PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Loot*, Karoos were visitors at the Intermediate fellowship, 7 pm. Jim Langley home Wednesday. Mr. Young adult fellowship, 7 pm. fhe G ate City Journal Bible study and prayer, Wednes and Mrs. Geyer were en route too day, 8 p.m. Yakima. Mrs. Margaret Terra and her dau KLAS8 V. PO W E L L ................................. E ditor a n d P ublisher ghter, Mrs. E. Morse, of Sacramen FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Roland G. Waest, Pastor to, after visiting at the John Terra home a week, left Friday for Cal- 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes for all age groups. « | ifomla. ADVERTISING RAT k .8 SUBSCRIPTION R A TBS Mrs. Veva Castle of Ontario spent 11 am.. Worship service. Sermon week-end visiting her daugh theme: "Jesus Gives The True Wa «2 DU Open rate, per Inch........ -35c | te the r, Mrs. OOP ypgj Clifford Wolfe Mr. and ter of Life", based on St. John SI .20 National, per inch......... 40c Mrs. Clifford Wolfe and Mrs. Castle 4: 5-15. Claasuíteds. peí word .20 visited Saturday ATnglA ÇnplM .00 in Nampa. Minimum.........30c (Strictly la Advance) Herbert Bergam was under treat THE CHURCH OF THE ment for 24 hours at the Holy NAZARENE Rosary hospital last week. Sunday school. Sunday Puhlished every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon Mrs Charles Schwedzer and Clar we 10 are am., a double day. Every Btyered at the pootofflcea at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission ice Notheis attended a meeting of one is to having someone. Mrs. An UiroOgh the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the Book club Saturday at the derson will bring give an object lesson home of Mrs. Ella Smith. Mrs. the act O March 3, 1878. close of class session Charles Schweizer reviewed the book at 11 the a.m., Our evangelists will be “The House that Jacob Built”. bringing messages in both sermon Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell were and song. Mrs. Anderson will give CO-OPERATION WINS hosts at a Sunday dinner celebrat an object lesson. ing Mr. Mitchell’ s birthday. Guests 7:15 p.m.. Young people's and “I never thought they could do it”, was a were Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Knowles chlldren’ services. family, Mrs. J. B. Mitchell and 8 p.m., 3 This common expression following the successful and will perhaps be the Henry and Denzll Mitchell. service of our revival. Mrs. An completion of the district memorial hospital Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley and last will give liiustated songs family were Boise visitors Satur derson financial campaign, but the speaker's realized day. with beautiful scene-o-felt in the evening that co-operation had turned the trick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman Friday services. is to be class night, of Payette were Sunday dinner when all night Under the leadership of Louis D. Bair of guests Sunday school teachers the home of Mr. and Mrs. are supposed to have as near as Oakland, California, and Frank Morgan, Arvil Clifford at Wolfe. possible their entire class present. Chapin and You are Invited. Child and Bernard Frost of Nyssa, less than 100 Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Pete Wilbur attended workers raised $260,649 in a concentrated drive the basketball game Wilson at Adrian Fri ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH that developed the greatest demonstration of day A public night. Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rjctor will be held at co-operation ever shown in this community. the Owyhee meeting communion at 9 a.m. on schoolhouse Tuesday, the Holy 3unday of each month The speed and effectiveness of the campaign January 20. The 1048 budget Is to At 4 second p.m. on be voted upon. has attracted the admiration of people all over Church and Sunday school ser- fourth Sundays. the first, third and the northwest. They were surprised that such a vi-es at the Sunset hall have been Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. small town could raise so much money. Of discontinued. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mrs. Verne Gamer shop Sterl D. Spie-z, Pastor course, they do not realize the size and import ped Mr. in and Ontario Saturday. school, 10 a.m. a new Sunday ance of the surrounding area, which has more Ira Price B has and purchased Morning worship, 11 am. M farm band. population than the city itself. The campaign mechanical Evening evangelistic, 7:30 pm. Rex Langley, son of Jim Lang Tuesday prayer service, 7:30 pm. Is suffering from gland infec Friday cottage prayer has been a means of welding together more ley, at tion. closely than ever before the city and rural peo Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fields were Warrens on First street meeting next to old flour mill. Ontario shoppers Friday. ple, as well as the city folk themselves. are welcome. Come, be with Walt Hillls bought a purebred The hospital will be a continuing means of shorthorn bull, 18 months old, at us You in services of week Psalms 19-14. drawing the people closer together, because it the Mr. Hap and Norman sale. Bill Zilllg of Home- CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES will be through tne co-operation of all elements dale were Mrs. AT EPISCOPAL fJHURCH guests at the Wilbur PARISH HALL that the hospital will be really successful. Lead Chapin home last Sunday. Rev. P. J. Gaire. Pastor young people held a party ers have said that the hospital work has just and The dance the Sunset valley Mass second Sunday at 8 a.m., started, now that the money has been raised. hall Saturday at night. other Sundays at 9:30 am. and Lois Knottlng- With this fact in view, men’s and women’s aux ham O. P. and Counsll SUNSET FOLK iliaries have already been organized to help Wednesday. Paul visited In Caldwell UPPER Mr. and Mrs. Oasmier Rataezyk RETURN FROM TRIP with the operation of the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk The hospital will be the medical center of and and family were Sunday dinner UPPER SUNSET, Jan. 22—Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Tod Cochran Mrs. Joe Stephens and Pauline this section for general hospitalization and the guests returned home from a trip to Cali polio treatment center of eastern Oregon and of Mr. Ontario. and Mrs. Fred Guthrie re fornia and Mexico. The party ac morning from a companied Mr. Stephens’ sister to parts of southwestern Idaho. The hospital, turned Monday California and drove home a 1947 trip to Wyoming. which will be the most modem on the west business Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy and Ford car. coast, will be the first approved under the new ner Marie C. Black were Sunday din Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixon and guests at the Lew McCoy home. son accompanied Frank Parker to state law. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rooks tool Washington to visit Mr. and Mrs. From the tiny seed planted a few years ago were and family and Frank Rookstool Bill Parker. The party also visited guests at the Lila Mr. and Mrs. Kendall, former Sun by the Nyssa Lions club will grow a great hu Mitchell supper home Saturday evening. set neighbors, and also Mr. and manitarian institution that will care for the poor Mrs. Don Parker and family of Portland. as well as the rich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee re turned home last week from New Mrs. Wayne Barrett as leaders. The Plymouth, where they visited at the SUNSET SEWING group of six girls met at the John THE METHODIST COMMUNITY home of their sons, Dee and Erwin CLUB ORGANIZED Strickland Durfee. home this week. Wayne Berrett returned home Harold Peterson spent several Rev. H. J. CHURCH Gernhardt, Pastor Monday eevnlng from Utah, having SUNSET VALLEY, Jan. 23— A 4-H days on his farm this week, then Sunday school, 9:45 am. sewing group has been organized returned to Idaho Palls spent the week-end with his par ents at Roy. with Mre. Glenn Strickland and Mr and Mrs Harold Oeyer of Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. Mr. Karl of Wyoming spent sev eral days In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Thompson. Mrs. Oara Rookstool and Mrs. Ruth Berrett entertained their club Thursday at the Berrett home, with 11 members and six children pres ent. The afternoon was spent play ing contests, in which Mrs. Raf- fington, Serena Stevens, Mrs. Dur fee and Mrs. Ray Strickland won prizes. At the business meeting the club voted to sponsor a program and box supper in the near future to raise money for donation to the Nyssa hospital fund. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Raf- flngton and Mattie Durfee as host esses. Now Wa* Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and Bob and Mrs. Elmer Clonlnger $115 $155 PACIFIC ROLLING SCRAPER shopped in Boise Friday and also called on Mr. Clonlnger at the STOCKLAND FOR JOHN-DEERE hospital there. Elmer Clonlnger was $55 able to come home via bus Sat $75 A SCRAPER urday afternoon, returning to the hospital Sunday morning. $40 $50 FOUR-HORSE FRESNO Walt Rafflngton attended the sale at Vale Monday. $30 $40 TWO HORSE FRESNO Roy Rookstool purchased a trac tor at the sale near Nyssa last $140 BAKER WAGON ON RUBBER $168 week. Mrs. Flora Garner, Mrs. Ruth SUPER-SIX MANURE LOADER Berrett and Mrs. Cora Rookstool attended the farmstead meeting at $290 For Large Tractors $340 the Sunset hall last Monday Mrs. Chuck Share and Mrs. Mc SUPER-SIX MANURE LOADER Connell were Caldwell shoppers last $265 For Small Tractor $328 wee*. A group of girls met at the John Church Notes THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 ENTERTAINS CLUB | Mrs. Warren Farmer. Mrs. Robert Strickland home Saturday after Members of the Tuesday after-1 Wilson won high score and Mrs. noon to organize a 4-H club. Ward Wieneke, low score.________ Frank Rookstool has returned to noon bridge club met this week his home at Adrian having spent several days in the home of his brother, Roy, and family. Mrs. Euner Clonlnger spent Fri day visiting in the homes oi Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Simpson of Nyssa. cooi T b e t t e r BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD AT ARCADIA ARCADIA, Jan. 22— A large group of friends gathered at the home of Margaret Butler Thursday, Janu ary 15 after school to help her celebrate her ninth birthday. Games were played and ice cream and cake were served by Mrs. Butler. Margaret was the recipient of many gifts. Olin Lay received a telegram from Okanogan, Washington last week, stating that his father was seri ously ill. Mrs. Lily Dement and Mrs. Hill of Ontario were dinner guests Sun day at th # Ellis Warner home. Mrs. Dale Lakey of Boise spent the week-end here with her mo ther, Mrs. Anna Dail. Rev. Chandler of Oaldwell will be present at Arcadia Sunday school January 25. Chelcy Boyer Is building an ad dition to his farm house here. A group of relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Zitteroob January 15 on their 25th wedding anndver- .ary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and fami ly, Anna Dail, Harold Dail, Jane Flegal, and Gerald and Jack Zit- tercob. They presented them with a silver creamer and sugar. Ted Frohm made a business trip to California last week. The Hawkins brothers did some land leveling for Theo Matherly and Charles Bullard last week. TOBLER’S TO START GROWING CONTEST A calf growing contest, to deter mine which dairyman in the Nyssa area can grow calves the fastest, has been announced by operators of Tobler’s Feed and Fuel. Any calf bom between December 1 and April 30 can be entered In the contest. All calves are to be raised on the dry calf feed, Purina calf startina. A representative of the firm will visit the dairyman When the calf Is bom to register Its birth weight. Four months later, a final weight will be taken. The oalf which has shown the greatest percentage of increase over birth weight will win. Prizes are $10 for first, $5 each for second and third, and five gold- plated automatic pencils for fourth to eighth. “Of course, all the en tries will be winners in a way”, Hugh Tobler said, “because the milk saved will sell for more than twice as much as calf startena costs, yet the dairymen will have big and vigorous calves". $150 $173 $450 $105 $120 $135 • $360 $90 This Equipment Is All New With A Westinghouse Electric Range Simply flip the tel-a-glanee switch and West inghouse electric surface cooking makes every recipe a winner. Or, set the dials and the West inghouse oven cooks complete meals—automat ically—It’s that easy to cook better electrically. Look at the NEW, modern styled Westinghouse First “Com mander--$289.95” Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co. Display Room—Nyssa Lumber Co. F M M IMPROVIMBNTS = More Income, W e Are Offering These Items A t Reduced Prices BUCK RAKES FOR ABOVE LOADERS HARVEY RED HEAD HAMMER MILL BEARCAT HAY CHOPPER ENSILAGE CUTTER & HAMMERMIL CUSHMAN CUB ENGINES. 2 H.P. AUTOMATICALLY Less Work! Your farm can’t do its best work for you if it needs new equipment or remodel ing. See if some of the suggested im provements below would increase your farm’s efficiency: BARN STALLS MILK HOUSE NEW BARN RE-ROOFED BARN PREFABRICATED CHICKEN OR HOG HOUSES NEW OR IMPROVED SILO MACHINERY SHEDS NEW FENCES Remodeling or improving farm build ings and equipment can be paid for on a convenient monthly basis, while they are working for you. The First National Thrifty-Pay plan allows you as long as 3 years to pay—with no down payment required. Tell your building supply dealer that you want a Thrifty-Pay loan. Or see your nearest branch of First National Bank. INSURANCE Prevents Loss Fire Theft Liability —SEE IT AT— • THE HOUSE OF OLIVER The Nyssa Implement Co. Stunz and Thomas Frank T. Morgan NYSSA BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK of PORTLAND MIMtia M i l l « ! I M 8 I I I IMIMIANC C O R P O R A T I O N