THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON BUENA VISTA FOLK ARE ILL AT HOMES BUENA VISTA, Feb. 19— Mr and Mrs. George Cleaver were in Wei- ser Monday. Linda Hershey is staying at the Willis Bertram home while her mother is in the hospital with a baby girl. M.. and Mrs Leslie Topllff, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver ana Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended a pinochle party at the Oregon Trail schoclhouse Friday George Cleaver «erved on the jurv this week in Vale. Mrs. Alva Goodeil, Mrs. Willis p o 'tn m and Mrs. Leslie Topliff attended the Chatter Box club meeting at the home ol Mrs. Min­ nie Leuck in Nyssa Friday after­ noon. Le;ter Cleaver was ill with an attack of appendicitis. Robert Rit­ chie, S. B. Hoffman and James Stephen, Jr., have been ill with in­ fluenza. Mrs Glen Hoffman entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell. The dinner was giv­ en in observance of Mrs. S. B. Hoffman’s, Mrs. Alva Goodell’s and Mrs. Glen Hoffman’s birthdays. Mrs. Mausell Bishop entertained the Out Our Way club at her home Thursday afternoon at a valentine party, with 11 attending. Games were played. Those winning prizes were Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. Gifts wer re­ ceived by the members from their Vlctrola* 610V1 •T.M . Krg. U.S. Pat. Off. Hear this NEW kca V ictor • w ith the “G olden Throat ” I O N E S I STEM • with FM and AM • with sm ooth record changer • w ith beautiful cabinet • with “ Silent Sapphire ” • , _ NO SC R A TC U . . p ick u p N O NU CU LES • with room y rec­ ord com partm ent We have this r c a V ic t o r with F ]\ J r 6 8 R 2 in s m o o th iv o r y f i n i s h . A ls o in u > a ln u t-p la stic. Hear both FM and AM through the mellow "Golden Throat” tone system . . . Sleek and trim in design. Ha§ the rich, full-bodied tone of the "Golden Throat.” Features RCA Victor FM — frequency modulation at its finest — for virtually static-free reception plus excellent stand­ ard (or AM) radio. 2 built-in antennas assure greater pull and selectivity. Built-in plug for attachment of record player. “who's who". Refreshments of sandwiches, cake, candy and cof­ fee were served. The next meet­ ing will be held at th Guy Tan­ ner home February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie en­ tertained at a card party Satur­ day evening at their home. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grif- fitts, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. Rcfre hments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glenda were in Ontario Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell at­ tended the Sage and Saddle club dance at Ontario Saturday night. MRS. GLADYS BYERS IS CLUB HOSTESS OREGON TRAIL. Feb. 19— The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Gladys Byers Wednesday afternoon, February 4. Ten mem- bers were present. The afternoon was spent embroidering for the hostess. The club will meet Feb­ ruary 18, writh Jessie Chard as hostess. Roll call will be answered by “What I’d like to do If I was Queen for a Day”. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and daughters were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thane Langford of Homedale. Mrs. Alfred Adams, Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Lila Mae and Larry Hol­ mes and Elvin Alexander attend­ ed the Sunday school workers con­ ference In .Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bingaman and son were dinner guests Saturday it the Gilbert Holmes home. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry have been ill with influenza. They are both improving. Return Home— Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Larson re­ turned Sunday from a two-weeks vacation spent at Palm Spring, California. While away they vis­ ited relatives at Los Angeles and Mrs. Frank Van Petten, a former resident of Ontario, at Santa Moni­ ca. Visits Mother— Mrs. Earl Dimer of Nampa spent Wednesday visiting her mother, Mrs. Campbell Baer. Here from Culver— Mrs. Homer Earnest of Culver, formerly of Nyssa, visited here last week with her son, Loren Earnest, and family, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sykes and new granddaughter of Ontario. Legal A d vertisin g disc, machine trailer. 5-row marker, a ms. route 1, box 20. Nyssa. 19P.p. dition. J. M Robertson, at cabin 53. Nyssa Labor camp. harrow. A. B. Miller, Fruitland. FOR SALE— Diesel cletrac craw- Idaho, phone 4721. ___; ___ , ler. used 160 hours, perfect condi- MI9CBLLANEOUS— Get your Ze- | lion. Harry M.tsto, two blocks scu h irith refrigerator at M arshall-Wells. school on east side. Ontario, store. 19F4xc. | 19F*xc. FOR SALE— Bargain 1941 Dodge FOR SALE— Blics triumph, whitp also 1939 Chevrolet. 462 North j rase, netted gem se , from birr Sixth street. Marion Chard. 19Flxp. tag. Harry Masto, tw o^locks south I of school on east side. Ontario. 19F4xc. FOR SALE— HONEY Try it for hot cakes or bhruits. FOR SALE1— A B. apartment size Honey Foster’s honey. 19F2\c. elec trie range, like new. Hugh 19Flxc. FOR SALE— Farmall H tractor Glenn, phone 03-R11. with plow and cultivator attach­ FOR SALE— New 5-piere bedroom ed. K. Saito, route 1. Nyssa. 19F4p. set. Will trade for car. Swede John­ FOR SALE—Business lot. 44 by 120 son, last house on lefthand side lPFlxp feet, block south of Carl's Doll of East Second st. House. Phone 170-J, Wayne Har- FOR SALE— Victor model Mon­ oldsen. 19F4xp. arch wood and coal range. Good WANTED— Married man to work condition. Mrs. Mary Pierce. Al­ on irrigated ranch. E. C. Terhune. berta avenue. 19F2xp i. __ Enterprise avenue, Nyssa. 19F2xp. FOR SALE— 1946 Plymouth 4-door GENE CHAMBERLAIN will con­ duct evangelistic services in the FOR SALE— 6-foot Montgomery- deluxe with all the extras. Also Ward refrigerator, »35. Robert Ad- 1938 model A truck in good con- Nyssa Christian church Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from February 22 to March 14. east at Morgan avenue, 3/4 miles, then H south and '/* mile east on old Henry Davis place. Monday, Feb. 23 at 1 p.m. Cattle, farm ma­ chinery, misc. equip. Lunch served on grounds, terms, cash. Everett Pearson, owner. Cols. Bert An­ derson and Joe Church, aucts; L. H. Fritts, clerk. PUBLIC FARM SALE— Friday, March 5, 11 a.m., 14 miles down the Snake river from Huntington, then Its miles up Hibbard creek, 18 horses, 1 registered Belgian stallion, harness, saddles, sheep gear, 31 cattle, good machinery and household goods. Terms, cash. Lunch. Thomas J. Wells, owner. Anderson and Church, auctioneers; L. H. Fritts. clerk. FARM MACHINERY SALE— Six miles on John Day highway on O. D. Fulwyler place. Friday, Feb­ ruary 20, 1 p.m. Truck, tractor, farm machinery. Terms, cash. D. C. Mosley, owner. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, clerk. PUBLIC FARM SALE— Two miles north of Vale on John Day high­ way, then east at stone house one and one-half miles, then 'A mile north. Saturday, February 21, 12:30 p.m. Cows and heifers, horses, ma­ chinery, household goods, poultry. Terms, cash. Lee Perdew and E. W. Maag. owners. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, clerk. valu e SALE CALENDAR FOR SALE— 1946 model A.N. John PUBLIC FARM SALE— Will sell Deere tractor, hang-on plow, com­ all my personal property 6*4 miles bination cultivator, beet harvester, south of Ontario on highway, turn beet loader, 5-foot tandem Kllefer Co-op Meetings Scheduled We have scheduled the following district meetings for next week in our trade teiritory. We are sure you will find it worthwhile to attend one of these meetings. The schedule is as follows: Model 65X1 Automatic volume control. M aximum selectivity. Extra- large "M agic Loop" antenna. Colorful, straight-line dial. Easy tuning. ITalnut- lastic case (Ivory £ y rush slightly b *r ) ~ ^ with the Tu~ Sr— Eder Hardware Co. Authorized RCA Vletor Dealer BASKETBALL February 23— Oregon Trail »choolhouse February 24— Nu-Acre* Grange hall February 25— Boulevard Grange hall February 26— Oregon Slope District hall, north of Ontario. These meetings will be held at 8 p.m. each evening and are to better acquaint the farmers with their co-operative stores. There will be refreshments and movies. Please attend meet­ ing most convenient for you. Bring your family and neighbors. Farmers Supply Co-op NYSSA AND ONTARIO Clinton Keasling, Manager —POLIO BENEFIT— COW HOLLOW HALL Saturday, Feb. 21 — Good Mu»ic- Baby Chicks PURE CHRISTIE’S —VS— BAKER— V.F.W. Nyssa Gymnasium Preliminary 7:15 p.m.; Main game 8:45 p.m. Adm. 50c and 15c, Including Tax We represent companies nationally insurance that New Hampshire __ j i e d s ^ __ Leghorns From Brownell R. O. P. Roosters From 270 to 300-Egg Hens Also Austra-Whites and White Rocks $16.00 per 100 Chicks from Christie’s New Hampshire hens crossed with Hanson white Leghorn roosters. $15.00 per 100 are known 19F2xp. Dance NYSSA— BRACKEN’S V.F.W. for PROMPT SATISFACTORY SERVICE Lemon Hatchery Frank T. Morgan NYSSA PHONE 111-J PAYING TELLER Too Late To Classify IN THE COUNTY COURT OF FOR RENT— Sleeping rooms, 582 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR No. Third street. 19F3xp THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR ; WANTED— To care for children In the Matter of the Estate of day or evenings. Mrs. G. L. Fields. ANNA LARSON, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Inquire at East Side market. 19F2p. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Hugh V. FOR SALF— Al’is-Chalmers trac­ Glenn, administrator of the estate tor, 16-inch two-way underslung of Anna Larson, deceased, has filed plow, two cultivators tcom, spud, his Final Account as said adminis­ beet and onion), four-row Jr. trator in the County Court of Mal­ planter, tractor tandem disc, tum- heur County, Oregon, and that blebug ires:»), fertilizer side dres­ -aid Court has appointed Tuesday, ser, power mower, horse mower, the 23rd day of March, 1948 at dump rake, 8 by 16-foot tight 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of floor hay trailer, cultipackcr, grain said day for the hearing of ob­ drill, two-section harrow, float, spreader, and one team jections to said Final Account and manure mares, weighing 3300 pounds. Ray the settlement thereof. 19F2xc. NOW THERFFORE, all persons T. Sager, phone 157-J. interested in the estate of Anna WANTED— Custom plowing, 462 Larson, deceased, are hereby no­ North Sixth street. Marion Chard. tified and required to appear at 19D2xp. the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale. Malheur MISCELLANEOUS— Honey, a val- County, Oregon, at said time to 1 uable energy food for cold wea- then an d ’there show cause, if any i ther. Honey Foster’s honey. 19F2xc. there be, why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approv­ ! FCR SALE— Onion seed, white ed and said estate distributed and Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure. phone 06-R2. 19Ftfc. said administrator discharged. Dated and first published Feb­ FOR SALE— Cocker puppies, $10. ruary 19, 1948. Date of last publi­ Floyd Judd, Collins Trailer park. cation. March 18. 1948. 19F2xc. Hugh V. Glenn, Administrator of the Estate of Anna Larson, | FOR SALE)— Violin, 3/4 size, good Deceased. ! condition, suitable for beginners. Harold Henigson, Attorney for Price $ 25 . Phone 289-M. 19F2xp. Administrator. FOR RENT— Sleeping room. Gen­ tleman preferred, 649 North First street. Phone 127-W. 19F2xc. rca V ictor RAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 19LS “You Want Your Money When Due—So Does The Other Fellow”. When you buy goods or service on “open account”—the seller is demonstrating a friendly trust in you—by extending credit. When you pay promptly, you prove this trust was rightly placed. WHEN you do not meet your obligations as mutually understood, you are not only abusing this friendly confidence—you are retarding the whole commercial cycle—for you embarass the seller in his efforts to meet his obligations promptly. THE whole credit idea is interwoven. It can only be continued to the degree that all of us meet our obligations promptly. BE with the majority—pay up and keep your credit good! Pioneer Service County Credit Board The Merchants’ Own Organization The Nyssa Elevator Signal Service Gordon’s Drive-In Tobler’s Feed and Fuel Golden Rule Store Hollingsworths’ , Inc. Stunz Lumber Co. Gate City Journal Nyssa Lumber Co. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Brown’s Mercantile, Adrian Nyssa Packing Co. OREGON-IDAHO-UT AH-NEVADA DIVISION State and Division Offlcf: I. O. O. F Bldg. Box 471. Eugene. Or. “ the beat and cheapen! collection service in America." Watch for the green and black handbill* with accounts for sale! Listen to Radio Station KSRV Sun 12:00 noon, Tuesday 12:30 p. m . Thursday 12 30 p. m. Pioneer Service Credit Information is most > alliable Oregon and Idaho since 1938 “ Pay Up and Keep Your Credit G ood!”