-\ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 Here from Nampa— Ne- Delbert Cleaver. Refreshments were ' home. Henry Davis of Woodlake ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley, returned hospital. M. and Mrs. Russell Jordan and served. | Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell ate influenza braska, mother of Mrs. Wilbur Cha Jack Fields has had home last Thursday, after being family of Nampa spent Sunday vis Alva Oocdeil, Jr., was In -Ont- j Thursday evening dinner at the pin has been very ill, suffering from I in the Nampa Samaritan hospital the past week. iting at the home of Mrs. Jordan's ario Tuesday. Layd Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland hardening of the arteries. SUNSET VALLEY, Jan. 22— The f° r a .most a week. ___. ______ „ ____ ____, Delbert Cleaver purchased a John mother, Mrs. Mary E. Bybee. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson were Mr and Mrs. Barney Hooper and , tractor, plow, mowing mach- Oold and Green ball given by th e; Sid Flanagan left Friday morn- and family were Sunday dinner disc and cultivator. Youth To Marry— L D S . Mutual Improvement asaocia- ¡"8 fr>r Yakima to visit his fath er., « « ^ » ^ h ^ h n ^ O ^ v e t t home. visitors at the Charlie Wilson home daughters of Midland, Oregon and j Word has been received that Mrs. in Roswell last Sunday. Mrs. Herschell Hadley and Judy Several have been ill with influ- A former Nyssa athlete and 4-H Mr. and Mrs. DeVon Larson were tlon, will be held at the Oregon Don Parker was ill and taken to Cash Turner and Ed Steiner of Klamath Falls visited at the enza. They Include Mr. and Mrs. a Portland hospital. Her father, horn branded Turner’s registered WilUs Bertram home last week. Topliff, Mrs. Lester Cleaver arid club member, Bernard Shaw, son Trail schooinou.se Uie night of Janu Ontario shoppers Tuesday. __ _ beopen ___ Charlie Cannon finished moving K enn eth Lore risen, left Saturday cattle Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw, will ary ______ 28. It v/lll to the pub- The ladies are aunts of Mrs. Ber- Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. lie" Miras Marjorie B ih op , daughter to hLs new farm, which is Just for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram were soon marry Fay Gardener, daugh AJjnzo Knowles bought a new j tram. of W. A. Bishop, was choeen as | north of the game farm. j Mr and Mrs. Bud Oharland, who 1846 Chevrolet. | Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cleaver re- in Ontario Saturday. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardener Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Fields and returned Wednesday after visit- The Out-Our-Way club held its queen. of New Plymouth. daughter moved Sunday into the ing m Nebraska and Kansas for a Mrs. J A. Farley of Payette re held test Thursday evening at the I a month's visit in Iowa, Kansas regular meeting at the Alva Oood- month, were Sunday dinner guests Herbert Bergam home Services and Missouri. They left Emery El- *11 home Thursday afternoon, with turned to her home Thursday ev Robert Ditty house. Bob Gannon made a trip to Em- at the Ed Steiner home. erring after visiting her daughter, will be held next week at the Earl Uott in a hospital with an eye all- seren members attending. Games Mrs Ira Gamer, the mother of mett Monday after wood. Joe Hobson has bought an 80-acre Strickland home. merit. Mr. EBtot/t formerly lived In were played, with Mrs. Glen H off Mar.ter Jim Wade, bom at 12:01, Mr. and Mrs Homer Brewer re farm near the game farm east of man and Mrs. Jim Ritchie winning The Y.G.A. met at Chalk butte ; this community. am . New Year’s day, thereby win- turned last Monday from a visit Charlie Cannon’s new location. hall Monday night. John Niccum Mr and Mrs. Glenn Hershey and prizes. Refreshments of salad, waf Mrs. Thomas- Nishitani was a broke his ankle while there. ning the 1948 stork derby and re- in Portland. daughter. Linda, of Everett, Wash ers. baked apple and coffee were Real Estate celvlng many merchandise prizes, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and guest at a pink and blue shower Charles Chritton and Joe Strick ington are visiting at the Willis served. The next meeting will be Insurance from the Ontario business men. Mr. three children of Haines arrived given by Mrs. George Sugai of land made a trip to Bodse last Sun Bertram home. Mr. Hershey, who held at the Mansell Bishop home and Mrs G am er are living on Ma- ! Wednesday for a visit with Mr and Fruitland in honor of Mrs. Jo day. will work at the airport in Ontar January 30. tie C. Black’s farm 1 Mrs. John Reffett over the week- Salto of Ontario. Lovely gifts were Several from this community att io, is looking for a home. Phone 64 received. Creamed chipped beef In Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin, end. Ray Orlffitts Is working on a ended the charivari given far Mr B U EN A V IS T A FOLK Herman Lorenscn and Kenneth Lor- I A benefit dance was held Friday toast points, salad, ice cream sun house at the Carl Sebum farm *nd Mrs. Magnus Ekanger Satur- Nvssa, Oregon rensen were guests honoring Mr 1 night at the Oregon Trail school- daes and cookies were served. SUFFER FROM “FLU’ where he will soon live. | day evening. and Mrs Leslie Johnson in their house for the purptre of raising Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and I home in Caldwell last Sunday. Over money to help build a house for and son, Don, of Homedale, Idaho BUENA VISTA. Jan 22— Mrs. W il Alva, Jr., and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. lis Bertram attended the Grange and Gary were Sunday dinner 50 friends brought their dinner and Ken Olson. spent the day at the Johnson home. I Kenneth Price Is driving a 1937 and Mrs. Claude Wilson. conference held at the Boulevard guests at the home oi Mrs. Jennie Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens, Sr., Grange hall Monday. Herman Lorenscn and his son, Ken- Plymouth. Ooodell in Caldwell. The dinner neth, were guests at the Johnsons’ I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis were were Saturday evening guests at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day enter was given In honor of Mrs. Good- wedding 25 years ago in Nebraska, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin the Charles Chritton home, enjoy tained Saturday evening. Those at ell's granddaughter and Mr. Good- Mr and Mrs. Walter Hillis and Penlarvis at a Sunday evening ing movies. tending were Mr. and Mrs. Claude ell, Whose birthdays fall an the Mr and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell at- ■ waffle .supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chadd returned Day, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, same day. tended the Ontario sale 'Tuesday. ' William Gregg returned home Wednesday after spending two Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffitts, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wllham Boersma which Shall be the words "Bonds Katheryn Langley, daughter of Saturday from the Holy Rosary weeks on the west coast. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. and of Baker were Tuesday evening din ELECTION NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. ner guests at the Willis Bertram Yes" and “ Bonds No”, and the STATE OF OREGON made a business trip to Boise Fri voter shall place a cross (X ) County of Malheur ttmi r7cifiTi:i:iiPiiTOi!Pii:i:i'iii!i rrn m uiiiiimiiihmi minn n i , i n n tin u min.. . mti mt m im n day. between the word “ Bonds" and School District No. 26C Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett vis the word “Yes", or between the ss. ited in Vale Sunday and attended Notice hereby is given that, word "Bonds” and the word “ No” a picture show. iKfffflUliD at the school district bond el whichever indicates his choice. Mrs William Gregg spent last ection hereby called, to be held week visiting her sister, Mrs. Lloyd The polls for the reception of at the Grade School in the City Dibble of Apple Valley. of Nyssa, In and for School Dis the ballots cast for or against Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and trict No. 2flC of Malheur County, the contraction ol said indebted children visited in Homedale test The wis# farm er’s first dem and is for Oregon, on the 2nd day of Feb ness will, on said day and date Sunday. N o r t h la n d B ra n d S eed , th e clean, Glenn Knottingham visited the ruary, A. D , 1948, between the and at the place aforesaid, be KSRV and KWEI broadcasting sta hours of 2:00 o ’clock PM . and opened at the hour o f 2:00 o ’ tested, fertile seed backed by the 63- 7:00 o'clock PM . there will be clock P. M. and remain open un tions in Ontario and Weiser last year reputation of Am erica’s leading submitted to the legal voters til the hour of 7 :00 o’clock P. M. Tuesday. seedsmen. It is im portant to get your thereof the question of contract of the same day, at -which hour Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy and supply of this superior seed NOW. See ing a bonded indebtedness in the the same shall be closed. Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy were In Vale you r No^thrup, King dealer, o r, if By order of the District School sum of *350,000 for the purpose last Wednesday on business. there is none in your town, writ# to CALL LES SWETLAND of providing the funds needed Board of School District No. 26C Ray Orr and friends motored to us for nam e o f nearest dealer. for free estimates on your for constructing a Junior High of Malheur County, Oregon, made Portland Friday. School and additions to the pres this 14th day of January, AD. Elmer Clonlnger, who has been plumbing and heating problems. ent High School and of equip 1948. in the Boise veterans hospital for ping and furnishing said Jun Attest: m iO R T H R U P , KIN G S CO. several weeks, arrived home Sat (Sgd) Henry H. Hartley, ior High School and additions urday. Rfcr B o l * » , I d a h o District Clerk •to the present High School in Norma Jean Dierklng of Adrian rSgdi Loyd Adams, and for said district. was a week-end guest of Marten s a n s a ------ ONTARIO PHONE 921 The vote to be by ballot upon Chairman, District School Board Price. f O.K. R U B B ER W t ^ D E R s J Mrs. N. Ekanger of Pierce, Mani * I 11IH H 111 lit HI1II11 Illl'IWlf llliliHH III M M III III III» IHWIltillil Itl.l II HU* toba, Canada, who returned with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland from Seattle and has been visiting here the past 10 days, left Monday for Portland. Mrs. Ekanger plans to stay in Portland with her brother until spring, when she will return to Canada. W e will »ell at public auction livestock and equipment located 5 miles west and 1 mile south of Ontar Walter Hillis Is now owner of an International pickup. io, Oregon, 1 */2 miles north of Lincoln schoolhouse or 1 mile east of Malheur butte. Mrs. Thomas Nishitani, Mrs. Ooo- rge Hashdtani, and Mrs. Roy Hashi- tani were among the guests at a pink and 'blue shower given by Mrs. Torn! Itami of Payette for Mrs. Jim Kanetomi Tuesday ev ening. A lovely pink and white bassinet full of gifts was the center Tested methods have given our tires first SALE STARTS A T 1 P. M. of attraction. Cream chicken. Bated, place on the market. When it’s time to re ice cream and cake were served. place worn tires on your ear, truck or tra Lunch will be served by the W . S. C. S. of the First Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Ktssner of ctor, visit o k . S i b b e r w e l d e r s . They Caldwell were callers at the Olaf are your friendly dealer. Fvllingness home — C ATTLE— — HORSES— Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk, 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years, to freshen Feb. 10. and Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Ratae- 1 Bay saddle horse, 6 years old, weight 1050, nam zyk and Wallace spent Wednesday 1 Guernsey cow, 4 years, fresh in December. ed San Mateo. In Ontario on business. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years old, fresh Jan. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mttzel and 1 Little Billie Boy saddle horse, 6 years, weight 1050. NEW CAR, TRUCK— TRACTOR TIRES children o f Ontario and Mrs. Veva 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years old, will freshen Feb. 2. R E C A P P IN G & R EPAIR IN G 3 Bay saddle horses, weight 1000 each, Traveler, Castle were Sunday dinner guests 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years, freshens Feb. 10. at the Clifford W olfe home. Snip and Romeo. PHONE 5 M = = : . N Y S S A . OREGON Word has been received that Mrs. 1 Guernsey cow, fresh 3 months, 2 years old. GOLD AN D GREEN BALL SCHEDULED Bernard Eastman SCHOOL BOND ELECTION Plumbing & Heating C. C. Anderson Stores Co. i 1 MCKEYod VV5 MA J PUBLIC FARM SALE Thursday, January 29 B IG S IS T E R S C Z :- O.K. RUBBER WELDER . w w i i 9 Bni i yi !i ■ ■■■■' ■Ban m a m cure r y o u r g V XÜ u fil N I ï ü m a m ■ ■ ■ ■ a c a l ves now m . PURINA CALF STARTENA a 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, freshened Dec. 1. Production and test will be given at sale. 1 Guernsey hull, 4 years old, name Four Lilac’s Ac- tor’s-Warhawk, -sired by St. Albans Actor’s Lad 313104. Dam— Four Lilac’s Donna 689914. This bull is an outstanding individual with a pedigree showing the finest blood lines and butterfat pro duction to be found in the Guernsey breed. The following property is owned by Lee Hone: TD 6 International diesel cat., in good repair, power take-off, lights and starter. 1 No. 32 John Deere plow, two bottom,two way. 1 Three-bottom gaiig Case plow, 14 inch. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, fresh by day of sale, a heavy milker. The following property owned by Grady Fisher: 3 Calves 1 Steer, 1 year old. 1 Durham heifer, 1 year old. 2 Two-year old heifers, guernsey and durham, to freshen in spring. 1 Whiteface durham, 5 gal., fresh in March, 8 years. 1 Guernsey, 6 gal., m illing now, fresh Aug. 4, 9 yrs. 1 Whiteface jersey, 5 gal., milking now, fresh Aug. 28, 6 years old. 1 Roan cow, 6 gal., milking now, fresh July 18, 6 yrs. 1 Blue roan cow, 6 gal., milking now, fresh Aug 4, age 9 years. 1 Team, ages 10 and 12 years, and good harness. 1 Set of harness. 1 Harrow. 1 Two-way plow (horse drawn) 1 Horse-drawn mower, in good shape. Approximately 6 tons of good second cutting Hay. A good line of household furniture, including el ectric range, refrigerator, two range stoves, in good condition. 3 Dozen New Hampshire pullets. TE R M S: CASH Tobler’s Feed & Fuel 2 Gray saddle horses, 5 and 6 years old, weight 1000. Ginger and Eagle. 1 Sorrel, white stockings, white face, weight 950, Bald Hornet. 1 Red sorrel horse, 1050, name Deushane. The above horses are all Bay Meter colts, are from V 2 to % thoroughbred. 1 Black mare, 6 years old, weight 1000, named Black Beauty. 2 Dark brown horses, weight 1100, 5 years old, nam ed Dock and Pat. 1 Bay horse, 5 years old, weight 1150, named Per sian 1 Bay mare, 5 years old, weight 1100, Lady Luck. 1 Strawberry roan, weight 900, 5 years, Peacock. 2 Sorrel colts, 2 years old, by Coal Check. All the above horses are hot blood, all broke. W ill be shown under saddle. — M A CH IN ER Y— 1 New A frame hay stacker, complete. 1 Hay loader. 1 Big 6 McCormick wide wheel oil bath mower. 1 Dain side-delivery hay rake. 1 Ten-foot dump rake. 1 Buck rake. 1 Model H John Deere tractor, completely overhaul ed, as good as new with 14-inch hang-on 2-way plow and beet cultivator. 1 McCormick spud planter with fertilizer attach ment, used very little. 1 Small farm type grader. 1 John Deere corrugated wing type roller, like new. 1 14-inch two-way horse-drawn plow. 1 Fresno and 2 slip scrapers. 1 Steel Martin ditcher. 2 Planet Jr. beet cultivators. 1 4-sec. Oliver steel harrow. 1 14-inch walking plow 1 Ditcher, buster or lister. 1 disc border maker. 2 Six-foot disc harrows. 1 spring-tooth harrow. 1 Rubber-tired wagon and flat bed. 2 Hog feeders. 1 Loading chute. 1 Set of harness, good condition. 1 New stock saddle and bridle. All property to he settled for before being removed. M. W. Osborn & Sons Lee Hone & Grady Fisher, Owners Col. Marion Osborn, Auctioneer. Bert Osborn, Clerk