raeNYSSA V O L U M E X X X X III NO. 11 Extending Time Of Repaying On Project Offered '■ •■ -W ií:. m v JOURNAL N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 25, 1948 B f U ir s ? ° ba S s m a l !:AJ f « 2 0 0 SEASON NEXT WEEK t or The first high school baseball game of the season for Nyssa will be played on the local diamond Wednesday of next week, when the Bulldogs will entertain the Parma nine in a return engage­ ment. The first game between the two teams is scheduled to be played in Parma Monday. Coach Howard Lovejoy said the Wednesday game will also be played In Parma If he is unable to get the local field in ondition. The new field under the lights is being "grassed” , so Love- joy is attem pting to develop a dia mond on the old football field. Coach Lovejoy said the team this year "looks" like the best he has coached in Nyssa. ,C»>.A county I s A sk e d Recreation In City Program to g iv e PICTURE OF ROADS TO LEGISLATORS An interim committee of the state legislature studying highway conditions win meet with Malheur county groups in the Moore hotel in Ontario Friday of this week. T h e meeting, opening at 9 a. m. is expected to last all day. with a luncheon session at noon. A large group of Nyssa residents, as well as representatives of other towns, the county government and Granges will attend the sessions. City Manager E. K. Burton will present a brief for the city of Nyssa. Frank Morgan will dis­ cuss Snake river bridge repairing, maintenance and construction at Weiser, Payette, Ontario and Nys­ sa and the responsibility of Idaho and Oregon therein. County spok­ esmen w ill ¡be Judge Irwin Troxell, County Agent Harry Sandquist and Dudley Sitton. Road problems in the entire coun­ ty will be formally presented to the interim committee. Petitioners Ask h e l d t b r o t h e r s Nyssa Churches TO ERECT BUSINESS Organization Of BUILDING ON THIRD Plan Observance Construction is expected to be Recreation Area started Of Easter-tide next week on a brick bus­ iness building to be erected at High School W ill Hold Third street and Bower avenue by Good Friday Service Heldt brothers. This W eek The building. 30 by 100 feet, will provide space for four offices or T h e basis o ff a tentative pro­ Plans for Che proposed recreation Resident freeholders of this sec- T h e Easter season will be ob­ . ... . ... . stores. It will face Third street, posal offered by the bureau of program for the summer months tion have filed a petition with the The work „ ex)>e(,[ed to * fln _ served with special services in the reclamation to water users on the in Nyssa were outlined at a pub­ county court asking for the organ churches of Nyasa over the week­ ished in about three months. Owyhee project or repayment of end. lic meeting held in the Eagles hall izaion of a park and recreation The building will be erected and construction costs was considered by last Thursday night. district to be known as the Nyssa Some of Che churches will have owned by the Heldt brothers, Ev­ the directors of the Owynee irri­ In the absence o f the prospec­ community pars ana recreation Holy week services during the week. erett, Albert. Paul and Robert. gation district at a meeting held tive principal speaker, a general district. The Lutheran church will hold a in the district office last Thursday A small residence located on the discussion was held, with Mrs. Ed The city o f Nyssa, being included night. Frost as leader and Bernard Frost “ Un‘° " f ' ° n T h “ rs