack Sweaney Sunday, Grover McSweaney spent sev and baby son. T h e baby has been his mother is recuperating from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goshert and eral days last week in Portland to very 111 the past few months. mumps. T h e baby had recently fam ily and Mrs. Cassie Goshert of be with a sister, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. C lifford Looney of been In the Boise hospital with Boise and Mrs. Nora Ray of Nyssa | Mrs. Eugene Cleaver a nek Shar- Caldwell visited relatives in A d pneumonia. were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. rell were Sunday dinner guests rian Sunday afternoon. Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing ------------------------ I H. A. Dlven Sunday. Arch Parker has been working at the Fivecoat home. — Contact— D IN N E R PARTIES Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenic and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen at B ill Toomb's place the past I I r -1 p v I M n i p M i a w n children, Betty, Bobby and Anita, are living on the Irvin C allah an . few days. I1 C .L U UN K I C H L A I N L i ..pent Sunday In the Blue moun- farm, which they recently pur- Mrs. C. G. Brown and Kristine ’ tains. Korm an spent Tuesday with Mr. chased. R IC H LAN D , April 15— Miss Ellen Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Runcorn, and Mrs. R. E. Eastman in Cald-1 McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. E. Lundy and Mrs. W. C. well. NYSSA, OREGON Virgil McGee' returned home Sun Lundy and sons left Thursday M A N Y V IS IT IN C. G. Brown and Robert B ro w n ! W e Guarantee Our W ork For One Year day after attending the Job's morning for Portland attended a Dependable grocermen’s A D R IA N SECTIO N Daughters grand session in Port Mrs. E. H. Brandt entertained meeting Tuesday night In Cald Free Estimates— Phone 196-J land for three days. Miss McGee Mrs. Ray Russell, Mrs. Cecil Go- A D R IA N , April 15— Mrs. W. W. well. held the office of the keeper of wen and Mrs. Tom Bumingham at Webb and fam ily were in Caldwell Mrs. Betty Korm an and daughter, the lights during the grand session. a bridge foursome Wednesday a f Saturday afternoon shopping. Kristine, spent part of last week Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams left ternoon. Mrs. G. E. Mackey has been ill with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eastman Tuesday night for Portland to be Dianne Pfeiler of Ontario was at her home the past week. in Caldwell. with Mr. Adam's brother-in-law, a week-end guest of Carolyn Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown en R ay Mecham and Shirley Smith George Bacolas, during a major Brandt. were visitors at the Owyhee dam tertained a group o f people at a operation, and returned home F ri Loyd Adams and Harland Diven visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landau pinochle party Wednesday evening day. attended the Grange agriculture Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and Dale Ashcraft won high price for Mr. and Mrs Tom Bumingham committees meeting in Ontario children were overnight guests in men and -Mrs. Herbert Thomas of Nyssa were dinner guests of Mr. Monday evening. Mr. Davis’ parents home at V a le ' won high prize for women. Low Mr. and Mrs. Schenk were dinner Saturday n ig h t prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C liff Beck- Mr. and Mrs. Rone Mecham of Lambert Dierking. stead Thursday. PLUMBING Brower Plumbing Shop EASIER DITCHING THROUGH FRED B R A U N Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W For Your Plumbing & Heating Phone 266-W Nyssa Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed C A R L & B U R T ’S M A C H IN E S H O P When In Need O f Overhauling — T R A C T O R S OR T R U C K S — C A L L US FOR Q U IC K SER VIC E W e take care of all your needs from the Smallest to the Largest — Machine Lathe W ork of A ll Kinds— PHONE 269-W We Wish To Thank our many friends and customers for their flowers, telegrams and best wishes bn our opening. Wilson’s Super-Market PHONE 21----- SECOND AND GOOD AVE. — FREE PARKING AND D ELIVERY— A GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS 4-door Buick Sedan. Guaranteed cond. 4-door Chevrolet. Good motor, radio. W illys Americar 4-door sedan. G.M.C. one-half ton pickup. Used Willys Jeep. Guaranteed condition. Used Willys Jeep. Guaranteed condition. Chevrolet truck. Good motor and tires. Diamond T. truck with hoist. O U T -O U R -W A Y C L U B IS E N T E R T A IN E D BUENA V IS T A, April 15— Mrs. Loyd Cleaver entertained the Out Our Way club at her home Thurs day afternoon, with 11 members answering roll call with “Something I About Spring” . Mrs. Glen H off- iman was In charge of games, with Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mrs. Jim Ritchie winning prizes. Mrs. Glen Hoffm an and Mrs. Jim Ritchie gave a report on the meeting of the hospital auxiliary which they attended. Refreshments o f cake, jeilo and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at the Lester Cleaver home in May. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., attended a dinner in honor o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith o f Green- leaf on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Smith's 69th wedding anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and Berniece Bowen were in Weiser Saturday. James O. Stephen attended the F.F.A. conference at Klam ath Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver .spent Sunday at Mike Halley's home near Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram were in Ontario Wednesday. Mrs. Leslie T op liff and Mrs. W il lis Bertram attended the Chatter Box club meeting at the E. C. Terhune home Friday. Mrs. Magnus Ekanger was a din ner guest at the George Cleaver home Wednesday. John Dewey and Alva Goodell, Jr., spent Saturday night at the Henry Estrick home near Meridian. Mrs. Fred Stephen entertained the Pleasant Hour club at her home Thursday afternoon, with 10 members attending. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attend ed a riding club meeting a t the Roy Holmes home Wednesday ev ening. Those from this community at tending the Associated Club meet ing in Ontario Saturday were Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Glen Hoffman, Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. Leslie T op liff, Mrs. W illis Bertram, Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mrs. Janies Ste phen, Sr,, Mrs. A lva Goodell, Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., and Bernice Bowen. A pink and blue shower was held at the James Stephen, Jr., home tn honor of Mrs. Eugene Cleaver Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Stephen and Mrs. H. Julun were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Newsom land children o f Nyssa spent W ed nesday evening at the George Cleaver home. Mr. and Mrs. New som are leaving for California to locate. Instead o l Mr. and Mrs. T op liff building a basement house as re ported last week, they are building a five-room modern residence. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Sr., -------Trade your car in on a new 1948 Jeep------- Highest Market Prices Allowed. Watts Motor Company NYSSA, OREGON THE Tough Stuff! — SEE— E. W . P R U Y N 1940 1941 1941 1942 1947 1946 1936 1937 T IIURSDAY, A P R IL 15, 1948 T H E NYSSA G A T E CITY, J O U R N A L , NYSSA, O REGO N P A G E SIX We invite you to hear Jam es Melton ONTARIO, ORE. To The Voters Of Malheur County. Robert L. ‘Bob’ Davis M A L H E U R C O U N T Y SH ERIFF F R ID A Y , M A Y 21 I have had several years of law enforcement experience. I promise, if elected, to devote my undivided attention to the administration of the office. I will serve the county faithfully and well. I will extend courtesy to all and partiality to none. iN n M L iM M a iiH iu n M m m M R M iim iitM u m u iiitiiim iu M M » Lee’s Auto Court DOUBLE WING — Formerly Red’s Cabins— W e are here to serve you! Stop and see us. G A S— OIL— TIRES— ACCESSORIES Battery Charging and Batteries Cabins for Rent by Month Candy and Cigarettes Fog Lights, Spot Lights, Most Anything You All-steel, electrically welded Double Wing Chattin Ditch ers build ditches in stubble, sod, heavy soil or gravel with the greatest of ease and efficiency. The exclusive curved mold board wings slice ahead smoothly, roll * the dirt up evenly and build strong, uni form banks. The wings, wheels and beam are quickly adjustable to make any size ditch. Clean ditches perfectly in one trip through, and leave a clear, flat-bottomed ditch that carries a maximum volume of water. “Harvest of Stars’’ NOW Am erica's Favorite Tenor NE T W O R K AT A NEW TIME •vary Wednesday Night Starting April 7 9:30 to 10 P.M. Eastern Tim e —at lower cost THERE'S A CHATTIN FOR EVERY N E E D - MADE IN \ 2 SIZES “ The House of Oliver” Owner, Lee Lane NYSSA If LEINT CO. Stunz and Thomas The rialheur County “KEEP Y O U R CREDIT G O O D !” Credit Board is a member of an inter-state organization of business and professional men to improve credit conditions, operating in eveiy county in Oregon and Idaho and in more than 20 other states. MONTHLY DELINQUENT LISTS ARE ISSUED Delinquent debtors are trailed from county to county, and from state to state. Members exchange information through the medium of our state office, reporting those who do not properly respect their credit. We do not guess at credit information, but in our report to members, we list debtor’s names, addresses and the amount of their indebtedness. ALL DEBTORS NOTIFIED Before listing the name of any debtor we give him or her due notice and ample time in which to take care of their past due accounts. It is not our purpose to embarrass any man. rich or poor, who does his or her best to meet their obligations. Names of debtors are not removed for any reason until their accounts are paid. The Man Who Pays Is Welcome Anywhere! The Man Who Does Not Pay Soon Becomes a Social Outcast! UNPAID CLAIMS OFFERED FOR SALE Where payment is persistently refused unpaid claims arc offered to the highest bidder, and are sold for whatever they will bring for the benefit of the creditor. We are not operating a collection agency—debtors must pay direct to their creditors. No filing fees are asked and no docket fees charged. When collections are made you get the money! No contracts to sign and regret. No commissions charged on collections. G O O D CREDIT IS Y O U R GREATEST ASSET IT P A Y S T O P A Y W H E N Y O U A R E N O T IF IE D Pioneer Service County Credit Board The Merchants’ Own Organization ON CBS BETTER DITCHES —in Jess time FOR SALE BY Need for Your Car. on N N M M N M M IM M ■ HI M il H H 11 il K M il il il M M m i l l II il il 1111 II II II 11II 111 il II 11 II W h l l l l l l Unopposed Candidate on the Democratic Ticket for the office of W ITH THE The Nyssa Elevator Signal Service Gordon’s Drive-In Tobler’s Feed and Fuel Hollingsworths’, Inc. Stunz Lumber Co. Golden Rule Store Gate City Journal Nyssa Lumber Co. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Brown’s Mercantile, Adrian Nyssa Packing Co. O R E G O N -ID A H O -T T A H -N E V A D A DIV ISIO N State and Divis. O ffice: I.O.O.F. Bldg.. B * 471 . Eugene, Or. "the best and cheapest collection service in America” i A f u ll h a lf - h o u r o f fin e m u s ic a n d s p a r k lin g d r a m a O W YH EE TRUCK AND IM P L E M E N T CO. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Watch for the green and black handbills with ssrremt* for sale' Listen to Radio Station K S R V days, Pridays and Saturdays at 10:15 a m : Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays at 12:30 p_m Pioneer Service Credit inform ation Is most valuable Oregon and Idaho since 1926 ‘Pay Up and Keep Your Credit Good” ! Mondays. Wednes