Classified Advertising THJ5 NYSSA JO U R N AL, N Y S S A , OREGON T H U R S D A Y , APRIL 8, 1048 PAGE TH REE FARMS AND HOMES ' MISCELLANFX5US Roofing: re- Lowe for this reporter s past error, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. ’ iceived many lovely gifts. j pair and plaster work, guaranteed, the fact is that Mrs. Tom Lowe's Ostimiller, In Fruttland. FOR SALE Mr and Mrs. Rone Mecham of 86 acres, nearly all nice row crop phone 169-W; evenings, 289-R. birthday was in celebration of her The regular Orange meeting was Vale visited at the Glenn Hoson land, family orchard, water piped 15Jtfc. 81st year, and her husband. Tom held Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. home Sunday afternoon. to lots, new home, 3 bedrooms, Rev. Boyd Patterson of Portland MISCELLANEOUS— Available now Lowe, will celebrate his 8oth birth- Earl Hunt were given the obliga- bath, finished basement, labor Electrolux cleaners and air p'iri- ‘i\y, u t e r *w * ■ v * u'- tion' Ptuis were made f°r * dinner visited in Adrian Monday and in- iiouse, new barn. 34 by 50, modern tiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rataezyx. to be given Tuesday. April 6 by spected th e new Presbyterian chicken house. $25.000, with crops. Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk, thp P , p . .. y RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one derson, rest* ' Welser, Idaho ■ 126 acres, 6*4 miles from Vale. wanis-club. The din- church. Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. and Wallace spent Sunday fishing cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, Is 30c. I Fine new home, 3 bedrooms, bath. an Dry creek. ner wd* ^ served by the Grange Bud Williams of Vale and Mary 188 acre water right. Spring water MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen a n d . ladies. Lou Jensen visited at the Earl Da (pipe to corrals. This is a dandy free pick-up or your dead, crippied Mae Bagwell were Sunday dinner i Margaret Evans and Alice Fry vis home Sunday evening. stock and row crop farm. New or sick livestock. Calls received be ,'uests at the h»me of Mr. and are ill with influenza. I session, consider late model car, j tractor, combine, buckrake, mower, vlrs. Dee Hlllis in Boise. The Saddle club met Monday fore 9 o clock are picked up by For Sale PAINTING INTERESTING E. J. Hobson and Mrs. Jim Laug” night in the community hall with ------------. — --------------------------------| easy terms. Inquire first house left d*l'ciier- scraper, and other ma- noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Many of the ladles who attended ■ey made a business trip to Nampa j 13 present. Mr. and Mrs. Dick lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nvs- FOR SALE Whlzzer motor, moun-| on East Third street. 2oMtfc. I ^ " c S r ie d 1 * * * ’ ,7 W ° “ “ iuursday. j Richardson and Mrs. Allen Curtis the L.D.S. Relief society meeting ted on World bicycle, front wheel ip o R SAJ^ _ , Hp j t — ~ j 20 acres'fine row crop land, mo- sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Ontario shoppers Tuesday were ' furnished music as entertainment. Wednesday had an interesting time Company. 5Jtfc. brake, windshield. Robert Braun „ „ ,m , „ '; dern 3 bedroom house, berries, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani, The next meeting will be held on learning to stencil paint flowers, across street from Nyssa F u n e r a l___ ' __p type' Priced very ( fm jti lawn and lots of shade, close MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Mrs. Nell Dimmick, Mrs. Harold the regular night, May 4. designs and many fancy patterns 8A2xc ! reasonably. Gem seed spuds, grown to town. $13,500. home, phone 266-W. Loans on farms for refinancing, Fyllingness and Mrs. Larry Dim- Mrs. Pete Well is much improv 'd on towels, scarfs, blouses and table | from blue tag stock. Wanted to 10 acres, close in, good 4 room building. Improvements, b u y i n g . mick. from the illness she suffered rec linen. FOR SALE— Two-bedroom house, I buy' grain drill. Irving T. Duffin, house, cellar, deep well o f nice wa Long term, low interest, see Bet- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chard, ently. C andidate Visits— newlyweds, were overnight guests modern except heat, part basement,! alkc* ** mile east oi ter, piped to house, fruit, berries, nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 35Mtfc. i pasture and hay. $6.500, terms. State Senator Howard Belton of 3Atfc at the Elver Nielsen home Wed YOUNG PEOPLE GIVE insulated, hardwood floors, bath i 80 acres nearly all in tame pas Canby, Oregon, candidate for the nesday. Kenneth Chard returned and shower, landscaped, beautiful FOR SALE— 2H ton army Stude- ture, 40 head of cattle, nice modem MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car Sunday to continue his vocational MUSICAL PROGRAM republican nomination for state lawn, lot 75 by 118. Phone 148-M. I baker truck, 6 by 6 Hercules en- small house, orchard. Immediate treasurer, was in Nyssa Tuesday 8A2xp.■ gme, 6500 actual mileage, 16-foot possesion, $13,500 takes everything. ind clyinder lock keys made Wes (raining course in refrigeration at tern Auto Store. 250tfc Klamath Falls. Mrs. Chard will ADRIAN, April 8— Mr and Mrs. of this week in the interest o f ____ — ■— ---------——----------- I beet bed. Irvin Wolfe, 5V4 miies Very nice new home, 2 bedrooms, entinue working for the First H. E. Moore were in Ontario on his candidacy. FOR SALE— White Rose seed po- | west Owyhee corner. 25M3xr> CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING utility room with laundry, piped National bank of Portland in the business Saturday. tatoes. Donald Fisher, Apple Val- — __ . . . _______ Stock received Monday. Tuesday, Nyssa branch. ley. 8A2xp. FOR SALE— Two com er lots south furnace heat, on large lot, fenced. Mrs. C. W. Matthews is visiting Son Arrives— Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m A son, Wendell Gene, weighing Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cleaver ware at the Dave Matthews home. ■ ■ • • .;__ ___ —— 7——- —- -— — - of Nyssa Christian church or will $7.250, $2,700 will handle. Cute little house of three rooms to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 Tuesday evening visitors at the TO TRADE Central Oregon pro- trade for Nampa property. Call or Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of 8 pounds, 2 onces, was born to Mr. No stock received on Sunday. perty to exchange. We have a five- see Paimer Ross at Western Block in a nice part of town, $2,800. Magnus Ekanger home. Caldwell spent Sunday at the Glenn and Mrs. ISmie Larkin at the Cor We have several more homes in Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery vallis general hospital March 18. acre ranch with a new five-room company. Phone 911-J Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Field were Brown home. cement block house, bam, chicken any price range you wish to pay. to Polar locker plant. Nampa visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. Bill Ashcraft spent the 25M3xp. ED JAMISON house. This ranch has five-acre — One mile west on Alberta avenue Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and week-end at the home of her Returns Home— Phone 65-J water. Located near Redmond. The FOR SALE— One John Deere beet 252 4th St. South Phone 05R1 Mrs. Victoria Dunton has re children were overnight guests at daughter, Mrs. Ira Richard, and price is $9500, and we will exchange cultivator, with all attachments. Office in m.v home south of the JAKE FISCHER the Kenneth Lorensen home Sun family of Madras. She also visited turned home afer spending several for property near Ontario, Nyssa Inquire Arthur Case, one mile north International Store. day. The Parker family returned the Wood, Glass and Crocker fam:- months at Drewsey. She recently or Vale. Shelley Real Estate, the and % mile east Adrian. 25M3xp.1 ------------- --------------------------- — -------- Monday morning to Roseburg, ’.i es. purchased the Clyde Long property Legal Advertising dirt merchant, Redmond, O regon.: — — --------------------- FOR SALE Have larms and homes where Parker is now working as a Roy Mecham and Wilbur Jack- on Nyssa’s east side. for sale. Need more, list with Ken lA4xe! SALE— 1940 John Deere trac- NOTICE OF ANNUAL AND mechanic on diesels. son were in Seattle two days last 29Jtfc. SPECIAL ELECTION OF NYSSA ________________ _____________ _'|tor, model A, good condition. Nys. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. Mrs. Charles Sohweizer and Miss week. FOR SALE— Marquette home free- sa Implement Co., "The House of ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Clarice Notheis attended the ex Donnie DeHaven spent Saturday zer, eight foot. Plvcne 297-R. lA2xp. Oliver". 18Mtfc FOR SALE!— New Westinghouse re NO. 2 tension course on social problems and Sunday at the A1 Nicholson frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance Notice Is hereby given that on given Thursday night In the On home at the Owyhee dam. 15Jtfc. FOR SALE— One Farmall F-20 FOR SALE— One utility two-wheel Co., phone 118-W. the 13th day of April. 1948, at the tario high school building. The young people of the United tractor with cultivator and mower; trailer. Leo Fife, phone- 05-R11. Optometrist Saturday, April 10 is the date Presbyterian church gave a musical one large Glow-maid cook stove, 18Mtfc. FOR SAE— New Westinghouse el City Hall of tfhe City of Nyssa, ectric ranges, three models. Ostrom in the County of Malheur, State of program in Ontario Sunday night. set for the annual meeting of the converted to oil; one double-unit Junior Matthews spent the week Riteway milker. Oscar J. Schaef FOR SALE— Half horse air com Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. Oregon, the annual election of the Associated Clubs of Malheur Coun Eyes Examined 15Jtfc. Nyssa Road Assessment District No ty at Ontario. The Ontario club end in Boise. fer, on Adrian-Wilder highway on pressor, complete and ready to use. Several Adrian women attended Horace Cht.»iey farm. IA2xp. Leo Fife, phone 03-R11, route 2, TOR SALE— Electric wiring and 2 for a director of said Nyssa Road women, who are the hostesses this Assessment District No. 2, will be year, have planned an interesting a shower for Mrs. Dave Hall last Nyssa. 18Mtfc. Phone 720 supplies of all kinds at your Wes held at 8 o ’clock in the morning FOR SALE— John Deere beet cul program of entertainment for the week. tinghouse dealer's. Ostrom Bros. FOR SALE— National cash regis and will continue until 8 o'clock all-day meeting. A covered-dish A shower was held Monday af tivator and attachments, horse- 718 Arthur St. drawn. Phone 07-R5. lA3xc. ter. Practically new, $240. Phone Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. in the afternoon of said day, and dinner at noon will be served in ternoon for Mrs. Ray Landon, 169-W or 289-R evenings. 26Ftlc. Whereas a petition, * dated the the home economics rooms o f the the former Patsy DeHaven, at the TOR SALE— Large oil heater, good Caldwell, Idaho FOR SALE— Almost new b ic y c le ,____ __ __ 23rd day o f March, 1948, signed by Ontario high school building. All Legion hall. Approximately 75 speedometer, parcel rack. H. G. FO» S A L E - Three-room house condition, lb root copper tubing more than ten ( 10) owners of real clubs and members in the county guests attended. The bride re and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. Johnson, at Nyssa block plant. Iwlth toth , elec,tr‘c tank, 75 18Stfc. property situated within the limits are Invited to attend. lA tfc by 119 corner tot, nice lawn, easy of the Nyssa Road Assessment Dis- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and ’ ( terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write rict No. 2 petitioning for a special FOR SALK— 150 bushels of extra I „ „ „ ~ 7 .LT---- --— -----------------------rr Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for election for the purpose of obtain - daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe LET US DO Y O U R and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Otto good’ yellow ear corn. Frank Rook- FOR.SALE Good type and quail- . . . . t v D i i - ervt cnoH n to tn h c ffrAurn ty Russet seed n potatoes, grown Willys parts, motors, extra equip- ing approval for the assessment of Wolfe of Nampa were Sunday din stool, four miles west of Adrian additional ten (10) mills to be ner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl 12A2xp. from Craigmont blue tag. itogued. ment, Jeeps, station wagons, pickup an S. E. Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa. trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. applied toward the cost of road Mitzel at Ontario. improvements for the year 1948/ llM tic. Mrs. George Wilson and children FOR SALF— Coast fir, structural FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. 1949. was filed with the Board of were supper guests at the Charles timbers 12 by 12, 10 by 12 and 8 by While W e Are Finishing the City Ditty home Friday evening. Jac 8. 4 by 12 bridge Joists and plank FOR SALE- Seed potatoes, WHITE Guaranteed to be washable and Directors herein, now therefore Notice Is hereby given that on queline Wilson has been out of 16 to 22 feet. Vest Bros, ranch, ROSE certified, tagged or bin run. non-fading for three years. Good Curb Contract lA2xp j Gems, grown from certified blue stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com the same day, at the same place chool the past week due to ap route 2, Nyssa. ___ ___________________v ‘ tag, some from foundation stock. pany. 26Jtfc. and during the" same hours a spe pendicitis. FOR SALE— Beans for seed o r : Ira Ure, phone 06R2. 12F*tfc cial election o f said Nyssa Road Mr. and Mrs. Ore Schweizer were eating, red Mexican, good yielders, ———- ___ __—- ------- —----- ; Assessment District No. 2 will be Sunday afternoon guests at the LOST 12 cents pound cleaned. A. D. Mos- FOR S A L E - F- 4 International held for the purpose of voting au home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Williams es, near Owyhee Junction. lASxp. | fa c to r ,_ “ « l ^ f ^ . ^ r f e c t . Six- LOST— Black cocker spaniel, be thority to said district to levy an at a party honoring Mrs. M. A. row beet cultivator and tools, po- tween Lang ton's corner and Owy- additional assessment o f ten (10) Bradney on her 87th birthday. Mrs. General Contractor Phone 09J3 TOR SALE— International tumble- | tao cultivator, six-row side dresser, j herdam™Answers" name ofL a d d ie, mills aga:|st the real property sit bug plow, new this spring. Roy beet lifter. Jacob Fischer, one mue * Reward Call Pinley shuster, 23-W. uated within the limits of the said Bradney's daughter, Mrs. Charles Parma, Mrs. Oce Hirai, Phone 09-J1, Nyssa. lA3xp. I west on Alberta avenue. 29Jtfc. ■ 8Alxp district for use in connection with Johnson o f Sohweizer. and Mrs. Jeff Williams road improvements Tor the year and their families were present. A FOR SALE:— 1941 John Deere B i POR SALE:— Onion seed, white LOST 22 calibre rifle Duane birthday cake and light lunch were tractor, J n good condition, phone | Spanish _and yellow globe. Ira^Ure, Ho]comb wrltten on stock,' lost on 1948/1940. Dated this 23rd day of March, served. 19Ftfc. Adrian-Vale . road. Reward. Duane 28-J3, New Plymouth evenings. phone 06-R2 1948. » Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan 25M4xc. — ----------------------------- ---------- Holcomb, box 416, Nyssa. 8A2xp. Dale Garrison. Chairman of were Boise visitors Wednesday. ____________________________ - [TOR SALE— Bring your sacks and the Board of Directors, Nyssa FOR SALE OR TRADE:— Three- j get your eating potatoes, $1.50 per Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing For Rent Road Assessment District No. 2. room frame house, bath, corner lot, j bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware- — Contact— GRANGE PLANNING nice lawn, close in, immediate pos-L house, Payette, Idaho. 15Jtfc. TOR RENT— Polish your own DINNER AFFAIR floors. Rent our high-speed pol- DEMONSTRATION OF j ishing equipment. Easily handled SEPTIC TANK HELD NU-ACRES, April 8— Visiting in I by women. Nyssa Lumber company. I 3Atfc. SUNSET VALLEY, April 8— The the Prank Preston home this week N Y SSA , OREGON are Mrs. Dwayne Thorpe and chil septic tank demonstration held at dren of Kimberly, Idaho. We Guarantee Our Work For One Year WANTED the Robb Thompson home Thurs Donna Lee Nedbalek and Marilyn Free Estimates— Phone 196-J day was well attended. Mike Hu WANTED— Married man for work ber, agricultural engineer of Ore Evans attended a birthday party lor Linda Dorothy In Fruitiand on irrigated ranch. House furnish gon State college, supervised and ed. E. C. Terhune, Enterprise ave assisted with the work. The stan Sunday. Refreshments o f ice cream, nue. 8A2xp. dard forms were previously made, cake and kool-aid were served. The group spent the afternoon playing WANTED— Washing in my home. and the men present ran the ce games. Linda received many lovely ment. Phone 260W. lA3xp. gifts. In the house, Mrs. Margaret EXPLOSION — WINDSTORM Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore were in WANTED— To rent potato land. F'uller o f the Oregon State college Payette on business last week. DENTISTS PHYSICIANS Phone 28-J3, New Plymouth, ev gave help to home-makers on their Richard Grasmick Is ill with the enings. 18M4xc. individual problems of decorating, mumps. DAMAGE TO HOUSE remodeling or building in their S A R A Z IN CLINIC Richard Jenkins and Dick Haw WANTED— The best one-man homes. ley attended the F.H.A. convention business in this county now avail DR. C. M. TYLER Miss Miriam Black, home demon CAUSED BY VEHICLE Dr. J. J. Sarazin able. Income starts at once. We stration agent, and George Bain, in Boise Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. furnish capital. Write J. R. Wat Wilson Building county assistant, were both pres- Dr. K E. Kerby Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry made a kins Co., 137 Dexter avenue. Sea ent. ______ __ COLLISION business trip to Payette and Cald- ttle 9, Washington. 25M7xc Phone 163-J, Nyssa Physician and Surgeons Mrs. Charles West and baby were V eil Monday, CLEANING— FYimiture, rugs and dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Jimi Mr and Mrs John Pettit and Office hours from 9 to 5 except Ison 0f spent the week-end carpets, in your home. Guaranteed Robb one day last week. All these can be covered by “ Extended Mrs. Don Strickland and 11 other j W(tb Mrs. Pettit's parents, Mr. and Saturdays, 9 to 12. satisfactory. Phone Roy Vawter at L. A. Maulding, M. D. Nampa 468. or write Box 175, Nam friends were guests of Mrs. C. C. Mrs Allen C urtis. Physician and Surgeon and Mrs. Reuben Grasmick pa. 18M4xp. Patterson last Wednesday after- Coverage Endorsement” on your present fire noon at a bridal shower honoring and family o f Pdtatello spent the Phone 37 WANTED— To buy anything in Mrs. Hazel Kressly, who became week-end with the Bill and Oeorge Hours: 10 to- 12 and 2 to 5 J. R. C U N D ALL beef or veal. Also custom killed the bride of Wyatt Smith Easter Grasmick families. policy. The cost is low and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Sunday. Daily—Except Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ellibee made age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and Dentist a business trip to Payette and daughter were dinner guests at the Caldwell Monday. Phone 56-J Jesse Gregg home Sunday. MISCELLANEOUS JE W E LR Y STORES Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tltland family spent Sunday in the O. D. Sarazin Citale MISCELLANEOUS— Send us your and Children and Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt home in Nyssa. saws for sharpening, gumming or Olaf F’yllingness were Sunday din NYSSA OREGON PAULUS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grasmick and I re-toothing to any size teeth you ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John family. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gras- j wish. Patterson saw shop, North Grottveit in Nyssa. JEWELRY STORE mick and family and Mr. and Mrs. | First street. lAtfc. Union Pacific Time Inspector W. T. Cannon was sick all week Oeorge Grasmick spent Easter with 1 OPTOM ETRISTS with a relapse of pneumonia Mrs. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS MISCELLANEOUS— Have excellent Charles Ditty was in bed with a WATCHES tenant for farm. Prefers row crop Main Street a . Second land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. severe cold. DR. J. A . M C FALL Sunday school classes and church MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in services are now being held regu DR. JOHN E A SLY stallation of heating systems, coal larly every Sunday at the Sunset WYCKOFF or oil. Also servicing and repair. Assembly of God church, according Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. to Reverend and Mrs. Joe Dodson, JEWELRY STORE 15Jtfc. ministers. Official Time Inspector for Reverend and Mrs Joe Dodson Union Pacific were supper guests at the Charles ONTARIO OREGON Ditty home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fylllngneas Free Pick Up and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs LODGES Larry Dimmick were dinner guests O f Your at the Nell Dimmick home Sunday. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Chuck Young went to Marstng. Nyssa Post No. 79 Idaho to spend several days at the Dead and Worthless American Legion home of his aunt, Mrs. James Skelton. Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. | GRAVE MARKERS Animals Mr. and Mrs Harley Wilson Project Office, 8 p. m. and Jimmie shopped in Ontario Call Collect Monday. All Veterans Welcome For grave markers and Mr and Mrs. Floyd Young were There is a Phone Near You hosts at dinner Sunday. Ouests monuments write or see Gate City Lodge Nyssa 100 Parma 2 » from Marsing were Mrs. James Skelton and dauzhter, Jerry, Mr. R. A. BENTLEY No. 214 and Mrs. Bill Skelton and Mr and Ontario 53 Mrs. Grover Wilson I.O.O.F. Haines, Oregon “We Haul the Day You Call" Mrs Loren Hite of Haines, Mrs. Meets every Monday Robert Reffett and Mrs Harry Better Values Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Gardner shopped In Caldwell Thur- j night, 8 :30. s<tav afternoon. South First Street Lower Prices — PHONE 124-W— Mr and Mrs Jim Rntob were I Nyssa, Oregon Parma visitors Monday. With due apology to Mrs T o m ' DR. C.W. GRAVES Cement Work Leslie W. Stoker PLUMBING Professional And Business Directory Brower Plumbing Shop Frank T. Morgan Fa rmers Attention We Have A Few Lockers Available Now Polar Cold Storage