THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYffSA, OREGON PACE FIVE THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1948 ledge of "The Firs" Bellingham, Klamath Falls to attend the F.F.A. she will visit for a week at the visit relatives. Miss Ritchie former- Mauldin*. Mr. Lewis is a brother afternoon. i ly lived in New York before coming of Mrs. Maulding. home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Black and Washington, were week-end guests convention. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Britton of Los of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Qllbert Holmes and Dislocates Shoulder— I to Oregon. Angeles are visiting Mrs. Britton’s Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell en­ Mrs. F. G. Holmes visited Thursday Here from Rums— RICHLAND, April 8— Mrs. Herta sister, Mrs. Robert Pearcy, and tertained from Gresham— 24 guests at a dinner evening with Mrs. A. M. Goodson Mrs. Frank Edwards who is em­ Here D. Higgs of Burns visited over Rose and daughter, Joanne, oi family, and will remain here to party Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lewis of Gre- in celebra­ and infant son. at Memorial Park ployed at Brownie’s cafe, dislocated the week-end at the home of Mrs. Vale were guests oi Mr. and Mrs.' make their hemes. Mr. Britton will tion of Mr. and evening K-_ . . __ „ sham visited over the week-end at, Mrs. E. H. Brandt's hospital in Caldwell. her shoulder and is confined to her rhc home (lf ^ and Mrs L A | Jack Simpson, Eric Boenic Sunday. Mrs. Rose and be employed by Albert Pfeiler and 13th wedding anniversary. The din­ home. Mrs. Boenic are cousins. Mr. Britton by Dale Garrison. ner was served buffet style. I ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and Mrs. Joe Dirk^en shopped in Boise Mrs. Joe Dirksen visited Mrs. ROUND-UP CLINIC from Portland — daughter, Carolyne, and Mrs. Cecil! Thursday. Stam, Friday afternoon In the TO BE HELD TUES. Home Mrs. Ward Wieneke and Garry Oowen were in Boise Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen I John Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario, ____ ~ returned Wednesday from a two- Mrs. C. E. Rhinehart and Mrs. attended a bard party at the Wil­ Mrs. Stam had recently un- OWYHEE, April 8— The summer weeks visit with relatives in Port- H. F. Terhune visited Mrs. Jake son Winter home Saturday ev­ I where derwent an operation. clinic for children six land. En route home they visited Limnions of Ontario, formerly of ening. Mrs. Bill Russell and round-up nonths to six years will be held Mrs. Wieneke’s broher at Prosser, the Richland district, Wednesday Reverend and Mrs. Chester Rut­ son Mr. and and daughter, Billy and Mary, Tuesday, 13 at the Owyhee Washington. | were in Long Valley for a picnic schooihouse April from 8:30 until 1 0 : 3 0 _______________ 1 Sunday. Registration and immuniza- Leaves for New York__ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Go wen, Mr. un. i will be given that day, j Miss Barbara Ritchte, who has DELIVERED IN TON LOTS, and Mrs. Ray Russell and family, iiM Mr. Mrs. George Schweizer matje her home at the L. A. Mauld- and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison Utended and a dinner B ig O p e n in g O f Ritzie evening lng home, left last Tuesday for TRUCKLOADS, OR CARLOAD and daughter, Joanne were dinner n the Hudd Robb Tuesday home. Cottle of i_______________________________ Pen yan, New York, where she will guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sunday. their daughter, Lola Cot- j SHIPMENTS Mr. and "Mrs. Albert Dunbrasky Nampa, tie of Ogden, Mrs. Lucy Cottle [ B e rn a rd E a s t m a n D ress Floral Shoppe of Payette are making their home of Ogden were and guests in the Grant ’ on the Dick Udlinek farm while Patterson home Friday. Mr. Dunbrasky is working for Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams Real Estate Udlinek. At Payette, Idaho were in Ontario Monday on busi­ aomunsui Clifford Nielsen and other mem­ ness. -THURSDAY- bers of the boat club worked on The 4-H Cooking club met with 98 SOUTH THIRD STREET the bridge near the dam Sunday. their leader, Mrs Keith Tallman. BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING SUITS Phone 64 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runcorn at the home of Maxine Kygar. and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. The girls prepared toast and bacon. SHORTIE COATS, DRESSES Nyssa. Oregon Runcorn were guests of A. R. Will- Helen Winter and Kay McDonald GIBSON GIRL BLOUSES gus of Mountain Home, Idaho Sun­ were dinner guests Sunday of Shir­ day. Mr. Willgus is Mrs. E. P. ley Skinner. ASSORTMENT OF LATEST STYLE SKIRTS Runcorn’ s uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohoat re­ Mrs. Davis of Walla Walla is turned their home in Vancouver Will Display Some in Nyssa visiting several days with her after a to visit granddaughter, Mrs. Wallace Gregg. Peutz home. here in the Werner Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Rurin Staples and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson granddaughters are visiting a week were in Utah. Mr. Staples Is employed Monday. business visitors in Nampa Oheldelin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Winter en­ Ritzie D ress and Floral . by Mrs. O. E. Jimmy Russell, Mrs. Ray tertained group of friends with Graham ,Mrs. Chad Gannon and a pinochle a party Saturday night. Mrs. Pat Sweaney were guests of Those winning prizes were Mrs. Shoppe Mrs. Jack Sweaney Thursday. A Willis Bertram and Lloyd Adams, 8c Per Pound—Minimum 10 Pound» 80c potluck lunch was served. high, Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen, Mrs. Ray Russell entertained Mrs. low, Mrs. Bertram and Em­ Cecil Gowen, Mrs. E. H. Brandt erson and Fast Service—24 Hours or Les* traveling. and Mrs. Roger Orris at a bridge The Bingman. O.K.K. club will meet at the party Thursday afternoon. of Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Sharen Pfeiler, daughter of Mr. home April 22, one week later than the and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler of Ontario, regular entertained several of her friends William date. Peutz Is In Portland this from the Richland district on her week attending to the selling of W A S H E D A N D F L U F F D R IE D . fourth birthday Wednesday. some cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow vis- children, Mary and Billy, were in led In Payette Thursday at the Boise Monday and viewed the S. T. Calhoun home. On the re­ THIS WASH IS FOR WHITE COTTONS AND LINEN ONLY, Freedom train. trips they stopped in Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunbrasky turn see Mrs. J. Russell, who is m were In Welser Thursday on busi- to AND MUST NOT INCLUDE WOOLENS OR NON-FAST COL­ the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were dinner guests ORS. YOU MAY SEND ANYTHING THAT WILL STAND in the Lynn Kygar home Friday EASTER FAMILY evening. DINNER SERVED Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr„ HOT WATER. to Boise Monday on business. OREGON TRAIL. April ft— Mr. went Mrs. Martha Klingback enter­ and Mrs. Rolland Holmes were tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. hosts at dinner Easter Sunday. The and S. D. Bigelow, Mr. and LAUNDRY BAGS MUST BE USED. THESE MAY BE MADE AT HOME, PURCH­ table was attractively decorated Mrs. Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children, with flower, Easter novelties and and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc­ ASED IN THE STORES OR FURNISHED BY US AT COST. candles. Covers were laid for 24, Donald and Children. Mr. and Mrs. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. James Stephen, Sr., was called In If you wish a similar service for the baby, ask for BABY WASH. All sodas and blea­ Goodson and family of Parma, Mr. the afternoon. ches omitted. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert A public meeting was held at the and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoi- ^ schooihouse .............. Fiiday and ^ ^ general mes, Bonnie Kressly, Mr. and Mrs. dlscussion waB held on the a problem Gilbert Holmes and daughters, and of remodeling the building. A peti Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and tion was drafted at the meeting, family.. signed by any local tax­ The Merry Matrons club met at to be wishing to have the question You get pick-up, speed and fuel savings when your O n ta rio Laundry £r C le an e rs the home of Alta Fry Wednesday payer consolidation brought to a vote. afternoon, March 31. Leona Ander­ of Mr. truck engines are in tune. And how w e tune them ! and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr„ PHONE 98, ONTARIO, ORE. son, Idaho Power company home are the owners of a Dodge sedan, This is what w e do: W e check compression, timing, fuel-air supervisor, showed a motion pic­ ture about milk. Nine members ratio and a dozen other things. Then we check and adjust Visit Parents— were present. A social afternoon To Mrs. Wilson left Tuesday ignition, carburetor idling speed, mixture and everything else was enjoyed. Following the business morning R. for V. Adams, Oregon, where meeting. Bernice Garner sponsored that needs attention. And when w e’re through your trucks roll a quiz game, with Viola Adams out humming like tops. A ll our work is done to high Inter­ and Gladys Byers winning prizes. Lunch was served by the hostess, national Truck standards. Our mechanics are International assisted by Marie Holmes. The club trained. We use International designed and approved machines will meet April 14 with Marie Hol­ mes as hostess. and tools. W e install International engineered parts. So let us Mrs. J. E. Bowen, who spent two weeks with her sister at Astoria, save you money, and make you money, by putting your engines came home last Tuesday. in tune. Any makes or models. Nancy Goodson of Parma is vis­ iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and family of Springfield, Oregon, $lrs. Lucille Johnston of Ontario and PHONE 86-J Mrs. Ella Smith of Nyssa were Thursday dinner guests at the F. C. Fry home. NEW CAR DELIVERIES WILL Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes made a business trip to Nampa CONTINUE TO BE SLOW FOR SOME I N T E R N A T I O N A L Trucks Saturday. Donald Knowles left Tuesday for - TIME TO COME. MANY VISIT IN RICHLAND SECTION 1 BALED HAY W.F.JAHN BAG-O-WHITE a ^ ..r r . . . Take Care Of Your Present Car OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. * We are exclusive dealers for Devoe . . . America’s first paint makers (founded in 1754). Although old in experience Devoe is most energetic ivhen it comes to new Ideas in paint because it main­ tains laboratory facilities secand to none. At Boise Payette there’s a Devoe quality paint pro­ duct for every purpose. Here are a few: ■* Devopake 4t Mirrolac Enamel Kemtone ■¥ House Paint 4t 87 Spar Varnish ♦ Heavy Duty Enamel DEVOE PAINTS and TRUSCON PRODUCTS TRUSCON Water-Proof Decorating Products PARATEX TITEWALL ART-ROC FLOOR-DYE are Easy to GET at Let Us Help You Keep Your Car In Good Running Order BRAKE OVERHAULING DON’T TAKE CHANCES WITH WORN BRAKES MOTOR REBUILDING ALL MAKES OF CARS MOTOR TUNE-UP CHANGE TO SUMMER A SPRING TONIC FOR LUBRICANTS YOUR ENGINE TEXACO PRODUCTS GATES TIRES BATTERY RECHARGING FOR CAR AND TRUCK MOTOR STEAM CLEANING CAR WASHING AND POLISHING INSURED AGAINST ROAD HAZARDS SKILLED MECHANICS FORD BATTERIES ADEQUATE STOCK OF PARTS TO FIT MOST MAKES OF CARS LATEST EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS SERVICE ONE STOP SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY \ O. L. GALLOWAY. Mgr. NYSSA, ORBOON We Are In The Market To Buy Good U»ed Car» At Fair Price»