Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, February 19, 1948, Image 1

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    * > r Æk-
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4 l V *
77ie NYSSA
Hospital Board
Boosts Size O f
Building Ground
‘ >tv Council To Be Ask-
<rr'o Extend Sewers,
R o C f ° bef .™ N s N uce E d
at nyssa pla n t
I. C. Storey’s safe, stolen from
his orchard near Nyssa last June,
was found Tuesda; 'bout 11 miles
west of Nyssa near the old Vale
A Mexican, who discoverer’ the
safe while looking fo r scrap to sell,
found 70 cents In dimes, a few’
rents In pennies and a watch in
the safe. He turned the property
over to Mr. Storey, who notified
police officers o f the discovery
Awarante E. Montoya found the
safe partly filled with water. After
turning It over, he found the
money, the watch and personal
When the safe was stolen, Mr.
Storey told officers it contained
$1500 in money.
A record run of 3447 tons of
beets were sliced recently In the
Amalgamated Sugar company plant
at Nyssa to set a new mark for a
24-hour period at the factory.
The 6.894.000 pounds of beets
were processed Into 1.064.000 pounds
of sugar, or 10.640 one hundred
pound bags.
The company is expected to slice
more than half a million tons of
beets by the end o f the campaign
in the Nyssa factory.
The company, which is expected
to manufacture 5.500.000 bags of
sugar this season in all of its
plants, will thus become the sec­
ond largest sugar processor in the
United States. First place is held
by the Great Western Sugar com-
nany of Colorado, which operates
21 factories.
Anderson Says
Co-operation Is
Guide To Peace
P.T.A. Hears C of I Pro­
fessor; Group Will
Sponsor Cubs
board of directors of the
Dr. John Anderson, head o f the
Memorial hospital voted
school o f religious education of
-jiieetiiig held Tuesday night
he College of -Idaho, who recently
three more acres of land
froL. 1 tlther F ife on Alberta ave
returned from a visit to the "little
nue for the building site.
assembly" o f the united nations
The new purchase will ‘ncrease
at Lake Success, New York, told
the property of the hospital as­
members of the Nyssa Parent-
sociation to nine acres. The L.D S.
church is reported to have pur­
Teacher association in the high
chased the other six acres that
school building last Thursday night
were available for purchase from
that people can co-operate when
Mr. Fife.
they are willing to co-operate.
C ity Manager E. K. Burton is
m ak'ng a topographical survey of
The speaker emphasized his point
the hospital site for the architects
oy discussing the activities of the
Part o f the crowds that attended Evans studio photograph. The yel- \ business people of the community
T h e board appointed a committee
lesser groups connected with the
he program given in the Union | low coach was parked on a s id in g 1 inspected the car and listened
united nations.
to meet with the city council rein.'
tlve to street and sewer extern
W ithin the social activities coun­
ure improvement car in Nyssa last I while agriculture students of Nys- pictures.
slons. Members of the committee
cil there was co-operation", Dr.
Thursday are shown above in the |: a and Adrian and farmers a n d !
are G. A. Billings, B. B. Lienkaem-
Anderson said. “T hey were trying
Oraham Smith, Eugene architect
per and George Schiemer.
Mrs. Frank A. Johnson of Nu to get a world picture o f these
who is drawing plans for the new
T ile board has decided to meet
Acres died at her home at 2 ,m. uractloal Ideas of living together.
Nyssa school building and gym­
ever^ Tuesday night at 8 o’clock.
February 16 following an extended They are the things that count.
nasium, met with the school board
illness. She had been critically ill When we work together long en­
'.ast week to discuss minor changes
ough It is difficult .to divide. A
for about three months.
MARTIN GALLAGHER in the construction plans.
Mlnne Lenora Johnson, daughter lot o f the members were young
The changes will include con­
of F Marion and Martha Bird fellows paving the way for better
traction of a third balcony in the
Several hundred residents of the
feeling, a sort o f world parlia­
FOR LEGISLATURE gymnasium. Practically all of the
Tones, was born January 10, 1882 ment".
Nyssa vicinity attended a program
it Ortonville, Michigan, where she
gymnasium, including the balconies
A fter telling of sharing an hour
The Snake R iver valley grade given in the Union Pacific agri­
The Nyssa Bulldogs will play grew to womanhood. She was grad­
W ith political interest in M al­ and the main floor, will be used
with John Poster Dulles, United
heur county beginning to sizzle. for the school’s physical education .chool basketball tournament will culture Improvement car when it their last regular hoop game of uated from high school at Orton- States representative. Dr. Ander­
the season here Saturday night ■ille and from the Michigan State
State Representative Martin G al­ program.
oe held in Nyssa Thursday, Friday was stopped here for a snowing
when they meet the Vale high fo rm a l college. A fter graduation, son explained the policy that the
The school board increased the
lagher of Ontario announced W ed­
last Thursday.
chool quintet.
he continued to reside at Orton­ United States adopted in relation
nesday that he will run for re- amount of fire insurance carried
The program consisted of motion
Nyssa was knocked out o f sec­ ville and taught school until 1907. to the united nations. He said the
election. He will seek the republi­ >n the buildings and furniture and and March 1, with the Nyssa’ grade pictures and talks by agricultural
ond place in the Snake river valley 3he was married to Flank A John- Russia as adopted a policy of ex­
can nomination In the May pri­ ixtures, which have a replacement chool quuitet participating.
leaders. One picture on D.D.T. was
conference last Friday night by on in Greeley, Colorado April 9, tremes to show that it depended
.alue of $193,915. The district Is
The tournament wui be conduct­ made by the DuPont company and
Weiser by a score of 42 to 40.
1909 and with her husband estab­ entirely on itself and to attempt
Gallagher served in the legis­ arrytn? a blanket insurance poll
the other was produced by the
The Wolverines nosed out the lished a home at Ft. Collins, Color- to prove that Russia was being
y, which provides for 90 per cent ed on a single elimination basis,
lature during its 1917 session.
with Thursday and Friday games Dow Chemical 1 ompany showing Bulldogs in a hot game that ended »do. They were the parents of surrounded.
H. S. Sackett, who has held the overage. The amount was increas­
a policy of ex­
oeing played in the afternoon and how to use vai ¿us chemicals for in a 38 to 38 tie. Weiser won the 'even children. The family moved also adopted
position of county clerk for many ed because of the increase in
tremes, so the Untted States of
:he championship game Monday
contest in an overtime period.
to Ortonville. Michigan in 1914,
years, has filed for the republican relative values of the property. Tne
T lie pictures were shown by Lee | On the same night the Emmett
America and the United States of
to Longmont, Colorado In 1924
amount of Insurance that the dis­ evening, March 1. A ll games will
Socialist Republics were ab­
conform to tJhe six-minute standard
Huskies clinahed the league title and to route 2, Parma. Idaho in
County Commissioner John L. trict is buying In excess of -what
out as far apart as possible. Dul­
quarters, but any overtime games of the Union Pacific company.
Caldwell. Jr., stated last week that
Among those in attendance at a record of 11 wins and only one
les thought such a situation would
retermined by tne ’’sudden death”
Mrs. Johnson, a member of the
he wi'l not reek return to his o f­ was evenly divided between the
the program at varfbus times dur­
prove the united nations to be
fice, which he has held by appoint­ four insurance agencies In Nyssa. method. The "sudden death” regu­ ing the day were 50 ag. students defeat, which was administered Methodist church, is survived by
worthwhile and that universal m ili­
by the Nyssa Bulldogs.
her husband; six daughters. Mrs.
The values of the buildings and lation does not conform to the
ment since
of the Nyssa high school, the 0.1.
Vale defeated O ntario Tuesday Ross Plymeil of Lead. South Da­ tary training In the United States
ftl ii’ ure and fixtures therein are rule book, but will be used as it
John Medlln in 1946.
agriculture classes of the Nyssa and
would improve the bargaining po­
Senator Jim Jones o f Juntura estimated as follows; Orade school seems advisable to protect boys Adrian high schools and the vo­ night 35 to 28 to take the Malheur kota. Mrs. Carl Peterson of Cald­ wer of this country with Russia.
has not announced his intentions, $2>0. 000 and $20,500; high school of junior high school age against cational agriculfci^; students of Aa- ounty title and the right to play well, Mrs. Leon L. Burt o f Orton-
Dr. A.nder on. one of 15 persons
he winner of the Baker-La Orande rille, Mrs, Samuel C. Phillips of
but h t is exccted to seek re-elec­ $110,000 and $22,750; Arcadia, $35- over-exertion and physical strain
«elected from all parts of the Uni­
tion. He i.,o V fce opposed bv Elmo 000 and $29251, Oregon Trail, $16- in tournament play. Officials o f , T h e program was in charge of listrict for the privilege of parti- Parma, Mrs. D. E. Pike of Ft. ted States to attend the assembly
the tournament will be Fred Rob­
-lpating in the state tournament to Peck. Montana, and Mrs. Freeman
Smith of Ontario, who’ will not 000 and $2000: gymnasium $15.000
County Agent Ilarry Sandquist. be held in Salem.
lesslons. questioned the advisability
nd $c~ 5 0 ; garage and shop. $20- inson of Weiser and one man
Beaseley of Salt Lake City: two
ask re-election as mayor.
Speakers were Robert W. Every,
of the United States by-passing the
000 and $2100; pump house $1000
united nations to help the reac­
The schedule of games will be as extension entomologist of Oregon
and $900. Arcadia dwelling, $1200,
Colorado and Warren Johnson of
State college; Rosel Hunter of ONTARIO, NYSSA
tionaries in Greece and China and
Oregon T rail dwelling, $1200. follows: Thurday, 1 p.m.. Vale vs.
Nyssa, and two sisters, Mrs. Clyde
to set-up its own program of ec­
Emmett; 2 p.m., Ontario versus Nyssa, president of the Malheui
BOXERS SPLIT EVEN The board has ordered two new Fruitland;
King and Mrs. W illiam Narrin of
onomic recovery fo r western Eu­
3 pm.. Nyssa vs. Pay­ County Dairy Breeders association,
busses, which will replace two old
ette, and 4 p.m.. New Plymouth
Funeral services will be conduct­
Payette and Nyssa high school ones. One of the 60-passenger bus­ vs. Weiser; Friday, 2 p.m., winner Malheur experimental area.
Dr. Anderson spoke about the
ed in the Methodist church in
boxers battled to a tie in 33 rounds ses is a Ford and the other is an of Vale-Emmett game and win-
The coach, which Is larger than
The Nyssa second ward and On-
committee hearings and the plen­
of fighting in the Nyssa gymnas­ International, both with Superior ner of Ontario-Fruitland game, and the ordinary railroad car. has a tario finished the M Mens sub- Nyssa February 20 at 2 p.m. Inter­ ary sessions.
ment will be In the Parma ceme­
ium Wednesday night. Each team bodies.
S pm., winner o f Nyssa-Payette power unit for heat, motion pic- district basketball tournament held
"Failure of the atom control
tery. The body Is in the Nyssa
won four bouts and drew in three.
contest and winner of New Plym- i tore projector and am plifier and February 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Nys-
commission” . Dr. Anderson sa'd,
The results were as follows: 115 ANNUAL CHAMBER
outh-Weiser encounter, and M o n -; :,ir conditioning. It was built e s - , sa as co-champlons.
'hangs like a dagger by a thin
pounds, Kelch, Nyssa. won over
lay night, 7 o’clock, consolation pecially for agriculture improve-1 In the first night’s play Nampa
thread over the world. Perhaps the
Killbren; 118, Batt, Nyssa, decls-
hope for peace lies in the hearts
game, and 8 p.m. championship ment work. It *« made available defeated Nyssa and Ontario won BAKER AND NYSSA
ioned Dale; 122. Andrews, Nyssa,
HELD SAT., MAR. 4 on test.
to the extension service through over Boise. On Thursday night
of the people sitting In high plac­
and Drinkwine, fought to a draw;
es. The atomic age is here to stay;
The official score-keeper will be coun*v acento m all states served Nyssa dropped Boise out of the
130, Rose, Payette, decisioned Flan­
tournament by a score of 26 to 25. STRENGTH ON COURT the question is, are we?"
annual banquet
the Howard Lovejoy and the official by the Union Pacific,
ary; 132, Calvert, Nyssa, and Davis Nyssa chamber of commerce has time-keeper, Richard Wilson. D. W.
On the same program, Ontario de­
The basketball teams of the
At the business session, the P T .A .
drew; 134. Nickman, Payette, de­ been set for Thursday, M arch 4.
feated Nampa 27 to 22. Nyssa de­ Veterans of Foreign Wars of B a­ agreed to sponsor a Cub pack,
Patch will be tournament manag­ WILSON’S LEADING
feated Williamson; 139, Richard­
feated Nampa Friday by six points ker and Nyssa will play in the which has been sponsored by the
Frank Belgrano, Jr., of P ort­ er.
son, Payette, outpointed Schire- land, president of the First N a­
IN HOOP SCHEDULE and in a bye-game Ontario lost Nyssa gymnasium Monday. Febru­ Nyssa Lions club, also sponsor of
The Nyssa Lions club and Nyssa
man; 141, Gilbert, Nyssa, and Ca­ tional bank of Portland, will de­ chamber o f commerce have voted
to the Aggies.
ary 23 as a replacement for the a Boy Scout troop. Several P.T.A.
hill, drew; 156, Watkins, Payette, liver the principal address. Mr. to furnish trophies for the winner
The league leading Wilson Bros,
On Saturday night Ontario went C alifornia all-star game to have room mothers are also helping with
outpj.nted Jensen; 152, Long, Nys- Belgrano, who engaged In the and runner-up.
team kept Its one-game margin into the finals with no defeats been played that night.
the Cub work.
sa, defeated McCarroll, and 156, banking business in California for
T h e first game, starting at 7:15,
The Nyssa grade school basket­ over the VFW by defeating O w y-.nnd Nyssa enteied with one defeat,
Rigney, Nyssa, won over Sage.
several years, is a past national ball team will probably clinch the hee Ward 69 to 36, while the V FW | Nyssa won in a second overtime will be played by Junior high read the report given about the
commander o f the American L e g ­ Snake river valley championship was defeating Stunz Lumber c o m -1 ¡>eriod by a score of 42 to 39. In teams.
Nyssa high school by the state
The Baker V FW team is the department of education following
when they play Vale Friday after­ pany 40 to 12 in the city league accordance with previous arrange­
Oregon quintet that went to the a survey last fall. Mr. Hartley said
Committees were appointed by noon at Nyssa. The game, called
Monday night’s scores with high co-champions and both will enter national tournament last year and the department's recommendations
President J. L. Herriman as fo l­ for 1 p.m., will be the last regular
placed among the .top four teams. will be followed when the new
game of the season for the Nyssa
here or In Ontario against a team The quinet traveled all over the school building is completed.
Contributions of the residents of and Robert McCurdy, and ticket boys.
Aggies 39. M Men 27. Rund- from the Porlland-Seattle area and state and into parts of California
Mr. Weatherspoon agreed to help
The undefeated Nyssa quintet
Adrian and community to the sales, Dennis Patch, Klass Powell
won 10 games in the Snake river quist 14 and Herren 11; Adrian 48. a team from the Burley area Feb­ and Washington this year, winning with a parents choral group, which
March of Dimes amounted to $467- and Elden Yergensen.
the P.T.A. p ro p ves to organize.
16 and losing only three games.
conference. A loss to Vale could Eagles 19. K Tallman 15 and K e ef­ ruary 27 and 28.
65, according to Chairman Glen-
New pictures that were purchased
throw Nyssa into a tie for first er 8; V F W 40. Stunz Lumber com­
wood Pounds.
by the P.T.A. for the four new
place, probably with Emmett. I f pany 12, Steinke 15 and Tcbler, HEALTH MEETING
Mr. Pounds thanked everyone
BY MRS. LEAVITT Nyssa wins it will receive a trophy. Linville, and Landreth of Stunz
rooms in the grade school building
who helped in the cause, especially
TO PLAY IN CLINIC were displayed and discussed.
Members of the squad, coached 3 each, and Wilson Bros. 69, Owy-
’’the little kids from the following
W alter
Nv.ssa high school students »rill
A circuit court Jury deliberating by W alter McPartland. are Phillip | hee ward 36, Lloyd Wilson 18, and
grade schools: Adrian grade school,
rural participate in the annual Snake briefly of the life of Alice Blrney
$7.10: Wade. $10.91; Big Bend, $8 - in Vale returned a verdict Friday Wilson. Bob Keveren, Dan Loveloy, Cleverly and Jorgenson of Owyhee
health conference will be held In river valley music clinic to be and Phoebe Hearst. founders of the
41; Kingman, $29.78: Owyhee. $26 - in favor of the defendant In the Fred Mitchell. Bill Santillanes, Bill ward 11 each.
15; Pidveview, $19.87, and King- case of Mrs. Opal Leavitt against Jordan, Jack Duncan. Roger Skeen,; Games to oe played Tuesday the Conklin school auditorium in held In Payette February 19 and Parent-Teacher organization.
Lynn Lawrence played two violin
man Cub Scouts, $1.50, a total of Henry T. Kondo for $10,000 dam­ Jimmy Skeen, Jerry Tucker, G ary! night, February 24 are as follows: Ontario at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. 20. Approximately 60 members of
Nyssa gym, 7:15, Wilsan Bros. vs. February 21, Dr. W J. Weese an- the Nyssa band and girls glee club solos, "Souvenir de Lu beck" by
ages alleged due as the result of Leavitt and Delmar Andrews.
$103.72” .
Eagles: 8:30, V FW vs. Owyhee j nounced.
Rlccken, and “ FYom the Cane
will attend.
Other contributions Included Ad­ an automobile accident.
8 86
ins Lumber com-
Better health for country chil-
Musicians from the participating Brakes” by Gardener.
Mrs. Leavitt contended that her Position Open__
rian high school. $36.91; March of
As part o f its celebration of
The federal civil service an- P«*ny vs. Aggies; at Adrian gym, dren and also ways and means of schools are rehearsing today and
Dimes cans on counters, $77.58; husband. Elmer W. Leavitt, was
obtaining this goal will be dla­ FVlday for the concert to be held P.T.A. Founders day, the local un­
Parent - Teacher association, $10; killed when Kondo recklessly drove nounces examination for appoint- 8:30, M Men vs. Adrian.
cussed. Doctors, nurses, teachers Friday night, beginning at 8 o'­ it served a large white birthday
Kingman Kolony Grange, $10; con­ a beet truck against the Leavitt ment to the positions of s u b s t i t u t e ------------------- -—
and parents who are Interested in clock. A nominal charge »rill be cake, with ice cream and coffee,
Proceeds car near Jamieson in October, 1945 clerk and substitute carrier, post Riders to Meet—
Members of the Owyhee Riding better health for children are in­ made for the concert. Nyssa resi­ in the home economics room fo l­
Members of the jury were Otis office service Persons who desire
from the dance sponsored by the
dents planning to attend are ad­ lowing the meeting.
Adrian chamber o f commerce am­ Bullard, foreman; Frank E. Bab­ permanent positions will have an flub will meet Friday. February vited to attend.
vised by Lynn Lawrence, Nyssa
ounted to $195.35. The hall, lights cock and Kenneth Hull, Ontario; opportunity to file for a civil ser-|27 at 8 p.m at the home of Mr.
Firemen Called—
director, to go early.
and fuel were donated by the Am ­ Nona Fisher, Herbert Fisher, Arvel vice examination leading to pro-1 and Mrs. Kurt Engle,
Firemen were called to the Zack
Approximately 200 persons at­
erican Legion, which also gave the Child and Leona Hipp of Nyssa; bational appointment with perm-
Walker apartment at F ifth street Cinderella Ball Planned—
tended the dinner sponsored oy
proceeds o f a card party, amount­ Carrie L. Cam man of W estfall and anent classified civil service status Knitters to Meet—
The Red Cross knitting class will and Good avenue early Sunday
T h e 11th annual Cinderella ball the room mothers of the Arcadia
Elsie J. Charles and Richard S. In these positions at Nyssa. In ­
ing to $24.
Humphrey of Vale.
formation on the examination and meet Friday at 1 30 p.m. at the morning to extinguish a blase that sponsored by the Otrls league ol school last Friday night In the
the Nyssa high school will be home economics room of the high
application cards may be secured home of Mrs. William Schireman destroyed an upholstered chair.
Vtsit In Baker—
held In the gymnasium March 5. school building The dinner was
from the secretary of the board Anyone who is Interested in knit­
M r and Mrs. Charles Garrison Seal Sale Start»—
As In the past, purchase o f a ticket given for the benefit of the hot
The Easter seal sale will be of U. 8. civil service examiners at ting or wanting to learn to knit j Visit Pastor—
and Mrs. John Olsen and daugh­
i Visiting at the home o f Pastor will carry the privilege of voting lunch program conducted at the
ter, M ary K., visited in Baker started today and wtl be continu­ Nyssa. Applications must be re­ Is Invited to attend.
and Mrs. Roland O. Wuest during for the Cinderella and prince from Aroadia school.
ed until Easter. Martin Gallagher, ceived by the director. 11th U. S.
among she royal court. A com­
he past week were M r and Mrs
During the dinner a program was
Malheur county chairman, announ­ civil service region, 457 Central Return from Portland—
M r and Mrs. C K. Burton spent | Cecil Nebelsleck and son, Melvin, plete group of committees are mak­ presented as folloars: Melodies on
4, Washington
ced. Gallagher appointed Lloyd L e ­ building, Seattle
Attending Conference—
Saturday, Sunday and Monday in jo f Genesee, Idaho T h y were on ing the arrangements, which are the electric sotovox, Mrs. D. O.
Mrs. H. J. Ggrnhardt is attend­ wis as Nyssa chairman. T h e money not lated than March 12.
Portland. Mr Burton attended a j their way home after spending in charge o f Mr*. Ada Haworth. Bybee: doll tap dancing. Raggedy
ing a conference of Methodist will be used for a crippled child-
Ann by Olive Beus. sailor doll by
city manager's meeting Saturday hree months with Mrs. Nebel- Girls league adviser
women of the western jurisdiction ren's clinic that has been estab- Here from Lewiston—
sleek’s parents in Toronto. South I
Nanette Bybee and baby doll by
M r and Mrs Edward Leavitt of and Sunday.
In Denver this week. 3he Is one llshed a » Eugene.
Nancy Skeen; songs, "She's Too
Dakota. Mrs. E. O. Wuest, mother Co-op Meetings Set—
Lewiston, Utah arrived last Frt-
of six delegates from the Idaho
UM local pastor, was a gueat at
A series o f district meetings will Fat For M e" and 'T in a Lonely
day for a month's visit with their Return From Vacation—
conference representing the divis­ Service* Continued—
Mr and Mrs. Gordon Ray and the Lutheran parsonage from Sat- be held by the Farmers Supply Little Petunia” , Brent Williams,
The second in a series of Lenten two daughters. Mrs. Kenneth Cot­
ion of spiritual life, of which she
and Mrs Orant Jones re- urday until Tuesday. Mrs. Wuest co-operative of Nyssa and Ontario Clarence Smith, Oordon Hunter
is conference secretary Mrs. W W. vesper services conducted by Faith tle and Mrs. Friel Blair, and their M r
turned Monday evening from a was on her way to her home In during the next week In the con­ and Larry Schenk: clarinet duet.
Foster of Nyssa is visiting rela- Lutheran church will be held W ed­ families.
vacation at Son Francisco Oregon C ity after spending sever- cern's trade territory The meet- Viva M ary Leeseberg and Lola
tves at Denver. W hile there, she. nesday evening, February 25. at 8
at weeks in the east attending [ nags, which wtir be opened at 8 Weeks, accompanied by Ellen Mc-
and LosAngeles
too. Is attending the sessions of o'clock in the veterans administra­ Bull Wins Honors—
official board meetings of the W o- p. m . have been scheduled as fol- Oee; song. Celia Bybee; reading,
tion building. The pastor Is speak­
Mr. and Mrs
Charley Grider
the jurisdictional conference.
mens' Missionary federation and ¡Iowa: February 21. Oregon Trail Jolene Hunter; piano solo. Alice
ing on the general theme: "Be­ have received word from the Am ­ Student Visits
Nu - 1 Warner: trumpet solo. Don Moss.
Shirley Price of Nyssa was home l visiting relatives.
hold Your K in g” during this Len­ erican Jersey Cattle club that their
Visits Parents—
Aera* Orai inge hall; February 25, accompanied by Mary Lou Schenk:
Bob Church, who is attend*«* ten season and the subject of his bull. Sybil Ashburn Advancer, five- last week-end from Eastern Ore- j
M other",
, Boulevard Ora; nge hall, and Peb- "Valentine
Eastern Oregon College of Edu­ meditation Wednesday evening will star silver medal sire, is now a gon College of Education. Her par- Here from Enterpri
Mrs. O livia Rinehart o f Enter- ruary » .
Oregon Slope district Patterson. Ilene Moss and Nancy
cation at L a Grande, visited briefly be; 'Behold Your K in g —W ith A proven sire, whoae first 10 daugh­ ents, Mr and Mrs. Ira Price, cele
SuBday with his parents. Mr. and Reed As HU Scepter” . Th e public ters averaged 51* pounds of butter- bra ted their 20th wedding anni­ prise U visiting at tha O rant hall. Refreshments will be served Von Stringer, and selections on
the "singing saw” , Mr. Sherman.
Rinehart home.
* and movies will be shown.
is invited to attend the services.
fat as senior y i arlings.
Mrs. J. L. Church.
Architect Meets
School Leaders
Mrs. F. Johnson
Taken By Death
Hundreds Attend Bulldogs W ill
Grade Schools
Program in Car Play Last Game
W ill Hold Hoop
O f Season Sat.
Tourney Here