t TH E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON p a g e s ix facial Elites 5 - - SHOW ER IS HELD A lovelv snower in nonor o f the bride-to-be, Miss Lula Belle W ll- son, was given at the Sunset Valley hall last Tuesday afternon. Host- esses were Mrs. William Gregg, Mrs. Wallace G reg* and Mrs. Grover Cooper. A miniature bride, resplendent in satin and tulle, waz the oenter- j piece of a lcna sriit table, flanked by j dainty candle» and a lace cloth. Appropriate eonterts were eniO"ed by 40 guests. Mrs. Orland Cheldei- iin received the floral oonte? t prize. Mrs. Je-se Gregg of Washington, the memory test prize, and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, the house-fur- nlshing prize. I A group musical contest, with Mrs. Cheldelin playing the piano, ended in the bride marching to the 1 g ift table, escorted by the two at- Eagles Dance Saturday Night January IO Good Orchestra 200 P air L ad ies’ D ress Shoes JUST RECEIVED LARGE SH IPM ENT OF LADIES SPRING COATS A N D SUITS — A Deposit W ill Hold Yours Until Wanted— BRACKEN’S DRY GOODS NYSSA, — SHOES — CLO TH ING X-Ray Shoe Fitting OREGON NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE - 5 - IIEKK1MAN 1948 ushers in another Leap Year . . . and bachelors are as vulner able as an ice cube in the desert. Nobody knows Just how the Leap Year idea began, but a law was passed in Bonny Scotland in 1288 giving any unmarried woman the right to propose during Leap Year. Later, similar laws were passed in FYance, Genoa, Florence and many another metropolis and whistle 6top. This puts Sadie Hawkins Day on a world-wide basis for 368 days . . . the longest open hunting season on the books. So, remember fellows, if your girl asks you a question, don't say “ yes" or even "uh-huh” , until you’re sure you heard it right. Don’t forget it's 1948. I'm still getting letters from friends who write 1947 . . . and I've done It a few times myself. So watch the date . . . it’s '48! And watch the happy car-owners, as they drive out o f the H E R R IM A N M O T O R C O M P A N Y ! T h e y ’ve found that it’s the BEST place to have a motor com pletely overhauled, because the work of our meclianlcs is highly efficient and the cost is kept to a budget- right minimum! rf you want new- ear performance from your pres ent automobile, phone 77 and make an appointment for an engine over haul. HERRIMAN M O T O R CO. 8 - New Year’s Resolutions Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler of Nyssa announce tne engagement A M IT Y C LU B MEETS >f their daughter, Nancy Alice, to The Nyssa Junior Women's Amity Jay E. Bunn, son of Mr and Mrs. club met a t the home ctf Mr. and 5. K. Bunn o f Nyssa. The marriage Mrs. Ersel Beus Saturday evening, will be held in the near future. with the ladies entertaining their husbands, and exchanging gifts. The diversion o f the evening was noon bridge club at her home this bunco, ffief reshments were served week. High score was held by Mrs. to 28 miewts. The Am ity club will Qulnby and second high by Mrs. meet Friday at the home o f Mrs. Joe Sutherland. Guest players were Mrs. Ed Frost and Mrs. Quinby. Lloyd Lewis. —f — N EW Y E A R 'S D IN N E R SERVED B R ID G E G R O U P M EETS A dinner at the Dewey Palace Mrs. Herbert Fisher entertained the members o f the Tuesday after- hotel in Nampa was enjoyed on New Y ear’s day by Dr. and Mis. J. J. Sarazin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Miss Nathelle Holton, Ted Morgan and David, Margaret and Norbert Sarazin. BV LEW 80 LADIES GARMENTS CONSISTING OF DRESSES, JACKETS AND SLACK SUITS - staying here for the past four j Long of Nyssa. months, have been transferred to Tw in Falls. Mr. Worden is a m ill Guests from Gresham— wright fo r R anch-W ay Feeas Ele Guests last week at the home of vator company. Dr. and Mrs. Maulding were Mrs. Maulding's three brothers and their Former Nyssa Man Dies— C. R. Carter, former resident of wives, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L e Nyssa, passed away in Boise on wis, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lewis, and Christmas day, alter a lingering Ul Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, all of ne s. Funeral services were held on Orefham. On New Y ear’s day the De. ember 29 in Boise, and inter Maulding fam ily and their guests ment was at Cloverdale. He is sur were entertained at the home of Mr. vived by a daughter, Mrs. Robert and Mrs. V irgil Johnson of Boise. T O H OLD LUNCHEON Tho A.N.K. Garden club will meet on Tuesday, January 13 at the nome of Mrs. O. L. Galloway for a 1-o'clock covered dish luncheon. Guest speakers for the afternoon will be Mrs. R av Wilson and Mrs. t. H. Young of Parms. —9 - ■IHUD tun III 11 MM i I Him 1 1 I I III III n III IK III 11 III MI i U l!l III M W W HI IIIU I ! Ill l l III I IIM I'll I'M M l*W W N EW Y E A R S D IN N E R H ELD Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster en W A S ONE OF Y O U R tertained at New Year's dinner for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wilson of O n tario, Jimmy Wilson, student at La Grande; Jewell Wilson, student at College of Idaho; Nadine Wilson and Kenneth F2holt o i Oregon State college, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles 3. Wilson of Ontario. “I will trade more and more at B A IR HOME SCENE O P P A R T IE S Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bair en tertained for Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heath Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and daughter, Karen, at dinner Christmas day. The "V " club held its Christmas party at the Bair home. An ap propriate program and an exchange of gifts were held. Lunch was ser ved to 10 members. On Sunday Mrs. Eugene Bair and sons, LeRoy and Sterling, and daughters, Phillis. M ary and Deone Cleverely were dinner guests at the Bair home. Value« from $4.95 to $5.95 SPECIAL $1.00 PAIR and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee and families were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and firs. Vibert Kesler. Places were laid for 16. endarits, Miss Darlene Robb and Hiss ITlaine Jones, who assisted n presenting the numerous lovely •gl'ts to Miss Wilson. Refreshments of the bridal cake, brick ice cream, coffee, punch and runts wee served buffet style. Mrs. Pete Wilson poured the coffee and Mrs. Hudson Rcbb poured punch. . - THU RSDAY, J A N U A R Y 8, 1948 8 - - E N T E R T A IN S B R ID G E CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner were hosts this week to their Sunday ev ening Mr. and Mrs. bridge club. High score was held by Harry M in er and second high by Mrs. J. L. Herriman. Guests fo r the evening were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman. - 8 - N E W Y E A R 'S P A R T Y G IV E N Mrs. Leo Chard entertained at her home on New Year's eve with a card party. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harold Rookstool for high score and Ed Mason for low score. —8 - B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED Mrs. W. W . F'oster entertained the Youth Fellowship members of the M ethodist church at her home on New Y ea r’s eve. The affair was in honor of Tom my Foster’s 15th birthday. Games were enjoyed dur ing the evening, with refreshments - 5 - and a birthday cake served by the E N T E R T A IN S BRID G E CLUB Mrs. Robert Wilson was hostess hostess. Tuesday atfem oon to the members of her bridge club. Prizes went to E N T E R T A IN A T D IN N E R Mrs. Warren Farmer for high score M r and Mrs. L. E. Fry and Bill and Mrs. Huston Wilson for sec* entertained at dinner Sunday for and. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood and Frank and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Sherwood and Don. CLUB MEETS T h e Friendly Neighbor club met - I - at the home of Mrs. Lillian Baker Attends Conference— January 2. Seven members and one Miss Claudine Tomlinson left last guest were present. The white ele FTiday for San Jose, where she will phant was won by Mrs. Katherine attend a Church of Christ confer McKee. T h e next meeting will be ence. She will also visit friends and held February 5 at the home of relatives in several other California Mrs. Leona Anderson. cities before returning to Nyssa. Up on her return she will enroll at the G U ESTS A T D INN E R Boise Bible college, which she will Christmas dinner guests at the attend for the remainder o f the H. R. Sherwood home were Mr. and year. Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and Donna and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. D. Parents o f Girl— H. Sherwood and son, Don. Mr. and Mrs. S. K . Archibald of Nyssa are the parents o f a 7'-i - 8 - S TAR S P L A N D IN N E R pound girl bom Saturday at the A t the regular meeting o f the Holy 'Rosary hospital. Mr. Archi Eastern Star chapter Monday even bald is butcher at Gordon's Drive-in. ing plans were made for a fam ily party and dinner to be held Jan Going to Twin Falls— uary 20. Mrs. Helen Frost became Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Worden, a member o f Golden Rule chapter daughter and son-in-law o f Mr. and by affiliation. A fte r the business Mrs. LaM ont Fife, who have been meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Eva Chadwick and Mrs. Bernice Fisher. — 5— A T C O U N T R Y C LU B Mr. and Mrs. Sharron Hawks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Juddson, Mr. and Mrs. Arden Untez and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brower enjoyed chicken dinn er at the country club Friday even ing. - The Nyssa Food Center”? — Here is Why You Should— Fri. & Sat. January 9 and 10 Mat., Sat.. 2:38; Adm. 25c-5c. Inc. Tax Adm. Kvenlngs, 48c- 8c, iui'luiMng Tax S U N D A Y & M O ND AY, J A N U A R Y 11-12 Margaret O’Brien, Clyde Charisee, Karin Booth, Danny Thomas and Esther Dale in “TH E UNFINISH ED D AN C E” Photographed in Beautiful Technicolor Color Cartoon Mat.. Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Eveninga 40c-9c. Inc. Tax. TUESD AY, J A N U A R Y 13 Bargain Night Sheila Ryan and Chill Wills in “H EAR TAC H ES” Also James Warren and Debra Alden in “CODE OF THE W E S T ” Adm. Evenings. 2Sc-9r, Including Tax W E D N E S D A Y & T H U R SD A Y JAN. 14-15 “LIFE W IT H FATH ER ” William Powell, Irene Dunne, Elizabeth Taylor, Edmund Gwenn, Zasu Pitts and Jimmy Lydon In Beautiful Technicolor . . . . At last you can see America's most beloved comedy on the screen after 8 years on Broadway. PLEASE NOTE: The runnng schedule will be as follows: Matinee Wednesday, January 14, 2:30 p.m. Admission Adults 90c, Children 50c, including tax. Admission evenings, Adults $1.25, Children 50c, Including Tax. Shows each evening at 7:30 and 9:30. A L L PRICES SET BY THE PRODUCERS room for YOUR name on this 52c Coffee, ail brands, lb. 3 for 40c Milk, all brands, tall cans um m uti in i m mm l i n m 11 m u 11 < •! ■ w •• • m * h « m m 11 n 11 m i 11 w m m 11 m n militili i.i mu m a More Buyers More Orders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YO UR LIVESTOCK Market Report for Jan. 6, 1948 Fed heifers $22 50 to $25.50. Feeder steers $23.50 to $26. Feeder cows $15 to $18 cwt. Flock calves $22 to $26. Fat hogs $28.20. Sows $21 to $24. Feeder pigs $26 to $29. Fat lambs $20 to $21. Ewes $9 to $10. Fed steers $27 to $24.25. Grass f i t steers $24.50-$25 50 Grass fa t heifers $21 to $24.50 Grass fat cows $18.50 to $22. Cutter cows $14.50 to $16.50. Canner cows $12 to $14.50. Beef bulls $17.50 to $20.25. Veal calves $24 to $27. Feeder lambs $18 to $20. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY PHONE 264 ONTARIO, OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. 5 - D IN N E R GUESTS H E R E Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner were hosts at their home on New Year's with a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Weidmer, Jr., o f Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W h ite and fam ily of Caldwell and K eith Clem ents o f Nampa. So/tus* Sv/YY H AV E D IN N E R G U E STS Mr. and Mrs. C. R Kesler and Mr. B U I L T S T R O N G E R TO L A S T L O N G E R Ttiere's still $3.83 50 lbs. Picket flour FR ID AY & S A T U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y 9-10 The Teen-Agers with Freddie Stewart and June iPreisser in “THE O LD GREY M A Y O R ” Jimmy Wakely and Kay Morley in “SIX G U N SERENADE” < M ABÍH FCPPHARY JANUARY & M T W T • • • • I (y 3 4 jß )7 8 9(to) COMIlN 00 3 m (|5)I6 17 ^"nucrojt 21 22 23 24 27/28)29 30 31 I V O R IIL m BO NUS* BUILT —The am azing result Trucks to d o their jobs “ relaxed/* w ith less 1 o f an e n g in e e r in g p rin cip le th at assures w id er use, longer life • • « an d O N LY Ford Trucks have It! Every one of these new Ford Trucks for *48 is Bonus Built . . • built with extra strength in every v i t a l part. This extra strength provides W O R K RESERVES that pay off in two importent ways: it ONE— T h e «« W O RK RESERVES giv a Ford Trucks a greater range of use b y permitting them to handle load s beyond normal duty. strain, less w e a r. Thus, Ford Trucks Ford Trucks a re not limited to one specific job. it TW O — These W O RK RESERVES permit Ford because th ey w o rk last longer easierI And they’ re new all through— three new engines, two V-8’ s and a Six . . . up to 145 horsepower . . . new Million Dollar cab with living room com fort. . . new Big Jobs, the biggest Ford Trucks ever . . . new axles, frames, brakes, steering . . . five new series . . . a choice of over 115 models! See for yourself what your truck dollar can dot Let us give you the whole tmazing story of Ford Bonus Built Trucks— 1948's biggest truck buy I * Webster says calendar ms Bonus means, “Something given addition to what is usual or strictly due “ • Not only in one place, but several. Actually, we mean your name along with your farm machines that need checking over and repair work before they go into the fields next season. You see, this calendar is our Early Bird Service Schedule. And by getting a date on it now, we can both be sure that anything from a checkup to a complete overhaul will be done during the months your machines are idle. That's the best way for both parties concerned. We’ll have plenty of time to do a satisfactory. Blue Ribbon Service job. You'll be insured against break downs or lost time during busy weeks ahead. See how it pays to be an "Early Bird"? Line up necessary service work with us now! OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. NYSSA OREGON Herriman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer BE A N E A R L Y B I R O ! ¿ W Be Lett In 4 8 ' LIFE INSURANCE EXPERTS PROVE-FORD TRUCKS LAST UP TO 1«.*% LONGtr *