PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1948 THE NYJSA GATE CITY JO UR NAL, NYJ3SA, OREGON W O M EN O R G AN IZE IN SUNSET V A L L E Y S U N S E T V A L L E Y , M arch 22— Twenty-six farm women attended an all-day meeting at the Jim Langley home Thursday afternoon Mrs. Pete W ilson and Mrs. Jim Langley were co-huatesses. The p ro ject work for the day was the actual bjoclng of Inner springs in the cushions of chairs and daven ports. W ork was under the gu id ance of Mias Miriam Black, county home demonstration agent. Tw enty-four women signed as membere, organizing Into a group forming a home extension unit to carry on the county and state home e xtension program, furthering the ¡Torn B um ingham Thursday even- at the Oce Sehweizer home, with the part of Miss LydU . I interest« of the rural women Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach and llffo rd NieUen and g y . Officers elected for the newly- Mrs. Nelson Field and Mrs. Oce Mrs. Dee Anderson and two cm i- | made a business trip to Monument, formed extension unit are Mrs. Schweizer as co-hostesses. Kenneth M cDonald,chairm an; Mrs. Gabriel and Louie Astoreaa at- dren of Boise were callers at the Oregon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Focht and Lym an Pomeroy, vice chairman, \ tended the St. Patrick's dance at Kenneth Lorensen home, present Mr. and Mrs. P h il Harris were ing Mrs. uorensen with hand-made and Mrs. Howard Oonnaughy, sec- Jordan Valley Wednesday night, dinner guests of M r. and Mrs. retary-treasurer. T h e date of the Carro!1 you ng was hoBtesB lhe grass shoes from the B aham a is John Lane Friday evening. regular meeting will be oa the 4-H "Just S o" girls Saturday af- lands. ^ and M rs E arl Alexander and second Wednesday of each m onth, ternoon Over 100 nersons attended the I M r and Mrs. H. A. Diven attended L.D.S. Relief society banquet Thurs- “ " « S * m^ mh3 * 2 “ ° c i ^ r On April 1, a septic tank demon- the Pam ona G ra n ge meeting In the through May. No meetings will be N a tio n will be given at the Robb day night at the Adrian Legtjn Boulevard hall Saturday evening held during the busy summer xhompson farm h l l i a mlle north hall. The tables were gay with and took the 5th degree with 34 months This work is open to ail j Q, the ,sunset pro- blue streamers down the center other members. L-,r l valley hall. T h e urn* interested rural home-makers. gram will Include the actual build build- | ^nd bouquets of yellow daffodils. Mrs. Les Woody, Mrs. Paul Heldt The W orthwhile club which has , o { th# ^ M G . Huber, agri- Proceeds are adc^d to the fund for acted as sponsor of the county | cultural of the Or4 0n the erection of a new building in and Mrs. Morris were in Caldwell Friday. home demonstration work for th e 1 , colleae wil] SUnervlse and aid Salt Lake City for the general o f Mr. and rMs. C lifford Nielsen past year, will return to its regu- ‘m ‘ the cons'truction of u ,. tank fice and Relief society headquar U r monthly socUl meetings on whlch will bf. made accordim! to ters. Those attending the banquet attended a pinochle party at the the third Thursday of every month , h standard state reauirements enjoyed dancing in hall in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bingm am an Saturday. The April meeting will be held evening. W a rd Lundy and son, W arren, Harold Peterson of Idaho Falls, al agent, will be present an d as spent several days in the W illa .‘-'1st. The wooden forms used for who has been leveling land on the mette valley on business. this demonstration will latgr be former Savage farm, will load his Richard and M argaret Diven and available to those in the community machinery and return to Idaho Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Landreth at who wish to use them. It will r e Falls this week. Taylor Sandy spent a week vis tended the National Junior Ski quire an all-day meeting for the championship Sunday at Bogus ba completion of the task, beginning iting his daughter, Mrs. W illiam sin. about 9 or 9:30 a.m. All fanners Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Eric oBenic were Mrs. Lila Mitchell, Val and Jar and their wives who are interested in Boise Tuesday. In septic tank construction are in vis Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Guests at the Clifford Nielsen G arner attended to business in vited to attend. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M argaret Fuller of the O re Boise Wednesday. Bill Norris, who lives on the Ira Nielsen and family and M r gon State college will speak to the and Mrs. Clifton Nielsen. The oc ladies on "Housing". A potluck Price farm, has been hired »as a casion was in celebration of Jill gopher eradicator. • lunch will be served at noon, with Supper guests and overnight M ane N ielsens 6th birthday, guests at a slumber party honoring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■ ' i The Sunset auxiliary members Arlene Piercy on her birthday were BRIDGFORD W IL L rill not meet at Mrs. V em G a r M arian Price, Patty DeHaven, Jean P A Y MORE M ONEY ner's home, as formerly announced, Dierking, Betty Newbill, Shirley but at the Robb Thomson home Smith, Joyce Kurtz and Delores Payments to growers in 1948 will April 1. A potluck. lunch will be Auker. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Garner, Mr. be nearly three times as large as served. last year’s payment, according to A three-act comedy, “Ready Made and Mrs. Eldon G arner and Mr. George Doherty, new general m an Fam ily”, sponsored by the Owyhee and Mrs. Dave G arner visited at ager of the Bridgford company's L.D.S. M utual was presented W e d the Dewey G arner home in Em frozen food division at Ontario. nesday at the Oregon Trail school- mett Sunday. Mrs. Bd Davis and son of W e i- Seven hundred thousand dollars has house. Afternoon and evening per been budgeted for raw product pay formances were given. Director of ser were dinner guests of Mr. and ments this year as compared with the production was Mrs. Henrietta Mrs. Herbert Bergam Sunday. ^ m M agnus Ekanger made a business $280,000 actually spent in 1947. law . As indications of its increased The W idow M artin’s ramanca and trip to Caldwell Friday morning. Bob Albritton of Balboa, P a n a raw product shipment, the B ridg the children’s efforts to prevent the ma, who is a college student at ford company stands ready to take 1 L a Grande, is a week-end guest in 60 new acres of asparagus, 80 to 130 acres of strawberries, 750 acres The cast Included Mrs. George Lhe Ira Price home. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett ac- of lima beans, and 3,000 acres of Bessendorfer as the widow, Mrs. ccmpanied Mr. and Mrs. Loren i corn. It was also announced that Hite and family to Haines last a very successful season of pea Tuesday. Both families then went contracting in the valley had been to Portland for smelt fishing, and completed, with about 1300 acres j later to visit friends in Hood River. signed up. Mr. Doherty called attention to figures on last year’s operations, Maw. Mrs. G rant Patterson played R ICH LAND COUPLE which showed that strawberry gro T A K E 5TH DEGREE wers earned as high as $1170 per acre, despite the facts that it was R IC H L A N D , M arch 25— Mrs. C lif their first crop year and that un ford Nielsen and Jill Marie attend usually heavy rains destroyed many « ed the G a te City Cooking club berries. Referring to asparagus, Mr. D oh meeting^ Friday Lynette Hick- erty said, "This is one of the coun m an’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stalterrberg try’s outstanding producing areas of Caldwell were the guests of Mr. fo r this crop. Yields in two years and Mrs. Eric Boenic Saturday. can be expected to be about one Mrs. Staltenberg and Mrs. Boenic ton per acre, and in four to five are sisters. j years, three or mors tons per acre. Mrs. E. H. Brandt attended a O ur asparagus contracts are written bridge party at the home of Mrs. for 10 years and we pay each year J New S< ervice Station Hours the legitimate cannera' price at net in the Yakim a valley Last year this was 7*4 cents per pound." Mr. Doherty also commented on T W O N YSSA GIRLS HONORED A T SCHOOL U N IV E R S IT Y O F O R E G O N , Eu- che company's research and devel- Kene, M arch 25 (Sp ecial!— Officers opmant program, through which recently elected In the w om ens he hopes to Introduce new crops living organizations on the Univer and new varieties of present crops sity of Oregon campus for the to the valley. He expressed the In doming year of 1948-49 Included tention at eventually running the two girls from Nyssa. Beverly Ure, daughter o f M r. and plant at high volume throughout Mrs. Ir a R. Ure, was elected first the year, by processing additional vice president of Sigm a K appa products such as apples and frozen sorority. Miss Ure is a freshm an poultry. “W e feel that the Ontario m ajor In Journalism. Beth Mitchell, daughter o f Mr. plant, one of the world’s largest an d Mrs. D. E. M itchell,. route 2, for quick freezing and canning, was elected secretary of Zêta T au can make a real contribution to Alpha sorority. Miss Mltdhell Is a the economic security of ahe val sophomore m ajor in business a d ley", Mr. Doherty concluded. ministration. S e e U s For Y o u r Requirem ents JO H U B A M CLOVER ALFALFA RED CLOVER PASTURE GRASSES L A W N SEED LA D IN O 7 a.m. to 9 p. m. D e ssert Se e d C o m p a n y Powell Service Station NOTICE OF SALE OF C O U N T Y Sweet Corn • T v # Acreage i IM 20 Highest Price Per Ton W h y did Aunt Hallie wrap the ice in paper? Phone 78-NJ after 6 p.m. or before 8 a.m., aUo 175 at the plant 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. A poatcard to Idaho Canning Co., Nytsa, Oregon will bring a fieldman promptly. Idaho Canning Co. O W N E D LAND S Pursuant to an order of the County Court of M alheur County, Oregon dated the 11th day of February, 1948, I will on the 29th day of March. 1848, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. at the front door of the County Court House at Vale, Oregon, offer for sale, the tracts fixed by said court with the proportionate cost of publication added thereon. Said lands will be offered for sale as follows: A ll tracts priced at $200.00 or less to the highest and best bidder for cash; all tracts priced at more than $200.00 to the highest and best bidder for cash or for not less than 20 per cent cash and the remainder to be paid under written agreement, with the purchaser in equal installments not exceeding 5 years, all deferred payments to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable annually, and such agreements shall be subject to all terms and conditions o f Section 86-143, O.C.L.A. All lands with the boundaries o f Irrigation o r Drainage Districts will be sold subject to any valid assessments m ade or to be made by said districts since the date said lands were acquired by the county and all lands within the boundaries of the W arm sprlngs Irrigation District and which have been classified as in classes 5 an d 6 and as to which said county has heretofore by resolution dated September 3, 1930. authorized a transfer to said district of the water rights appurtenant to said lands shall be sold without water rights. Said lands numbered as to tracts and with the minimum price« Court House at Vale, Oregon, offer for sale the tracts of land herein after described and numbered for ndt less than the prices fixed by said court with the proportionate cost of publication added thereon. Tract No. Description Sec. Twp. Rng. Price 698 B S E 'iN E V i, EK 'SE'4, S W V t N W 'i, W '- jS W 't , NEV a SW V I, NW '4SE>4, E'/ j SWV«, W H 8 B K 17 S W t iS E '4 18 W 4 N E V ., E ^ N W '4 , E 'i S W ', 28 N H N W ‘4 33 29 37 $ 840 699 B WM.NE14. S ^ N W t i , 25 27 38 160 700 B S l4 , . 1 SW V4NW 4, N W t4 S W 4 , SV4S14, 4 N W 4SE H , E^SEK 5 N E 14, N H N W 1 4 9 SW 4NW 4 10 28 38 960 704 B NV4, 19 27 40 320 7Ó3 WMiWtt 15 18 41 160 703 W M jNH ti, SL4NW14 1 41 160 794 B SE'4 35 8W>4 36 19 41 320 700 B N ‘4SW>4SEt4 13 31 41 20 706 B N E H S E K . 13 31 41 40 707 B S H S E ‘4SW14. 17 N E '4 N E 14, N E 14 N W 14. E 't S E l« 19 31 41 180 708 B N 'i S W t ; . N W >4 S E ti 32 14 42 120 709 B E ü W ^ S E ^ S E U , E ü S E Ü S E lk 25 30 42 30 710 B Lots 3 and 4. S W ’. N W H , W LiS W V . 3 31 42 200 711 B E H S W N , SW14SE14 3 31 42 120 712 B N H , SW>4. W H S E i ;. N E ‘„ S E '4 . 9 31 42 600 713 B W 4 N W 4 11 31 42 80 714- B N E 1 .,W H ,W 14 S E , a 16 31 42 560 715 B N E l4 . WMi, W 4 S E >4 17 31 42 560 716 B E*s, Less 5.9 Acres State Highway Land. E H N W 14, Lot 1, E H S W li , 19 31 42 514 717 B Lots 1, 2. 3, 4 18 Lot 1 19 41 42 200 718 B SW 1.NE14, S t t N W 'i 10 19 43 120 719 B S W '.S W '-« , 1 N ‘ ï N W ‘4 11 31 43 120 720 B AU of Sec. 5. N W 4 N Ï 1» , N W 1 .. 9 31 43 840 721 B All of 29 30 44 640 723 B All of 31 30 44 640 723 B NRi.4. W H , N H S E li , 39 30 44 560 724 B N W lcN E l . N W , . 5 31 44 120 726 B S E '« N E 1 ..8 W 1.S W I h , EHSW 14, S E'4. 21 29 45 320 726 B S E ^ S W ^ , W 4 S E 1, , S E l . S E ' a 29 45 160 727 B E H , E S N W 4 . S W l,3 W t4 . 29 S4SW 14. 29 45 520 728 B A ll of 29 30 45 640 729 B AU of 36 30 45 640 730 B 2 Acres, more or leas, South of Canal, in the S H N N W ^ N E »». 36 21 46 50 JO R DAN V A LLE Y 731 B Lots 1 to 10 Inc. Block 10. Blackaby Addition 50 732 B South 20 feet of Lot 1 Block 13. and Lot 2 Blackaby Addition 40 O U T L O O K T O W N S IT E 733 B Lots 1. «. 7. 8. Block 22 20 H AR PER 734 B Lot S. Block 6 Falrm or Addition 25 BROGAN 735 B Lots 1 to 9. Inc. Block 12 90 10 Now Contracting A t The In O u r History Nyssa, Oregon Phone 132 It made the ice melt slower, so she figured she’d save money; You don’t see today’s Aunt TIallie rustling around trying to turn off her electric refriger ator. Housekeeping economy is just as impor tant, but there’s a difference . ; ; „ It costs so tipry little to run a refrigerator with electricity! For an average family—less than a nickel a day; You’ve helped make electricity so low in price hy using it for more and more jobs. And t the sound, business methods of the electric companies have made it mere and more of a bargain, in spite of the rising costs of making and delivering electricity. Today, the morale family still (jets ttvice as much electricity for money as it did just twenty years ago.’ • / h i m to the Electric H ou r—Titt H oc* or C hasm , su nd o)». S ite P . V . kST, CBS, ID A H O V PO W ER A CITIMN WHiRSVtR IT S B 8 V Ü C. W . GLENN, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon Date of first publication. February 26. 1948 Date of last publication, M arch 26. 1948 Date of sale M arch 2», 1948