raeNYSSA V O L U M E X X X X III NO. 11 Extending Time Of Repaying On Project Offered '■ •■ -W ií:. m v JOURNAL N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 25, 1948 B f U ir s ? ° ba S s m a l !:AJ f « 2 0 0 SEASON NEXT WEEK t or The first high school baseball game of the season for Nyssa will be played on the local diamond Wednesday of next week, when the Bulldogs will entertain the Parma nine in a return engage ment. The first game between the two teams is scheduled to be played in Parma Monday. Coach Howard Lovejoy said the Wednesday game will also be played In Parma If he is unable to get the local field in ondition. The new field under the lights is being "grassed” , so Love- joy is attem pting to develop a dia mond on the old football field. Coach Lovejoy said the team this year "looks" like the best he has coached in Nyssa. ,C»>.A county I s A sk e d Recreation In City Program to g iv e PICTURE OF ROADS TO LEGISLATORS An interim committee of the state legislature studying highway conditions win meet with Malheur county groups in the Moore hotel in Ontario Friday of this week. T h e meeting, opening at 9 a. m. is expected to last all day. with a luncheon session at noon. A large group of Nyssa residents, as well as representatives of other towns, the county government and Granges will attend the sessions. City Manager E. K. Burton will present a brief for the city of Nyssa. Frank Morgan will dis cuss Snake river bridge repairing, maintenance and construction at Weiser, Payette, Ontario and Nys sa and the responsibility of Idaho and Oregon therein. County spok esmen w ill ¡be Judge Irwin Troxell, County Agent Harry Sandquist and Dudley Sitton. Road problems in the entire coun ty will be formally presented to the interim committee. Petitioners Ask h e l d t b r o t h e r s Nyssa Churches TO ERECT BUSINESS Organization Of BUILDING ON THIRD Plan Observance Construction is expected to be Recreation Area started Of Easter-tide next week on a brick bus iness building to be erected at High School W ill Hold Third street and Bower avenue by Good Friday Service Heldt brothers. This W eek The building. 30 by 100 feet, will provide space for four offices or T h e basis o ff a tentative pro Plans for Che proposed recreation Resident freeholders of this sec- T h e Easter season will be ob . ... . ... . stores. It will face Third street, posal offered by the bureau of program for the summer months tion have filed a petition with the The work „ ex)>e(,[ed to * fln _ served with special services in the reclamation to water users on the in Nyssa were outlined at a pub county court asking for the organ churches of Nyasa over the week ished in about three months. Owyhee project or repayment of end. lic meeting held in the Eagles hall izaion of a park and recreation The building will be erected and construction costs was considered by last Thursday night. district to be known as the Nyssa Some of Che churches will have owned by the Heldt brothers, Ev the directors of the Owynee irri In the absence o f the prospec community pars ana recreation Holy week services during the week. erett, Albert. Paul and Robert. gation district at a meeting held tive principal speaker, a general district. The Lutheran church will hold a in the district office last Thursday A small residence located on the discussion was held, with Mrs. Ed The city o f Nyssa, being included night. Frost as leader and Bernard Frost “ Un‘° " f ' ° n T h “ rs<tey within the limits o f the proposed Rambauu property In Che same evening. Good Friday services will Maurice Green, Boise attorney, presiding. Telford W right o f Cald park district, has approved through block has been moved. and R. J. Newell, regional director be held at the Episcopal church at well, who was to have explained the city council formation o f the of the reclamation bureau, have 3 o’clock Friday afternoon and the Caldwell recreation program, district. returned from Washington. D.C., special services and communion at was injured in an automobile acci A hearing on the petition for the Methodist church on Friday where the new repayment proposal dent in Apple valley while en route the purpose o f determining the evening at 8 o'clock. was considered. Mr. Green and to Nyssa to attend the meeting. boundaries o f the district will be George Carter o f Boise, represent The high school will hold a Good Mrs. Frost explained that the heard by Che county court April ing Mr. Newell, attended the m eet Friday assembly Friday m orning Nyssa P.T.A. is asking local organ- 7, beginning at 10 a.m., at the ing here Tuesday night. under the auspices o f the H t-Y iations to underwrite the program county court room in Vale. A t that The Nyssa high school seniors, club, with Rev. Roland Wuest o f Details o f the proposal w ill be in the sum o f $1200 for salaries of time any person interested may worked out by Mr. Newell and di with a total of 52 points, won the the Lutheran church speaking on District officers o f the Veterans two instructors. The P.T.A. has appear and be heard on the pro “ The Sign of the Cross". rectors of the board and will then of Foreign W ars were elected at a available for expenditure for equip posal. Any person owning property inter-class track meet held Monday be submitted to the water users meeting attended in Nyssa last ment the $400 received from the A t the Christian church, the chil not within the proposed district and Tuesday of this week. The dren of the Bible school will pre for a vote. Saturday night by top-ranking state carnival held last fall. may petition the court to have his juniors were second with 33 points sent an Easter program on Friday The proposed amendatory con officers. Mrs. Frost said $542.38 was col and the sophomores third with 26 evening. land included. tract between the United States The department officers in at lected for the recreation program A fter the hearing the court will points. The freshmen failed to and the Owyhee project provides tendance v ere Commander Fred last year. Last year's experience On Sunday the Church o f the Plans for the district memorial score a point. that the repayment period for the Gates, Quartermaster Fred B. Corn indicates that another instructor, hospital to be erected at Nyssa define d ie boundaries of the pro Nazarene will begin Us Easter mes Results were as follows: posed district and order an election project be 90 years, with the cost, and Service O fficer G. O. Pike, sage with the singing o f Easter a man, should be employed this were approved at a meeting o f the Pole vault, 1, Ray: 2, Krul; 3, to determine whether it is the de o f the distributing system to be songs during the Sunday school Th e new officers o f district No. year for the larger boys and some board o f directors with the archi sire of the m ajority o f the resident Olson, height 8 feet, 7 inches. repaid in 40 years and the cost 9, including Adrian, Nyssa, Ontario, of the smaller children. W hen the e d Tuesday night. hour. Rev. J. Russell Brown will 120 yard hurdles— 1 , Christensen; freeholders that a park district be of the supply system to start sim Vale and Huntington, were elected program ended last year, 100 young M illard Schmeer of Portland rep formed. O nly resident freeholders 2, Hale, 3. A. Pecka, time, 19 sec bring an Easter message at the 11 o'clock service. ultaneously and be completed in as follows: Commander, Mr. Riley sters were registered and that was resented the archictect firm of onds. 90 years, that the schedule of an of Huntington, senior vice com too many for one person to handle. Roald. Schmeer and Harrington. will be permitted to vote in the The Catholic church will hold Shotput— 1, Christensen; 2, W il election. nual payments be reasonably uni mander, Mr. Davis; junior vice mass Easter Sunday morning at 7 Mrs. Frost explained that if the W ith Mr. Schmeer, the directors der; 3, R. Lowe, distance 34 feet, form throughout the repayment commander. Mr. Dunham of Hunt proposed Nyssa park and recreation went over the plans and made some o'clock at the palish hall. 7 Mi inches. period, but may be varied between ington; quartermaster, Roy H off district is approved by voters, col modifications. Among other things, MRS. A. M. PRINGLE, The Christian church, with Rev. Mile— 1, Highland; 2, Bair; 3, a floor of $1.50 per acre to a ceiling of Nyssa and adjutant, Don G ra lection of money from organizations the directors decided on the in Oeorge Whipple as pastor, will A. Pecka, time 5.11:5. NYSSA, DIES; BODY of $2.50 per acre, and that the Uni ham of Nyssa. hold two Sunday morning services, in the city for the recreation pro stallation o f radiant heating. The Broadjump— 1, Iseri; 2, Hale; 3, ted Stives furnish a permanent TAKEN TO NAMPA Christensen one at 9 and one at 11, in order Announcement was made at the gram will not be necessary after equipment will be the most modern and Takami tied for supply of power for pumping at meeting that National Commander this year. to accommodate the increased at available. third, 20 feet, 4 torches. the project plants substantially at R ay Brannerman has appointed tendance on that day. Mrs. Annie M. Pringle o f Nyssa. The dfredors hope that construc 440 yards— 1, Bates; 2, Christen cost. T h e Episcopal church will hold Don Graham o f Nyssa as aide-de OWYHEE TRUCK AND tion can be started about June 1 died at her home early Sunday sen; 3, N. Campbell, time 60.3. ■ervices at 10 o'clock at the pariah on the brick veneer building, which morning following a short Illness. am p to the national commander. 100 yards— 1, W ilder; 2, Iseri; hall. Following the morning ser Mrs. Pringle was born December 3, Hale, time 10.6. VETERANS BUILDING Graham was called to Portland to IMPLEMENT FIRM IS will provide space for 42 beds. vices the children o f the Sunday T h e directors said collections on 18, 1875 at Alleghany. Pennsylvania receive the appointment. ERECTING ADDITION 200 yard hurdles— .1, Hale; 2, BASEMENT IS DUG A fter the business session lunch school will enjoy an Easter egg and married Tom Pringle In Vale. the pledges are very satisfactory. Bates; 3 Christensen, time 25.6. ______ 4 hunt. Oregon in 1935. She lived in N am was served in the veterans ad Th e Owyhee Truck and Implement High-jum p— 1, Hale; 2. Iseri; 3, C. E. Leseberg, using his heavy ministration building by the V.F.W. A t the Lutheran church Rev. pa until 1919, when she moved to company has started construction NYSSA WILL PLAY Ray and Coleman tied for third, Wuest will speak on “ He Is Risen street equipment, did the excavat auxiliary. Nyssa. Mrs. Prin gle was a member height 5 feet. ol an addition to its present build ing for the new Nyssa veterans Indeed". Sic-eial ■aster... music w ill of the Rbyal Neighbors o f Ameri AGAIN IN IDAHO- ing at Fourth and M ain streets. Discus— 1, Christensen; 2, Long; be arranged f<+ the mom tag ser memorial hall at Second street ca and the Christian churcth. T h e adfliion, 40 by 80 feet, will 3, Wilder, distance 103 feet, 5 In. OREGON LEAGUE vice. ‘ * * and Ehrgood avenue Monday. He Survivors are her husband: i , 8*0 yards— 1, B ak; 2,, Bates; 3, be constructed o f concrete blocks The Assembly o f God will have donated the use o f the equipment. sister, lifts. Emma Dillar and three A. Pecka, time 2.16. to conform to the older section. The Officers o f the Idaho-Oregon Commander J. L. Huseby of the a special Blaster program given at brothers, Charles, Joe and William new section, which will be used for Baseball league were re-elected at 220— I, Wilder; 2, Hale; 3, J. 10 o'clock by the Sunday school. Nyssa Legion post said ex-service Hilliard, all o f Pittsburgh. Takami, time 24.3. a paint room, steam-clean rack and a meeting held in W ilder March 16. men will pour the basement next The body was sent to Nampa The message, "T h e Resurrected warehouse, will extend west, mak Hale was high point man of the L ife", will be presented toy Rev. The officers are Charles Naftzger for interment. month. ing the entire building in an L of Wilder, president: Harold M c- meet with 20 points, followed close Gernhardt at the Methodist church. Carl Roth and Burt Haney of A t the next meeting. April 1, the ly by Christensen with 19*4. W ild The sacrament of baptism and re Junkin o f Wilder, secretary-treas post will approve final plans for Nyssa have purchased Freeman's shape. Luther Fife, the contractor, ex urer, and Joe Hendricks of Burns LEGION OBSERVES er was third with 14. Records were ception of new members will be the building, which will be 40 by machine shop from W alter Free pects to complete the addition by by Highland In the mile, held during the morning service. man and have taken possession of vice president. 30TH ANNIVERSARY broken 70 feet. Iseri in the broadjump, Wilder in the business. T h e new owners pur the middle o f May, Elden Yergen- The same teams will be included At 8 o’clock “T h e Cross Triumph chased the business, the building sen, head o f the implement firm , In the league last year. T hey are On Wednesday evening, Martoh 17 the 220 and Hale in the 200-yard ant" will be presented by the College Students Home— hurdles. W ilder tied the record in said. Burns, Vale, Nyssa and Ontario, in the home economics rooms of choir under the direction o f Mrs. A number of Nyssa young people and equipment. Oregon and Homedale, Nampa, W il the high school, the Nyssa Am eri the 100 and Bair in the 880. As a result o f the sale o f his Carlos Buchner, with Mrs. Kinsey attending Oregon schools are home T h e Nyssa Bulldogs will meet der and Payette, Idaho. can Legion post observed the 30i.li Keveren as accompanist. T h e fo l for their spring vacation. From building. Mr. Freeman has started CATHOLICS BEGIN A. Chadwick, president o f the anniversary of the founding of the Parma high school tracksters in lowing numbers will be given: Oregon State college are Doris construction of a new building PREPARATIONS FOR a dual meet on the Nyssa cinders Nyssa club, said the next league National American Legion. "Y e Who W orship” , piano intro Beers, Margaret Sarazin, M arie Se just north of the machine Shop CHURCH BUILDING meeting w ill,b e held March 30 in Don Graham acted as master of at 3 pan. Friday of this week. duction and choir; Behold W hat bum and John Bartholoma. From for his Ideal Gas and Appliance Manner of Love, vocal solo by Excavation o f a basement for Wilder, when the league will adopt ceremonies for the occasion. An University of Oregon are Nan G ri business, which he developed a f Ralph Maze, and choir; Man o f So the new Catholic church to be er a schedule and discuss other de event o f the evening was tihe two der, Greta Stunz, K eith Herri- ter opening the machine shop. The new brick building will be ected in Nyssa was started Monday tails. speeches given by K ay Christenseu rrows, trio, Mrs. L. Tobler, Hugh man and David Sarazin. Ellen Ann and Don Jensen in the Legion Tobler, Ralph Maze, and choir; Herrman, Hisako K id o and M ar 30 by 50 feet, but will be so erect by Clarence Leseberg, using his ed that it can be easily enlarged. Boy Seriously III— oratorical contest. K ay Christensen, Lamb of Ood. men's chorus and heavy equipment. jorie Merrick were home from Eas Mr. Freeman is not erecting a lar Burt Sparks, 7-year-old son of chosen as winner in the local con choir; There Was a Garden, vocal The Catholic people of Nyssa tern Oregon College o f Education ger building now because of the and Adrian and the surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sparks, was test, will participate in a district solo by Katheryn Crandall, and a t La Grande. comparatively Short time In which community have started a drive flown to a Salt Lake C ity hospital meet in La Grande. Judges fo r the The Oregon T ra il Grange, meet choir; Who Shall Roll the Stone contest were Mrs. Ada Haworth and he must move from his present for emergency treatment, when a Away, women’s chorus; There was to raise money for the new build ing Tuesday night, passed a res Here from Portland— ing. Several men have volunteered condition in his throat caused him John Denenk of Nyssa and W illiam olution favoring more rigid Inspec a G reat Earthquake, Choir; Peace David Gordon o f Portland, a stu quarters. The new owners, who will spec labor to toe used during the con to cease breathing. Burt has been Hodgkins of Weiser. tion of livestock brought in to the Be Unto You, vocal solo by Hugh dent at Oregon State college, is a O ut-of-town guests for the ban district from the drought areas. at a Boise hospital since Christmas, Tobler; Night Is O ’er, choir and guest this week at the J. J. Sara ialize in fabricating, machine work, struction period. electric and acetylene welding, The cement building. 36 by 80 and has been ill several years, being quet were Commander and Mrs. Frank Sherwood gave a report solo by Katheryn Crandall; T h e zin home. truck, tractor and machinery over feet, will be located on Park ave constantly under a doctor’s care. George Lang of Adrian, W illiam on two state measures pertaining Walk to Emmaus. quartet, Mrs. L. has received nourishment Hodgkins, Mrs. ELsie Hodgkins and to the A.A.A. and other agricultural E. Robbins, Mrs. W alter M cPart- hauling and radiator repairing, nue and south Third street. I t will He Visit in Baker— subjects. Dale Garrison said an land, Hugh Tobler and Merrildean Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell were have been appointed distributors be used for mass as well as socials through the veins for some tim e Miss Miildred Jones of Weiser. and weighs only 32 pounds. His Ragsdale Products, Inc for until the church 1s added later. election will be held by the Nyssa Robbins, and Thanks Be T o God week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. for folks live on Gem avenue, where Rrturns from Spokane— Malheur county. road assessment district April 13 in by the choir. Jesse Thompson of Baker. his father is employed on the Ure Mr. Roth was form erly with the Concerts Planned— Mrs. Joe Sutherland returned the city hall fo fr the purpose of T h e L.DB. first ward will hold repair department o f the Am alga The Nyssa high school glee club farm. Saturday from Spokane, where she electing one director and voting special Blaster services at 9 o'clock T o Ogden— spent 10 days at the home of her on a proposed 10-mill levy. Alva Sunday morning in the church. Mr. and Mrs C. H. Stephenson mated Sugar company. Mr. Haney and orchestra will present a con sister, Mrs. Burton D. Rooks. Goodell, county commissioner, re le ft last week for Ogden for a visit. was formerly caterpillar service cert in the gymnasium Friday, Ap Heavy Rain Falls— An unusually heavy rain. .73 of ported on the work that the county Nursing Hom e Notes— They accompanied their son. G er man for Bunting Tractor company. ril 16. The band will give a concert is doing and Ed Jamison gave a April 28. an inch, fell in Nyssa Wednesday Visit M e re - N ew Arrivals: ald" Stephenson. who had previously night and this morning. The rain Brother K illed— On March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Elder arid Mrs. E. T . Larsen of report on the drought area cattle. driven to Nyssa. was accompanied by a strong Fossil, Oregon were overnight guests Mrs. Q arrit Stam gave a legisla Werner Peutz of Nyssa, a daugh Zack W alker received word that Ill In Hospital— Mrs. Lloyd T . Marshall is re wind. his brother. Robert W. Walker, pro ter, weighing 9 pounds; on March of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali Wednes tive report. Grandson Here— A t a potluck luncheon Tuesday 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olson day. Mr. Larsen was pastor of the Gerald W yckoff, small son of minent Weiser and Phoenix let ceiving treatment In St. Luke's Fire Extinguished— Missionary Baptist church of Nys evening each member donated 50 of Nyssa, a son. 7 poidds, and on Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W yckoff of tuce grower, had been killed in an hospital In Boise. cents for his lunch. T h e money de March 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard The residence of E. A. W im p sa two years ago Corvallis, is at the home o f his automobile accident early Monday Daughter Arrives— rived from the luncheon and other Rood. Parma, a son, 9 pounds, 3 near the northern city limits was grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney morning at Tempe, Arizona. Mr. A daughter, weighing 7 pounds, activities during the winter, am ounces. Arthur Sm ith is receiving saved from destruction Sunday Visit in New Plymouth— Wilson, while his parents are on Walker had been a resident o f Ida ho for 41 years. Funeral services 10 ounces, was born In Britting- morning by the tim ely discovery Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huseby and ounting to $200, will be given to the medical care. T h e condition o f a business trip to California. will be held from the Northam- ham's Nursing home In Ontario of a fire burning in a sofa on the John were Sunday guests of Mr. district memorial hospital fund to Joe Paulus is improving. ________I__________ March 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh front porch. H O. Hopkins saw and Mrs. Dean Byram o f New P ly be used in the polio ward. Jones chapel in Weiser. Child Has Operation— Tobler o f Nyssa. Here from La Grande— the fire as he was passing and mouth. Shirley Jo Smith, daughter of Easter Drama Plannrd— Mrs. Afton Roy and daughter, notified the owners, who were work Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, under Home for Vacation— David L. Ballantyne, son o i Mr. Visits Daughter— Resurrection” , a story o f the Jackie, o f La Grande, and Miss ing at the rear of the house. Des Portland Man Visits— went an appendectomy Saturday Mrs. Nora Ray. Mrs. Mj-ers and p ite , a strong wind, the blaze was Edgar Means o f Portland was rebirth of hope in the souls of Beverly Ann Ure, who has been at the Holy Rosary hospital in and Mrs. Leslie C. Ballantyne. ar rived home Tuesday for a spring M r. and Mrs. A rtie Rdbertson vis extinguished and the sofa pulled a guest at the Ralph Haworth home men, will be presented as a radio attending University of Oregon at Ontario. vacation .from Weber college at ited Mrs. Ray's daughter, Mrs. from the porch. Monday evening. On Saturday, Mr. drama depicting Che meaning of Eugene, spent the week-end visit George Coffm an, and fam ily at and Mrs. Haworth attended the i Easter in war-ravaged Europe ov«r ing at the home o f heir parents, Ogden. Committeemen Named— Parma Sunday. funeral of Mr. Means' father at station K SR V , Ontario, at 8:45 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. Mr. and Mrs. Graduates From School— Bert Lienkaetnper. H olly Smith a.m. on Blaster Sunday morning. Van Ure arrived to »trend the sum Mrs. W illie May Flanary has re Star. Idaho. and Ward Tyler have been appoint Leadership Meeting Set— This radio drama, sponsored by mer here. Mrs Ira Ure left Monday The Weiser stake L.D.S. primary Returns to St. Maries— ceived word that her son, John ed as committeemen for the Cub the Church World service, features to take her daughter, Afton, back Mrs. Robert W allace and small Flanary, has completed the re Vi-its in Washington— Scout organization. They will as will hold a leadership meeting in Mrs. A. V. Cook returned Sunday Ralph Bellamy of stage, screen and to L a Grande. sist E. J. Sherman. Cub Scout lead Ontario at 2:30 p.m March 27. A ll grandson o f St. Maries. Idaho, who quirements for graduation from the er, and Finley Shuster, assistant primary workers are invited to be have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vallejo senior high school, n a n a ry. from a trip to Washington, where radio fame with a professional sup Goes Into Clinic— Earl Ward and fam ily for the p a s t, who visited his m other two weeks James E. Cook, at Fort Lewis, and porting cast. Cub leader, in carrying out the present. Mrs. Max Ooldman of Nyssa is week, returned to St. Maries W ed- ag0i was recently discharged from she visited her son. S ta ff Sergeant Cub Scout program. The Cubs are in Portland for medical observation. nesday. Mrs. W allace is Che mother the navy, her sister. Mrs. C. H. Poorman of To California— sponsored toy the Nyssa aPrent- On Program— M r and Mrs. A. C. Newsom and --------------- — — Mrs. Frank J. Pike o f Adrian o f Mrs. Word. Seattle. Mrs. Cook was gone a Teacher association. ftildren left Saturday for a trip Dog Situation Improved— sang "Oh Divine Redeemer" at a Go T o Salt Lake— week. to visit Mr. Newsoms 'parents They The city has sold 250 dog licenses special evening program at Weiser Here from Nampa— | Mrs. O. R Anderson and her Students Return for Vacation— plan to be gone until after Easter. and has rounded up practically all Mrs. Ira Richardson o f Nampa ¡son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Undergoes Operation— Raymond Larson and Dick Ten- Sunday evening Mrs. Pike is chor unlicensed dogs, officials stated Shirley Jo Smith, six-year-old sen are visiting at their homes ister for the Owyhee ward Mut visited Sunday at the home o f her | Mrs. Rosel Anderson, went to Salt Wednesday. F orty-five dogs were brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lake C ity Sunday to be with Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs John J. Rust Ranch Hold— this week during spring vacation ual. unlicensed. License fees on the Mrs Herbert Thomson of Palo Thomas Iale. Anderson’s daughter. Helen, a nurse Smith of Nyssa, underwent an ap from Oregon State college W ith ------------------------ in the L D 8 hospital at Idaho pendix operation Friday night in Alto, California has been spending amounted to more than $500 them is a guest. Tom McClintock Teachers to Meet— The 12th annual eastern Oregon T o Portland— Falls, who is In Salt Lake C ity for the Holy Rosary hospital in O n the past three weeks on the Rust o f Portland. En route to Nyssa. the ranch, visiting friends In this vic To Give Quilt— W W Footer, Gilbert K linken- medical observation. Miss Ander tario. three stopped at W alla Walla, where regional conference o f the ele A quilt to be given away by t inity and In Boise while details they took part In the installation mentary school principals will be berg and R T. Sager made a bust- son is a graduate o f Nyssa high of the Rust ranch sale were being American Legion auxiliary is ceremony of a new chapter of held in La Orande March 27. W a l ness trip to Portland last week. En school. Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Ander- Leave on T r ip - Dr. and Mrs. John Long have completed. Mr and Mrs. H. B display in the window o f the O returned h me Wednesday Delta Tau Delta at Whitm an col ter McPartland. principal o f the route they left two truckloads of son Nysaa grade school, is president | bees at Rufus. Oregon for orchard I night, left by automobile on a two-months M cKinney of Wheeler, Oregon pur ham insurance agency office. M lege Kenneth T bers o f the auxiliary are selling trip through the southern a nd eas chased the ranch of the association. Miss Clarice pollinisation Mias Prances Foster. ' tern states. T hey will visit in El, Thomson o f Berkeley drove to Nys- kets. A second package o f C Not h e » of Nyssa will speak on the student o f the Multnomah School Ladies Nigh» Planned— Visits in Apple Valiev— T h e Nyssa Lions club is arrang- Paso. Texas, shop in Juarez. M exi- | sa for his mother, but returned im- and articles to be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge N. Bear Use o f Program o f Studies” . Hen o f the Bible, accompanied Mr. Fos- visited at the Charles Fox ham eiry Hartley, Nyssa superintendent, ter back to Nyssa where she will mg a ladies night program to be co and go to Washington D C . and mediately on the new air lines land has been prepared by New York City. I flight from Boise to San Francisco. auxiliary. spend spring vacation. | held Monday, April 26. in Apple Valley Sunday. I will attend the conference. Cost of Supply System Would Be Repaid In 90 Years P.T.A. Hopes To Collect From Organizations For Two Instructors V. F. VV. District Officers Named Hearing On Nyssa Park District W ill Be Held April 7 Class Meet Is Won By Seniors Hospital Plans Given Approval Roth, Haney Buy Freeman’s Shop Grange Suggests Watching Cattle j