v ' V V . ' . ,- 'yjgsss*^ . . , •r r n r z r G ^ 7 . <■_ & JOURNAL r/ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IIÍ NO. 5 Malheur Farm Institute Is Attended By 200 Persons NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1948 Bulldogs Knock Huskies Out Of Unbeaten Class NYSSA FIRST WARD MUTUAL TO GIVE FOLK FESTIVAL Dog Situation In Nyssa Gets Officia^Notice BUSINESSMEN LEAD Hl<'h IN TOURNAMENT AT i " 1 School Is , >7 7 b o w l i n g c e n t e r Declared Good The first half of the tournament f Except For Gym. ________ I An international folk festival, conducted at the Nyssa Bowling _______ presented toy the Nyssa L. D. S. ended last week with t h e j R e p o r t G jv e n g "irst ward Mutual association, will Given By State Licenses Now Available; Center Extension Service Leaders Discuss Problems Nyssa Team Upsets Dope be business men leading the field. — —J held Thursday, February 19 at Unlicensed Dogs W ill Department Follow Of Producers; Ballard One O f Speakers With Thrilling 26-23 The Eagles and Wilson Bros I 3 p. m. in the Nyssa gymnasium. Be Impounded ing Inspection Victory were tied for third place, but th ej The festival will be given under Operating problems and pros- increased five times from 1940 to he suoervision of Charles Taylor. Eagles won the play-off. pests fo r the ajrcultural industry 1947 and added that the farmers The dog situation in Nyssa was The Nyssa Bulldogs knocked the Special dances and choruses, rep A week for single and double I A report of 016 state department in Malheur county were discussed ‘ lac^ used a lot of their money to Emmett Huskies o ff their unde resenting various countries in true thoroughly discussed at a meeting matches was held. Bob Eldridge ■of education issued this week fol- by Oregon State college extension | ^ p f i n , ™ Them. The “ ov^ folk style, will be arranged by the ot the city coUncll Tuesday night won the singles with 693, followedI lo«"ing an inspection o f the Nyssa feated pedestal in the Snake riv following leaders: Mrs. W. O. P et- ... , . .. .. . leaders at the first Malheur coun ment in the debt situation, he said, by Tom Hironal-». 685, and Roy high school states that the school er valley high school basketball eron, Italy and Sweden; Mrs. Frell * 1th a view of tak,n* actlon t0 Hasliltinl, 674. In the doubles, Lar is standard in all respects except ty farm institute sponsored by is substantial. Blair. Spain; Mrs. Alvin Nyc, l i e - 1 reduce the over-population of can- ry Saito and Roy Hashitani won its gymnasium and physical edu conference Tuesday night by de the United States National bank “Tne government is going to do Mrs. Dean F ie, Hawaii; |ines. with 1303 pins. A1 Andrews and cation program. of Portland, Ontario branch, and its part in heading o ff inflation feating the visitors on the Nyssa 'and: Carson Healy, Amerian cowboys, The gymnasium does not meet Licenses for dogs may now be Tom Eldridge were second with the county extension service in the and bring us down so that it won't floor by a countt of 26 to 23 and Charles Taylor, American neg secured at the city recorder's o f f ’.293 pins and George Vaughn and |the standards of this department Boulevard Grange hall Monday and hurt so much when we get our The victory left the Bulldogs in roes. l or the pattern established by the ice or from one of the city police- John Bowen third with 1226. Tuesday of this week. sights down. Certainly the safest The costumes and make-up will men. A fter March 10 the city will A1 Andrews took the all-events remainder of the buildings” , the Talks on agricultural subjects thing is to control inflationary fo r undisputed possession o f second department stated. “ Its distance were Matured on the program, ces. I think the man buying at place with nine victories and one >e supervised by Barbara Burning-1conduct an intensive campaign to title with 1349 phis. The second half of the tourna from the high shool and Its ac which is continued from 10:30 high prices should think whei- h e l<lefeat- Ontario and Weiser, next >am and M in d y Stoker. Mrs N y e !p ick up unlicensed dogs. City off- a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, with a would be if the air went out of in line below Nyssa, have seven vell be the pianist. M. I. A. o ffi-,ic ia ls have received many com ment started this week with the comodations and equipment make ers and teachers, assisted by mem plaints because o f the large num same teairus entered. it difficult to conduct the stan victories and four losses. recess at noon for lunch, which the balloon” . dard high school program for phys T h e Bulldogs will travel to W eis bers of the ward, are attending to ber of stray dogs. The city will Speaking on the subject, "G e t was served to more than 200 per ical education. I t is hoped that provide a dog pound and will sons by the Home Economics club ting the Most Out of the Fertil er Friday night to meet the W ol stage effects and business. the expansion plan for the future izer Dollar". Arthur S. King, soils verines in another conference tilt. charge a fee for the release of of the Boulevard Grange. will consider construction o f a new The Tuesday night game was a Impounded dogs to owners. The motion picture was shown pecialist, said that "Sooner or gymnasium adequate for the needs The city approved the installa Monday morning by the Idaho later all of us are going to have sizzler from start to finish, with o f this school and the community. tion of two street lights, one at Power company and Tuesday m or to become interested In commercial the lead alternating as the game “Little can be said about the Fourth and Maple and the other ning by the county extension ser fertilizer. Keep up a good supply progressed. Nyssa led at the end class rooms and the equipment of organic matter in the soil. Your of the first quarter 7 to 5 and vice. at Third and King. Tw o lights to A court of honor was held by found in the high school except be installed in the veterans hous Boy Scout troop No. 19 in the Opening the Monday morning 'b ig stock in trade is contained in Emmett held the lead at the half that they are very satisfactory. program was Esther Taskerud of soil mineral. Your purpose is to 12 to 10. The grilling pace con Farrell Peterson won the public ing project will be paid for by the basement of the Methodist church Most of the rooms are standard the state 4-H club department, convert that material into crops fined until late in the fourth quar peaking contest held by the Nyssa administration. last Thursday evening. size. They are well-lighted and The council authorized City M an who spoke on farm living. Miss You have to break down the o r ter, when Anderson missed a foul hapter o f the Future Farmers of The scout laws were presented have good furnishings. It was a Taskerud emphasized the im port panic materials for plant food, b u t; shot, but recovered the ball and America at a meeting of the Ore ager E. K . Burton to attend a by a group of scouts with special ance of the 4-H club in the de if you keep breaking down the or- i made a field goal to put Nyssa gon T rail Grange Tuesday night. city managers meeting to be held lighting to bring out each law as pleasure to find such a well-equip velopment of the farm boys and ganic materials you must replace \ ahead 24 to 23. Koyano and Hol- He spoke on the topic, “Safety on in Portland February 14, 15 and the laws were given by the boys. ped science labratory. The typing room is adequate, but it is crowd 16. girls. She mentioned that farmers them. There is no more economi-1 comb each converted a foul shot the Farm". Leon Meyers, scout executive for The police department made only the Malheur district, led the group ed for the 21 machines. It was a should not concentrate all of their cal way of building up organic | to make the count 26 to 23 just a Richard Diven took second place seconds before * ' 1 ' " the final whistle with his talk on "Damage Caused five arrests during January, report in scout songs and spoke on camp pleasure to visit the well-equip efforts on making money, but matter than with manure. The few ing the lowest number of arrests ing and the summer camp that ped agricultural department. The should give some consideration to man who does not want to handle was blown. by Weeds and Their Control” . shop is small, but tt Is well organ The lineups were as follows: Em the improvement of their homes. livestock must use green manure” . Other speakers were Llewellyn in a year. will be held at Camp Billy Rice at ized and well equipped. P. M. Brandt, chief o f the d i - ! Stating that commercial fertili- mett— Larson 6, Strang 4, Reed 2, Robbins, Don Sutherland, Val Warm lake in July and August. “ The music room Is poorly locat- vision of animal industries o f O re- \ zers can be used profitably, Mr. Holbrook 6, Donaldson 4 and Brown Child, Deane Hunter, Tommy Bates Tenderfoot badges were present edl in relationship to the remain gon State college, spoke Monday K ing discussed sulphur, phospher- 1; Nyssa— Ray 9, Holcomb 3, A n and M arvin Niccum. Judges were ed by Tom Seppleh, troop comm der of the class rooms. It is small m om ing on “ Making the Dairy °us, nitrogen and other fertilizers. derson 6, Koyano 3, Sutherland 5 Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Frank Parr itteeman, to Delmer Andrews, Dick and not acoustically treated. Con Quite often we lose money on and Wilson. Pay”. and Frank Sherwood. The talks Herriman, Bill Morrison, Elzie sequently, when the band is re The Bulldog aggregation that ranged from .even to 10 minutes Joe Dyer, manager of the O n fertilizer by putting on too little” , Pierce. Wayne Kennedy, Jerry hearsing. the sound carries over lost to the Ontario Tigers last in length. tario branch of the United States the speaker said. Brown. Irvin Brown, Johnny Cal (hat part of the building. The Robert Every, extension entomol Friday night did not look like the National bank, delivered the ad Peterson v gi\e his talk in Funeral services for Mrs. G er vert, Jerry Smiley, Gary Chapman. band is well equipped from the dress of welcome Monday m orn ogist, said D D T is slow acting and same team that defeated the Hus the eastern t_ gon F.F.A. district trude Vanderwinkle, a resident of Lawrence Patterson, Billy Santill- standpoint of instruments and uni ing, stating that “ W ith the fine has a comparatively long residual kies. Although they fought a hard -ontest to be held in La Grande Malheur county ’ for nearly 28 anes and Stanley Mefford. forms. turnout we have had today, I effect, adding that “ As we have battle, the Bulldogs lost to Ontario February 27. Ralph Lawrence, troop comm years, were held Monday morning “ The library of the Nyssa high think there Is no doubt that this used it, we have become more 37 to 31. Nyssa players were Ray 4, A t the regular Grange meeting, in the parish hall in Nyssa. with itteeman, presented second class Institute will become an annual fam iliar with it. Indiscriminate use Holcomb 4, Anderson 4, Suther Frank Sherwood gave a report on Rev. P. J. G aire of Ontario o ffic badges to the following boys: B il school deserves special commenda tion. It is the most adequate, best- event” . He thanked those who as of any insecticide can toe harmful. land 11, Koyano 6, Osborn and the farm institute held at the iating. ly. Jordan, Paul Flanary, Kenneth organized and best equipped library sisted in making the institute a You should dust early in the mor Wilson 2. The half-tim e score was Boulevard Grange hall Monday Tlbbet, Irvin Brown, Phillip W il Mr. Dougherty of Ontario fu rn Chat has been countered in a ning. Bees are mighty important 19 to 10 for Ontario. success. and Tuesday. A report was also son, Robert Keveren, Del Rick, school of this size. The ¡school is The Nyssa B squad won the given on the agriculture meeting ished music for the services. Inter E. R. Jackman, speaking on to you in pollination so don't take Duane Kreasly and Alvin Alexan fortunate in having the services preliminary against Ontario by a held in Ontjpna which was attend ment was in the Catholic cemetery der. "M oney From Grass", said “ Grass a chance on killing them. at Ontario. Rjtsary was recited in of such a capable librarian. U n Not all bugs can be controlled 28 to 25 score. Is tne most important crop in the ed b y Master Harlan Diven, Loyd the Nyssa Funeral home chapel Calvin Wilson, assistant leader, doubtedly a great share o f this The Bulldogs lost a non-confer Adams and Mrs. Charley Grider, United States by all odds and also by these insecticides, Every said. presented Alan Frost and Earl h igh standard is due to her in Sunday at 8 pjn in Oregon. When selling your live One trouble with D D T has been ence game at Baker last Saturday members of the agriculture com Mrs. Vanderwinkle died in the Bartron with first class badges. terest and effort. stock, especially beef, you are sell that it has killed certain para- night by a score of 67 to 35. mittee. Frank Parr gave a legis Holy Rosary hospital Friday, Feb M erit badges were awarded Kenneth “ Both the superintendent and ing grass in another and more val sies and predators, permitting an lative report. ruary 6 at 5 p.m. She had been Tibbet and Earl Bartron by Leon the principal are experienced ad uable form. The higher the produc increase in other pests. Mr. Every Refreshments were furnished by In the hospital for about a week. Meyers. ministrators and this reflects in tion from you pastures the higher discussed some of the other new Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram. Mr. Mrs. Vanderwinkle was bom Aug -Following the meeting refresh the quality of the program that will be your returns through your insecticides and recommended that and Mrs. Harlan Diven and O. E. ust 25, 1888 in Beverwijk, Holland ments were served by the troop is being conducted. The spirit of livestock. It is possible to get as people “ go slow" in using the Cheldelin. and came to Malheur county 28 members, assisted by Mrs. J. L. the school Is excellent. This is re big a yield o ff your pasture in new ones. years ago with her husband, Cor- Herriman, Mrs. Barney WiLson and flected in the attitude of the stu Most of Tuesday morning’s pro ton as it is with hay. One way to itfelius Vanderwinkle, who died in Mrs. Kinsey Keveren. dents while in class and about step up the production on your gram was devoted to the frozen Roy Holmes was elected presi- NYSSA l o s e s in 1943. the building. It was also noticed in pastures is to get rid of the blue food industry. Talks were given ¿ent of the Owyhee Riding club of L.D.S. TOURNAMENT Mrs. Vanderwinkle is survived by ALL-AMERICAN HOOP the relationship that exists among grass. It is about as poor a grass by George Doherty and Jonathan jgyssa at a meeting held Friday her sister, Mrs. C. VanZelf of Nyssa the various teachers and between in this area as you can buy for Garst of Ontario. GAME IS CANCELLED night at the Oregon T rail school- The L. D. S. M-Men's sub-dis and two sisters and a brother liv the teachers and the administra Speaking on artificial insemina house. feed. The reason there is so much trict basketball tournament being ing in Holland. She also leaves tors. One was impressed by the blue grass is that it is easy to get tion of dairy cows, Prof. P. M. Charles Culbertson was elected held in the Nyssa gymnasium pro 34 nieces and nephews. The basketball game scheduled quality of instruction and by the Brandt said Tuesday afternoon that vice president; Mrs. Lynn Snod started. to have been played by the All- duced two hair-raising ball gam sincereity of purpose and the pleas “ In parts o f the United States “ We are introducing better blood grass, secretary-treasurer, and Neil es in the first round of lay last American Basketball Circus and a ure that most of the teachers were FOUR INJURED AS a lfalfa is the only pasture crop into our herds, we are raising the Dimmick drill master. The execu night. Nyssa all-star team February 23 deriving from their work. level of miik production, elim inat tive committee consists of , Lloyd that is used” . lias been cancelled because o f in In the first thriller the Nyssa M- CAR HITS TRAIN “This school conforms with the T o avoid bloat on alfalfa, the ing the poorer cows and unques Adams, chairman; Rolland Holmes, men lost to the Nampa quintet in jury of some of the All-Americans. requirements of this department crops specialist suggested that fa r tionably effecting better control L. T. Marshall, Chet Sage and W il the last minutes of the ball game The business manager in San Four persons were injured when relative to the use of state-adopted mers use other pasture early in of diseases in our herds. Most of lis Bertram. Lynn Snodgrass was by a score of 41 to 36. T h e Nyssa Val Mitchell's Crasley car crashed Pablo. California notified the Nys textbooks and state courses of the year and wait until the alfalfa j the dairying sections o f the United appointed to serve three years, club led most of the way, but sa Lighting association that “ I study. The curricular offerings con against the side of a northbound blooms, then turn the livestock on- States are following this practice, Willis Bertram two years and C. found themselves in a see-saw freight train on the Homedale have just been informed that the form to the basic program of stud to it and keep it here. The reason I It is one o f the most effective M. Tensen one year on the rodeo battle after the first few minutes branch about 8 p. m. last Thurs team has been in a car accident ies. In addition to basic subjects, livestock bloats more often on new methods o f increasing pro- committee. Mrs. Vic Marshall was of the third quarter. The Nampa day at the creasing between A d and several of the players hurt, vocal and Instrumental music are alfalfa is because the animals can duction. We at the college com appointed chairman of the enter club drove to victory in the last rian an Owyhee comer. Th e acci which makes It necessary for me offered as well as homemaking eat it faster than grass. When a mend the practice to dairymen, es- tainment committee, Mrs. Loyd Ad three minutes of play. dent occurred when the car skidd to cancel the game in Nyssa” and agriculture. It would appear farmer waits until the alfalfa i s 1 pcially in areas of high cow con- ams, chairman o f the refreshments Refunds will be made on tickets that a school of this size could The Ontario team drew first ed on the slick pavement as M it in bloom, it is a lot tougher and centration". committee, and Mrs. Neil Dimm blood from the Boise quintet and chell applied the brakes o f the at M iner’s barber shop and W il well afford to offer one of the mod the livestock has to eat much slow- I F. L. Ballard, associate director ick, chairman o f the yearbook son Bros, dry goods store. managed to come up with a two- machine. ern languages or Latin and art, er I of the extension service, said the committee. point lead at the end of the first M itchell received a slight cut in if there is enough demand to Jus “One principle thing about grass farmer's first consideration is how T h e dates for the rodeo were set quarter and a five-point lead at the mishap. Lawrence Brown of tify their inclusion in the program OWYHEE MORMONS is that it is only high in prt>tein to best use the land. for July 23 and 24. Night shows the end of the second quarter but Adrian was so severely lacerated o f studies” . "We talk about our industries", will be held again this year. when it is young. Another principle NOSE OUT EAGLES found themselves face to face with that he was taken to the Nyssa Relative to the |>oor gymnasium, that is very true is that if you can Mr. Ballard said. "Our state has a hot ball game on their hands at Nursing home. Mr. and Mrs. De the department said “ It is hoped have a suitable mixture o f legume grown, but it is not going to be The Owyhee ward nosed out the the end o f the third quarter with von Larson received bruises. The that this condition will be correct in a grass pasture you are going a great industrial state in our FARM BUREAU TO Eagles by a score of 27 to 25 in ed at the earliest passible date". the score knotted at 33 all. In the car was badly wrecked. to have at least double the pas time. W e are beginning to process SEEK BETTER ROADS an overtime period of an intra- final minutes of the game Ontar The survey, made by C liff Rob ture and sometimes three or four manv food products, but we will city league basketball game M on inson. director o f secondary edu io's sharp-shooting Dick Nelson continue to be dependant on the NYSSA GRADES WIN times day night on the Adrian floor. A county-wide road program was made four field goals in rapid suc cation, was made before the dis Alfred Powers o f Portland, vice land for our greatest income. In 9 STRAIGHT GAMES Other scores were Wilson Bros. trict discussed and committees were ap cession, putting his team out in voted bonds for construction president of the United States Na- 11920 the people of Oregon began pointed at a meeting of the county 57, and Stunz Lumber company 18; of a gymnasium and other facil front with a 49 to 39 victory. tional bank, told the farmers “ You to think more solidly. They began board of the Malheur County Farm W ith its 25 to 23 victory over V.F.W. 57, and M. Men 25; and ities The second round of the double are a part of big business", to think about raising something Bureau federation in the county elimination tournament will start Emmett Tuesday afternoon, '.he Aggies 33, Adrian 25. The speaker pointed out that they could sell. Our apple and 0‘ fflee“ February “ 4 Games next week will be played at 8 p. m. this evening with Nys Nyssa seventh and eighth grade W OM EN W IL L MEET money in the pockets of Am ericans: (Continued on Page Six* , agent s om ce reDruary Marshall Swearingen, state sec sa pitted against Boise for the basketball team won nine co rre c as follows: A t Nyssa—7:15, M. Men A county extension meeting will versus Aggies; 8 30. Stunz versus be held Wednesday afternoon, Feb retary, and Sam Hunter, fleldman starter and Nampa against Ontar tive hoop contests. Lagion, Auxiliary Meet— ' i Scouts R e-eive Charter— of the state office at Pendleton, io in the second game. T h e Nyssa boys defeated Weiser V i W . , and 9:45, Adrian versus ruary 18 at 2 p.m. at the home Wilson Bros, of Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, five miles Mrs. John L. Huseby was hostess1 Henry Zobell, troop representa- were present, as were the six cen The Nyssa players, who were co- twice, Parma twice and Vale, On Eagles; at Adrian- to the members of the American , live for the Nyssa first ward troop ter chairmen, Elmer Gibbs of An champiohs with Ontario for the tario, Payette, Fruit land and Em versus Owyhee ward. north of Owyhee com er and one * ■ ... i. . . l , _ 1o., |45, Boy Scouts, presented the char- nex. Harold Oribbin, Dead Ox flat; Weiser stake championship, are mett once each. Th e team will mile south. The discussion will be Legion auxiliary at her home la s t, ^ to ^ „ „ ^ n a g ^ r o e n e stoker W. W. Delong, Willowcreek; Max Donald King, Donald Herren, Keith play Weiser there Friday and will (iA R D E N C LU B E N T E R T A IN E D on garment finishes to teach pro Thursday. During the business | an(j Assistant Scoutmaster Reed Swensen, Ontario heights; John Bybee. Donald Fife, Rosel Ander meet Vale here February 20. A The A.N.K. Garden club met fessional techniques, giving dem meeting the members voted to have 1 Ray Sunday evening W hen the Timmerman, Adrian, and John son, J. B. Lewis, Lavere M ont cup will be awarded to the win Tuesday afternoon at the home of onstration and information on spe ning team in the Snake river Mrs. Carl H411 in Newell Height*. cific garment finishes, as the fool gomery and Dennis Fife. a joint meeting witty the American Nyssa ward was divided on sc Hartley, Nyssa. count of inadequate space to ac- The Farm Bureau insurance plan Mrs. Maurice Judd presented the proof placket zipper and the piped valley league. Legion Thursday, February 19. In eomodte the membeship, it be was discussed by Mr. Swearingen. P.T.A. Committee Meets— A grade school basketball tourna program on early American gar buttonhole. All Interested hom“ - observance of Washington's birth came necessary to have two scout A charter drive will be held in the At the meeting of the executive ment will be held in Payette the dens. She reviewed the book by maJcer are invited to attend atui day a covered dish dinner will be troops, thus necessitating the new county soon with members of the committee o f the Parent Teacher vast of February. John Ferris o f "Early American provide the following. One half served preceding the meeting at the charter. A short program was g iv different centers participating. Gardens in Philadelphia” . Mrs. yard of cotton material, such as association last Thursday evening veterans administration building. en, consisting of a vocal solo, “ My Any farmer interested in Farm at the Bernard Eastman home Lenten Services Set— Judd also told of the famous Ash print, muslin or percale, a seven- Each person attending is to pro Buddy" by Frank Pike of Adrian, Bureau work in this county should a recreation committee was ap During the holy lenten season, ley River gardens In South Carol inch skirt zipper, sharp shears, vide a plate, cup and silverware. a musical reading “ I, M y C r o s s contact _______________ one of ____ the _______ center ___________ chairmen pointed to make plans for the com a seven-weeks period preparatory ina and showed a number of pic pins, thread of both matching and The auxiliary adopted as a pro Have Taken ", by T Carol Bybee. concerning the work of the bureau ing year. This committee, headed to Easter, Faith Lutheran church ture of early American gardens. contrasting colors, thimble and ject for February the sending of I and talks by Sheldon Archibald by Bernard Eastman, with Mrs. will conduct mid-week vesper ser Following the meeting a luncheon needle, ruler or tape measure and a box of food and clothing to a and L. R Campbell. Nursing Home Note*— Ed Frost. Tom Seppich, and George vices on Wednesday evenings at was served by the hostess in keep pencils. needy fam ily in England. Anyone New arrivals at the Nursing home Vaughn as the other members, 8 o'clock In the veterans admlnls- ing with the valentine season The wishing to contribute to this box Attend Boise Meeting— will carry on the work o f incor tation building. The public is in tables were attractive with rea Power Offices To ( lose— the past week are as follows: may contact Mrs. E. K. Burton o f M r and Mrs. Charles Orider B om to M r and Mrs. Gillan porating the recreational district, vited to attend any of the lenten | carnations and hearts All Idaho Power company o ff Mrs. J. L. Huseby. At the Legion Rosel Hunter and Olenn Peterson Keene of Parma. February 5, a as well as raising funds and hiring devotional services. The general ices will be closed all day Satur meeting, the junior baseball com- c f Nyssa and C. M Beamont and daughter, weighing 7 pounds. 7 the personnel for the summer rec theme for the lenten season this Registered Nurse Visits— d a y In respect to the memory of m ltte reported tt has been work- .cliff Wright of Adrian atten d ed , ounces; M r and Mrs. Jim Colvin, reational program. Mrs. Joe Suth year in the local Lutheran church M L « Jean Hammon. R O of C. J. Strike, company president, ing to secure all passible informa- ! a meeting o f the Idaho Jersey : Nyssa February 8, a son. 8 pounds, erland's appointment to the execu will be "Behold Your K in g " Next Ogden, was a house guest of Mr. who died this week. Funeral ser- tlon for the formation of a junior c a ttle club In Boise last Friday. i 13 ounces tive committee was approved. Mrs. Wednesday evening the pastor will and Mrs. Frank Pike over the J vices will be held Saturday at 2 p. baseball team The executive secretary of thej Mrs Rube Bolles of Ontario has Sutherland will act as chairman speak on "Behold Your K in g —His week-end. The ladles are former ( m. in St Michael’s cathedral in Crown of Thorns". American Jersey Cattle club w a s ' been dsmissed after recievtng care of the high school room mothers. school chums M L « Hammon came Boise Art leaders to Meet— in attendance at the meeting. [ following an operation to Nyssa with her parents, Mr. —------------ The cultural art directors of W ei ( hurrh Dinner Planned— Mrs. Fred Meyer of Nyssa, and Returns from Trip— and Mrs. O lenn Hammon. a n d : Girls to Hold Sale— ser L .D S stake, which includes I Club W ill Meet— | Mr Feamster o f On taro are in A fam ily night program will be M r and Mrs. la n ce Oreenwell, I T h e Olrl Scouts will hold a Mr and Mrs George Bear re- Nyssa. will meet at a board m ee t-I The Chatterbox club will meet the Nursing home for medical ob- turned home Friday from a four- i held Wednesday, February 1* at who were guests at the Amasa rookie and popcorn ball sale at the lng at 2:30 Sunday at the On- at the home o f Mrs. M innie Leuck ervation weeks trip to Idaho and Washing- j the Methodist church A potluck Hammon home Mr. Hammon and Ora ham Realty office Saturday. tario chapel to make plans for for Its next meeting Each mem-1 Dove Anderson of Nampa was ton. They visited relatives at Priest dinner wll be served at 6 30, fol- Mrs. Oreenwell are brother a n d . February 14, beginning at 10 o'- coming festivals, such as speech, ber is to provide a 49 cent g ift dismissed Sundav after receiving Rlver. Idaho and Spokane. Wash- | lowed by a program that arlll fea- slater T h e visitors were en route!clock. The proceeds will go toward drama, and music. fo r a valentine box. medical treatment. lngton. ' Hire a motion picture on China. to Portland. the camp funds. Court Of Honor Held By Scouts Peterson Wins Talking Contest G. Yranderwinkle Services Held Officers Named By Riding Club