Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JO U RN AL, N Y SSA , OREGON T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 15. = OW YHEE OFFICERS | Chamberlain April 22, instead OF P T A ELECTED with Mrs' Kenneth McDonald of | erring Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walters, and Mrs. Nellie Newbill j were visitors in Parma Monday. as Homer Brewer and daughters, Mr. ¡and Mrs. Donald Hite and son, * _1__ previously announced. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy called | Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and in the Jesse Gregg home in Sun- . OWYHEE,, April 15— The O K K , Mrt Do? aldw B'jewf r entertained son. and Mr and Mrs. Alvin F.k- ... ‘ , ... _ , . . for her husband in observance set valley Monday evening. club will meet with Mrs. Raleigh of his blrthday Wednesday ev- aiuer and sons. Mrs. Henry Slippy is visiting her | Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer were hosts at a dinner Monday daughter, Mrs. Bob Rice, this week. ; V'MVWWWvVvVVAWWVtVV W W M W W m H V V W t tW evening for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quackenbush I Mr. and Mrs. Paul House. Mr. of Spokane called on several people | and Mrs. Charles Share. Mr. and in this community last week. Mr. Mrs. Vic Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer and Mr. and and Mrs. Quackenbush were here Mrs. Oce Schweizer. for a visit with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Chamber- i and Mrs. Tom Lowe. lain and Jimmy were dinner guestsj Sunday in the Russell Patton, Sr., home. AVIATOR LANDING Mrs. George Nein left Thursday1 PLANE ON FARMS for her home in Colorado after spending the last two weeks here NEWELL HEIGHTS, April 15— Ken with her daughter, Mrs. Werner Arnold of Boise has been landing Peutz. lis plane at some of the farms Mrs. Lee Householder, Mrs. Ruth the past week, selling fire exting McConnell and Mrs. Gertrude uishers. Jackson were business visitors in, Mrs. M. M. Greeting, a form er: Caldwell Monday. ELDER JAMES MORRELL BUNN resident of this community, visited | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald :n Newell Heights last week. She and children were Sunday visitors son of M r. and Mrs. Ernest Bunn Mothers—Your Favorites are ini in Homedale. of Nyssa, formerly of Ontario, wll. vas an overnight guest at the Carl Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz were leave April 12 for Salt Lake City, Hill home. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz are visitors in the Henry Peutz home where he will enter training for visiting at the Bill Kurtz home in Payette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and missionary work in the California n North Powder. Mr. and Mrs. Dud Kurtz were Maxine were Saturday evening din- mission. He will be accompanied j ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don to Salt Lake City by his parents. overnight guests at the M. L. Kurtz dome Friday night. ¡Franklin in Nyssa. A farewell party was given in his Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam were i Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Miller and honor in the first ward chapel I daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- before his departure April 13. business callers in Ontario Mon- I ter Knee, all of Wilder, were Sun- Bunn graduated from Nyssa high lay. Shirley Smith and Roy Mecham \ day dinner guests in the T. H. school in 1946, attended Brigham visited at the Owyhee flam Sunday. Looking for those soft flannelette d ia Brewer home. Young university at Provo, Utah Dick Stam was among the young p ers? W e have them! V E L V E L E 1 T E | Charles Witty brought pupils from for one year. ueople who attended the races in 1 the second, third and fourth grades D IA P E R S are mothers’—and b a b i^ ’— 3oise Sunday. j of the Wade school to Owyhee favorites because they’re easy on tender Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson of ] Friday afternoon to compete in T. H. Brewer Monday evening. Nyssa visited at the Charlie New young skins; absorbent and simple to a spelling match against pupils Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hite made bill home Sunday. of the Owyhee school. Owyhee won a trip to Burns last week. While wash. Y ou ’ ll like the budget price, too. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bigelow of the match between second graders, there they visited Fred Hite. but Wade won in the third and Mrs. Garret Stam of Nyssa show Owyhee visited at the home of They’re fast sellers—so hurry over! fourth grade contests. ed pictures, which she had taken Mrs. Nellie Newbill Sunday, Betty Newbill was an overnight Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Lewis and on her trip to Holland, and told guest at the home of her grand interesting facts concerning them Mary Lou and David of Wilder A [Cone) P ro d u c t were dinner guess of Mr. and Mrs. to the children at Owyhee school parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison in Nyssa. Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Smith and APPLETON COMPANY A pre-school clinic was held Tuesday morning at the Owyhee Patricia were Ontario visitors Fri- schoolhouse. Mrs. Charlie Culbert iay. Visiting at the Carl Hill home son was chairman for the summer the past week-end were Mr. Vores Insurance Real Estate round-up sponsored by the P.T.A. of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Hill’s Mrs. Martha Klingback and Fred were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. two daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Garett Timmerman and Mrs. Jay Duncan in Payette. Msr. Wilson Winter and Mrs. are moving into their new home. Phone 64 Gary Smith was ill and absent Claude Skinner attended a meeting from school last week. for the parents and leaders of Nv«sa. Oregon tV V V W W V W W V W W W W V V W V W Mrs. Joe White visited relatives Cub Scouts in Ontario Friday ev here this week. ening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Southwlck and The Owyhee P.T.A. met at the schoolhouse April 8. Officers were two sons of Roy, Utah, and Mr. elected for the coming year as and Mrs. Herman Stoker of Burley follows: Mrs. Clyde Hoke, presi were week-end guests at the Leslie dent; Mrs. Claude Wilson, vice Stoker home. Joyce Stoker was a Sunday vis- I president; Mrs. Claude Skinner, itor at the Jorgenson home near | secretary, and William Cook, treas urer. The nominating committee Parma. Shirley Smith and Roy Mecham was composed of Mrs. Wilson Win visited at the Rone Mecham home ter, Mrs. Charley Culbertson, and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Refresh in Vale Saturday night. Mrs. W. W. Smith and Mrs. ments of apple pie, coffee, and C. W. Matthews visited at the cocoa were ^Served by Mrs. Earl Dave Matthews home Friday ev Crocker and Mrs. Clyde Hoke. Several ladies from ths communi ening. ty attended the associated club meeting Saturday in Ontario. Mrs. Houston Dunaway and daughter, Jackie, were in Ontario Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Parma were dinner guests in the Gerald Slippy home. Vernon Slippy returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones of Boise spent the week-end with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters. Bob Rice went to Nampa on busi ness Monday. Mrs. Byrd Walters, Mrs. Ellis 3 o'cLJ< ( j t gp S S A T U R D A Y . A P R IL 17 VELVE LETTE Q&ttdte£ette jOttsfretä, Westinghouse W A S T E *A W A / ■ HJÜIUJilM No food waste accumulates around the sink — or in garbage cans. It’s disposed of im mediately—into your sink opening and down the drain before it becomes garbage! C O N V E N IE N T It’s as simple as 1-2-3 ti> use. Toss the food waste into the sink opening. Set the Safe-Top Control. Turn on the cold water. Pesky, time- wasting chores are eliminated. No more sink strainers or garbage cans to become messy! Bernard Eastm an $2.98 Golden Rule Store Capacitiei: up fo 30,000 g.p.m. Lifts: up to 1000 ft. four kitchen is basically a workroom, for the tasks of operat ing your home. It should be planned to simplify kitchen duties and shorten kitchen hours and it should be a beautiful room. \ The ideal pump for irrigation. Avail able with water or oil lubrication, all types o f drive—electric, tractor, tight angle gear, V- ot flat belt. M ODERN The Waste-Away makes all other methods of garbage disposal old-fashioned. It’s the finish ing touch to the all-electric kitchen. It saves time and work. It’s a must in the plans for modernizing—or for new homes. FREE D E M O N S T R A T I O N AT Ostrom Uros. Appliance Company EXAMPLES SELECTED FROM HUNDREDS OF REXAU ITEMS IN THE NATION’S GREATEST SAIE 49, R EX A U PUR EI E l l ASPIRIN 49c REXALL ALC0-RIX ■ Rubbing alcohol, f in i M in .rat oil. Riot . . \ D plan for better living. A W O W POW ER ¿*/ì»9»y<v>V-Do«s So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE! 2 h r 50c Sold B j r PARMA WATER LIFTER (0 . Parma, Idaho PEERLESS PUMP D IV IS IO N ■ Food M a c h i n e r y C o r p o r a t i o n • • « .a n a * o i * I n * . ; O » ' « » . M l.» A « . A n g . i M » 1 . C a l-«. m vs . Not a 1c Sola offer, but exceptional value! 3 7 c 30< R E X A ll TOOTH P A S H P/i n . 2 h r 60c . . . Get a tube for everyone in family . . 2 for 3 1 c 50< RIXALL PU R in S T MILK M AGNESIA • • 2 h r 51c 29c RIENZ0 NYLON TOOTH (RUSHES 1 J9 VICTORIA HOT WATER I0 T T L I 2.00 SIZE P01YCAPS. MULTIPLE VITAMINS t .d rvbbnr. M old.d In I ploco When you build or remodel Live E L E C T R IC A L L Y . . Antacid l mild laxative. Pin» Capacities: From 600 to 3300 gals, per hour from wells as small as 4" in sid e diam eter. Patented ch rom e rotor "squeezes' water upward. Let us demonstrate this advanced method o f water lifting today. , 2 h r 70C Antiseptic mouth wash. Pint 65c MEDFORD STATIONERY. 36 shit, 24 . 59c R E X A ll PETROFOl The electric kitchen is built around three major ap pliances— the electric range, for fast, economical, al most completely automatic cooking— the electric re frigerator, for perfect food storage— and the electric sink, which takes over the job of washing all your dishes and pots and disposal of the garbage. The arrangement of these electric appliances, plus cabinets and storage spaces depends on the size and shape of your room, but your dealer can help you plan the most efficient design for your needs. 69c R EX A ll MI-31 2 h r 50c Five grain. 100’t $3.00 VALUE 2 1 Pound Boxe. 2 hr 1.90 Any 2 of I iiy la For children. 7 2 ’t • . . > 2 hr 3 0 { .................................. 2 h r 2.01 Extra Special $3.00 VALUE CHERRY Only E fl CHOCOLATES THE NYSSA PHARMACY Your Corner Rexall Drug Store YOU GET % FOR THE PRICE OF f + T 4 BIG SALE DAYS... WED.THURS. FRI. SAT