THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE EIGHT Rev Roland Wuest led the dts- u*o.-n on an article on evangelism in the Women's Missionary Out­ look. During the business meeting HOSTESS TO SOCIETY the ladies discussed their plans Mrs. J. L. Hueetoy was hostess, for the future church kitchen In last Thursday afternoon to the answer to a request from the hos­ Faith Lutheran Missionary society. pital auxiliary, Mrs. H. Julum and Social Notes dcJLJc SßuZa Hu. (S&lddüu, Ÿ m U. SitixJ SATURDAY, MARCII 13 More Buyers More Orders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Market report for March 9, 1948 Fed steers $22 to $24. Grass fat cows $18 to $19.50. Cutter cows $14 50 to $16. Canner cows $13 to $14.50. Beef bulls $19 to $21.50. Veal calves $20 to $31.50. Fed heifers $20 to $23. Feeder steers $20 to $23. Mrs. J. L. Huseby were chosen aa representatives from the society. Refreshments were served to 16 persons. Trost and a speech by Ernest Bunn. meeting will be held with Mrs lh<*e attending from Nyssa first Roy Holmes April 1. ward were Bishop and Mrs. Dean -9 Fife, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Ander­ LODGE TO GIVE PARTY The Rebekah lodge will give a son, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stoker, Mr. an d Mrs. Ernest Bunn, Mrs. pinochle party In the I.O.O.F. hall OfRL IS HONORED Vela Dee Poulseu was honored Fred Treat, Mrs. George Taylor, Friday night, March 19. The public Saturday with a birthday party Mrs. Phyllis T aibjt and Mrs. Lu­ is invited to attend. Refiashments given by her mother, Mrs. L. O. cille Pett. —9 - P ''il-en. Games were the means of entertainment. Prize winners were SURPRISE FAREWELL GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Laurence V. Shep­ oe...., Campbell. Carol Whitaker, Vrgie Tucker, Barbara Bolitho and pard were given a surprise fare­ Keitha Strasbaugh. Refreshments well party by a group of friends U :ake. h e cream and punch were last Tueisday evening. Those pres­ ..erved. A little shamrock nut bas­ ent were Mr and Mrs. Lester Gou­ ket was placed on each tray. Vela let of Lee tine, Oregon, Mr. and Dee received many lovely g-tfs. < Mrs. Stanley Goulet of Nyssa, Mr. Mrs. Strasbaugh assisted Mrs. and Mrs. Sid Flanagan, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chesnut of On­ Foulsen in serving refreshments. BY LEW HERRIMAN tario. —§— At the end of the evening re­ PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS If you’re feeling a little gay. gid­ The Saturday evening Pinochle freshments were served and a love­ dy and lightheaded these days— dub met at the home of Mr. and ly gift was presented to Mr. and don’t worry. You’re normal as Mrs. C. C. Cotton. Three tables Mrs. Sheppard, who are moving bumps on a cucumber. I t’s Just were in play, with prizes going to to Yakima, where he will be en­ that March 20 is the first day of Mrs. Cot ton and John Ostrom, high gaged in the fruit and produce Spring—a t 8:57 a.m. to be exact. and Mrs,. Harry Kingrey and Pat business this coming year. This is the sappy season for trees— Bennett the traveling prizes. * -§ - and sometimes you wonder about GIRL SCOUTS MEET —«— ___ some of the human race. A young The Girl Scouts of troop No. 2 CIVIC CLUB TO MEET man’s fancy is supposed to U rn to The speech class of the high met a t the home of Mrs. W. E. love and most of our ambition Schireman, where a skit, '”n ie icbjol will present a program of turns to daydreams. It is also a one-aot plays under the direction Haughty Slave” was given by B a r­ time when gardeners are thinking bara Mosier, Sherrill Chadd, Jol- of Mrs. H arriett Brumbach at a of flowers, fishermen of fishes and meeting of the Nyssa Civic chib ene Jordan and Ermalee Orris. winter-weary families start plan­ After the skit the girls danced. ning summer vacations. There may March 17 a t 2:30 in the parish hall. Special music will also be giv- Refreshments were served by Mrs. be a cure for Spring Fever—but •n. All women in the community SChireman. who wants it? —fi— are invited to attend. Along about this time of year HOSTESS TO CLUB when you see Cube Sallee. Jack Mrs. George Cleaver was hostess Galloway, Joe Sutherland and Har­ FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN A farewell party for Madame to 14 members of the Oregon Trail ry Miner talking together on Sun­ Marie Louise Mangln, mother of Home Economics club Thursday day morning, they are not planning Mrs. Don Lytle, was held at the afternoon, March 4. Orma Goodell on cleaning up the yard or planting L. E. Robbins home Thursday af­ presided over the meeting. A les­ flowers. ternoon. March 4 at 2 o’clock, with son in garment finishes was held. A New York stylist claims that Refreshments were served by Mrs. women’s hats influence American 35 persons In attendance. Madame Mangin left here Mon­ Croudell and the hostess. The April birth rates. Maybe the stork feels day far New York City and will he’s been high-hatted! If your car sail far her home in Paris, France has a high rate of fuel-consump­ Friday. She has been visiting ner tion, perhaps you need a new ‘hat’ daughter and family here for the ROUGH DIMENSION for the cylinder head! If you do, don’t worry about It, just drive in oast six months. LUMBER Mrs. Merildean Robbins was In to HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPA­ harge of games. A shower of mis- NY, and have Gene Fisher, our $30 to $40 a 1000 ellaneoas gifts was presented to service manager, do the Job for you. the guest of honor. Gifts included i We guarantee we’ll save you money . arious groceries, which are lm- 1 an the job. So drop in today. Phone S4S to 60 to 65 •’jsaible to get in France, clothing, 77. md souvenirs. 4 miles east of Mrs. Don Lytle told of conditions New Plymouth, Idaho n France during the war and at the present time, describing the on Hi-Way 30 occupation by the German armies, ma evacuation. Refreshments of ice cTeam, cake ind coffee wi"-» served. Favors were miniature ¿hips. h i - w a y -5 - BOISE, OUEST3 AT DINNER 10 WEST Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wilsor IDAHO of Ontario were Wednesday even­ ing dinner guests at the Merildeat R .bbins home. —5 - PRO ° RAM SCHEDULED P U M IC E ,R E D C IN D E R O R C O N C R E T E The Adrian and community Gir — IN S U L B L O C K S — Scouts will give a program Frida? evening at 8 o’clock in the Adriar hi h school building in observance of the 36ih ann’versary of Girl Scouts of America. All parents of Girl Scouts and Brownies and oth- e-s Interested in scouting are In­ vited to attend. -s- NEWS VIEWS lAxtdUtj 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1948 Feeder cows 9125 to $170 hd. Weaner calves $20 to $24 cwt. Fat hogs $24 Sows $18 to $20. Feeder pigs $,>1 to $24. Fat lamhs $18.50 to $21. Ewes $7 to $10. There will be a special consignment for Mar. 16 of 475 head of good weaner calves. These are native calves all of one brand. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY PHONE 264 ONTARIO, OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. H E R R IM A N HOMES NEED NEW 0UTF/TS will be served and prizes will be show will be held. The public is invited to attend. awarded to winners in cards. - 8 - Auxiliary Officer Visits— BALL IS PLANNED Mrs. Hannah McElroy of Vale, The Nyssa first ward of the L district president of the V.F.W. DB. church will hold its Gold and auxiliary, called on Mrs. George N. Green ball Friday night. March 12 Bear Tuesday to attend to official !n tiie Nyssa gymnasium. A floor business. EXTENDED COVERAGE Cover» Much Costs Little Ask Us About It Frank T. Morgan —Classes In— S c u lp to ry , C e ra m ic s And P o tte ry Instruction by Enzo Murolo Italian Instructor A m e ric a n L e g io n H a il Monday and Friday, 2-3 P. M. and 7-8 P. M. Two classes per week at $10 a month. Since the classes should be limited to 25, each applicant should report before Monday. For information call 161. M O T O R CO. PHONE 6716 Pum ice P rodu cts (b-. \P. B Puv i V, Top-Notch Value in ^ PAINT-ENAMEL and VARNISH Y o u 'll And the com pete line of Pittsburgh Paints in our store. A finish for every purpote'all priced to At your pock­ et book. There's real econom y in using o n ly the highest quality paints because they w ill wear longer — look- better and really cnhan:e the value of your property, and today Pittsburgh Paints, In m any respects, ere better than M O D U LA R S IZ E EASIER CONSTRUCTION - I - HOSTp TO CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis were hosts to their Wednesday evening potluck bridge club last week. Three tables were In play. Prizes were won by Alvin Kuehn and Mrs Glea Billings. NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY NYSSA Phone 106 PROGRAM THEATRE ENTEJR VAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes en­ tertained at dinner Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chamberlain and Rev. George Whipple. 9 - WEDNESDAY CLUB TO MEET Mrs. Herbert Fisher was hostess to the Wednesday evening bridge club. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Bernard Frost and Mrs. Bert Uenkaemper Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ed Frost and Mrs. Sid Burbidge. -« - SOCIETY TO MEET The St. Anne’s Altar society will meet at the home of Mrs. William Van Zelf Thursday. March 18. at 2:30 p.m. - SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Pat O’Brien and Anne Jeffreys in "RIFF RAFF” Disney Cartoon Kennedy Comedy Short 9 - - - pre-war quality When Water Is 5 - FESTIVAL HELD Several Nyssa residents particl pa ted in the music and speech fes­ tival held by the Weiser stake of the L.D.S church at Emmett Fri­ day. March 5. All wards participat­ ed in the program. The Nyssa first ward furnished a vocal solo by Phyllis Talbot, accompanied by Mrs. Get the most out of your Rim Wrench 79c Bargain priced! Designed with three different size soc­ kets and tire tool. Cadmium finish. Built for heavy lever­ age. D it c h e s Chick Fountain with a Heavy metal screw cap fountain with tough enamel finish. Large 8-inch size. Fits ail Mason jars. 18 c C h a ttin D itc h e r 3-In W all Brush "The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement C o . Stunz and Thomas $1.55 Larger sizes proportionately low priced. 100rl pure Chin­ ese bristles vulcanized in rub­ ber. Mat., Sat.. 2:34»; Adm. Ste-ftr. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c- He. Iiirluduijt Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, MARCH 14-15 It’s a red-headed riot when Red hot-foots it to Hollywood—and takes over the town! Red Skelton, Virginia O’Brien, Leon Ames and Gloria Grahame in "MERTON OF THE MOVIES" Disney Cartoon 2-Reel Specialty Mat., Sun.. 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40r-9c, Inc. Tax. TUESDAY, MARCH 16 Bargain Night Roy Rogers, Jane Frazee, and Andy Devine in ‘ "ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL” Special: "Song of the Nation” Cartoon Sports Adm 25-9c, Inc Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MARCH 17-18 The guilty half of his story all Frisco knew; the other half was a stoiy of love and adventure through indescribable dangers to a girl he had to find! Humphrey Bogart, I^uren Bacall, Agnes Moorehead in “DARK PASSAGE” News Color Cartoon Adm. Evening«. 4 0 c -l\ Inc T ai Brace—3 Bits WE ARE NOW $4.98 FULLER PAINT D E A L E R S A specially priced high­ er ade tool combination. 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2-inch hardened steel bits. Brace is built for steady service. WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED DEALER FOR THE COMPLETE LINE OF FULLER PAINTS IN THIS AREA 24 Pcs. WE HAVE FULLER PAINTS FOR EVERY JOB Stainless Steel Cutlery OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE TRY FULLER P A IN T S - $3.98 THEY LAST Sturdy tableware that is sanitary and easy to clean. Includes 6 each of knives, Imspoons. forks and dessert spoons. Money-sating value. Don 6. Moss Firestone Dealer Store NYSSA, OREGON Marshall-Wells Store Sewright and Terry, Owner$