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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1948)
Grade Hoopsters GOPHER CONTROL Smith, Weese To UNIT IS FORMED t O f Nyssa Clinch Another gopher control unit, cov Run For Seat In an area of six sections, was League Pennant ering O regon’s Senate formed at a meeting held at the Boys Win Championship Game by Defeating Vale 15 to 7 T. Olson ranch last Friday night. W. B. Russell was elected chair man, B. F. Rooks tool, vice chair man, and Joe Dirksen, secretary- treasurer. T h e 21 farmers present voted to hire a man to start an ex termination program and will pro bably employ John Ritter of Nyssa to 9 o the work at a tentative cost of 30 cents per acre. Street, Highway RED s Ä T nyssa Longest Factory F rogran To Be The annual Red Cross financial Season In N yssa has been started in the Given Attention campaign History Finished Nyssa territory, with Mrs. Bernard Frost as chairman. Output Believed Great Mrs. Frost will mail notices with est In U. S.; Contract in the next few days. Everyone is ing Begun asked to contribute as much as he feels he can. As the longest campaign In the C ity and county officials are this Mrs. Frost stated that the gov week gathering data to be present ernment has selected the American history of the Nyssa sugar factory ed to a legislative interim com Red Cross to take care of the blood was nearing a close this week, the mittee that was appointed to study bank, which will now be accessible -ompany started issuing contracts highway, road and street needs in to everyone at a nominal cost. to farmers in trie Nyssa-Nampa the state, with a view of probably district for the 1948 growing season. outlining a 10-year improvement T h e last beets were sliced last program. night about midnight, concluding A meeting will be held in the the 170-dajr “campaign", which was :ity hall in Ontario Friday, March extended longer than usual because 5 to give officials an opportunity of the record acreage o f beets to meet with an engineer, who will planted In 1947 advise the officials on the prepara Malheur county students gained Reports received here indicate tion of their Information to be pre outstanding honors at the eastern sented to the interim committee Oregon district F F .A . convention that the Nyssa factory was the last A fter the data is gathered, the held in La Grande February 27 factory to finish slicing 1947 beets and probably produced more sugar committee will study it and make and 28. than any other factory In the Uni recommendations, covering both the Rodney Frakes of Ontario won ted States. economic needs and financial pro 'irst place In the public speaking During the campaign just con- blems. ontest, talking on the subject, "A The information must be pre More Abundant Life". Farrell Pet luded at the Nyssa plant, the com pany sliced slightly over 540,000 sented to the committee by March erson of Nyssa won second with 15. A hearing will be held for this 'Safety on the Farm ", and Bob tons of beets and produced about ounty March 26 in Ontario by Abel of Lai Grande third with 1.635.000 one hundred pound bags of sugar. The Nyssa and Nampa the committee and its experts. For Use of Farm By-Products". factories sliced a total of almost the hearing, the county and each Ontario won first hi the parlia one million tons of beets from 66- city will prepare a brief. The cham mentary contest. Nyssa took sec bers of commerce and Granges will on and Adrian third. The Nyssa 000 acres. District M anager R. G. also be heard. C ity Manager E. K team, with R. V. Wilson as adviser, Larson said. The crop yielded 20.8 Burton is preparing the data for Included Farrell Peterson, presi tons of beets per acre. Prospects for 1948 appear to be Nyssa. dent; Tommy Bates, vice president; O. R. Eckersiey, executive-secre Deane Hunter, reporter: Val Child, very good from the standpoint o f acreage, Mr. Larson said. Com- tary of the Interim committee, was secretary, and Don Sutherland, any representatives started Tues here last Friday to explain the treasurer. day offering contracts to the gro purpose of the program. He said Joel Mitchell of Nyssa won sec the committee is trying to work out ond in sharpening drill bits, Don wers. From the results o f Tues a coordinated program for streets Sutherland o f Nyssa second in car day’s contracting, it appears that and highways in Oregon for sev pentering, Cecil Bair of Nyssa sec the acreage in 1948 will be about eral years to come. The committee ond and Val Child third in black- the same as in 1947, which was has employed a group of experts smithing, and Richard Dlven of the largest In history. The principal factor that might in Washington to outline the pro Nyssa second in grain judging. affect acreage ts some shortage of gram. Judges of trie parliamentary and water in a few districts. speaking contests were Mr. Chris tensen. La Grande high school: Mr. Amundsen. Eastern Oregon col lege. and Qeorge Penrose of Port land. agricultural agent o f the Un ion Pacific railroad. State Interim Committee To Meet With City, County Men Ontario Men File; Orville Maze To Seek Sheriff's Position T h e Nyssa grade 9chool basket Contests for the position of state ball team coached by W alter Mc- senator from Malheur, Grant and Partland emerged victorious over Harney counties in both the pri the best that the Snake river valley mary and general elections were could produce in the Junior high school tournament held in trie assured by the filing o f Dr. W. J. Nyssa gymnasium Friday, Saturday Weese o f Ontario for the dem o and Monday. Arthur Rouse o f Nyssa, secre cratic nomination and Elmo Smith The Nyssa boys, who drove through the regular season with 10 tary of similar districts formed o f Ontario for the republican nom victories and no defeats, also pro last fall on 4000 acres west of ination. gressed through the tournament Nyssa, told of the success o f the Dr. Weese, a graduate o f the without a loss. They clinched the units in the control of gophers. Univerity of Missouri and John ' championship by defeating a larg Hopkins school of medicine, mov er Vale aggregation Monday night ed to Ontario in 1913 and lias prac by a score of 15 to 7. ticed medicine there since that The Nyssa lads were unable to time. K e has been county chairman hit the basket consistently for ei of the Red Cross for 30 years, a ther field goals or foul shots, but member of the city council for 26 ELM O S M IT H of Ontario has gave a classy demonstration of ball years and a member of the school announced that hr will seek the handling and floor work. They took W ith a theme of "Candy Land” , board for 12 years. republican nomination for the a 4 to 3 lead at the end o f the the annual Cinderella ball and Dr. Weese, a former member of state senate from Malheur, Grant first quarter and increased their program will be sponsored in the the state board of health for four and Harney counties. margin to 9 to 5 in the second Nyssa gymnasium Friday night, years, is at present a member of period. They failed to gain a great March 5 by the Girls league of the the council of the Oregon State er margin in < the third period, Nyssa high school, beginning at Medical society and chairman of which ended 11* to 7. 8 o’clock. the rural medical service of the T h e lineups were as follows: As the program is presented, the society. Ny^sa—Wilson, Santillanes 2, A n dreams of a little girl, played by Elmo Smith, who announced that drews 4, M itchell 5. Keveren, Love- Cleo Flinders, are unfolded into he will not be a candidate for re- Joy 3, Jordan, Duncan, Frost and reality in skit form. The first num election as mayor o f the city of County winners In the national Tucker: Vale— McPheeters 2, Law ber, “ The Good Ship Lollypop” , Ontario, engaged in the newspaper rence 1, Chadwick, Musgrove 2, will be sung by a girls sextet, with business in Ontario for several 4-H club contests received their awards at the annual 4-H leaders’ Bement 2 and Standage. four girls dancing. A boys sextet years before selling is interests in In the consolaton game Ontario will sing "B ig Rock Candy Moun the Eastern Oregon Observer last rally held at Boulevard Grange hall Wednesday. March 3. nosed out Weiser by a score of 24 tain” , the girls sextet will sing year. The county winners were: Arlene to 22. The quarter scores were 12 "Anim al Crackers in my Soup” and Smith was first elected mayor to 4 for Weiser, 14 to 9 for W ei Margery Bishop will sing "Candy". In 1940 and again in 1942, but ln- Plercy and Betty Newman of K ing- man Kolony, winner in the nation ser. 20 to 15 for Ontario and 24 Shane’s orchestra will furnish terupted his term by entering the al dairy foods demonstration con to 22 for Ontario. service of the U. S. navy. He was music for the dance. test: Arlene Land of Highland com Earlier scores were as follows: Lois Bybee Is president of the re-elected mayor after serving in Thursday— Emmett 27 and Vale Girls league and Marian Brown the navy for 18 months. Smith, a munity, national canning achieve 29 in over-time game; Ontario 18 is program chairman of the Cin graduate of the College of Idaho, ment contest; Eleanor Reid, West Bench, girls' record; Erlene Piercy, and Fruitland 16; Nyssa 54 and derella ball. moved to Ontario In 1933. Kingman Kolony, clothing achieve Payette 8, and New Plymouth 16, State Senator J. N. Jones ol Candidates for Cinderella and and Weiser 19, and Friday— Vale the prince and the duchess and Juntura announced earlier that he ment; Nelora Reed. West Bench, leadership: Donald DeHaven, King- 34 and Ontaio 25, and Nyssa 31 and duke have been selected. would be a candidate for re-elec man Kolony, field crops; Fred D ef Weiser 23. T h e four losers Thurs The candidates are as follows: tion. ter, Kingm an Kolony, vegetable day night were eliminated and the Cinderella— Mar Ji Bailee, Orville Maze, chief of police at Donna garden, and Rosemary Reed, Bro winners played Friday night. Florea, Mary Lou Schenk, Elaine Nyssa, was the first to file for the gan, national meat animal contest. Following the championship game Peterson, Bernice Bowen and Lois office of sheriff following announ Collections for the March of These awards are gold medals, Monday night Henry H. Hartley, Bybee; prince— Merlin Anderson. cement by Sheriff C. W. Olenn that which are presented by the organ Dimes in Nyssa amounted to *887 - superintendent of the Nyssa schools, Dean Sutherland, Tommy Bates, he would not be a candidate for 75. according to Orln Sumner, local presented the championship trophy Reed Ray, Duane Holcomb and re-election. Robert Davis, former isations sponscirtng the different chairman. national contcsL. \ given by ..he Nyssa L iom club to »W ayne Green; dupijfss- Through a plan suggested by Evalyn Ontario policeman, who operated The records Of the county win the Nyssa team. Mr. Hartley also Long, Marlon Brown, Janice Frost a restaurant in Nyssa after resign Tam Eldredge, *175 was raised for ners were sent in to be considered • presented to the team a trophy Betty Wlnchell, and duke— Bob ing from the Ontario police force, the paralysis fund at the Nyssa given by the C and S Sporting Wilder. Royce Chadwick, Jim R lg- is expected to seek the sheriff's in selecting state winnes. The state Bowling center. The *175 was con winners received trips to the N a Goods company of Spokane for ney and C liff Coleman. tributed by bowlers who failed to position. Frank J. "Frenchle' Leav tional 4-H club congress at Chi winning the title during the regular knock own a red pin on their first itt of Ontario filed this week for cago. schedule. throw during a recent tournament. the republican nomination for sher The plaque given by the M al The runner-up tup representing Each failure to hit the red pin iff. heur 4-H leaders council to the second place in the tournament A three-cornered contest has de community having the best 4-H cost 10 cents. was presented to the Vale team by The Nyssa schools raised *200 on veloped in the race for the re club program in the county during the Nyssa chamber o f commerce. general collections and on a bas publican nomination for county the past year was awarded to the Th * tournament sportsmanship cup ketball game. commissioner. Since the announce Kingman Kolony community. given by the Nyssa post of the The remainder of the fund was ment of Frank Hopper o f Dead Bonita Langlois and Darlene Plans for the District Memorial Ox flat, Dale Sinclair of Jordan American Legion was awarded by secured through collection bottles the tournament officials to the hospital to be erected on the F ife Valley and George Carlson of Smith of the Owyhee community placed in business houses. each received a check in the am Weiser team. Mr. Hartley gave the property at the northwest edge of Vale have filed. According to Chairman Glenwood ount of *25 awarded by the Am eri Ontario team a basketball as the Nyssa have been re-drafted to in Pounds, Adrian raised *465 65, mak can Viscoe corporation for their clude a polio wing, the board of consolation trophy. demonstration at the state fair last ing a total of *1333.40 for the Nys- directors announced following a sa-Adrian area. fall. meeting held Tuesday night. Speakers at the annual 4-H lead As a result, the size of the struc ers rally were Miss Esther Tasker- ture has been increased from a Congressman Lowell Stockman 32-bed hospital to a 42-bed institu (R ) of Oregon Is today announcing ud, assistant state club leader, and Malheur county grown certified netted gem and white rose seed tion. Ten beds will be available in for re-election to congress. He has Mrs. Katheryn Claypool, county school superintendent. potatoes will be available this year, the polio wing. served the second district o f Oregon A meeting was held Sunday ev Following general approval of the for the past three congressional according to word received from ening at trie home o f Mrs. John plans by the doctors, the directors terms, and during the 80th con the county agent’s office. Dority to further discuss the build Final Inspections have been com asked the architects to meet with gress has been a member o f the po ing of a Catholic church in Nyssa. pleted by Elmer Johnson, extension them soon. After the next meeting werful appropriations committee of Rev. Gaire of Ontario gave a report specialist in seed certification, and the arch itects will complete the the house. on his visit to the bishop regarding seven lots o f seed entered for cer plans and draw up specifications Today h e made the statement trie matter. on which bids w ill be based. tification passed. Malheur county scholarship win that he has "worked for. and will William Van Z elf was appointed Farmers having white rose seed continue to promote, full develop ners for the 1948 Elks national chairman o f trie building commit eligible for certification include M. foundation scholarship awards as ment o f the Pacific northwest"; tee, which Includes Herman Towne, F. Barlow and George Russell of that In his national policy he will announced by Robert McConnaha, John Dority, James Williams, Sid Vale and Ira Ure and Harry Ratae- Ontario lodge No. 1690 scholarship “support measures to combat the Flanagan. Stanley Goulet, Frank zyk o f Nyssa. The gem lots were dangerous trend toward socialistic committee chairman, are John Relk Jayo and Nick Smlt. These men grown by M. F. Barlow and George Sculptor E. Murolo o f Naples, paternalism in goverment which and M ary Lou Schenk o f Nyssa called a meeting for trie night of Russell of Vale and M. L. Spltze Italy will conduct two special class results in controls and restraint and Donavan Wright of Ontario. March 1 at the Van Zelf home es of sculpturing and ceramics in o f individual initiative and accom of Ontario. These .th ree seniors have now for the purpose o f drawing up a the American Legion building at plishment” ; and that he will "p ro been entered into competition with plan and estimating the cost of the veterans housing project on mote restoration o f individual liber seniors selected by other G.O.P. Women T o Meet— Elks the building o f a basement which All women of Nyssa and vicinity K ing avenue in Nyssa. ty and protection of our constitu lodges in the state. Those suc will be 80 by 36, the work of which who are interested in politics or Classes for adults will be held on tional republican form o f govern- cessful in state competition will will start immediately. political Information on registra Mondays and Tuesdays between 5: men, which Is the cornerstone of then be eligible to compete in the Lunch was served by the ladles tion or voting are invited to attend 30 and 6:30 p.m. Instruction will our welfare and prosperity as a contest for the national foundation of the St. Anne’s Altar society, fol a republican meeting at the Doll include elementary principles of nation." awards. lowed by a social hour. House Wednesday, March 10 at 2 sculpturing and ceramics, with in The local winners were chosen A meeting of all men In Nyssa, o'clock. Reservations are not nec struction in making figurines, pot because the committee felt that Adrian and surrounding territory essary. A dessert luncheon will tery and ceramics. Classes will be they best qualified according to the interested in the erection of a Ca limited to a maximum of 25 stu be served. merit standard set up by the na tholic church will be held in the dents. tional foundation. These standards parish hall i Episcopal church) Hrre from Nebraska— Plans have been completed for include scholarship, citizenship per Monday, March 8 at 8 o'clock. sonality and general worthiness. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Casteel and Cha'rs to be Dedicated— a bull grading demonstration to be Dedication o f two pulpit chairs held March 9 at 1:30 p.m. at the daughter, Mrs. Dale Clark, and son and daughter of Grand Is as a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. farm of G eorg« Russell at Vale. Jersey Breeder* T o Meet— land, Nebraska are visiting at the Jacob T Long will be port of the The Malheur County Jersey Bre Harry Llndgren of the Oregon home of Mrs. Casteel's sister. Mis. Sunday morning service in the State college, who recently return eders association will hold a meet M ethoilst church at 11 o ’clock ed from the Denver livestock show, ing in the Nyssa city hall Friday. Pete Shaw. A Nyssa unit of the Oregon March 7. The children o f the Long will be among the speakers. Tw en March 5 at 8 p.m. to make plans Farm Bureau was organised at a family are giving the chairs aa ty-five bulls and some cows will for the third annual spring show meeting held in the Oregon Trail Attends Father’s Funeral — M r and Mrs. Ersel Beus and a memorial to their parents Mem be shown at the demonstration. to be held sometime in May. All schoolhouae last Thursday night. interested persons, regardless of fam ily and Mrs. Mable Skeen spent bers o f the church have cleaned The new officers are Richard whether they are members of the Maw. president; Joe Dirksen, vice last week in Ogden to be at the and deooraetd the interior o f the Vale Wins Boxing T itle — bedside of their father. Richard sanctuary. T h e Vale nigh school won the association, are invited to attend. president; B1U Russell, delegate, West, who passed away Friday. W. ------------------------ | Snake R iver valley boxing cham- and Frank Parr, sercetary J. Beus left Sunday to speak at Go to Grandview— : pionahip In Payette last Friday Guild to Meet— A motion picture showing the use the funeral, which was held Mon Mr and Mrs. Gordon Ray spent night by taking six bout. Payette T h e St. Paul's Episcopal guild of ______ ___ _ was _____ _ shown and a 2.4-D _ spray 3unday visiting friends at G ra n d -! won four and Nyssa two. Nyssa'* will meet Monday evening. March j talk on weed control day afternoon. given view, Idaho. I winners were Jim R igney and Ho- 8. at 8 p.m. at the home of Miss py Assistant County Agent George Farm Bureau to Meet— | ward Planary Nyssa will go to Eva Boydell Three-A ct Play Given— Bain Henry Reuter of Adrian ex The Nyssa Farm Bureau will Vale March >1 for a return bout T h e M I A. of Letha gave a three- plained the bureau’s Insurance pro- act play entitled, "W hat Doth It meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the with the Vikings Return Home— gram. Prophet” at a meetingg of the Oregon Trail schoofhouse. Talks Mrs Ward Wieneke and son. Nyssa second ward Wednesday ev will be given and a motion picture College Band Plays— Garry, returned home Sunday ev Here from Seattle— ening. Admission was free. Refresh x i weed control by chemical aprxy T h e College of Idaho pep band ening from Weiser, where they Mrs. Pete Mitchell of Seattle ments o f ice cream and pie were will be Shown. gave a concert at an assembly for visited Mrs Wleneke's sister. Mrs spent the week-end at the home served to the visiting cast by o ffi high school and junior high school Albert Smith, who is recovering l0 ( ^ Mrs oeorge Mitchell Returns to Nysaa— cera o f the Nyssa Mutual. students In the gymnasium Tues from an operation. she was accompanied home by her Mrs. W. W. Poster returned home day —--------------- small daughter, Nancy, who has last week after a visit with rela T o Give Benefit— Visits Sister— I been visiting her grandpa rents tives at Boulder. Colorado. 'While Idaho Folks Buy Here— Mr and Mrs. John Wagner of i ------------------------- The Oregon Trail Orange will Mr. and Mrs. Bring Olsen of Lewiston. Idaho visited last week ru in H c p i u l — sponsor a benefit pinochle patty in Colorado she attended the west ern Jurisdictional meeting of the Murtaugh. Idaho have purchased at the home of Mr and Mrs Ber- Saturday evening at * 30 p.m. at Dr L. A Maulding Is receiving the Oregon T ra il achoolhouse A Women’s Society of Christian Ser- the Ransom place and took pos- nard Frost Mrs Wagner and Mrs. treatment in the Holy Rosary hoa- eseion Saturday lunch will be served. I vice of the Methodist church Frost are sisters I pita! in Ontario. Cinderella Ball Set For Friday A w ards Given To 4-H Members Nyssa Students Win FFA Honors March O f Dimes Collection $867 Polio W in g Is Assured Nyssa STOCKMAN SEEKS RETURN TO OFFICE CERTIFIED POTATO SEED IS AVAILABLE NYSSA CATHOLICS TO BUILD CHURCH ELKS SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS INCLUDE NYSSA RESIDENTS SCULPTURING TO BE TAUGHT IN NYSSA BULL GRADING TO BE DEMONSTRATED FARM BUREAU UNIT FORMED AT NYSSA Hoop Schedule To Be Finished “STEPS TO HEAVEN” RADIO STAFF WILL PRESENT PROGRAM The league-leading unbeaten W il son Bros, team will meet trie once- beaten Bracken V F W five Monday night. March 8 in a game that may deojde the winner of the Intnt- The “ Step» to, Heaven” staff of clty basketball league. r radio station in i Should the Wilson Bros, group, B P K S R V will . appear . . person on the stage of the Nyssa | win they will have the league gymnasium Sunday night, March .sewed up. However, if Bracken's A large attendance is expected wins, the league lead will go Into to join in this first radio program a two-way tie. The games next rally to be conducted In Nyssa. Monday night will be played as The doors will be opened at 6:45 follows: 7:15, Eagles versus Aggies: pm . and the first feature will begin 8:30, Bracken’s V F W versus Wilson at 7:15. No admission will be charg Bros, and 9:45, M Men versus ed. Owyhee ward. Tile radio group presents “C ivil In order to -. finish the league ization at the Crossroads" by means games before he* Harlem Legion of motion pictures in technicolor naires encounter March 16. the charts, symbols, and Biblical quo league has stepped up the schedule tations. so that the final games will be "Every minute from start to fin played Thursday, March 11. 1716 ish will be packed with tense ex March 11 schedule will be as fol pectancy” , said Radio Evangelist lows: 7:15, Wilson Bros, versus L. E. Tucker. Aggies: 8:30 Owyhee ward versus A ll adults and children are In Stunz Lumber Co., and 9:45, M vited to attend the rally. Men versus Eagles. This week’s results were as fo l lows: Stunz 31 and M Men 58, Wilson Bros. 55 and Adrian 45. Eagles 44 and Bracken's V FW 49. High scorers were Stunz 13, Herren The top four teams in the intra- 16, L. Wilson 18, Timmerman 10, city basketball league will meet Blngman 10 and Steinke 25. the Harlem Legionnaires Tuesday. March 18 in the Nyssa gym m s- ium. Bach team, the Agges, Wilson Bros. Adrian and Bracken’s VFW. will play one quarter against the The Nyssa L.D.S. second ward negroes. Th e Legionnaires are the basketball players, the Weiser stake fellows who gave Ny.ssa fans such champion*. and their partners were a show last year. entertained at a chicken dinner Tickets are now on sale at W il at the Payette country club Friday son’s dry goods store and Miner’s evening. Clever place cards for 34 barber shop. Only a limited num guests, made by the ladles activity ber of tickets will be sold because counselor, Maleta Fife, added In of the small seating capacity. All terest to the party. LeRoy Bair, seats will be reserved. men’s activity counselor, was mas ter of ceremonies. Among those making speeches were Bishop Arvel Child: Team Captain Donald Her ren; W J. Beus and D. O. By bee. coaches. tieseberg and Stoker, contractors Following the dinner, the party on the Nyssa street Improvement attended the stake “sweetheart project, have started blading the ball” at the Ontario L D.S. church. streets In preparation for applying the sub-grade. The sub-grade, averaging about six Inches,, will consist of gravel and sand. On top of the sub-grade . The Young Adult fellowship of * * * J* the leveling course ^ western district of the Metho- and the oil mat dlat church, Idaho conference, will The contactors are also making M d , dtatr|Ct Sunday, good progress on the curbing cor- 7 [n Methodist church, ners at the street Intersections. 77, « pUbiio is invited to attend the afternoon program, which will Visiting Daughter— be pres detne Mr and Mr». D H Stoddard, who be ¡»resented as follows: 2-2:30. • a have been visiting their daughter. stngsplration; 2:30, worship service Mrs. Howard Lovejoy, the past with C lift Main as leader; 3 to 4. three weeks, left Tuesday for Cal-1 dlC-iission. Dennis Patch"; 4 : 30 . biwi- tfom ia, where they will visit an-1 nesg 4_6 recreation, and 6 : 30 . other daughter before returning to ¿Inner At the evening service at their home In Idaho Falls * o'clock Rev. Leslie Bailey. M e thodist circuit rider, will be the Open Drag Ntorr— speaker Mr and Mrs. Cecil Smith have opened the C and E confectionery | ¿(tend Party— and drug store In Adrian. The store I Bernard Frost and Vern Far»on was form erly Korman's confection-1 of the ldaho Power company at- ery store. | tended a farewell party for Reed Robinson, former sales manager of Mather Succumbs— the company. In Ontario Tuesday Dr C M Tyler left Monday for night Robinson resigned to devote Portland, where he was called be- all o f his time to farming and his cause of the death of hie mother. produce business He was succeeded M r* Jennie Watson Dr T yler will as power company sales manager return to Nyasa March 8 by Preston Mortimer. TOP FOUR TEAMS TO PLAY NEGROES BASKETBALL TEAM HONORED AT PARTY CONTRACTORS BEGIN LAYING 2ND COURSE METHODIST RALLY PLANNED BY YOUTH