THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX foetal Suites - I - ENOAOEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson of Ontario have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Nadine, to Kenneth Elliott of Adrian. Both Mias Wilson a n l Mr. Elliott, v.ho are attendlrg Oregon State college, ,ire graduates of Adrian high school. Th» vedflint will be an event of next summer. —f — SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT Miss Dirothv Bartholoma, hrlde- elect of Don HardenVook of Boise, was honored with a Phower last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Bennett. C-ame« were enjoyed by the guests invited for Prescriptions PRECISION FILLED Owyhee Drug Company G. H. Peirsol DANCE Saturday, Jan. 31 1 — COW HOLLOW HALL— Sponsored by the Owyhee Riding Club GARDEN CI.UB HAS LUNCHEON The A.N.K. Garden club members were cmertained Tuesday at the home of Mrs. O. L. Galloway at a 1 o ’clock potluck luncheon. The long dining room table was covered -5 - TO GIVE PARTY The Rebekah lodge will give a pinochle party January 2» at 3 p m In the I.O.O.F. hall. The public if invited to attend. —t — ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEET A large number of Royal Neigh- bore met at the home of Mrs. Walt Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb have ' er Fox Tuesday evening. January innounced the engagement of their ,20. After a short business meeting laughter, Dorothy, to Vincent L. a social hour was enjoyed by the icott of Reubens, Idaho. The couple group. Mrs. Fox was assisted in vili be married early In February. the serving of refreshments by Mrs Clifford Fox. The next meettng will be held at the home of Mrs. in Friday, January 30 and on F>-b- Gertrude Atkeson Tuesday evening. -uary 7 and 13. The parties are February 3. to be held at the Oregon Trail —8— with a blue plaid cloth and cen ehoolhouie at 8:30 p.m., with a ter«^ with an arrangement of daf ’unch served at the clcee of the fodils and pussywillows. The guest iven'.rig. The public is invited to attend. speakers for the afternoon were - I - Mrs. R. H. Young and Mrs. Ray DTNNER CLUB MEETS Wilson of Parma. Mrs. Young spoke The members o f the Wednesday on “ Food for Soil” and Mrs. Wilson “ Graden Locations”. Mrs. Wilson evening dinner club were guests Last spoke also of same of the varieties week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mor ■ at lilies that she has grown. Mrs. gan. Following a dinner at the Garrit Stam showed same of the "ouratry club, bridge was In play pictures that she had filmed during at the Morgan home. Honors went her recent trip to Holland. The to Ron Campbell and Mrs. Bumall meeting was concluded with the Brown. Mr. and Mre. J. L. Herriman showing of a colored film of Mrs were guests. — Stam’s garden. Mrs. Barney Wilson AUXILIARY TO MEET was a guest for the afternoon. The American Legion auxiliary —|— will meet Thursday evening, Janu ALTAR SOCIETY ELECT The St. Annes Altar society met ary 22 at the home of Mrs. E. K. last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Burton. Plans for the raising of C. A. Mally. Officers for the com money for the hospital pledge will ing year were elected. Those el be discussed. — — ected were Mrs. James Williams, HONORED BY SCHOOLS president; Mrs. Eddie Powell, vice A group of friends from the Nys president; Mrs. William Van Zelf secretary, and Mrs. William Wah- sa and Arcadia grade schools vis lert, treasurer. The next meeting ited Mre. John Schenk Friday a f of the society will be held at the ternoon. A gift was presented to home of Mrs. Eddie Powell Febru Mrs. Schenk for her new daughter, ary 10 at 8 p.m. All men o f the Susan Lynn, and refreshments ser parish, as are all women, are _ln- ved by the group. - — vited to attend this meeting. At the STUDY CLUB MEETS close o f the meeting, refreshments The St. Thomas Study club met were served by Mrs. Mally. Monday evening at the home of -3 — Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Collins. AMITY CLUB MEETS — — The Nyssa Junior Womens Amity WELCOME PARTY GIVEN club met last week at the home J. B. Lewis was honored with a of Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. Mrs. Ruth Bybee had charge of the program, party given by his sisters, Gladys which featured a talk by Mrs. Gene and Louise, at the Lewis home Fleshman on “The Scientific Care Saturday, January 10. Games were of the Skin", Mrs. G. J. Williams enjoyed by 12 friends Invited to the affair. Lunch was served by Mrs. was guest of the club. Lewis. —8— PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS BOOK CLUB MEETS The Mr. and Mrs. Pinochle club The members of the Kingman met last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cot Kolony Book club were guests on ton. Three tables were in play with Saturday afternoon at the home the high score going to Mr. and o f Mrs. Ella Smith. Mrs. Charles Mre. C. H. Bennett. The traveling Schwelzer reviewed the book “The prizes went to Mrs. Harry Klngrey House That Jacob Built” by John Oould. Additional guests were Mrs. and John Ostrom. Jack Simpson and Mrs. Pennick. — 5 — ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB HAVE DINNER GUESTS Mrs. L. A. Maulding entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Robbins and the members of her Tuesday ev ening bridge club at her home this family, Mr. and Mrs. Merrildean week. Honors went to Mrs. Bernard Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eastman and Mrs. Grant Lewis. B. Wilson o f Ontario were Sunday Guest players were Mrs. Grant Le dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. wis and Miss Barbara Ritchie, Tickets $1, plus tax New Stock Of Wallpaper 8 8 water-proof. Many beauti- fui designs. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R.R. Depot -f— TO SPONSOR CARD PARTIES The Oregon Trail Grange will sponsor a series of cord parties, the proceeds to go for the polio wing of the memorial hostptal. The first party will be held Friday, Jan uary 23. tx> be followed by others PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JANUARY 23-24 Double Feature Program “ THUNDERBOLT” Narration by Jimmy Stewart Also Roland Winters (as Charlie Chan) and Louise Currie in “ THE RED HORNET” MaU Sat.. I:M ; Adm. 2V -V . Inc. Tax A dm. Evening». 40r-Sr. Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, JANUARY 25-26 After a two-year absence “ The Thin Man” returns in “ SONG OF THE THIN MAN” Powell, Myrna Loy, Keenan Wynn and Patricia Morrison Nick and Nora Charles and Asta, the lovable pup, are back on the screen to solve the latest Thin Man Mystery. William Mat.. Ran.. t:M ; Adm. 3Ar-Sr. Inr. Tax Adm. Evening». Mr-Sr, Inr. Tax. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27-28 Ginger Rogers— Cornel Wilde in “ IT HAD TO BE YOU” For them it’s love . . . For you it’s laughs . . For everybody it’s a panic . . . Romance was never such fu n ! Color Cartoon Adm Evening», Mr-tr. Inr Tax THURSDAY St FRIDAY, JANUARY 29-30 You'll adore every minute of W alt Disney’s newest and funniest film ! Edgar Bergen— Dinah Shore Charlie McCarthy and Mickey Mouse in “ FUN AND FANCY FREE" Sport Subject We-I\ Inc. Tax RICHLAND FOLK VISIT IN IDAHO RICHLAND, Jan. 22— Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and children, Mary and Billy, spent the week-end vis- ting Mr. Russell’s brother, Tam S w i l l , c f St. Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. O jrl Ootsch Parma were guests of Mrs and Mrs. Erie Boenii Sunday. Mr. an Mrs. Cecil Oowen of Boise have been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Go-wen are moving onto the Dale Garrison place to make their home. Jill Marie Nielsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen, has been ill with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn of Yakima were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg Wednesday. Mr. Dunn is Mre Gregg’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beckstead were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell Monday. Herschell Gregg and family, Mrs. Annie Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gregg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mre. Wallace Gregg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mrs. Ira Ure and Anna Jean were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beckstead Sunday. Mr. land Mrs. A. H. Davis and son, Stanley, were in Boise Thurs day on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Diven and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Ray and family of New Plymouth were dinner guests o i Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strode of Rockville Sunday. at 5 All is light-proof and Phone IOÔ PINOCHLE PARTY GIVEN Mrs. Harry Klngrey entertained recently with a pinochle party at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox won the prize for high scores. ir.d Mrs. C. H. Bennett and C. C. Cotton, the traveling prizes. —4 - D INNER GUESTS Bishop and Mrs. Arvel Child and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd lewis. t— Pond’s new 5-piece orchestra NYSSA and ncpdle supper was served by the members of the Rebekah lodge. About 40 guests were present for he affair. I the occasion. The gifts were pre- ( ! sen ted to the honor guest in a ! decorated wa-on drawn by Kathleen and Dick MePartland, dressed a.t a miniature bride an:i greom. Assist ing Mrs. Bennett as hostesses were Mrs. Si Huffman, Mrs. Cora Tom linson Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey and Mrs. Harry Gahan. ] Phone 29 Lunch served at hall THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1918 — — The "flying disks" got such a good press last year that they're back again for an encore. They were first sighted recently around Kentucky and Southern Ohio. Some scientists claim there are no such things as "flying disks" . and then there were people who thought Columbus was o ff his base for say ing the world was round. Maybe the disks are an optical illusion . . but it's a pretty good one when pilots and air field commanders report It. Anyway, you c a n t blame tire disks on Petrillo the music man. He quit making them on January 1 Maybe they’re hats being tossed in the ring by Presidential hope fuls. In Columbus. Indiana, a prison er who was being released was put back in Jail when they found he I was stealing 16 prison spoons. He 1 must have bean "stir crazy". And if | your car Is not performing with precision and snoot hneas. it's steal ing money and driving pleasure fn>m you! You'll find that the price a complete Motor Overhaul is within your budget . . and it'U ¡save you money in the long run Drive Into the HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY. Home of Ford and get I the details. And ask about the 1946 FORD BONUS BUILT TRUCKS' Phone: 77. at \ HERRIM AN M O TO R CO. 8 - GUTLD ELECT OFFICERS The Episcopal Guild met last week at the home of Mrs. E K. Burton. Officers for the coming year were elected. Mrs. J. J. Sara- zln was elected president: Miss Eva Boydell, vice president, and Mrs. J. L. Church, secretary-treasurer. 8 ~ 8 — CLUB GOES TO NAMPA The holders of the low score of the Tuesday afternoon bridge club entertained those who won high -core at a luncheon at the Dewey Palace hotel in Nampa Tuesday. The luncheon was -followed by bridge, with high score being held by Mrs Oeorge Mitchell and second htgih by Mrs. A. C. Sallee Mrs Campbell Baer was a gueet for the occasion A gift exchange was also enjoyed by the group. - 8 - APPLE CIDER Callons 69c; Quarts 23c — CITRUS JUICES— 46 oz. Orange 46 oz. Blend, j 46 oz. Grapefruit — FLOUR— Picket, 59 lbs. $3.83 PEAS, Whopper Brand, Fancy 2 Cans 29c; Case $3.19 COFFEE, Del Monte 1 lb. 49c; 2 lb. 97c; 4 lb. $1.93 — APPLES— Fancy Delicious, Wrapped, 3 lbs. 29c Fancy Romes, Wrapped, 3 lbs. 29c — ORANGES— California Sweet, 288 Pack, 2 Doz. 39c FRI. and SAT. Only Outing Flannel (Plain White, Blue, Pink and Striped 36-inches wide 2 9 c Per Yard O IL CLOTH FRI. and SAT. Only Many Patterns, Colors and Designs 46 inches wide 4 9 « Per Yard FRI. and SAT. Only LADIES’ COTTON HO SE High Quality 2 6 c Special Meeting A .F . & A .M . Men’s Flannel SHIRTS FRI. and SAT. Only <£| J l Q Plain, Grey And Plaids Monday, Jan. 26 BRACKEN’S 8 p.m. DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA, OREGON E.A.M. Degree ______ EASTERN STAR HAVE DINNER The members o f the Eastern Star entertained the members of the chapter and Masons at a fami ly dinner at the Masonic hall Tues day evening. Over 100 attended the dinner and social gathering. Games were enjoyed following the dinner. One of the highlights o f the en tertainment was the contest made with numbers on a recorder. Mrs. Grant Rinehart was chairman of the dinner committee and Mrs J. L. Church the entertainment committee. - Nyssa Food Center Items Especially Low Priced Fri. & Sat. Jan. 23-24 Here from Idaho— Mre. David Glenn and son, Ted 8 — TEA PLANNED BY P.T.A. The women o f the executive coun cil of the P.TA. will entertain the room mothers o f the grade and high school and the women teach ers of both schools at a tea at 3:45 Wednesday afternoon, January 28, in the home economics room of the high school. The women o f the exe cutive committee will be assisted in the tea by Mrs. Charles Steffens and girls from the home economics department. - BY LEW IIERRIMAN Broadcast Hobbii Mrs. Pearl Ballantyne, primary stake president, and Iona Fllngers, president of the primary second ward of the L.D.S. church, took Vela Dee Poulsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Poulsen, and Gary Bybee, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. By bee, to poise Saturday to broad cast their hobbles over KDSH. Due to lack of time, recordings were made instead. Vela Dee’s hobbies are music and handwork, but sta tion operators became so interested in her handwork they did not co*- sider her music. Vela Dee has com pleted two quilts. She donated her ■first quilt, a "lark" quilt, symbol of primary work, to the children's hospital in Salt Lake City for Christmas, 19J6. She completed a "bluebird” quilt, symbol of the next step in the primary and has started a “seagull’ quilt, symbol of the final step in primary. Bybee’s hobby Is gathering a match box collection. He has 102 different match boxes to date. This recording will be played over KDSH, Boise. April 24. of Rigby, Idaho visited Friday and ley, Sr„ who was at one time at Saturday at the home of Mr. and torney general o f Idaho. Mrs. Newbem Glenn. Mrs. Glenn also visited her brother. Major I r ° M<' oa Bagley, in Boise, where she visited j Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Collins mot- the state capital and found a pic-1 ored to Melba, Idaho Sunday to ture of her father, Jiihn A. Bag- i visit Mr. and Mrs. Fioyd Collins. B< ax Social Wedi tiesday, Feb. 4 E> ^GLES HALL—8:30 P.M. Public Invited ____________ TUESDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained the members of her Tuesday ev ening bridge club at her home last week High score was held by Mre C A. Mallv and second high by Mrs A H Boydell Mrs. Mally and Mrs. Bumall Brown were guest players. - I - LODOE ENJOYS SUPPER I Following the regular meeting of the Odd Fellow lodge last Monday , evening, which was attended by a ! group of Parma members, a chicken | L. DANCE FOLLOWING OPENING OF BASKETS MAE RUSSELL’S ORCHESTRA