THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON I | from Craigmont blue tag. Itogued. | kins Co.. 137 Dexter avenue, Sea ttle 9, Washington, x 25M7xc I ! a E. Flanagan, route 2, Nvssa. 1' llM tfc. WANTED— Married man for year II FOR SALE- Seed potatoes. WHITE around farm work. Good house. I ROSE certified, tagged or bin run. Phone 25-J l, Parma. 25M2xp. 1 1 Gems, grown from certified blue | tag, some from foundation stock. CLEANING— Furniture, rugs and I Ira Ure, phone 06R2. 12Ftfc carpets, in your home. Guaranteed RATES. Two cents per word lor each Issue. Alter one month one | FOR SALE— F-14 International satisfactory. Phone Roy Vawter at tractor, mechanically perfect. Six- Nampa 468, or WTite Box 175, Nam cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, la 30a IBMlxp. row beet cultivator and tools, po- pa. tao cultivator, six-row side dresser, WANTED— To buy anything m beet lifter. Jacob F'ischer, one mile beef or vtal. Also custom killed west on Alberta avenue. 29Jtfc. tumblebug two-bottom plow, $1250. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor For Sale age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Fttc. FARMS AND HOMES Also G.M.C. truck with beet bed, FOR SALE FOR SALE White rose seed po- \ $ 110 0 . Marlon Chard, 462 north 86 acres, nearly all nice row crop MISCELLANEOUS tatoes. First from certification. M. sixth street, P.O. box 814. 25M2xp land, family orchard, water piped A. Rataezyk, route 2, Nyssa. lAlxp | FOR SALE — % HP Advance pump, to lots, new home, 3 bedrooms, MISCELLANEOUS-- Have excellent FOR SALE— Coast fir, structural j new. Deep well type. Priced very bath, finished basement, labor tenant for farm. Prefers row crop timbers 12 by 12, 10 by 12 and 8 by 1 reasonably. Gem seed spuds, grown house, new bam, 34 by 50, modern land. See Frank T. Morgan. lSJtfc. 8. 4 by 12 bridge Joists and plank i *rora blue tag stock. Wanted to chicken house. $25,000, with crops. MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in 126 acres, 6'4 miles from Vale. stallation of heating systems, coal 16 to 22 feet. Vest Bros, ranch, ‘ buy, grain drill. Irving T. Duffin, route 2, Ny&sa. lA2xu ^ mile north and. % mile east oi Fine new home, 3 bedrooms, bath. or oil. Also servicing and repair. ---- — _____ ___ j underpass. 35Mtfc. 88 acre water right. Spring water Phone 169-W; after 6 p.nt. 289-R. pipe to corrals. This is a dandy FOR SALE— 1941 Studebaker 4 - —— ------------- lSJtfc. ton pick-up truck, four speed trans- ! SALE ■ 2 j ton army Stude- stock and row crop farm. New miss’on, overload springs and heat- | 6 by 6 Hercules en- tractor, combine, buckrake, mower, MISCELLANEOUS— Roofing: re er. Hester's Automotive service, 'a |? ,ne' actual mileage, 16-foot ditcher, scraper, and other m a pair and plaster work, guaranteed, mile south of Adrian. lAlxp. ! b£et bed. *rvln Wolfe, 514 miles chinery. all for $24,000. $7,000 can phone 169-W; evenings, 289-R. ______west Owyhee comer. 25M3xp. be carried. 15Jtfc. FOR SALE— Servel 8 cubic-foot — — ------------------- 20 acres fine row crop land, mo refrigerator, 30-gallon Safeway wa- ^ SAL~TT 7 ^ ° comer 'ots south dem 3 bedroom house, berries, MISCELLANEOUS— See us for ter heater (gas), Wedgewood range, _ N y^a Cnrlstlan church or will fruit, lawn and lots of shade, close quick repair service on all makes all three appliances $150. Montgom- ^or Nampa property. CalJ or Co town. $13,500. of washing machines. We also ser cry Ward washing machine, large see ^ a mer Noss at Western Block 10 acres, close in, good 4 room vice, clean and repair all makes of size $60; baby bed and innersprmg , company. Phone 911-J Nampa. house, cellar, deep well of nice wa- oil heaters and burners. Free pick mattress, six-year size; high c h a i r , ___________________ 25M3xp. i ter, piped to house, fruit, berries, up and delivery service. Phone 162-R. Lowe’s Home Appliance Re both for $15 Harvey Hunt, No 8, FOR SALE— One J o h n lje e re beet pasture and hay. $6,500, terms. 6Ntfc. across from Sugar Factory. 25Mlxp. cuitivatori wlth all attachments. ! 80 acres nearly all in tame pas pair shop. FOR SALE— Westinghouse electric ' hiQUirc Arthur Case, one mile north ture, 40 head of cattle, nice modem MISCELLANEOUS— Available now small house, orchard. Immediate oven, with griddle and stand. 802 anc* 1/2 m**e east Adrian. 25M3xp. I possession, $13,500 takes everything, Electrolux cleaners and air puri Park avenue, Dale Bassett. lAlxp. ! p o R SA.LE_ Nettet; OemTnd i Very nice new home, 2 bedrooms, fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An TO TRADE— Central Oregon pro- ! triumph seed from blue tag J C. 1 utility room with laundry, piped derson, route 7 Welser, Idaho. 26Jtfc. perty to exchange. We have a five- i ‘-•'•‘well ^ellar^ in Adrian. 18M3xp. | furnace heat, on large lot, fenced. Phone 567-J4. acre ranch with a new five-room I r o R SAL^ _ 1940 John Deere trac- $7,250, $2,700 will handle. MISCELLANEOUS1— Prompt and Cute little house of three rooms free cement block house, barn, chicken t(jr good condition. Nys- pick-up or your dead, crippied house. This ranch has five-acre -'a Implement Co., “The House of in a nice part of town, $2,800. sick livestock. Calls received be We have several more homes In or water. Located near Redmond. The Oliver”. fore 9 o’clock are picked up by 18Mtfc. anv price range you wish to pay. price is $9500, and we will exchange noon. Efficient drivers. Call col ED JAMISON for property near Ontario, Nyssa FOR SALE— 1947 Ford panel. Clo- Phone 65-J lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys or Vale. Shelley Real Estate, the er Lawn dairy. 18M3xc. 252 4th St. South Office in my home south of the sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products dirt merchant, Redmond, Oregon. Company. 5Jtfc. International Store. FDR SALE— One utility two-wheel lA4xc. trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-RU. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? FOR SALE— Onion seed, white FOR SALE— Marquette home free 18Mtfc. Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure, Loans on farms for refinancing, zer, eight foot. Phone 297-R. lA2xp. 19Ftfc. building. Improvements, b u y i n g . ------------------ -- ------- ----- --- FOR SALE— Half horse air com- phone 06-R2. Long term, low Interest, see Ber FOR SALE— Beans for seed or pressor, complete and ready to use. eating, red Mexican, good ylelders, Leo Fife, phone 05-R11, route 2, FOR SALE—Have farms and homes nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 3Atfc. 12 cents pound cleaned. A. D. Mos- Nyssa. 18Mtfc. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. es, near Owyhee Junction. l A 5 x p . --------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car --------------- -— I FOR SALE— National cash regis- FOR SALE— International tumble- ter. Practically new, $240. Phone FDR SALE— Bring your sacks and and clyinder lock keys made. Wes 250tfc. bug plow, new this spring. Roy j 169-W or 289-R evenings. 26Ftlc. get your eating potatoes, $1.50 per, tern Auto Store. Hirai, Phone 03-Jl, Nyssa. lA 3 x p .------------------- — ---------------- - — bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware house, Payette, Idaho. 15Jtfc. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ---------------------------------------------- FOR SALE— Three-room house Stock received Monday, Tuesday, FOR SALE— 1941 John Deere B with bath, electric water tank, 75 FOR SALE— New Westinghouse re tractor, in good condition, phone by 119 corner lot, nice lawn, easy frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. 28-J3, New Plymouth evenings. | terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. to No 25M4xc.1------------------------------------------- stock received on Sunday. 1 FDR SALE— Modem two-bedroom FDR SAE— New Westinghouse el Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery FOR SALE— Two hay trailers, two home, garage, excellent location, ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom to Polar locker plant. wheel; one milking machine, first njce yarcj arKj shrubs. FHA terms, One mile west on Alberta avenue class shape and pipe and stall shown by appointment. Priced to Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. Phone 05R1 15Jtfc. cocks for seven stancheons; one seu Bernard Eastman, real estate JAKE FISCnER Spark oil heater, three-room size; ] an(i insurance. 2GFtfc. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and small sink and basket, Russ P a t - 1 ------------------------------------------- supplies of all kinds at your Wes Legal Advertising ton three miles west of Owyhee j FOR SALE— Six-row side dresser, tinghouse dealer's. Ostrom Bros. junction. 25M2xp. fits any make of tractor. Clayton Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Patton, 3 miles west of Langton’s DEPARTMENT OF THE FOR SALE OR TRADE— Three- llM4xp. FOR SALE— 10 acres one mile west INTERIOR room frame house, bath, corner lot, ----- of town. Good buy. See Frank T. Bureau of Land Management at nice lawn, close in, immediate pos- | FOR SALE— Seed potatoes, certi- Morgan. 8Jtfc. The Dalles, Oregon session, consider late model car, fied Bliss Triumph. Otis Smith, February 12, 1948 easy terms. Inquire first house le ft! box 99, Payette, phone 64-11, Fruit- FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good NOTICE is htvsby given that on East Third street. 25Mtfc. j land. llM4xp. condition, lo root copper tubing and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. Frank W. Knottingham, of R.FD. FOR SALE— 1940 Oliver 80 trac- I POR SALE— Good type and quali- 18Stfc. No. 2, Nyssa, Oregon, who, on tor and cultivator and 16-inch l ty Russet seed potatoes, grown February 12, 1948, made Homestead I FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. 032246, for | Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for Farm Unit "B” or NHNE44, NE*4 | Willys parts, motors, extra equlp- N W 'i, Section 14, Twnshp. 21 So., | ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup Range 45 East, Willamette Merid | trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. ian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to establish 1 FOR SALE— Several houses tor claim to the land above described, I sale. Attractive buys. See Frank before Thomas Jones, U. S. Com IT. Morgan. 16Jtfc missioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1948. FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. Claimant names as witnesses: Guaranteed to be washable and Ira Marrs, Russel Talbot, Harold non-fading lor three years. Good Fivecoat and Earnest Smith, all of stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com Route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. pany. 26Jtfc. Grace Gavin Lewis, Acting Manager DENTISTS y Classified Advertising Professioni And §®§Hæs$ MrecMri PHYSICIANS SARAZ1N CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Iverby Physician and Surgeons For Rent DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building rhone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a . Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Saturdays, 9 to 12. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON LODGES Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. GRAVE MARKERS Project Office, 8 p. m. All Veterans Welcome For grave markers and monuments write or see Gate City Lodge R. A. BENTLEY No. 214 I.O.O.F. Haines, Oregon Meets every Monday Better Values night, 8:30. Lower Prices South First Street NOTICE OF MEETING FOR RENT— Furnished trailer OWYIIEE IRRIGATION HIST. house. Inquire Collins Trailer camp. Notice is hereby given, that the 26Ftfc board of directors of the Owyhee Irrigation District, sitting as a FOR RENT— Polish your own board of equalization, will meet on floors. Rent our high-speed pol the 6th day of April, 1948, at 8 ishing equipment. Easily hanoled o’clock P. M. of said day at Its by women. Nyssa Lumber company. office In Nyssa, Oregon, for the 3Atfc. purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment roll and apportion WANTED ment of charges for operation and maintenance for the 1948_ season, WANTED— Washing In my home. and assessment of $3 60 per acre Phone 260W. lA3xp. for operation and maintenance, de WANTED— Someone with equip linquencies In collections and ad ment to plow and disc. Phone ministration expenses, estimated for 128-M. 25M2XC. the season of 1948 and $1.00 per acre constrctlon charge during the WANTED— Beauty operator. Apply vear 1948, by virtue of Bureau of Owyhee Beauty shop. 25M2xc. Reclamation order. The assessment roll and record WANTED— To rent potato land. may be Inspected at the office of Phone 28-J3, New Plymouth, ev the district bv any interested per enings. 18M4xc. son during office hours of each day. WANTED—. Oregonian route avail business By order of the Board of Di able in Nyssa for ambitious boy rectors. by Frank T. Morgan, who wants to earn upwards of $30 Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation a month, plus commissions. Call collect Ontario 170-R. 25M2xp. First District. pub. March 4. 1948. WANTED— The best one-man Last pub. April I, 1948. business In this county now avail able. Income starts at once. We IN THE COUNTY COURT OF furnish capital. Write J. R. Wat- TITO STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Formation of NYSSA COMMUNITY PARK AND Free Pick Up RECREATION DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. Of Your That on March 23. 1948 s t a regular meeting and term of the County of Malheur County, Oregon, Dead and Worthless Court there was presented to the said County Court and filed therein, a Animals petition of more than 25% of the resident freeholders of certain land.-,, Call Collect the boundaries of which are here inafter set forth and are also set There Is a Phone Near Tow forth In said petition, proposing the organization of a parte and Nyssa 100 Parm a 25 recreation district pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 327. Oregon Ontario 53 Law, 1941; “We Haul the Day You Call’ T hat the proposed name of the district is ____ NYSS \ COMMUNITY PARK Ida-Ore Rendering Co. AND RECREATION DISTRICT T hat said proposed park and re Nyssa, Oregon creation district is located In ths County of Malheur, S tats M Ore THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 19-18 gon; That said proposed district boun daries include the incorporated lim its of the City of Nyssa and that a certified copy of a resolution of he City Council of the City of Nvssa, Malheur County, Oregon ap proving the formation of said dis trict has been filed herein with said petition: That the boundaries of the pro posed district are as follows: Beginning at a point where the half section line running east and west through Section 33, Town ship 18. S„ Range 47 E W M., Intersects th e west bank of the Snake River, thence running due west on the half section line through Sections 33, 32. and 31, Twnshp. 18 S.. Range 47 E.W.M. and on half section line through Section 36. Township 18 S.. 46 to the western boundary line of Section 35. Township 18 S.. Range 46; thence southerly along the west boundary line of Section 36, TcOvnship 18 S., Range 45 to the north boundary line of Sec tion 2, Township 19 S., Range 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly on said north line of Section 2; Township 19 S., Range 46. E.W. M.; to the west line of said Sec tion 2; thence southerly on the west line of said Section 2 to the half section line of Section 3, Township 19 S., Range 46, E.W. M.: thence westerly along the half section line to the western boundary of said Section 3, Town ship 19 S„ Range 46; thence Southerly along the western boun dary line of said section 3 and Section 10 to the northeast cor ner of Section 16, Township 19 S., Range 46; thence westerly along the section lines to the northeast com er of Section 18, Township 19 S., Range 45; thence southerly along the section line to the Township line between Townships 19 and 20; thence westerly along said township line to the northwest comer of Sec tion 6, Township 20 S., Range 45; thence southerly along the range line between ranges 44 E.W.M. and 45 E.W.M. to the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 21 S., Range 45 E.W.M.; thence easterly along the town ship line between townships 20 S. and 21 S., to the Snake River; thence northeasterly along the West Bank of the Snake River to the point of beginning. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER OIVEN, That said petition will be presented to the County Court In the Courtroom of said County Court in the City of Vale, Oregon on the 7th day of April, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. of said day for a hearing thereof and that all persons Interested therein may appear and be heard, then and there to show cause why an order should not be made des cribing the exterior boundardies of the District, as determined by said County Court, and directing that an election be held In said proposed District pursuant to Chap ter 327 of Oregon Laws, 1941. By order of fthe County Court of Malheur County, State of Ore gon. H. S. Sacket, County Clerk PAGE THREE to the Township line between . were Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harris, Townships 18 and 20; thence high, and Mrs. W. C. Lundy and westerly along said township line L. A. Philips, low. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sisson were to the northwest corner of Sec tion 6, Township 20 S. Range called to Twin Fulls Sunday be 45; thence southerly along the cause of the illness of Mrs. Sisson's range line between ranges 44 E.W.M. and 45 E.W.M. to the sister-in-law, Mrs. Wadren Willi northwest comer of Section 6, ams. Township 21 S. Range 45, E.W M. Mi*s. Ray Russell and daughter, thence easterly along the town Loretta and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. ship line between townships 20 Graves and daughter, Janet, shop S. and 21 S. to the Snake River; ped in Boise Tuesday. thence northeasterly along the Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood West Bank of the Snake River and Frank Sherwood were dinner to the point of beginning, guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Chel- be organized as a park and recrea delin Sunday. tion district to be known and nam Ward Lundy and son, Warren, ed as Nyssa Community Park and returned home Thursday with a Recreation District, all under and load of h :p roots from Salem. by virtue of the authority of Chap Mr. and Mrs. Thareld Anderson ter 327, Oregon Laws 1941 and all of O^den, Utah were dinner guests amendments thereof. of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beckstead STATE OF OREGON Thursday. County of Malheur as. I, Wilbur W. Foster, being first COUPLES RETURN TO duly sworn, depose and say: COW HOLLOW HOMES of the area described In the fore- T hat I am a resident freeholder COW HOLLOW. April 1— Mr. and going petition and am one of the Mrs. Woodrow Callahan and fami petitioners in the above entitled ly of Dragerton, Utah are visiting proceeding, that I have read the at their father’s home in this vic foregoing petition and know the inity. contents thereof, and that the same Mr. and Mrs. Les Ballantyne will is true as I verily believe. leave this week to attend the gen Wilbur W. Foster eral conference in Salt Lake City Subscribed and sworn to before April 3, 4 and 5. me this 31st day of October, 1947. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Maw had Harold Hehlgson, Notary Public their baby christened and named for Oregon. My Commission ex last Sunday at the L.D3. church. pires 9 1/51. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud and family will leave Kenmore, NOTICE OF ANNUAL AND North Dakota in April for Nyssa SPECIAL ELECTION OF NYSSA to make their home. Mrs. Herrud ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Callahan. NO. 2 Dave Highland. Hubert Parker. Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of April, 1948, at the John Niccum, and Ray Callahan, City Hall of tfhe City of Nyssa, high school students -of Nyssa, vis In the County of Malheur, State of ited in Boise last week. Ray Callahan is employed for Oregon, the annual election of the Nyssa Road Assessment District No. the summer in Caldwell. 2 for a director of said Nyssa Road The Owyhee ward of the L.D.S. Assessment District No. 2, will be church had Easter services and held at 8 o’clock in the morning a program last Sunday at the and will continue until 8 o’clock Oregon Trail schoolhouse. in the afternoon of said day, and The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Whereas a petition, dated the Delos Durfee is sick with pneu 23rd day of March, 1948, signed by monia in the Emmett hospital. more than ten GO) owners of real Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee property situated within the limits left Arizona Friday because of the of the Nyssa Road Assessment Dis- Illness of their grandson and are rict No. 2 petitioning for a special expected home Sunday or Monday. election for the purpose of obtain Lova Callahan entertained 30 of ing approval for the assessment of her friends Saturday evening, March an additional ten GO) mills to be 20 at a birthday party at her home. applied toward the cost of road Games were played. A birthday Improvements for the year 1948/ cake was cut while the guests 1949, was filed with the Boai'd of sang "Happy Birthday". Lunch was Directors herein, now therefore served. Loya opened her many Notice is hereby given that on gifts. the same day, at the same place and during the same hours a spe cial election oi said Nyssa Rood OUTSTANDING 4-H BOY, GIRL CHOSEN Assessment District No. 2 will be held far the purpose of voting au thority to said district to levy an ADRIAN, April 1— Lois Gowey was additional assessment of ten GO) a visitor in Mr. and Mrs. Jerry mills aga 1st tne real property sit Mackey’s home Sunday. uated within the limits of the said Rev. and Mrs. Pitcher were Sun district for use In connection with day dinner guests In the George road improvements ror the year Tarr home at Homedale. 1948/1949. Mr. and Mrs: BUI Nelson and Dated this 23rd day of March, daughter were Sunday dinner guests 1948. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dale Garrison, Chairman of Nelson near Homedale. the Board of Directors, Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown were In Road Assessment District No. 2. Boise to spend Easter with Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Please take notice that on Mnrch FRIENDS CELEBRATE Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Deffer en 23, 1948 Martin A. Teske, Lloyd 12TH ANNIVERSARY tertained at a picnic dinner for McLaughlin and Arthur O. Zillig relatives from Welser. There were dissolved the co-partnership doing RTOHLAND, April 1— Several 29 present, including Mr. and Mrs. business under the name and style Of NYSSA HEATING COMPANY friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ad Ed Otllispie and son, Mr. and Mrs. engaged in the general business of am Focht Sunday on their 17th Rex Guilford and children and Mr. sheet metal work and heating equ anniversary with a potluck dinner. and Mrs. PucW Oullford and chil ipment installation at Nyssa, Ore • The guests attending were Mr. and dren, all of Welser. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Thomas, Mr. gon and that as of such date Mar Mrs. Ward Lundy, Carol Ann Lun tin A. Teske will continue the dy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runcorn and Mrs. Glen Brown and Mr. and conduct of such business individu and family Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mrs. Lambert Dierking attended a Runcorn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc pinochle party at Mr. and Mrs. ally. Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, March Call and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Jack Raney’s home in Parma Wed Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harris. nesday evening. 23, 1948. Mrs. Threlma Elliot held a lead Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Focht and Is/ Martin A. Teske family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Focht ers meeting Wednesday evening /s/ Lloyd McLaughlin and family, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. at her home to choose an out Is/ Arthur O. ZUUg Philips and son. Mr. and Mrs. Facht standing 4-H boy and girl to be given scholarships to Corvallis this IN THE COUNTY COURT OF received lovely gifts. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beckstead of summer. Lester Auker was chosen THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sid- as the outstanding boy and Myrna PETITION well and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Harper Lane the outstanding girl. Rev. ad Mrs. Pitcher left Mon In the Matter of the Formation of of Shelley, Idaho were dinner guests Nysaa Community Park and of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell day morning for Seattle to see Recreation District. Saturday evening at the country about the home they are building. Mr. and Mrs. FYed Mull and TO: THE COUNTY COURT OF club. MALHEUR COUNTY, STATE OF Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Graves and children were week-end guests In OREGON: daughter, Janet, of Hollywood, left Nyssa visiting relatives. A family We, the undersigned, each being Wednesday for their home after reunion was held Sunday after a resident and freeholder of the visiting several days at the Ray noon. Mr. and Mrs. George DeH&ven area within the boundaries here Russell home. inafter described, and comprising Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt were and children were In Nyssa Sunday more than twenty-five per cent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rog afternoon. The senior girls left Monday 1 25%) of the resident freeholders er Oris Thursday evening within said area, do hereby petition Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldeltn and morning to see the freedom train and pray to the County Court of daughters, Phyllis and Donna, and in Boise. Those going were Joan Malheur Couny, State of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. F’ry, and son, Webb, Selma Stam, Betty Tooinb, that the lands within the following Bill, were in Boise Monday to see Ardis Hurst and Elolse Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie West and boundaries, to-wit: the freedom train. Beginning a t a point where the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen and baby son were birthday dinner half section line running east and daughter, Rena, visited in New guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Douglas at Homedale Sunday. west through Section 33, Town Plymouth Friday morning. Mrs. J. W Baker, mother of Bill ship 18. S., Range 47 E.W M., Mrs. Clifford Nielsen attended an intersects the west bank of the all-day 4-H meeting held at Boule Looney has been visiting the Loon ey family for the past week. Her Snake River, thence running due vard Thursday. west on the half section line Betty Ann Boenic, daughter of home Is In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Parks and Mrs. through Sections 33, 32. and 31, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boento, has Twnshp. 18 S., Range 47 E.W M been ill with a cold for several George Parks of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and Harvey Otis and on half section line through days. Section 36. Township 18 S. Range Sherral and Stanley Sisson had were dinner guests In the BUI 46 to the western boundary line a birthday party Saturday after Looney home Easter Sunday. Mrs. John Auker and Katherine, of Section 38, Township 18 S. noon. Twenty-four guests attended Range 46: thence southerly along Many lovely gifts were received. Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Anna Sparks the west boundary line of Section Ice cream and cake were served. and Wayne and Mrs BH1 Looney 36, Township 18 8. Range 45 to Several games were played during and children shopped In Caldwell Thursday. the north boundary Hne of Sec the afternoon. Elmer Sparks is sick with the tion 2, Township 19 S. Range Mrs. Wallace Gregg returned 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly on home Friday, after having an ap^ influenza. Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven said north line of Section 2; pendix operation In the Holy Ros announce the marriage of their Township 19 8 Range 48. E.W ary hospital In Ontario. M.; to the west Hne of said Sec Mrs. R E. Runcorn and Mrs. daughter. Patricia Lee, to Ray tion 2; thence southerly on the W. C. Lundy shopped In Caldwell Landon. son of Mrs. AI Nicholson. They were married Saturday, March west line of said Section 2 to Wednesday. the half section Hne of Section 3, Mr. and Mrs Joe Dirksen visited 27 at Roswell in the home of her Township 19 S. Range 4«. E.W at the Jacob Oroot home Friday aunt, Mrs Rosie Bawtinhemer. Their only attendants were tl$eir M : thence westerly along the afternoon. half section line to the western Mr. and Mrs. Robert Runcorn mothers. Donna Peterson stayed in the boundary of said Section 3. Town gave a surprise birthday party in ship 19 S Range 46. thence honor of Mrs W. P Runcorn Sat home of Rev and Mrs Moore while her parents were in Ne Southerly along the western boun urday evening Those attending dary line of said section 3 and were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lundy braska for the funeral of Mrs. Section 10 to the northeast cor and chlliren. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Peterson’s mother. Mias Ruth Eastman visited her ner of Section 18. Township 19 Focht and Children. Mr. and Mrs. S Range 46 thence westerly L A. Philips and son. and Mr and parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. East along the section lines to the Mrs. Ward Lundy and daughter. man, from Thursday until Tues- northeast comer of Section 18, Mrs Runcorn received many beau •day when she returned to her stu Township 19 8 Range 46 thence tifu l gift* Rook waa played during dies at Collage of Idaho at Cald southerly along the section line the evening Those winning prizes well.