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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1948)
J H E NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSftA, OREGON THURSDAY, M A R C H 25, 1948 BACK W ARD PARTY HELD A T KINGM AN I Moving to Kkuqath— ' all three appliances $45. Montgom- MALHEUR COUNTY, STATE OF | duly sworn, depose and say: OREGON: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson will' ery Ward washing machine, large j of the area described in the fore- leave this week to make their home size $60; baby bed and lnnerspring We, the undersigned, each being That I am a resident freeholder KINGMAN KOLONY, March 18— in Klamath Falls, Where Mr. Wil mattress, six-year size; high chair, 1 a resident and freeholder of the going petition and am one of the Mrs. Reuben Graham, 4-H Poul son will be assistant manager of both for $15. Harvey Hunt. No. 8, area within the boundaries here petitioners in the above entitled try club leader, took her club mem the state employment office. Mrs. across from Sugar Factory. 25Mlxp. inafter described, and comprising proceeding, that I have read the bers on a tour of tihe Lemon hat Wilson visited for a few days with FOR SALE— 1941 ' John Deere B more than twenty-five per cent foregoing petition and know tne chery In Nyssa Friday afternoon. her parets, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. tractor. In good condition, phone (25%) of the resident freeholders contents thereof, and that the same After showing the children many 28-J3, New Plymouth evenings. within said area, do hereby petition is true as I verily believe. interesting things about the hatch- Foster while Mr. Wilson was on a 25M4xc. and pray to the County Court of A backward* party was held for business trip to Salem. Wilbur W. Foster the youngsters of the Presbyterian FOR SALE— 1946 Oliver 60. single Malheur Oouny. State of Oregon, Subscribed and sworn to before church Friday after school. The Reurn to Utah— front wheel, with tools. Frank that the lands within the following me this 3dst day at October, 1947. party started with dessert, served Mrs. Ethel Johnson and daugh Skeen. H mile we6t Hashitanl's boundaries, to-wit: Harold Henigson, Notary Public at the Legion hall in Adrian. The ter, Lois, Mrs. Elna Clifford and comer. Beginning at a point where the 25Mlxp. for Oregon. My Commission ex main course was served at the half section line running east and home of Mrs. Bennett in Big Bend daughter, Mary Lynn, and Mrs. FOR SALE— Two hay trailers, two west through Section 33, Town pires 9/1/51. Ellis Field returned to their home» wheel; one milking machine, first followed by salad at the Reuben ship 18, 8 „ Range 47 E.W.M., Qraham home in Newell Heights, in Ogden after visiting relatives, class shape and pipe and stall Intersects the west bank of the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF cocks for seven stancheons; qne Snake River, thence running due and cocktails at the L. L. Kreager Mrs. Frank Skeen and Mrs. Ersel Spark oil heater, three-room size; home In Kingman Kolony. About Beus, hi Nyssa. west on the half section line THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR small sink and basket, Russ Pat through Sections 33. 32. and 31, 30 children attended. NOTICE OF HEARING ton, three miles west of Owyhee Twnshp. 18 S., Range 47 E.W M. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and Attend Showing of Equipment— 25M2xp. and on half section line through In the Matter of the Formation of Davis spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Ray junction. Section 36, Township 18 S. Range NYSSA COMMUNITY PARK AND the Ivan Richardson home in Nu- were invited to attend the pre- FOR SALE OR TRADE— Three- RECREATION DISTRICT 46 to the western boundary line Acres. showing of the Berkinwall and room frame house, bath, com er lot, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, of Section 36, Township 18 S. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Anderson Co. eleotric equipment for meats nice lawn, close in, immediate pos Range 46; thence southerly along That on March 23, 1948 at a regular and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager and vegetable display at Boise Sun session, consider late model car, the west boundary line of Section meeting and term of the County attended the saddle club dance at day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. La easy terms. Inquire first house left 36. Township 18 S. Range 45 to Court o f Malheur County. Oregon, the Cow Hollow hall Saturday ev Mont Fife accompanied them. Re on Bast Third street. 25Mtfc. the north boundary line of Sec there was presented to the said ening. freshments were served to approxi tion 2, Township 19 S. Range County Court and filed therein, a Among residents of the Kolony mately 50 guests. Hotel Boise was WANTED— Three men with sales 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly on petition of more than 25% of the attending the basketball banquet in convention headquarters. ability, local work, permanent na said north line o f Section 2; resident freeholders of certain lands, Adrian Monday night were Mr. and tional concern. $75 to $100 a week Township 19 S. Range 46, E.W. the boundaries of which are here Mrs. Lynn Hurst and family, Mr. Here from Bnrley— to start. Write R. H. O ’Dell, 2719, M.; to the west line of said Sec inafter set forth and are also set and Mrs. J. G. Lane and family Mr. and Mrs. Eld rod Brower had First street, Baker, Oregon. 2SMlxp. tion 2; thence southerly on the forth in said petition, proposing and Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb week-end gueats from Burley. They west line of said Section 2 to the organization of a park and and family. w#re Mrs. Brawn's mother, Mrs. FOR SALE— 1938 Hudson, A -l the half section line o f Section 3, recreation distrtot pursuant to the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simmons J. Wessley Anderson; her sister, condition. Priced to sell. Call 183-R Township 19 S. Range 46, E.W. provisions of Chapter 327, Oregon are staying at the Oscar Schafer Mrs. Dick Pullman, and her bro or see at Doll House apartments. 25Mlxp. M.; thence westerly along the Law. 1941; home this week. As soon as ajl ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul That the proposed name of the half section line to the western basiness is settled they exect to go Anderson. The viators loft Monday FOR SALK— 1940 Oliver 80 trac boundary of said Section 3, Town district is to Cincinatti, Ohio to make their for their home. tor and cultivator and 16-inch NYSSA COMMUNITY PARK ship 19 S. Range 46, thence home. tumblebug two-bottom plow, $1250. Southerly along the western boun AND RECREATION DISTRICT, The Kingman Kolony Cubs met T oo Late T o Classify Also G.M.C. truck with beet bed, That said proposed park and re dary line of said section 3 and at the home of their leader, Mia. $1100. Marion Chard, 462 north Section 10 to the northeast cor creation district Is located in the Oscar Schafer Saturday afternoon, FOR SALE— Servel 8 cubic-foot Sixth street, P.O. box 814. 25M2xp. ner of Section 16, Township 19 County of Malheur, State of Ore to work on the dan they are build refrigerator, 30-gallon Safeway wa S. Range 46; thence westerly gon; ing for their cub pack. ter heater (gas), Wedgewood range, FOR SALE— John Deere tractor, That said proposed district boun along the section lines to the model BN, used one season, Dale northeast corner of Section 18, daries Include the Incorporated lim Dewey, route 2, Nyssa. 25Mlxp. Township 19 S. Range 46; thence its of the City of Nyssa and that southerly along the section line a certified oopy of a resolution of j FOR SALE— HP Advance pump, to the Township line between the City Council o f the City of new. Deep well type. Priced very Townships 19 and 20; thence Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon ap reasonably. Gem seed spuds, grown westerly along said township line proving the formation at said dis from blue tag stock. Wanted to to the northwest com er of Sec trict has been filed herein with buy, grain drill. Irving T. Duffin, tion 6, Township 20 S. Range said petition; 1 mile north and 14 mile east of f r That the boundaries of the pro 45; thence southerly along the underpass. 25Mtfc. range line between ranges 44 posed district are as follows: SATURDAY, MARCH 27 WANTED— Someone with equip Beginning at a point where the E.W.M. and 45 E.W.M. to the ment to plow and disc. Phone half section line running east and northwest com er o f Section 6, 18-M. 25M2xc. west through Section 33, Town Township 21 S. Range 46, E.W.M. thence easterly along the town ship 18, S., Range 47 E.W.M., WANTED— Beauty operator. Apply Intersects the west bank of the ship line between townships 20 Owyhee Beauty shop. 25M2xc. S. and 21 S. to the Snake River; Snake River, thence running due thence northeasterly along the west on the half section line FOR SALE— 1947 Ford tractor and West Bank o f the Snake River through Sections 33, 32, and 31, side mower, In excellent condition. Anything You Need In Line o f Plumbing to the point o f beginning, Twnshp. 18 S., Range 47 E.W.M. Western Corrugator Co. 25Mlxc. be organized as a park and recrea and on half section line through — Contact— tion district to be known and nam Section 36. Township 16 S., Range Legal Advertising ed as Nyssa Community Park and 46 to the western boundary line of Section 36, Township 18 8., IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Recreation District, all under and Range 46; thence southerly along THE STATE OF OREGON FOR by virtue of the authority of Chap ter 327, Oregon Laws 1941 and all the west boundary line of Section THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR NYSSA, OREGON amendments thereof. 36, Township 18 S., Range 45 to PETITION STATE OF OREGON In the Matter of the Formation of the north boundary line of S ec W e Guarantee Our W ork For One Year County o f Malheur Nyssa Community Park and tion 2, Township 19 S., Range Free Estimates— Phone 196-J ss. Recreation District. 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly on I, Wilbur W. Foster, being first TO ; THE COUNTY COURT OF said north line of Section 2; Township 19 S.. Range 46. E W . M.; to the west line of said Sec tion 2; thence southerly on the west line of said Section 2 to the half section line of Section 3, Township 19 S „ Range 46, E.W. M .; thence westerly along the half section line to the western boundary of said Sections, Town ship 19 8., Range 46; thence Southerly along the western boun dary line of said section 3 and Section 10 to the northeast cor ner of Section 16, Township 19 8 „ Range 46; thence westerly along the section lines to the northeast corner of Sectloa 18, Township 19 S.. Range 45; thence southerly along the section line to the Township line between Townships 19 and 20; thence westerly along said township line to the northwest com er of Sec tion 6, Township 20 S., Range 45; thence southerly along the range line between ranges 44 E.W.M. and 45 E.W.M. to Che northwest com er of Section 8, Township 21 S.. Range 46 E.W.M.; thence easterly along the low n- ' ship line between townships 20 S. and 21 S„ to the Snake River; thence northeasterly along the West Bank of the Snake River to the point of beginning. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER OIVEN, That said petition will be presented to the County Court In the Courtroom of said County Court In the City of Vale, Oregon an the 7th day of April, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A M. of said day for a* hearing thereof and that all persons Interested therein may appear and be heard, then and there to show cause why an order should not be made des cribing the exterior boundardles of the District, as determined by said County Court, and directing that an election be held In said that others have attempted to copy since Kaiser- H E R E ’S W H Y Kaiser-Frazer can make this proposed District pursuant to Chap Frazer design was introduced in 1947. ter 327 of Oregon Laws, 1941. announcement while other new car prices spiral By order of fthe County Court upward. Kaiser-Frazer controls its own supply o f So far no one has been able to more than approximate of Malheur County. State of Ore many basic raw materials . . . has its own engine gon. the graceful exterior body lines. No one has come H. S. Socket, County Clerk plant, foundry and steel mill. Materials from these cial election of said Nyssa Road Assessment District No. 2 will be held for the purpose of voting au thority to said district to levy an additional assessment of ten tlO) mills aga | it tne real property sit uated within the limits of the said district for use In connection with .usd improvements for the year 1948/1949. Dated this 23rd day of March, 1948 Dale Oarrison, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nyssa Road Assessment District No. 2. 1940 1941 1941 1942 1947 1946 1936 1937 Kaiser-Frazer Introduces Four New 1948 Models • Tile m s KAISER • The 19 0 8 KAISER CUSTOM • The m 8 FRAZER . The T94B FRAZER MAKHATTAN Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds 4-door Buick Sedan. Guaranteed cond. 4-door Chevrolet. G ood motor, radio. W illy* Americar 4-door sedan. G.M.C. one-half ton pickup. Used Willys Jeep. Guaranteed condition. Used Willys Jeep. Guaranteed condition. Chevrolet truck. G ood motor and tires. Diamond T. truck with hoist. Highest Market Prices Allowed. Watts Motor Company NYSSA, OREGON ONTARIO, ORE. The finest house paint - w y ° u can b u y - Brower Plumbing Shop a s o D t Insurance Agency ---- Trade your car in on a new 1948 Jeep----- í¿oJU. Ç'Î m X It’s Being Don M. Graham A G O O D S E LE C T IO N O F USED C A R S È ¿cJ U dc SßuZaZ^ t PLUMBING gon and that as of such date Mar tin A. Teske will continué the conduct of such business individu ally. Dates at Nyssa, Oregon, March 23. 1948. /* / Martin A. Teske /s Lloyd McLaughlin /» / Arthur O. Ztlllg NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Please take notice that an March 23, 1948 Martin A. Teske, Lloyd McLaughlin and Arthur O. Zillig dissolved the co-partnership doing I business under the name and style | Of NYSSA HEATING COMPANY engaged in the general business of sheet metal work and heating equ ipment installation at Nyssa. Ore- -ájXüZX.-tlu uutJUìy "Hx 1*AGE SEVEN S fflf L Y ik è ik GENERAL 5 100% PURE h P A IN T *< É This tough, weather-resist ing, outside paint assures you years and years of long- lasting beauty and protec tion. New, smart, modern colon. $5.36 Gallon .«"»IM WHITI -100» STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY D EATH O N T H E G U IL L O T IN E AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE! While Other New Car Prices Are Advancing near matching the roadability . . . the ride resulting sources funnel into new and modern Willow Run — the largest automobile manufacturing plant in the And none have the style features, the wide choice world under one roof. Unfinished steel goes in one end of this great plant and comes out a quality automobile, ready to be driven away. All this is accom plished in a matter o f hours, and w ith th e , economy o f Kaiser- Frazer straight-line production. This is an achievement o f men tvho are injecting new methods and ideas into an old industry. In the new 1948 Kaiser, Frazer, Kaiaer Custom, and Frazer Man hattan you get all the features from seats cradled between the front and rear wheels, such wide seats with both elbow and shoulder room. o f colon and fabrics. You get all this plus the many refinements made possible by years-ahead en gi neering and design. And, of course, all 1948 Kaiaer or Frazer c a n have the new Goodyear 24- pound pressure Super-Cushion tires that make bumpe something you see but never feet Enjoy a ride today in America’s newest new c a n — the 1948 c a n W herever you drive, th e corn er, down the etreet, th ere is a K einer* F razer dealer ready to nerve you w ith gen tune fa cto ry parte and that have not gone up in price! We Invite You to Sit, DRIVE end COMPARE Them, Today! Bybee Motor and Equipment Co. NOTICE OF ANNUAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION OP NYSSA ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. t Notice Is hereby given that an the 13th day of April, 1948, at the City Hall of tfhe City o f Nyasa. in the County of Malheur. State uf Oregon, the annual election of the Nyssa Road Assessment District No 2 for a director of said Nysaa Road Amesnment District No. 2. will be held at 8 o'clock In the morning and will continue until 8 o’clock in the afternoon of said day. and Whereas a petition, dated the 23rd day of March. 1948, signed by more than ten (10) owners at real property situated within the limits of the Nyssa Road Assessment Dta- rict No. 2 petitioning for a special election for the purpose at obtain- , ing approval for the aaaesamen* of an additional ten (10) mill» to be applied toward the oast of road Improvements for the year 1948/ 1949. was filed with the Board of Directors herein, now therefore Notice is hereby given that on the same day. at the same place and during the same hours a spe As Presented In Mitchell Cain’ s Evening O f Magic Wednesday, April 7 8 p.m.-------Nyssa Gymnasium Sponsored by American Legion post No. 79 — Program— Act 1— Sophisticated Sorcery A ct 2— Succession o f Surprises Act 3— A trip to China A ct 4 — The Drunken Irishman A ct 5— Miracles o f M agic Admission: Adults $1; Children 50c, Inc. Tax