PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSS*A, OREGON Social Notes THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1918 "T ile Last O f The Lowries", by new R elief society central building, oring Mrs. C liff Main and small Shore was stake pianist. After B i- health, does not wear glasses, and Mrs. Vern Chadwick. - I - Donna Cheldelin, Florence Nic- which will soon be erected at Salt eon K ent Main. Following some shop Dewy of Letha gave the in- Js active doing her own housework SOCrETY MEETS cum, Helen Mundy and Jim ^ ‘ nf° rmal appr° priate ior the vocation, the floor show was given ^ u ^ a r m ^ n Al- T h e March meeting of the St. Dan-imt w a s e ir io v X i8“^ ’ “ “ “ ion. the nonor guest was pre- « « follows: Introduction, Spring perta avenue, Anne’s Altar Society was held at C IV IC CLUB E LE C TS O FFIC E R S Rigney; Murder?" by Reid Camp- p Rlgney, Marian Ek- L™,*, *“ e“ Joyed a ite r ' rented with many lovely gifts. R e - (W altz, stake dancers; Letha ward, the home of Mi’s. W illiam Van T h e last Civic club meeting of bell, Jim —6 ~ freshments were served with tiny Spring Song and Rhumba, Keith Z elf last Thursday, with Rev. P. J. M A R R IE D IN N Y S S A —i — the year was held at the parish anger and Carole Flinders, and bassinets placed at each,cover. (G am er and Dawn Page instructors Vallle Jean Balter of Canyon G aire o f Ontario as guest. by Kay E N T E R T A IN S ON B IR T H D A Y - 5 — and Jeanette Rich accompanist; county, Idaho, daughter of Mr. and hall March 17, with Mrs. Bernard "On the Front Porch Refreshments were served fo l­ Christensen and Bob Wilder. The Bruce Fife, son of Mr.^and Mrs. E N T E R T A IN S B RID G E CLUB | ward, Chicago Glide a n d ; M rs. Henry A. Baker of Aurora. lowing the regular business meet­ Eastman presiding. During the bus­ ... . . . Leo Fife, entertained the entire My T h e —. Mr. . ---- and -------- Mrs. -----------------. bridge clu b , ^ UJi'._an , g.1ila Nebraska, and Carl F. W. Hale, son ing. iness meeting Mrs. Henry Hartley, program was concluded with The next meeting will be held Wild Iri h Rose" and "Easter Par- m c e le b r a ii^ o l J S T K ^ h n ^ g h ^ ^ ™ ^ °f chairman of the nominating com­ ade", sung by Mrs. W O Peter- YT q rr-h ^ T n i i K a - * „ „ i ' xvirzs. A iv m iv u r iu i. m g x i skxmc woo _ -------- -— IMV' SSa. W ere U n ited ill marriage at the home of Mrs. J. Williams mittee, announced the following son, Mrs. Waynard Talbot and Mrs j j 01UI ' honorlS heW Mrs Eldon Ubner and sec- : c o t B e ^ i ^ " W * Mrs. Kenneth March 22 at 9 p m in the Metho- on south Third street, April 15, at ; Ima had ■ a birthday, v.ds was an Honored honored u L ^ h K„ v riioo niiiinac o u M t Cottle accompanists; Owvhee ward « ’•w.rzsr accompanied hv **«»» __________ H 2:30 pm . new officers for the coming year: j . e . Brower, by Mi Mi t * M . wrcna«y, r l * B^rnl r p ond h^ h bY Glea Billings. Guest Cottle accompanists; Owyhee ward. parsonage. ' : gu guest. Mrs, Bernice Taylor Taylor is is the the ° nlavprs8 , h gh ^ by Mr 5r , MrjL ., . □at. e st.M rs . Bernice ith * i in e single b ring rin g ceremony ceremony oi of me the Mrs. Hustin Wilson, president; r Fred __ , «.ifP anH __players Mr. wtrrc and Mrs. Eldon wiumjii , ir u Trust. Usov. tea “her AmrelfonH m.nnh were pmycrs mi, and ¡mu m i», sidon t-muu Variations of „ the Varsovienne. - - - - -..... . w -— - 5 - Mrs. Frank Morgan, vice presi- Refreshments in keeping with served to 27 r-hilrirpn i ulm er- Mrs. Jonh Beckham and !9 danoere, Mr. and Mrs. Roland ( ehiuvh was read by Rev. H. J. E N T E R T A IN S B R ID G E CLUB dent; Mrs. Bud Mrs. Dfean Smith entertained the ud Wilson, secretary,! St. Patrick's day were served by mJthers Mrs Durlin Hamlin M lss Nathelle Holton. A^ihv ' ™ ° ra and DMrS Vlvia“ I Oernhardt. Mrs. Gladys L. Smith and Mrs. Ron Campbell, treasurer, the tea committee, Mrs. W W. ^ members of her Tuesday evening rev.-, ... ... , ™ rd ' I Ui VdiiCV , OidLCl UUUC, m T Pariev Pl.k^w e e S l S S _____________“ t . _______________ « * nUUiC Apple valley, sister Ui o f LiiC the bride. F ^ te r Mrs OerrU Stam and Mrs. P L A Y C A ST E N TE R TA IN E D Mrs. Wesley Browne reported on , „ . e 5 f ,5 w t b 10 d a n c e r.s ' and Mrs. H. J. Gem hardt witnessed bridge club at her home Tuesday t orkM n f ««#» After games gnd refreshments. Le the chamber o f commerce dinner LaoMnt Fife. Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom en­ Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Timpson, d i­ the ceremony. The couple will make evening. Honors went to Miss Elva ^ and BrU(^ receive<, ^ fts. rectors, and Mrs. Frank Russell that was given by the civic club. Boydell and Mrs. Frank Morgan. tertained Monday evening at their their home in Nyssa. 1 —t ~ _______ Mrs. Quinby was a guest player. apartment for the members o f the pianist; Payette ward, The Blue Th e civic club voted to sponsor F A R E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN —» - B RO W N IE S H O LD M E E TIN G Danube, with eight girls; Erma a project to replenish the supply senior play cast. Th e evening was The senior of the L.DB. Sunday D INN E R GUESTS - 8 - Brownie troop 8, consisting of 19 o f equipment In the high school school honored Rulon Jergensen B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED spent informally with games and Grant instructor and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. George M cKee were home economics kitchen. The or­ -with a farewell party M mday ev- Roger Barnes, son o f Mr. and Hammon an" Mrs Plifffn-ri music- A highlight of the evening's f eterf^ n' Hpia,msa : Va 1 W?ad ’ W in " dinner guests Sunday at the home iginal stock has been depleted by ening at the home of Mr. and _ h ,d lni> TimrsH^v entertainment was the hat-m aking1 ; e[ Wonderland, with 16 young of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong Mrs. Roy Barnes, entertained 11 many organizations using the kit­ Mrs. of his small friends at a party Stoker, , h ' , to . nian« far t< J fh their contest* v * m ith i naus hats ocuig 1361118 mcdeled ° 153 dancing, and another dance at Wilder. m is Leslie O IUKI, with mm 8 o guests - , ’ fhool discuss “ nlans -ir I coiiwrsi, by the stake board. Centennial chen. Mrs. Ron Campbell and Mrs. attending. The Jergensen family Easte‘ ) arty uld Pfor ' thfe n y . up by Don Sutherland. Bob William given at the Barnes home M on­ Waltz, with 12 dancers. The re­ G rant Rinehart were appointed as has moved to Parma. Rulon was day afternoon. The occasion was in TU E SD A Y CLUB M EET3 _ ceremonies, which will be held at son and Norvelle Robbins. Refresh­ mainder of the evening was spent presented with a billfold by inem . __ members o f the committee. ments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Howard Lovejoy entertained observance of his fourth birthday. in ballroom dancing by the public, A n report icpuii on the me condition « n u i u u i of ui the ,uc bers of the class Mrs. Grant Pat- d wdo are interested are invit Engstrom. members of her bridge club at her —S - with the Vale orchestra furnishing library was given by Mrs. H. R terson. class teacher, and Mrs. Les- uho are^ mterested^ are inv.t W O M AN S HO NORED home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Grant - - ed to join. Parents are also in- the music. Stherwood. A program, announced lie Stoker served the covered dish A U X IL IA R Y T O MEET A covered dish dinner was served Rinehart won the prize for high ■ vited to attend meetings. -5 — by Mrs. W alter MoPartland, pro­ lunch. The women of Nyssa and vicinity score for the club, and Mrs. Tom in the Legion hall in Adrian March — 5— G AR D E N CLUB MEETS gram chairman: an Irish dance by who wish to become charter mem­ 14 in honor of Mrs. J H, Phtman - - The A.N.K. Garden club met at Eldridge the prize for high score S U N D A Y D IN N E R G U ESTS bers of the Malheur Memorial hos­ Annette Campbell. Helen Telford, O W Y H E E W A R D HAS BANQUET for the guests. Guests were M rs.' of West Plains, Missouri, sister of the home of Mrs. James Spofford The R elief society presidency ser- **ra- Ethel Johnson and daugli- Carlene Jones, and Betty Hadley, pital auxiliary are asked to m$et William Wahlert, Mrs. George Hen- Ellen Sparks of Adrian. The after- accomanled by M ary Lou Schenk. ved a chicken dinner to 125 persons L 1 ' ° ^ d7 i ’ ^ icJ?ard at the parish hall Monday, March for its March meeting. During the neman, Mrs. Tom Eldridge and neon was spent in visiting. business meeting discussion was Thursday evening at the American W e*», mtrther o f Mrs Ersel Be us. Three plays were presented by the 29 at 2:30. The final organization high school speech class, directed Legion hall In Adrian, to raise ajU ,M r' and. M r^' Wllllam ®eus measures will be completed and a held on a display for the annual by Mrs. Joe Brumbach. These were funds to assist In paying for the and amdy yerc dinner guests Sun- date and time of meeting decided state Federation of Garden Clubs ________________________________ __ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. upon. A treasurer will be elected convention to be held in June. Ersel Beus. Fifteen were served to serve on the official board with Mrs. Frank Morgan was appointed | Mrs. Johnson is a sister of Mr. EM Frost, president; Mrs. Bert chairman of a committee to obtain j Beus. Lois recently returned from Mrs. Lienkaemper, vice president, and pictures of local gardens to be I an L.D.S. mission. Mrs. Bernard Eastman, secretary. made into a display. The club also Mrs. FYost hopes to secure a guest voted to assist in the state fed­ 1 - H § D ~ AY PARTY H AVE B IR T eration project of plantings for speaker for the Monday meeting. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis entertained veterans’ hospitals. Mrs. Walter March 1 at a double birthday party McPartland, Who had charge of H A P P Y E IG H T MEET in honor of Dickie, 4. and Virginia, The Happy E^gh Fhnochle club the program, spoke on the conser­ 2, whose birthdays fall on the same met at the home of Mrs. Tom Eld- vation program as endorsed by the ’ day. Mrs. Robert Wilson and three ridge FYiday, with Mrs. George national federation. Mrs. Spofford daughters were guests. Vaugn and Mrs. Dave Mitchell and told o f some of the new varieties —6 - Don’t wait until you have a smash, though, Good assortment of Mrs. Gowen as guests. First prize of flowers for 1948. Refreshm ents' G R L SCOUT T R Q O PS MEET went to Mrs. Dale Garrison and were served by the hostess. The to get your car in shape and keep it that way. The members of Troop 3 of the second to Mrs. Ira Ure. R efresh­ April meeting will be held Friday, | Our check-ups, repairs and maintenance work G irl Scouts made a visit to the ments were served to eight. The April 29 at the home of Mrs. M. L. swing rockers, with M eaiow Lawn dairy March 10 to next meeting will be held at the Judd, with a landscape gardener keeps your car smooth-running and economi­ as guest speaker. complete requirements on one of home of Mrs. Vern Chadwick. _ Jt_ cal to operate and most important, prevents ex­ their for>d badges. The meeting was attended by Phyllis Hadley, E LD E R LY W O M AN HONORED R O S E T T B ALL PLA N N E D pensive breakdowns from occurring. frieze, velour and ta- Nadine Webb, Patsy Settles, Merie Mrs. David Christensen of Nyssa The Rosett ball for both the first Burningham. Pat Grunke, Verla and second L.D.S. Mutuals wfll was honored with a birthday party Blodgett, Joann Hartley and Col­ be held April 2 at the Nyssa high Thursday evening when 35 close leen Bybee, and the leader, Mrs, school gymnasium. The public is friends and neighbors gathered at pestiy coverings. Grunke. invited to attend. The hall will be the heme of Bishop and Mrs. Arvel j Scouts of Troop 4 m et last W ed- decorated in the junior motif, which . Child in celebration o f her 80"a . ... _ .. , , . „ . ! nesday at the home o f their as­ is roses and trellis. The identities blrthday’ ® oth Mr. and Mrs. Chns- sistant leader, Mrs. C. A. Wemick. of the prince and princess f ro m ' ' enf n , saI« l old‘ t™ 6 ’son=s: ^ rs . A skit, "Snow White and Red each ward will be revealed next West of Ogden and Mrs. Rase” , was presented by Joan N ar- week ^ ba„ sil^ lar to thd Gold Elwocd Flinders won prizes. Mrs. ragon, Avon Peterson, Louise G r u n -. and Green ball wi]j be semi_for_ Christensen received a lovely flo- ello and Doris Rigney. JoAnn Byrd mal. wer with 15 white blossoms from became a member o f the troop. the friends and other gifts. Each guest gave an old-time song, dance Refreshments were served by Mrs. DANCERS P A R T IC IP A T E IN Wemick. or reading. In special honor to S T A K E F LO O R SHOW Mrs, Christensen, a chorus of eight The members of the G irl Scouts, An audience o f approximately Market Report for March 23, 1948 sang a servg, “The Sweetest Person troop 5, met last week at the home 450 persons from Nyssa and sur- , _________. . . _ „ . . of their leader, Mrs. Grant R ine­ rounding cities, viewed the colorfu l! r v w ' i bft U Feeder steers $20 to $23. hart. Tests were given for second floor show given bv 114 soeria-1 Bybe( Fed steers $23.50 to $25. jn d dedicated it to Mrs. Feeder cows $140 to $160. class badges. The girls also worked noor snow given by 114 special c b ri.stensen Refreshments of pie, Grass fat cows $19 to $21. 1 Block West R.R. Depot Weaner calves $20 to $24. on their badge for bandaging. A m X U Cutter cows $15.50 to $17.50. the I cate a" d 166 cream were served, Fat hogs $25.60. doll is being dressed by the troop night at the Nyssa high school, Mrs Christensen is in very good Canner cows $13 to $15.50. gymnasium, under the direction of ■ ’ Sows $17 to $21. to be sent to some European child. .Beef bulls $19 to $21,10. Alma G rover and Mrs. Myrna Feeder pigs $20 to $24. Tw o book reviews have been given Veal calves $20 to $29. Christensen, stake dance instruc­ Fat Iambs $18 to $20. by Lois Wilson and Phyllis Cheldel­ Fed heifers $20 to $24. tors. There were seven piano ac­ in to complete for a literature and companists and 14 ward dance di­ dramatics badge. rectors assisting. T h e ladies wore floor-length gown, with flowers in B O O K CLUB MEAT'S their hair, and on the shoulders The Kinsm an Kolony Book club and bodice. The reception commit­ met Saturday at the home of Miss tee at the door consisted of Weiser Clarice Notheis in Sunset Valley. 4 stake board members. The book. 'Three Who Came Back’, The hall was decorated with pink by Agnes Newton Keith, was re- and white fringed paper ribbons, I viewed by Mrs. Dennis Patch. draped between the pillars on eaeh Guests Invited for the afternoon PHONE 264 ONTARIO, OREGON side of the hall and coming to a , were Mrs. Gordon Judd, Miss H ar- point at front and rear, joining the | rlet Cole and Miss Flmma Zwemke. basketball hoops, which were atec i The hostess was assisted during the covered with the ribbons. refreshments hour by her m o t h e r . i t “ ‘ " 3 “ ’ Mrs Albert Aiiwri Notheis. Stake Activity Counselor G ifford Mrs. was master o f ceremonies, and Jean —8 - H O NORED A T SHOW ER Mrs. Vern Farson. Mrs. H. J. Gom hardt, Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb Be sure you have the right and Mrs. R. M. Cochran entertain- things to work with this year— ! ed at a surprise shower Friday af- Lovely to give ! ternoon at the Parson home hon- make your lawn, flower and ve­ 8 8 A ROCKER Makes A Nice D o n ’t G iv e Up! EASTER GIFT If your “wreck” is worth saving Let Towne fix it up. TOWNE’S GARAGE More Buyers More Orders AS LOW AS $49.50 MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK —Terms— NYSSA FURNITURE CO. YOU’LL HAVE A PRETTIER PLACE . . . WITH LESS WORK . . . WITH OUR ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY GARDEN TOOLS Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. For Easter.'.. NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, MARCH 27 Errol Flynn and Brenda Marshall in “THE §EA HAWK” Brought back for your enjoyment! Disney Cartoon Mat., Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 25c-Sc. Inc. Tax Adm. hvrninuH, 40c-i*c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 28-29 Deanna Durbin, Donald O’Connor, John Dali and Charles Winninger in “SOMETHING IN THE WIND” A new Deanna Durbin singing her way to romance and laughing her way to happiness. Disney Cartoon Sport Subject Mat.. Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. livening*, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30-31 Adventure in the shadows of sinister Singa­ pore— It’s thrill-packed from start to finish! Fred MacMurray, Ava Gardner, Spring Bvington and Richard Hayden in “SINGAPORE" Color Cartoon Musical ______________________ Ad. Eve., 49c-9c, In. tax THURSDAY & FRIDAY, APRIL 1-2 Songs, romance and laughter . . . Here is a picture that’s loaded with the songs you sang in the 1920’s . . . and will want to sing again. Jeanne Crain, Dan Dailey, Oscar Levant, and Barbara Lawrence in “YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME" Color Cartoon Ada Spoils Evening*. W c-$', Inc. Tax lovely to wear NEWS VIEWS » M ojud 'K U & W HANDY-CARTS HOES SHOVELS & RAKES LAWN MOWERS WHEELBARROWS GARDEN HOSE BY LEW IIEKK1MAN I For centuries the diplomats in European countries have been in 1 tJle habit o f counting their fingers after shaking hands. They didn’t i trust each other any further than | you can see with smoked glasses in a coal mine. Now things are re­ versed Britain. FYance, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have signed a pact that may wind, up as a federation o f all Western European countries The idea is to ! promote mutual aid along military political and economic lines. Old Ben E'ranklin gave them their cue when he said. "W e must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all j hang separately." The ladies auxiliary of our local American Legion p jst has started j a project to beautify the cemetery Tills is a worthy project and de- | serves support A dancer in Phoenix got so en- j thusiastic while doing a new dance! routine that she spun around and I wound up in a bass drum. Well, you can’t beat that. You cant beat a j O A T E S tire— for either your carl or your truck Etaoh tire is warrant-1 ed by us against road hazards | Oome in and let IK E W IL L IA M BON show vou the tire and ex plain the O A T E S SE R VIC E CON TRACT. HERRIMAN M O TO R CO. getable gardens really satisfying with less work on your part. See our complete line of gardfin needs now— be ready for that first nice day when the weather says “ get started.” Plastic GARDEN HOSE Stockings in the exquisite new Fashion Harmony Colors! Precious - looking Mojud ny­ lons make a wonderful gift, a flattering compliment to your own spring costumes. Sleck- firting, long-wearing And the colors are irresistible! Garden and Lawn Seeds (Bulk and Package) Guaranteed for five years PEAT MOSS VIGORO Dry and California Liquid FERTILIZER Iron Sulphate and sulphur for alkaline ^oils. SERENADE A misty taupe — lovely with high-fashion mauves and rosy red, neutral shades and black CONCERTO This deep, glowing sun-tone is perfect for the new blues, greens, bright tones and black. SI 5« $Î.Î3 WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE against all kinds of weather. —See us for all of your lawn supplies and gardening needs— fo b le r s Feed and Fuel