4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Classified Advertising R.-vTES. Two cents per word (or each Issue Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, la 30c. labor camp, cabin 27. llM lxc. tag. Harry Masto, two Diocks south Isa I of school on ea. t side, Ontario. M13CELLANEOU S— Get vour Ze 19F4XC nith refrigerator at Marshall-WeiIs U N lC . FOR SALE— Diesel cletrac craw store. ler, used 160 hours, perfect condi tion. Harry Masto. two blocks south i MISCELLANEOUS— Have exce'lent of school on east side. Ontario. tenant for farm. Prefers row crop 19Ftxc. land. See Frank T. Morgan. lSJtfc. FOR SALE—Business lot, 44 by 120 feet, block south of Carl's Doll House. Phone 170-J, Wayne Har- oldsen. 19F4xp W.F.A. camp, K. Morishita, Cald- TOR SALE— Par mall H tractor weil, Idaho. llM3xp. with plow and cultivator attach ed. K. Saito, route 1, Nyssa. 19F4p FOR SALE—Holstein springer cows. FOR SALE— 193« Chevrolet sedan, William A. Orr, Sunset valley, V» FOR SALE- Seed potatoes, WHITE mile south, hi mile west Ole's cor- excellent condition, motor over- ROSE certified, tagged or bin run. tier. HM2xji. | hauled, new paint, good tires, radio, Gems, grown from certified blue tag, some from foundation stock. I O R s T iæ - 4-room house, 2 lots, | heaU* ’ covers’ Phon' , ^ - J Ira Ure, phone 06R2. 12F*.fc 541 hioruh i-irst street. $2250. Phone 1 __________________________ ilMXXp. 188-J or 167-W. UM2xp. ¡ p o R SALE— White pumice blocks, TOR SALE— P-14 Internationa! FOR SALEA One white enamel » ° delivered. A -l quality. Box 826. tractor, mechanically perfect. Six- 4M4xp. row beet cultivator and tools, po- coolera tor ice boot. A real buy at Nampa, phone 1839-W. tao cultivator, six-row side dresser, $25. Hollie Smith, on Frank Morgan FOR SALE— Oxyeeld acetylene beet lifter. Jacob Fischer, one mile ranch, Nyssa. UMlxp. generator, nearly new, 25-pound west on Alberta avenue. 29Jtfc size, can be seen at Service Parts, —FOR SALE— TOR SALE— Onion seed, white 4M2xp. Very nice, 2-bedi‘oom home, fur- Caldwell, Idaho. Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure. nace heat, on a nice large lot, FOR SALE— 12-hole VanBrundt phone 06-R2. 19Ftfc lawn, and fenced yard, $7,250, very grain driil $e0; x .H dump rake, easy terms. 1 $50; 8-foot, 18-lnch horse disc, $40. TOR SALE—Have farms and homes Real roomy 3-bedroom house, on Wallace Gregg, % mile south of for sale. Need more, list with Ken 29Jtfc. a nice street. This is a real buy i Enterprise on Jefferson. 4M2xp. Renstrom. Phone 364-W. for a large family. Owner w a n ts' -------------------------------------------------- to sell badly so has priced the FOR SALE— One rear-end AE020 TOR SALE— Bring your sacks and place real cheap, $5,000. mower for Ford tractor, used two get your eating potatoes. $1.50 per Nice little house on real fine cor- I seasons. M. L. Kurtz, Newell Hei- bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware 15Jtfc. ner, in best location, only $2,400, j ghts. 4M2xp. house, Payette, Idaho. terms. Why pay rent when you can >____ I.;'— . TOR SALE— New Westinghouse re buy a place so cheap. Room Lo. S ALE As I have no further frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance build another house later. ** I » 111 f 1 my 15Jtfc. We have several other houses,; . New Ho land W potato sacker. used Co., phone 118-W. .A M « . llitlA L 1 \fn M A A w\ 1 1 t A ') including one brand new one, never very little. E. E. Vareo, route 2, TOR SAE— New Westinghouse el box 228, Bend, Oregon. 26F3xp. been occupied. ectric ranges, three models, Os«roni If you are looking for a nice lot FOR SALE— Modern two-bedroom Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W to build a house on, we have sev home, garage, excellent location, 15Jtfc. eral. nice yard and shrubs. FHA terms. Farms, Industrial sites, stock Shown by appointment. Priced to TOR SALE— Electric wiring and ranches—We have them. sell. Bernard Eastman, real estate supplies of all kinds at your Wes E D JA iM ISO N and insurance. 26Ftfc. tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co., plhone 118-W. 15Jtfc. 252 4th St. South Phone 65-J Office In my home south of the TOR SALE— National cash regis International Store. ter. Practically new, $240. Phone TOR SALE— 10 acres one mile west 169-W or 289-R evenings. 26FUC. of town. Good buy. See Frank T. Morgan. 8Jtfc. TOR SALE— 1947 V-8 Ford truck, 2-ton, 2-speed axle; combination TOR SALE— Good quality one FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good beet and stock rack with laminated year from certification gem seed floor. Only 3500 miles, perfect con potatoes. Elmer Olson, 7 miles condition, lo loot copper tubing dition. Doyle M. Jensen, Homedale, southwest Nyssa. 28F4xp. ^ and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. 18Stfc. Phone 2764. UMlxp. FOR SALE— Good team, well POR SALE— Phone 144-J or write FOR SALE— 1943 G.M.C. 6 by 6 1 broke. Cecil Evans, route 2, P a r -. truck, with 13-foot flat rack and ] ma. * 4M4xp. Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for Willys parts, motors, extra equip 15-foot beet bed, excellent c o n d i - --------:---- --------—--------------- r — tion, good rubber. Peak automatic ! FOR SALE— Three-room house * ment, Jeeps, station wagons, pickup land leveler, practically new. Kiest with bath, electric water tank, 75 trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. two-row beet lifter and loader, by 119 comer lot, nice lawn, easy used one season. Set of topping terms. Bernard Eastman.___ 4Mtfc. FOR SALE— 1942 Ford Jeep, new, permanent top. First class condl- knives. Laurence H ™ «. Vale, Ore- ■ SAL&_ oood wark team and lon. $875. Powell Service Oarage. gon. route 1, box 1199, ° ? ^ i y harness. Saddle and saddle mare, 27NUC. creek-_____________________ llM 2xp. i qu.et for chU<i or woman Also new FOR SALE— Horse and saddle., Valley Mound corrugator and two POR SALF— Several houses for Horse gentle 9-year-old mare, sad' milk cows. Hudson Robb, north side sale. Attractive buys, dee Frank 16Jtfc die used. J. I. Brady. llM2xp. of Mitchell Butte, route 2, Nyssa. T. Morgan. 4M2xp. TOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. FOR SALK— Six-row side dresser, fits any make of tractor. Clayton FOR SALE— Certified gem po Guaranteed to be washable and Patton, 3 miles west of Langton’s tatoes. M. L. Spitz«, 1H miles west non-fading ror three years. Good 4M2xp. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com comer. llM4xp. on King avenue. pany. 26Jtfc. TOR SALE— Good, used, older FOR SALE— Well established gun- model washer. Working order. Ab smithy and sporting goods store, FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance bot place, first road north of Mexi excellent location. Priced reasonab PubUc Liability, Property Damage. can labor camp near Adrian. Dean ly See or write S. W. Miles, 2009 Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed 4M 3xc. llM lxc. First St„ Baker, Oregon. Olsen. In the best companies at lowest ........ possible rates. Bernard Eastman. FOR SALE— Year-out from Idaho o I t o r SALE— Bliss triumph, white 14Ftfc certified russet seed. Write row 8 I, [rose, netted gem seed from blue For Sale For Rent professional And Business Directory TOR RENT— Two-room cabin. Chadwick’s camp. UMlxp. l TOR RENT— Furnished trailer house. Inquire Collins Trailer camp. 26Ftfc TOR RENT— Polish your own floors. Rent our high-speed pol ishing equipment. Easily handled by women. Nyssa Lumper company. 3Atfc. PHYSICIANS DENTISTS WANTED SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazln Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building OPPORTUNITY— Need additional man for local business of your own. Oar necessary. Good profits. Write at once for particulars. Raw- lelghs Dept ORC-331-216F, Oak land 7. Calif. llM lxp. L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Nfaln Street a . Second Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY WANTED— Musicians for small dance band, steel guitar or piano players. See McKinney at Oate City Cleaners. 4M2xp. WANTED— Oenerol farm work. Experienced In Irrigation, tractor and team work. Family man, two small children. Write Floyd Ledg- erwood, route 1, box 80, Ontario. 4M2xp WANTED— Will do Ironing, plain sewing, crocheting, or care for children In my home. Also would like to sit with children In even- I ings. Mrs. Floyd Erwin. 756 North Second street. 26F3xp. WANTED— To buy anything In beef or veal. Also custom killed and delivered to Polar Cold Stor age. Phone 21-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. MISCELLANEOUS WYCKOFF ‘ JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON LODGES MISCELLANEOUS - Painting and kalsomlnlng. Free estimates, all work guaranteed. John Taylor, Nys- Phone 21, Ontario, Ore GRAVE MARKERS Free Pick Up Of Your For grave markers and Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion monuments write or see Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. R. A. BENTLEY Project Office, 8 p. m. Haines, Oregon All Veterans Welcome Better Values _________Lower Prices Gate City Lodge No. 214 HAY BUYER I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday W. F. .TAHN night, 8:30. Dealer in hay and erain South First Street i Third at Good Ave. Dead and Worthless Animals Call Collect There la a Phone Near To« Nyssa 100 Parma 29 Ontario 53 "We Haul the Day You OalT Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Nyssa, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, In stallation of heating systems, coal or oil. Also servicing and repair. Phone 169-W ; after 6 p.m. 289-R. ISJtfc MISCELLANEOUS— Roofing; re pair and plaster work, guaranteed, phone 169-W; evenings, 289-R. I5Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— See us for quick repair service on all makes of washing machines. We also ser vice, clean and repair all makes ol ill heaters and burners. Free pick up and delivery service. Phone 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance Re pair shop. 6Ntfc. MISCELLANBOUS— Available now Electrolux cleaners and air puri- ilers. Sales and service. Ed A. An derson. reute ' Welser, Idaho. Phone 567-J4. 28Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and free pick-up or your dead, crlppied or sick livestocK. Calls rece.ved be fore 9 o'clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Company. SJtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Loans on farms for refinancing, building. Improvements, b u y i n g . Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 3Atfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car and clyinder lock keys made. Wes tern Auto Store. 250tfc. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stock received Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. No stock received on Sunday. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery to Polar locker plant. One mile west on Alberta avenue Phone 05R1 JAKE FISCHER Legal Advertising SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY R, L. DAVIS and MONA. A. DAVES, Plaintiffs, —VS— E. M. SMITH, FRONA SMITH and MERWYN C. CONHRY, Defendants. TO E. M. SMITH, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before tLe expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of expiration is fixed by order of the above entitled Court as March 15, 1948; If you fall so to appear and answer, plaintiffs, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded in plaintiffs’ complaint, to-wit: For a decree of this Court strictly foreclosing the certain con tract dated June 12, 1947, between the plaintiffs and the defendant, E. M. Smith, for the sale of a certain business known as the Davis Cafe and Fountain, together with the personal property de scribed In said contract, being the Implements and utensils of trade, furniture, fixtures, equipment and effects contained In said Davis Cafe and Fountain at Nyssa, Ore gon; And for a decree adjudging and ordering that default under the terms of said contract has been made by the defendant, E. M. Smith, and that because of such default all the rights of said de fendant, E. M. Smith, in said contract and said personal property have terminated, and said contract Is now null, void and of no effect. For a further decree that the plaintiffs are re-lnvested with all the title and Interest they had In said property prior to the execu tion of said contract, and that he defendants and each of them be foreclosed and barred and en joined from claiming any further interest, right or claim In and to aid contract or any of the property therein described; and that plain tiffs have and recover the Immed iate possession of all personal pro perty described in said contract; and that plaintiffs have judgment against the defendant, E. M. Smith, In the sum of $600.00 atom ey fees and for plaintiffs’ costs and dis bursements in this suit expended, and such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. Gallagher and Gallagher, At torneys for the Plaintiffs. Post Office Address, Ontario. Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR NOTICE OF FTNAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of OFORGE L. WINO. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Lon E. Fry, admnistrator of the estate of Geo rge L. Wing, deceased, has filed his Final Account as said adminis trator in the County Court of Mal heur County, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tuesday. March 16. 1948 at 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day. for the hearing of Objections to said Final Account snd the settlement there of ___ NOW THEREFORE, all persons Interested In the estate of George L Wing, deceased, are hereby no tified and required to appear at the County Oourt Room In the Court House at Vale. Malheur County. Oregon, at said time to then and THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1918 PAGE THREE there show cause. If any there be, and family shopped In Caldwell contest. why said Account should not be Thursday. Mrs. Charley Culbertson, Mrs. settled, allowed and approved and Joyce and Nell Stoker were ill' Clayton Patton, and Mrs. Dorothy said estate distributed and said and absent from school last week, j Slippy shopped In N impa Tuesday. administrator discharged. Mrs. W. W. Smith is spending I The executive committee of the Dated and first published Feb ruary 12, 1948. Date of last publi the week at the Walter Pinkston) Owyhee P.T.A. met at the home cation March 11, 1948 ..ome, while Mr. Pinkston is on a of Mrs. Wilson Winter Monday Lon E. Fry, Administrator o f ! . 'it to California. night. the Estate of George L Wing, Shirley Smith visited at the A1 Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Brewer Deceased. M*cham home in Wade Sunday Harold Henigson, Attorney for evening. and son. Danny of Ontario were Administrator. Delores Blanch has returned to Sunday dinner guests in the T. H. chool after a recent operation. Brewer home. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. Wtlliam Peutz re THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MEETING DATE OF turned Friday night from a two- THE COUNT* OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Estate of OKK CLUB CHANGED weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. ANNA LARSON, Deceased George Nein in Fort Morgan, Col NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT OWYHEE, March 11— The OJC.K. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lub will meet Tuesday. March 16 orado. Adrian town team finished the that the undersigned. Hugh V. Glenn, administrator of the estate instead of on the regular date be- basketball season Friday night with -•ause of a home demonstration of Anna Larson, deceased, has filed jelng given that day at the Jim a win over the VFW team by a his Final Account as said adminis Langley home, which several mem score of 30 to 5. Timmerman was trator in the County Court of Mal bers wish to attend. Mrs. Bird high for Adrian with 14 points and heur County. Oregon, and that Walters will be hostess, with Mrs. Steinke made 15 for VFW. During aid Court has appointed Tuesday, Orville McEwen assisting at the the past season the Adrian team won a total of 16 games and lost the 23rd day of March, 1948 at club meeting. 8 . 10; 00 o’clock in the forenoon of Jesse Gregg and daujhter, Becky, Mrs. Howard Evans and daugh said day for the hearing of oh of Yakima, Washington spent Sat lections to said Final Account and urday night In the Martha Kling- ter of Parma were callers Sunday afternoon in the T. H. Brewer ihe settlement thereof. back home. Mr. Gregg returned to NOW THEREFORE, all persons Yakima Sunday to bring his house home. Bob Rice Is erecting a new build interested In the estate of Anna goods and family here as they ing across the street from his store, Larson, deceased, are hereby no hold "111 work on the Bill Oregg place the Owyhee grocery. tified and required to appear at his year. Becky remained to spend the County Court Room In the i few days with her grandmother. Court House at Vale, Malheur Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hodges of MALHEUR JERSEY County, Oregon, at said time to Caldwell were overnight guests In CLUB RANKS HIGH then and there show cause, If any .lie Clayton Patton home Saturday there be, why said Account should Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Patton are not be settled, allowed and approv Istcrs. The Malheur County Jersey club, ed and said estate distributed and Mrs. Howard Evans and daughter the youngest club In the state, said administrator discharged. were Sunday guests in the Darrell ranked fourth in Oregon in club Dated and first published Feb Williams home. achievement records for 1947, ac ruary 19, 1948. Date of last publi Mr. and Mrs Ellis Walters called cording to Information received cation, March 18, 1948. on Mrs. Nellie Newbill Sunday in here. Hugh V. Glenn, Administrator Kingman Kolony. Mrs. Newblll. Is The rankings were based on the of the Estate of Anna Larson. recovering from a recent operation. reports of the club secretaries on Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Randolph the progress of the clubs and their Harold Henigson, Attorney for and son of Caldwell were Sunday accomplishments during the year. Administrator. dinner guests in the Lee House The Malheur county show was judged one of the best in the state. holder home. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mrs. Charley Grider Is secretary DEPARTMENT OF THE Jesse Ditty, Jr., attended a pinochle of the Malheur club. INTERIOR party at the Jake Groot home S at Bureau of Land Management at urday night. The Dalles, Oregon Leslie Dell Patton, small son of February 12. 1948 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr.j NOTICE is hereby given that underwent a tonsilectomy Wednes- Frank W. Knottingham, of R F D . 1ay In Ontario. COLD STORAGE No. 2, Nyssa, Oregon, who, on The 4-H cooking club met with February 12, 1948, made Homestead its leader, Mrs. Keith Tallman, at Entry. Act 6-17-02, No. 032246, for the home of Roberta Morfltt Sat - 1 Farm Unit ’’B’’ or N ttN EK , NEti urday afternoon. NW’4 . Section 14, Twnshp. 21 So., Mre. Charley Culbertson and Bet Range 45 East, Willamette Merid ty and Larry, Mrs. Dorothy Slippy BY THE ian, has filed notice of intention and children. Mrs. Bob Rice and MONTH, 6 MO,, YR. to make final Proof, to establish children, and Gerald Slippy and Use Your Own Lock claim to the land above described, Vernon were Sunday dinner guests before Thomas Jones, U. S. Com In the Henry Slippy home. F ish—Oyster*—Clams missioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., was an HARTMAN’S the 6th day of April, 1948. overnight guest Friday night of Claimant names as witnesses; LOCKERS Mr. and Mrs G. L. McMillan In Ira Marrs, Russel Talbot, Harold Boise. , mi. So. Nyssa-Parma Fivecoat and Earnest Smith, all of Claude Skinner attended a lun Route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. Junction cheon given In the Owyhee hotel Grace Oavln Lewis, in Boise Thursday by the Good-, Open Eve. & Sunday» Acting Manager man Oil company. Skinner’s Ser vice won four new tires in a sales NOTICE OF MEETING OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIST. Notice Is hereby given, that the board of directors of. the Owyhee Irrigation District, sitting as a board of equalization, will meet on the 6th day of April, 1948, at 8 Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing o'clock P M. of said day at its —Contact— office in Nyssa. Oregon, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment roll and apportion ment of charges for operation and maintenance for the 1948 season, and assessment of $3 60 per acre NYSSA, OREGON for operation and maintenance, de We Guarantee Our Work For One Year linquencies In collections and ad ministration expenses, estimated for Free Estimate*— Phone 196-J the season of 1948 and $1.00 per acre constrctlon charge during the year 1948, by virtue of Bureau of Reclamation order. The assessment roll and record may be Inspected at the office of the district by any Interested per son during office hours of each business day. To Vote You Mutt Be Registered By order of the Board of Di rectors, by Frank T. Morgan, As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary, District. First pub. March 4, 1948. General or Special Election unless he or she Last pub April 1, 1948. ZERO * LOCKERS y4 PLUMBING Brower Plumbing Shop Notice To Voters OFFICERS ELECTED AT NEWELL MEETING NEWELL HEIGHTS, March 11— Mrs. Lester Ooulet and Delores of Wallowa sent the week at the Stanley Goulet home. They return ed with Mr. Ooulet, who la hauling hay to Wallowa. Fidelae Amicae met at the home of Shirley Smith Thursday night. Officers were elected for the com ing year. Dinner was served to 12 girls and their leader, Mrs. Henry More. Mrs Nellie Newblll la greatly improved after a recent operation in Ontario. Miss Gladys CrLstopher, sister of Mrs Lee Saxton, has gone to Baker to work. Ronnie Saxton was a dinner guest at the home of Delores Auk- er In Kingman Kolony Sunday. Barbara, Elaine and Billy Mc Laughlin of Wallowa sent Friday night at the M. L. Kurt* home. Mr. and Mrs Rube Oratuun, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Krelgh. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill and Caroline Schelmer attended the Cinderella ball In Nyssa Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman. Jr., and Larry of Caldwell »pent Sunday at the John Timmerman home. Ellen Judd and two girl friends from Oaldwell spent the week-end at the M L Judd home Mr and Mrs. M. L Judd and Mr and Mrs. Ovestreet visited Sun day In Parma. Mr and Mrs. Charley Harris took Mr. Harris’ mother to Boise to see a specialist Thursday. Buck Ramsey of Nampa and Fairbanks. Alaska visited Sunday with the Cecil Smith family Mr and Mrs Leland Carlson and family of Ny«wa visited at the Leonard Smith home Mr and Mrs. Dud Kurtz of Caldwell visited In Newell Heights last week Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Shelmer shall be registered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on elec tion day. Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of April 20th, 1948. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1946, or have changed your residence, or if you desire to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official registrars in the following pre cincts: PRECINCTS REGISTRARS Applegate .................. Mr*. M. D. Clough Adrian, Big Bend A Rdgvw... D. T. Holly Brogan ............................... Myrtle I. Rose Harper and Bully ................ G. Y. Chester Ironside .................................... H. C. Elms Jamieson ............................ J. A. Coleman Jordan Valley & Juniper ... Gabriel Elordi Jones ............................... George L. Baker Malheur .............. Mrs. Horten Worsham McDermitt ............... .... Mary H. Myer* Nyssa Nos. 1, 2, 3, Arcadia and Owyhee Hilda L. Tensen Ontario Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Fair and Cairo F. C. McShane Riverside Mrs. Donald E. Libby Rockville ...................... Maude Greeley Rome ............ Ellen Wiley Corta Snake River ........................ C. H. Spicer Official Registrars have lists of those who are NOW registered. H. S. SACKETT County Clerk