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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1948)
T1IE NYSSA GATE CITY J0URNALt_NYSSA, OREGON Mrs. Edward McNamara Friday ev ening. Bridge scores Saturday a f ternoon were won by Mrs. Eddie - 5 - Powe.l, Mrs. Janies ¿pollard Mrs. CLUB MEETS lemma tjunnby and Mrs. Waller The St. Thomas Study club met McPar^iand. Tally cards and c a n -! Monday evening at the home of dies on the lunch tables carried | Mrs. Eddie Powell. After the study cut the valentine motif. S hour refreshments were served. NEIGHBOR 5 LNTERTAIN | - 5 - Neighbors of Mrs. C. H. Stephan-1 MB. AND MBS. MEET sen honored her Monday afternoon | The Sunday evening Mr. and with a birthday party given at Mrs. club met this week at the her home. A lovely gift was pre home of Mr. and Mrs. George sented to Mrs. S.ephansen by the Sallee. Bridge prizes were won by group. The birthdav cake was made Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman. by Mrs. C. A. Mally. -5 - —S— PARTIES GIVEN DINNER GIVEN A series of two bridge parties Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olsen were were given last week at the home hosts at a dinner Tuesday evening of Mrs. Ron Whitaker. Co-hostesses for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughan were Mrs. Dean Smith and Mrs. and Mrs. Louise McGaven. C. W. Buchner. Prizes were award —f — ed to Mrs. A. C. Sallee, Mrs. W. R. 03SE R V E ANNIVERSARY Campbell, Miss Eva Boydsll and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler en tertained at dinner Monday ev ening for Mrs. Tobler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H J. Holmes. The —SEE- occasion marked the 27th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. iiiu- FRED BRAUN mes. Phone 2 6 6 -W Nyssa Free Estimates All W ork Guaranteed Brower Plumbing Shop w four ffFSy GOOD Sititi) D O N 'T S Q U E E Z E T H E M 1 Instead brush on K L E E R E X and see how amazingly fast it hides ugly pim ples as it dries them— often on first trial. N o t a greasy salve that pim ples thrive on, but a soothing medicated liquid that relieves itching— drives redness out. Ask for K L E E R E X at all drug^sts. D o u b le y o u r m o n e y ba ck if it fa il». “ # % A Of N YSSA PHARM ACY — 3» Mu’-rilHi P Notice To Voters To Vote You Must Be Registered A s provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall he registered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on elec tion day. Registration hooks are now open and will be open until the night of April 20th, 1948. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1946, or have changed your residence, or if you desire to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official registrars in the following pre cincts : PRECINCTS REGISTRARS Applegate ......................... Mrs. M. D. Clough Adrian, Big Bend & Rdgvw— D. T. Holly Brogan ..................................... Myrtle I. Rose Harper and Bully .................. G. Y. Chester Ironside .......................................... H. C. Elms Jamieson ................................ J. A . Coleman Jordan Valley & Juniper ... Gabriel Elordi Jones ..................................... George L. Baker Malheur .................. Mrs. Horten Worsham McDermitt ........................... Mary H. Myers Nyssa Nos. 1, 2, 3, Arcadia and Owyhee Hilda L. Tensen Ontario Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Fair and Cairo ... F. C. McShane Riverside .................. Mrs. Donald E. Libby Rockville ................................ Maude Greeley Rome ................................ Ellen W iley Corta Snake River ................................ C. H. Spicer Official Registrars have lists of those who ar N O W registered. cake and cocoa were served. Her daughter. Myrna, has also D. L. Hurst has returned from been 111. Henry Reuter and Charles Tay- Myrtle Creek, where lie spent a ljr attended a Farm Bureau meet KINGMAN KOLONY. Feb. 19- Mr week visiting. ing in t end.eion Saturday. Billie Glenn spent the week-end and Mrs. Dave Hall, Jr., enter- j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston tained at dinner Saturday even-1 and Mrs. W. W Smith visited at visiting Larry Kre.iger. ;he Hoyt Nash home in Homedalc mg for Mr. and Mis. Jim Robb 1 Sunday. Ill at Hume— >f Sunset Valley. Mrs. J. G. Lane has been con- O. 1 j . Anderson lias been con Delores Salter and Eddie Sharp iiiiej to her home with a severe fined to his h.'ti.e the past few case of influenza the past week. weeks on account of illness. eft Tuesday for Salt Lake Ctty, I here they will be married in the e Thursday, February 19. They were accompanied by Mr. uui Mrs. Glen Salter. i Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft were Sunday dinner guests in the Jim Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing Nelson home in Nampa. Mrs. Guy Glenn and Mrs. L. L. — Contact— Kreager made a business trip to Caldwell Friday. Mrs. Henry Reuter left Sunday o take her daughter. Donna, to Portland for a medical check-up. | N YSSA, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall. Jr., were W e Guarantee Our W ork For One Year guests in the Howard Rice home t in Kuna Sunday Free Estimates— Phone 196-J L. L. Kreager left Monday morn- ! ng for Vernal, Utah to bring back a truckload of household furniture or Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Anderson, rhe Anderson family will live in he Kreager tenant house. Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and family were Sunday dinner guests if the Guye Hopkins family in Upper Roswell. Dorothy Toomb and Vincent 3cott of Reubens, Idaho spent the week-end at the William Toomb Th« Flying G o o m on th« Northland bag is tha Waatarn farmar's unfailing home. guida to taatsd, fartila saad backad by Mrs. Thurman, mother of Mrs. tha 63-yaar reputation of America's Wesley Pierey and Mrs. Reuben leading saadaman. Dua to improved Graham, had a stroke last Tues rocessing methods and Northrup, day. Mr. Thurman arrived from ing’s constant search for tha BEST, Buhl Thursday to be with his wife. tha Northland quality is batter than Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hurst made aver. Get your supply from your a business trip to Boise Monday. Northrup, King dealer, or, if there is Mr. and Mrs Bill Wolkie and none in your town, writs to us for family visited at her parents’ home name of neareet dealer. in Meridian Sunday A surprise birtihday party was NORTHRUP, KINO I CO. held for Dick Sparks Wednesday after school at the Sparks home. B o l l « / I daho Those present were Dean Sharp, Gary Blanch, Louis Stain, Gary Graham, Henry Ratigan, Allen Au- ker, Betty Lou Jarvis, Myma Lane and Shirley Sparks. Games were enjoyed and refreshments of sand wiches, potato chips, ice cream, PLUMBING PIMPLES Plumbing & Heating PAGE PIVE K ING M AN COUPLE W IL L BE MARRIED Social Notes For Your THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1948* A reception honoring Mr. and is the former Vivian Fife, ciauglitei Mrs. LeRoy Bair of Nyssa was of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife ol held the first part of this monih n the L.D.S. church. Mrs. Bair Nyssa. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman vere hasts at dinner Sunday for Hr. and Mrs. M. C. Claar of Boise. - » - PINOCHLE PLAYED Mr. and Mrs Walter Fax en- ertalned at three tables of pln»- hle Saturday evening. High score was made by Mr. and Mrs. Harry ■Cingrey and second high by John Qstrom and Mrs. Walter Fox. -I — ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson of Nyssa announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Jean, to K. C. Kimball. Jr., son of Mrs. K. C. Kimball, Sr., of Oakland, California. Miss Hobeon, now employed in H. S. SAC K ETT County Clerk E. W . PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Thone 56-W DR. C.W. CRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho SLEEPMASTER DA VENOS PRICED FROM UP — Attractive Selection of— VELOUR AN D FRIEZE COVERINGS Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R.R. Depot Santa Maria, California by tht Santa Barbara County health de partment, Is a graduate of north west Nazarene college and Sa.n- aritan hospital school of nursing in Nampa, Idaho, with post-gradu ate work in public health at the University of Washington in Sea ttle. Her fiance, *a biological chemist, is a graduate of the University ol California and Is employed by the United States d epa rtm en t of ag riculture in San Francisco. Early summer nuptials are plan ned. Lettuce & Beet Growers W E HAVE A Supply Of Planet Jr. 156 Seeders MRS. LEUCK HONORED Tile Rebekah Sunshine club gave a surprise birthday party Wednes day, February 4, celebrating Mrs. Minnie Leuck's 70th birthday and at the same time expressing their gratitude for her many years of service to the lodge. The table was beautifully dec orated with a large two-tier birth day cake for the centerpiece. Bun co was played during the evening by 26 persons. - 5 - GIRL SCOUTS MEET Girl Scout troop No. 5 held its regular meeting at the schoolhouse last Thursday with the leader, Mrs. Betty Rinehart. Eleven mem bers were present. A new member, Lynette Heckman, was announced. The scouts are working for their second class badges. The projects are community life, sports and games, and homemaking field. —S— COOKING CLUB MEETS The "Clover Girls", a 4-H cook ing club, held Its fourth meeting in the grade school building last REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Friday. The next meeting will be | PHONE 4 7 J NYSSA, OREGON held Friday in the home of Pat ricia Williams, where a rooking demonstration on toast will be given by Patricia Williams and Ruth Altizor. Four and Six Row “ The House of Oliver” NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO, KEN RENSTROM Stunz and Thomas One Stop Store For Chick Supplies _ HAVE POT-LUCK Members of the L.D.S. second ward Relief society held an all-day work meeting Wednesday, begin ning at 10 a.m„ creating many articles such as colorful bed slip pers from old felt hats, throw rugs from rope and yprn, and lovely shades of fanev pillows from sack cloth and wool. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The ladies meet each Wednesday at 2 o’clock for their regular meeting. — 5— FAREWELL PARTY HELD A missionary farewell nartv was given Fridav evening at the Ameri can Legion hall at Adrian in hon or of Arthur J. Callahan, who ha« been called to serve two years in the western states I..DS. mission The program consisted of a musical reading by Ervin Callahan, solo bv o -e d a Callahan- reading, Mrs. Eesendorfer: current loke- on ward members bv V 1-' DafThcl Pike, short talks bv Bishop Maw of Owy hee ward, Wayne BerreU, and the honored <me*t. Approximated IV) attended the party. A sum cf 1150 fo - the missionary was rai'ed bv voluntary contributions and the sellin" of refreshments. Callahan, son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Calla han. is at the present time taking training in the mission home at Salt Lake City. —g — LEWIS’ ENTERTAIN Eugene R. Budge, division su- perviser of the ‘M’ Men of Bur- iey, was en'eriained at d'nner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis Witinesday. _1 _ BRTDOE CLUB MEETS Mr and Mrs. Warren Farmer en- I te r 's’ ned the members of their Wedne-d.av »venire bridge club at | the r home last week. High acore | was held bv Mrs Farmer, and second high by Ted Morgan.« for the evening were Mr and Mrs. Fid on Ulmer. Mr. and Mrs. Hu**on Wilson. Nathelle Holton and Ted Morgan. Make our store your headquarters for all chick needs. Oil And Electric Brooders 500-Chick Size s — 300-Chick Size — 100-Chick Size New Improved Electric Heated Gro-Ezy Brooders Each Gro-Ezy is a complete brood unit. It can be set on table or used with portable rack. Equipped with water and feed troughs. Capacity 100 day-old chicks, 75 two-weeks old chicks, (50 three-weeks old chicks and 40 five-weeks old chicks. ALL SIZES OF CHICK FOUNTS AN D FEEDERS Tobler’s Feed & Fuel