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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1948)
TH E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, QKEGON The Gate City Journal I1LASS V. POWELL SU B S C R IPT IO N RATHE A D V E R T IS IN G K A T t l Open rate, per inch. National, per inch.... Classifieds, per wore Minimum._____ One Y ea r..... 81i Months Single Copies (Strictly in Advance’ Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Lirough the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the ac. oi March 3, 1879 CUB SCOUTS OF AD R IAN AR E A MEET AD R IAN. Feb. 1 2 - Mr. and Mrs. , business Monoay. Gale Martin and son were in On- Mr. Chamberlain was absent from tario on business Wednesday n ig h t.1 school Wednesday due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and Dick Stam was a dinner guest M r and Mrs. Cecil Smith attended , In the Webb home Sunday, the Eagles box social in Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mud, and Wednesday night. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hensley at- The Cub Scouts of Adrian met tended the Jordan Valley-Adrian with the Big Bend, Kingm an K ol- game at Jordan Valley, ony and Newell Heights boys at Mr and Mrs. H. E. Moore and the Jake Borge home. Henry were in Nampa Thursday Patsy DeHaven, R ay Landan, evening attending a farewell party Shirley Smith, and Roy Mecham for Rev and Mrs. E. D. McKune, visited Sunday afternoon In the who will leave soon for the east home o f Art Yensen in Parma. to make their home. Mrs. W. W. Smith spent the past Mrs. Threlm a Elliot returned week with her daughter, Mrs. Alvin home from La Grande Friday mor- O n « cost coven plutcr, willpapcr. W iom ine. etc. W i l l not »how lap» o t brush marts. Dries quick ly Co a velvety flat finish. • NfW PASTI! cotoes $ 3 .6 2 t a i. Stun/ Lumber Company “Your General Paint Store” ning. Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Pitcher and Mrs. 'W illiam Nelson and daughter, Kathy, are in Seattle. Rev. Pitcher is attending a ministers convention. Mrs. Bob Eastman returned to ler home in Caldwell after helping n Brown’s Merc, while Mr. and Jin. Bob Brown were away. Mr. and Mr. Elmer Sparks, Mrs. ¿lien Sparks and Mildred Sparks ittended the funeral o f Raymond .parks’ baby boy Saturday. B U E N A V IST A CARD p a r t ie s are held Church Notes F A IT H LU TH E R AN C H l'R C H Roland G. W jfs t, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes far all age groups. 11 a.m., worship service. Sermon theme: ’T h e T w o Crosses", based ou St. M atthew 16: 21-26. 8 p m Wednesday Lenten vesper service. Sermon theme: ’ Behold Your K in g—His Crown of Thorns", based on St. Mark 15:16-19. On Monday evening, February 16 the second lecture on Christian . and life will be given at 8 ¿’clock at the Lutheran parsonage. 532 North First street. These lec tures are given in preparation for church membership and anyone interested In learning more about the church or who desires to join the church is Invited. 3UENA VT3TA. Feb. 13— Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram were in On- arlo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver ntertalned with a card party Sat- irday evening. Guests were Mr. ind Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY Mri. Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. CHURCH Jim Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rev. H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor G riffin s, and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Cleaver. Refreshments were served. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Scott of Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Aurora, Nebraska visited at the Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. lames Stephen, Jr., home. Mrs. Young adult fellowship, 7 p.m. 3cott is a sister of Mrs. Stephen, Wuf.-hlp and forum, 8 pan. "The ’he and Mr. Scott were en route Teachings o f Jesus” . home after visiting a son, Hyla- Church night, potluck supper, ner Scott, and fam ily in C ali program, motion pictures of China, fornia. T h e son formerly lived in Wednesday, February 18, 6:30 p.m. .his community. Mrs. Willis Bertram. Mrs. Glen THE CHURCH OF THE Hoffm an, Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver and N A/. ARENE Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the 10 a. m., Sunday school. Home Economics club meeting at 11 a. m., congregational singing, he Loyd Adams home Thursday special singing and semon. Iternoon. Both the 7:15 and 8 o’clock ser Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Davis and fam ily of Nampa were Sunday vices will be in charge of Prof. dinner guests at the Eugene Clea- A. J. Flnkbeiner o f the Northwest er home. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Nazarene college. The party will be composed of 10 persons. There will Heaver are sisters. Mrs. A. E. Ekanger is ill in the be sermonettes, using the flannel and chaik pictures and also scrip Holy Rosary hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver ture in cartoon. and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were among those who attended ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector he pinochle party at the Loyd Adams home Friday evening. Holy communion at 9 a.m. on Mrs. Ethel Goodell and fam ily the second Sunday of each month. of Vale spent Sunday afternoon At 4 p.m. on the first, third and at the Delbert Cleaver home. fourth Sundays. Mis. Fred Stephens entertained Sunday school at 10:30 am. the Pleasant Hour club and fam i lies at a party at her home Friday AS SE M B LY OF ROD evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor James Stephen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Chet Corfield, Mr. and Mrs. John Worship service, 11 a.m. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price Evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m. and Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Tuesday, February 17 Mrs. Carl Jr. Refreshments were served. Gustafson of Vale, Women’s mis Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver sionary secretary o f this section of were in Weiser Saturday. eastern Oregon, speaker Friday ev Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were ening we will meet at the home of dinner guests at the Delbert C lea Bob Howard near Owyhee com er ver home. The dinner was in ob- on Adrian highway. ervance of Mrs. Goodell’s b irth day. C A T H O L IC CHURCH SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram A T E PIS C O PAL ,’ HURCH attended the Riding club dance P A R IS H H A ^ L at Chalk Butte hall Saturday even Rev. P. J. Gaire. Pastor ing. Mass second Sunday at 8 a.m., Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver a t tended a party at the Jim Savage other Sundays at 9:30 tun. home Saturday evening. c n R i s T i a n c n t ’R c n Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram 5th and Enms Sts were in Boise Monday. George Whipple, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, LaVern Cleaver, Bernice Bowen, Bible school, 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., Morning worship, 11 a.m. Ser topic, "Ambassadors In and Mr. and Mrs. A lva Goodell mon attended a benefit card party at Chains” . Evening service, 8 o'clock. the Oregon T rail schoolhouse S a t T.N.T. youth group, Thursday, urday evening. Eugene Stephen has purchased 8 n.m. at the home of Dan Pennle. Mid-week meeting, Sunset valley, a new Kaiser car. « Mrs. S. B. H offm an is still in j Thursday, 8 p.m., at the home of John Strickland. bod, but is improved. TH U RSD AY, FEBRU ARY 1 ! jr?ught Mrs. O ^rtru-e Jackson, Hams, Harold Flvecoet, and Wilbur #>io hag boon ill, back to the Chapin were in Va*e a.tending to Householder home. j aonoo* DU>»neas Thursday. M r and Mrs. Darrell Williams, i Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Haney were OW YH EE, Peb. 12— r.ev. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Donald Brewer, and business visitors in Ontario Mon- E. J. W llon o f Nyssa were dinner , guests In the Darrell Williams Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer were day. | Sunday dinner guests in the • K eith i rvir. and Mrs. Kerm eth McDonald home Monday evening. Tollman home. Mr. and Mrs. Lvnn K yg a r and W ll- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson, Mr and Mrs. Golden Leavitt of Ham Peutz, Jr., were visitors in Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett, and Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson attend Nyssa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Monday. ed the Green and Gold ball In : Oscar Haney and family Sunday \ The Adrian town team played a at a chicken dinner. ' doubleheader with Notus at Ad- Welser Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. V irgil Olp are mov- rian Wednesday evening. Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and | Ing into the lace formerly owned won the first game 24 to 19. Stam by Fred Hite. ¡was high for Adrian with 9 points Mrs. Neal Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty. Mr. and Nelson for Notus w ith 6. The Mr. and Mrs. George Schwelzer and granddaughters. Joanne and I and Mrs. Clayton Patton, Mr. and second game score wvs Notus 35, Dianne Schwelzer of Nyssa, were , Mrs. Werner Peutz. and Jesse D it- Adrian 33. W. K erfoot had 18 visitors in the Kenneth Ahrens i ty, Jr., attended a pinochle party points for Notus and Timm erm an Kenneth McDonald, Darrell W il- 11 for Adrian. _______ home In Nampa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests in the Leslie Cottle home H i-W ay In Nampa. 30 West Mr. Ed H ite of K ing H ill, Idaho Is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz were Tuesday evening callers In the Ce cil Smith home In Newell Heights. T h e 4-H girls cooking class met PUMICE,RED CINDER OR C O N C R E T E with their leader, Mrs. K eith T ail- — IN B U L BLOCKS — man, at the E. E. Crocker home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Don Franklin of Ny-sa and Maxine K yg a r were Sunday callers In the Donald Brewer home. Mr. and Mrs George Schweizer and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder went to Caldwell Tuesday and A D R IA N TO W NIES SPLIT W IT H NOTUS £ PHONE 6716 pumice Products (fa M O D U LA R S IZ E fe* EASIER CONSTRUCTION Whether you want a spark plug, engine tune-up, new ca r or just to use the telephone . . . you are always most welcome HERE! M ir tt o o s I H O U SAN DS of dollars are spent annually on redecorating homes— yet, because of poor lighting much of that money is wasted Rooms that are well designed, lovely furniture and colorful decorations, cannot be fully appre ciated in shadowy dimness. Thtni no piece U* HOME to Uri Invicg vi — SEE A T — Fortunately, the problem is easy to solve. W ell-placed floor and table lamps will cheer up vour living room with light The whole room will take on new warmth and friendli ness You'll see richer color, new beauty . . . and you'll love i f And the formula will work in every room in the house. The floor and table lamps of today are designed for beauty as well as efficiency, and they provide additional attractiveness to your home Your retailer has a wonderful selection from which to choose and he'll gladly recom mend the lamps for your needs. Do away with dim ming lights’ and "blowing" fuses Provide enough wiring, circuits and outlets. Insist on Adequate W ir ing when you build or remodel. Nyssa Implement Co. Your Oliver Dealer H -J -H Co.—Weiser FOR S 42 irrigi ture, si peach o and bai e m exo go with springer have a price $1 18*4 i is the I ley, ho rooms, $13,000, ranged. 80 ac: 2 soft spud ar on part 4-roor highway O j O, ten Very restrict« basemer very goi balance We 1 from $1 F O R Si chine, i They're better when they're real. That’s because they're m ade right to fit right and last longer, exactly like the parts built into your Ford. A complete parts and service department will be maintained at both places. Order from us and be assured of quick and efficient service with a complete supply of parts at your dispos al. Because of the uncertainty of material sup plies, place your order now to insure delivery. FOR S outh, n< erator. repair. Oil. Pri FOR S chine, • inclosed ized w fencers. 814 R i’ phone A lw ays head for the Ford tign when your Ford need» service. Our mechanics ore Ford-trained specialists. They save you time and money. The better way'« the e o iy way when you have the right tool«. Another rea »on why our genuine Ford Service meant reol tavingtl FO R Sr bedroon ment. C 240 Sou FOR £ and tw( Frank west O priced I Now On Display •WCIAL FORD P O R S/ hatch Chix co 6 and Wednesi breeds a son’s C Ontario, 252 4th O ffice IÇ 4 8 Kiest Beet Lifter Loader O ur Ford tervlce methods ora the re»ult of yoare of planning b y engineer». Thoy’ro planned to keep your car purring at lowett service cost. RATI cent id a h o V power ¿ M u tU a 'fL f Do«$ So M U C H -Covri So U T T I E