Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Classified Advertising RATES. Two cents per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. For Sale FOR SALE— 1940 G.M.C. truck. FOR SALE— Ladies used suits,! $900; 1937 Buick, clean, $650; 1940 plows ----- and culti coats and dresses, may be seen a t ' Oliver tractor, ------- ----- Help-Ur-Self laundry. 15A2xc. i rator' $1000; 1931 Plymouth 4-door —----------------- ------- sedan, $75; 1947 wrecked Chrysler, FOR SALE -Good A derrick, Frank $1060; four-room house with bath, W hipple, $60, seven miles so u th - 1 $40<Jb. Marion gChard, 462 North west of Nyssa. 15A3xp.! Sixth street. 15Alxp. FOR SALE— 22 caterpillar tractor, EXDR SALE;— Trailer house, call A -l condition, 9 >4 miles north On 290-J after 6:30. 8Atfc. tario on Hyline road. Edward Ker. 15A3xp. FOR SALE—Whizzer motor, moun- | ted on World bicycle, front wheel FOR SALE— Six-row side dresser, j brake, windshield. Robert Braun fits any make of tractor. Clayton ! across street from Nysea F*uneral Patton, 3 miles west of Lang ton's ' home, phone 266-W. 8A2xc. comer. 15A2xp. FOR SALE— Two-bedroom house, FOR SALE— Colored fryers. Live- modem except heat part basement, weight, 40 cents per pound. Fred insulated, hardwood floors, bath Kratzberg, route 1, Nyssa. 15A3xp. and shower, landscaped, beautiful lawn, lot 75 by 118. Phone 148-W. FOR SALE— F12 Farmall tractor 15A2xp. completely overhauled, good two- way International beet and potato FOR SALE— White Rose seed po cultivator bar wih all tools com- tatoes. Donald Fisher, Apple Val plee: 7-foot International mowing ley. 8A2xp. t machine; International beet puller and Phillips crowner. This is an TO TRADE— Central Oregon pro excellent buy. Western Corrugator perty to exchange. We have a five- company. 8Atfc. acre ranch with a new five-room 1 cement block house, barn, chicken FOR SALE!— Boat, motor and trai , house. This ranch has five-acre ler. Phone 1417-M, Caldwell. Idaho. water. Located near Redmond. The 15A3xp. price is $9500, and we will exchange for property near Ontario, Nyssa FXDR SALE— Cement, purchased or Vale. Shelley Real Estate, the to use on Richland Community dirt merchant, Redmond, Oregon. church will be sacrificed at $1 per lA4xc. sack. E. Stephen farm. 8A2xp. FOR SALE— John Deere beet cul FOR SALE— Trailer house, call tivator and attachments, horse- 290-J after 6:30. 8Atfc. drawn. Phone 07-R5. lA3xc. FOR SALE— Steel frame baby buggy and mattress and baby strol ler. Both in excellent condition. Price $20. 536 North Seventh street or Box 257. Mrs. G. W. Smyser. 8A2xp. FARMS—RANCHES—HOMES FOR SALE • 10 acres near town, good water right. Fine large new home, partly furnished. This is a swell place, $9,500. 86 acres, mostly in row crop, pew modern home, full basement, new barn, water piped to all buildings. This is fine soil. $25,000, without crops. 5-room house, on large double lot. very well located. $4,800. Very nice 4-room house, lots of shade, garage, $3,700. 10 acres, good livable 4-room house, lots of fruit and berries. All in alfalfa and pasture, $6,500. E. L. JAMISON Phone 65-J 252 So. 4th St. Office in my home Two blocks So. International store FXDR SALE— Eureka vacuum clean er, in good condition. Phone 82. 8A2 from blue tag stock. Wanted to ! MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in- buy, grain drill. Irving T. Duffin, | stallatlon of heating systems, coal 1 mile north and V* mite east of I or oil. Also servicing and repair. underpass. 25Mtfc. Phone 169-W, after 6 p.m. 289-R. 15Jtfc. FOR SALE— 1940 John Deere trac MISCELLANEOUS— Roofing: re tor, model A, good condition. Nys pair and plaster work, guaranteed, sa Implement Co., “The House of phone 169-W; evenings, 289-R. Oliver’’. 18Mtfc. 15Jtfc. FOR SALE— One utility two-wheel MISCELLANEOUS— Available now trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-R11. Electrolux cleaners and air puri s 18Mtfc. fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An derson, rente ’ Welser, Idaho FOR SALE— Half horse air com Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. pressor, complete and ready to use Leo Fife, phone 05-R1I, route 2 MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and free pick-up or your dead, crippied Nyssa. 18Mtfc. or sick livestock. Calls rece.ved be FOR SALE—- National cash regis fore 9 o'clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col ter. Practically new, $240. Phone lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys 169-W or 289-R evenings. 26Ftic sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products 5Jtfc. FOR SALE— Three-room house Company. with bath, electric water tank, 75 MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? by 119 corner lot, nice lawn, easy Loans on farms for refinancing, terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mlfc, building. Improvements, b u y i n g . Long term, low Interest, see Ber EXDR SALE;— Good type and quali nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 3Atfc. ty Russet seed potatoes, grown from Craigmont blue tag. Rogued. MISCELLANEXDUS— Duplicate car S. E. Flanagan, route % , Nyssa. llM tic. and clyinder lock keys made Wes tern Auto Store. 250tfc. EXDR SALE- Seed potatoes, WHITE CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ROSE certified, tagged or bin run. Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Gems, grown from certified blue tag, some from foundation stock. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m Ira Ure, phone 0SR2. 12F*tfc to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 No stock received on Sunday. FOR SALE— F-14 International Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery tractor, mechanically perfect. Six- to Polar locker plant. row beet cultivator and tools, po- One mile west on Alberta avenue tao cultivator, six-row side dresser, Phone 05R1 beet lifter. Jacob Fischer, one mile JAKE FISCHER west on Alberta avenue. 29Jtfc. FOR SALE;— Onion seed, white Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure, phone 06-R2. 19Ftic. FXDR SALE;— Bring your sacks and get your eating potatoes, $1.50 per bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware house, Payette, Idaho. 15Jtfc. FXDR SALE;—Have farms and homes for sale. Need more, list with Ken Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. FXDR SALE;— Almost new bicycle, speedometer, parcel rack. H. G. FOR SALE;— New Westinghouse re frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance Johnson, at Nyssa block plant. 15Jtfc. lAtfc. Co., phone 118-W. FOR SALE— 150 bushels of extra FOR SAE— New Westinghouse el good yellow ear corn. Frank Rook- ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. stool, four miles west of Adrian. 15Jtfc. 12A2xp. FOR SALE— Beans for seed or eating, red Mexican, good yielders, 12 cents pound cleaned. A. D. Mos es, near Owyhee Junction. lA5xp. FXDR SALE— Electric wiring and supplies of all kinds at your Wes tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. FXDR SALE;— International tumble- FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write bug plow, new this spring. Roy Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for Hirai, Phone 09-J l, Nyssa. lA3xp. Willys parts, motors, extra equip ment, Jeeps, station wagons, pickup FOR SALE— 1941 John Deere B trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. tractor, in good condition, phone FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. 28-J3, New Plymouth evenings. 25M4xc. Guaranteed to be washable and non-fading for three years. Good FOR SALE OR TRADE— Three- stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com room frame house, bath, comer lot, pany. 26Jtfc. nice lawn, close in, immediate pos session, consider late model car, LOST easy terms. Inquire first house left on East Third street. 25Mtfc. LOST— .22 calibre rifle, Duane Holcomb written on stock, lost on FXDR SALE—'4 HP Advance pump, Adrian-Vale road. Reward. Duane new. Deep well type. Priced very Holcomb, box 416, Nyssa. 8A2xp. reasonably. Gem seed spuds, grown For Rent ' professional And Business Directory PHYSICIANS DENTISTS SARAZIN CLINIC Dr, J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E, Kerby Physician and Surgeons DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours; 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a . Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Saturdays, 9 to 12. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic OREGON NYSSA OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY FOR RENT— Polish your own floors. Rent our high-speed pol ishing equipment. Easily handled .by women. Nyssa Lumber company. 3Atfc. “ w anted - WANTED— Custom land leveling by hour or contract. Howard By bee, King avenue, phone 179-W. 8A5xp. WANTED— 40 or 80 acres to rent for potatoes. H. K. Hashitani. Phone 04-R1. 8A3xp. WANTED— Boy, 15, wants work after school and on Saturdays. Phone 84-R, 247 N. 5th St. 8A2xp. WANTED— Married man for work on irrigated ranch. House furnish ed. E. C. Terhune, Enterprise ave nue. 8A2xp. WANTED— Washing in ipy home. Phone 260W. lA3xp. WANTED— The best one-man business in this county now avail able. Income starts at once. We furnish capital. Write J. R. Wat kins Co., 137 Dexter avenue, Sea ttle 9, Washington. 25M7xc. WANTED— To buy anything in beef or veal. Also custom killed and delivered to Polar Cold Stor age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEXDUS— Send us your saws for sharpening, gumming or re-toothing to any size teeth you wish. Patterson saw shop. North First street. lAtfc. MTSCELLAN EX5U& - Have excellent tenant for farm. Prefers row crop land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Free Pick Up LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. GRAVE MARKERS Project Office, 8 p. m. All Veterans Welcome For grave markers and monuments write or see Gate City Lodge No. 214 R. A. BENTLEY I.O.O.F. Haines, Oregon Meets every Monday Better Values night, 8:30. Lower Prices South First Street # Of Your Dead and Worthless Animals Call Collect There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 Parma 28 Ontario 53 “We Haul the Day You Call' Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Nyssa, Oregon Legal Advertising IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of FREI) LINDER, an Incompetent Person CITATION TO: The Superintendent of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, Custodian of fthe Person of Fred Linder, an incompetent, and to All Others Whom It May Con cern. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited, required and commanded to appear before this Court on the 18tih day of May, 1948 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day at the Court Room of this Court In the Courthouse at Vale, Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why an order should not be granted by the Hon orable Irwin Troxell, Judge of the County Court for Malheur County, Oregon, authoring and directing Frank T. Morgan, guardian of the estate of Fred Linder, an incom petent person; to sell the undivided one-half (H ) interest owned by said Guardianship Estate in the following described real property located in Malheur County, Oregon, to-wit: The N!4 of the N>4 of the SW ti of the NW‘4 of Section 31, Town ship 19 S., Range 47 E.W.M., to gether with 5 shares of Capital Stock of the Owyhee Ditch Com pany representing the water right appurtenant thereto as prayed for in the Petition of Frank T. Morgan, Guardian of the Estate of Fred Linder, and incom petent, on file In said Court. WITNESS the Honorable Irwin Troxell, Judge of the County Court of Malheur County, State of Ore gon, this 7th day of April, 1948. Attest' H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the County Court of Malheur Coun ty, Oregon. By: /s / R. W. Lewis, Deputy THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1948 CONTEST OF PLAY | and Mre A v cook. WRITING SCH EDULED1 Mrs A v Cook attended a p«ty Sunday. Nell Bowers will meet with her ______ j« t the Sid Burbldge heme in Nys 4-H cooking club at the home of Margaret Bates April 17. A local radio play-writing contest sa Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk and Giles Lay went to Myrtle Point, patterned after the stute contest will be available for Malheur 4-H family returned home Wednesday I Oregon last week on business. Mrs. Anna Dail spent Wednesday club members this year, according from Salt Lake City. FYahk Shuts ur weiser sheared in Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs Lee to E. H. Hauser, county club agent. The local contest is being spon sheep for George Moeller Monday. il'eSt* and family. sored by KSRV. Any Malheur coun I n Ure went to the Boise hos Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keele of ty 4-H club members is eligible to pital last week for observation. rompete. Winning plays will be The recent cold weather froze Payette spent Saturday with their I daughter. Mrs. Noman Hipp, and broadcast over KSRV. The writer some of the beets here. if the winning play will receive Otis Bullard is doing some trac family. a scholarship to 4-H club summer tor wirk for Vern Butter in King- man Kolony. school at Oregon State college. The three highest-scoring plays The mothers cf the children of Returns Home— Mrs Loyd Marshall returned will be entered In the state contest the Arcadia school met at the ponsored by KOAC. The plays j schoolhouse Wednesday to decide home Thursday from Boise, where placing highest in the state will on costumes for the spring festival she had been receiving medical attention. be broadcast over KOAC during | to be held in Nyssa May 7. 4-H summer school, and the state j Mrs. Ted King of San Francisco winner will receive a summer schol- returned to her heme Friday after Going East— Mrs. Lettie Alford left Monday arship. visiting her sister, Mrs. Vern But to spend a month's vacation in The plays should have a playing ler, and other relatives here. time of 12 to 14 minutes, should Mr and Mrs. Howard Sparks re Washington, D.C., and Arlington, contain three to six characters, and turned home last week from Salt Virginia. should be written in the form gen Lake City, but their son will remain erally accepted as correct for radio there in the hospital for a few Overnight Guests— Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Peterson of broadcasting. Sample copies of an weeks. acceptable form mtay be secured Donald Hickey drove the school- Scobey, Montana were overnight from E. M. Hauser, county club bus for Norvelle Rabbins, while guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sara agent. Robbins attended the F.F.A. con- zin Friday. All scripts must be submitted by 1 vention in Klamath Falls last week. May 10 to the club agent's office, 1 Mrs. Otis Bullard and Betty, Mrs. Takes Ski Training— Corporal Calvin M. Mason, 22- where they will be judged by a Elmer Stradley and Mrs. Theo committee from the extension ser- Matherly were business shoppers in year-oid paratrooper of Nyssa, now serving with the 11th airborne di vice and the radio station. j Nampa Wednesday. Last year Darlene Bradley o f ; Joretta and Jean Moeller were vision, has recently participated the Cairo community won the local dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob in the ski training held at Sakun- contest and placed fifth in the McKinney of Valley View Sunday, ami, Honshu, Japan. The training state contest. Her play was broad- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moeller and consisted of oral, classes, walking cast over KOAC and transcribed Linda visited in the George Moel- with skis, climbing small hills, and skiing down a small slope. Corporal for later presentation over KSRV. ler home Friday evening. The cast was made up of club Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Mason is the son of Mr. and Mrs. members from Malheur county who Joan were dinner guests of Mr. C. M. Mason of Nyssa. were attending 4-H summer school, and Mrs. Ronald Schoen of Nyssa NU-ACRES COUPLES RIDE ON SUNDAYS That the 10th day of May, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. at the County Court House at Vale, Oregon is fixed and appoint ed as the time and place for hear ing of objections to the said final account. All persons having objections to said final account shall appear at said time and place and show cause, if any exists, why the said final account should not be allowed and approved. Susan Jean Fletcher, Adminis tratrix erf the estate of Aubrey L Fletcher, deceased. First publication April 18, 1948 Last publication May 13, 1948 DR. G.W. GRAVES Don M. Graham NU-ACRES, April 15— The riding club members rode Sunday. April 11 at the Pete Domenico ranch. Everyone is invited to ride next Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Smitt, Sr., spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Glen Gallant, and family, in Goodrich, Idaho. The Fruitland senior class play was well attended Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family. The occasion was in cele bration of Carl Evans' birthday. Several from the community at tended the band concert Monday night in the Fruitland high school gymnasium. The combined Fruit- land and Payette bands presented the program. Those from this tjom- munity playing were Phillis Evans, Horace Wood and Dick Hawley. Joan Wilson is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Henne visited relatives in Nampa Thursday. Word was received by relatives here that a 4 pound boy was bom April 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hath away In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Flannery and Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilkerson of Nam pa. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fhrans, Sr., and Janice spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans, Jr., and family. Leo EUibee and Frank Nedbalek made a business trip to Caldwell Thursday. Sunday visitors in the Earl Hiatt home were Mr. and Mrs. Moncel Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Ken San ders, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hiatt and Jess Hiatt and son all of Nyssa, and Donna Lee Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Godwin and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nedbalek and Rudy spent Sunday with Mr. NOTICE OF MEETING and Mrs. F*rank Nedbalek. BIG BEND IRRIGATION Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips, Owen DISTRICT Blanden and Prank A. Johnson Notice is hereby given, that the visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Peter Big Bend Irrigation District, sit son in Caldwell Sunday. ing as a Board of Equalization, will meet on the 4th day of May, 1948 at 8:00 o’clock P.M. of said ARCADIA RESIDENCE day at its office at the home of DESTROYED BY FIRE A. C. Holly, near the Snake River Bridge at Adrian, Malheur County, ARCADIA, April 15— The big Oregon, for the purpose of review house on what is known as the ing and correcting its assessment George Ross place, but now owned roll and apportionment of charges by Ted Frohn, was destroyed by for operation and maintenance for fire one night last week. The house the 1948 season, and assessment of was occupied by Frohn's tenants. 50c pe acre for operation and main Mr. and Mrs. Keele of Payette tenance of the Big Bend Unit of visited their daughter, Mrs. Norman said District and 14c per acre for Hipp, and family last Saturday. operation and maintenance and F.F_A. boys of Arcadia, who at $2.06 per acre for construction tended the F.F.A. convention in charges of the Park Unit of said Klamath Falls last week were Nor District, during the year 1948. velle and Llewellyn Robbins, Rudy The assessment roll and record Marostlca, Billy Stradley, Deane may be inspected at the residence Hunter and Clarence Kesler. of H. R. Hatch. Secretary of said Sally Cook of Payette spent last District by any interested persons. week with her grandparents, M r.' By order of the Board of Direc tors, by H. R. Hatch, Secretary Big Bend Irrigation District. First publication, April 8. 1948. Last publication, April 29, 1948. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Matter of the Estate of AUBREY L. FLETCHFTR Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Susan Jean Fletcher, Ad ministratrix of the estate of AU BREY L. FLETCHER, deceased, has rendered and filed tier final account of the administration of the estate of Aubrey L. Fletcher. PAGE THREE Optometrist Insurance Agency Eyes Examined Fire and Automobile Phone 720 Insurance 718 Arthur St. Rentals Bonds Caldwell, Idaho The New Telephone Directory Will Be Closed Monday, April 26 Any name changes or corrections must be received at the Nyssa office, telephone 174, NOT LATER THAN April 26 Malheur Home Telephone Co. Farmers Attention % W e 1 H ave A Few Lockers A v a ila b le N o w Pola r C old Storage • — PHONE 124-W—