THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, li>4S | of Seneca called. or without household and farm reasonable. 2-year contract. Clarence Leo Ellibce. bring their pledge cards. Mr. and Mrs. William McBwen equipment. Immediate possesion. ¡E. Cassel, 1 mile east Owyhee cor- Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmlck Tlie church council will hold its Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. 8J2xp first 1948 meeting Monday evening, visited Mrs. Grasmick’s sister, Mrs. and daughters, Ethel and Evelyn Jease Ditty, phone 010-Kv 8Jlxp ner. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. January 12 at 8 o'clock in the par Jack Ournesy, and family New were Sunday dinner gue-ts in tne Yeung adult fellowship, 7 pm. FOR SA LE- Used O.E. refrigerator, | LOST— Billfold containing money Year’s day. Elhs Walters home. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY j Hymn sing and Bible study, * pm. sonage. Mihon Jepren spent Christmas 1 The Mitchell Butte club held a A-l condition. Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, | and valueoie papers. Return to junn CHURCH Fellowship and prayer, Wednes- 8J2xc. j Lane, box 756, Nyssa Oregon. 8Jlxp i and New Year's week with Mr. and Christmas party Sunday at the box 27, Vale, Oregon THE CHURCH OF THE I day. 8 p.m. Rev. H. J. GernhardL Pastor Mrs. Roy S. Hansen. 1 home of Mrs. Glen McGinnis. The FOR RENT— 66-acre farm, n ew ' WANTED- - Housework by capable NAZARENE Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Henne spent , party had been scheduled earlier, 10 am ., Sunday school. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH an I, partly under cultivation. A ll; woman, by day or hour. Phone 186- Morning worship, 11 a.m. 11 a.m.. Morning warship service. Christmas with relatives in Nampa. but was postponed. new buildings. Good well water, i W. between hours of 8 a.m. and Roland O. Wwest, Pastor Became of th absence of so many Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty enter - Irrigation Installation of officers of the 7:15 p.m., Young people and chil from river. Cash rent, 5 p.m. UJlxp. 10 a.m., Sunday school, Classes members, no Grange meeting was ' tained at dinner New Year’s day dren’s services. Woman's Society of Christian Ser- for all age groups. held New Year's night as planned. J for Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz, 8 pm., Evangelistic service. 11a m., worship service. Sermon Mr. andd Mrs. Ed Meroney and i Mr. and Mrs Werner Peutz. Lau- 8 p.m., Wednesdays service. heme: ‘ Behold the Lamb of God", Jay spent New Year's with Mr. and ’ “nee P»utz, William Peutz, Jr., and based on St. John 1: 35-42. Pledges Mrs. Harvey Robinson in Nyssa. 'Jesse Ditty, Jr. for 1948 will also be blessed in this ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Clyde Butcher went to Riverside, Mr and Mrs. Bud Vanscoy and Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector service. All members are urged to California to visit his mother. He children, Rena Mae and Danny, Holy communion at 9 a.m. on is expected home this week. visited from Wednesday until Sun Optometrist the second Sunday of each month. Sammie Phillips and Leon Bart in the George Schweizer home. At 4 p.m. on the first, third and left Monday for Fort Peck. Mon day PRESICION FILLED Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Bernard Eastman fourth Sundays. tana to move Mr. Phillips belong entertained at dinner New Year's Eyes Examined Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. ings as he has bought a place here. day for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletch- ; Mrs. Phillips is staying with her er and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toyne 1 ASSEMBLY OF GOD parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. John and son, Jim, all of Hamedalc. I Phone 720 Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor i Insurance R* al “ * * * son. so as to enter the children in Mrs. Toyne was honored with a Sunday school, 10 a.m. the Fruitland school. large birthday cake as her birthday 718 Arthur St. G. H. Peirsol Phone 29 Worship service, 11 am . falls on th at date. > Evangelistic sevice, 7:30 p.m. Phone 64 Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and children WILLIAM PEUTZ IS Caldwell, Idaho Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 p. have moved to a house on the Hen l. INJURED IN FALL ry S'ippy place after spending the Nyssa, Oregon Cottage meeting, Friday, 7:30 p.m. past few weeks in the home of Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Peterson on OWYHEE. Jan. 8— Mrs. Martha Slippy's sister, Mrs. Charley Cul irn m i im uriii iiritM ii m m m i n i iit m m m n i m m i m m m m i m m m iii m ni m m m m m m m m m i North First street. Klingback entertained Sunday at bertson. Everyone is welcome to all of dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters vis these services. and children of Yakima, who are ited friends in Emmett Sunday. visiting here and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy are CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES George Gregg and daughter. spending the week at Parma in the AT EPISCOPAL JHURCU Mr. and Mrs. Vandetrwall of Ray Franklin home. PARISH HALL Nyssa were callers in the William Rev. P. J. Gaire. Pastor Peutz home Sunday. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman were Mass second Sunday at 8 a.m., We wish to express our apprecia Nationally Advertised visitors in Caldwell Friday evening tion to our friends and neighbors other Sundays at 9:30 am. in the J. O. Tallman home. Ruth for their kindness shown to us Tallman returned home with them during our recent bereavement. RESIDENTS OF NU- for a few days’ visit. Dorothy Slippy and children. ACRES ARE MOVING Mr. and Mrs. Carl Junquist and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slippy. sons visited here in the S. D. Bige Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy. NU-ACRES, Jan. 8—Mr. and Mrs. low home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice. Mr. and Mrs. G rant Patterson and Henry Orcutt and family returned family were New Year’s day guests home this week from a month’s Too Late To Classify 4 visit with friends and relatives in in the Wayne Berrett home in Mlnden, Nebraska. Sunset valley. FOR SALE— Purebred cocker ZENITH Mrs. Bob Rice entertained with spaniel pupoies, registered with A. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick had Christmas dinner with Mr. and a dinner in observance of her hus- K. C. Ike Williamson, Texaco sta Get Your Tractor and Other Machinery Mrs. H. P. Ostimiller at Fruitland. bi#id’s birthday Monday evening. tion. 8J2xp. WASHING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Trent and Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dale have moved to New Plymouth. Glen McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Ger FOR SALE— Baled hay. Four miles Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Seward and ald Slippy. Mr. and Mrs. Claude west on Columbia avenue. James WATER HEATERS 8J2xp. eon have moved to Nampa, where Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slippy, Malloy. Mr. Seward will attend college. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Glenn and Billy, LOST— Black billfold, containing 'George Grasmick will move onto the and Dale Glenn. valuable papers and government COAL AND WOOD RANGES G rant Patterson left Tuesday mor check. Seward place this week. Thomas R. Orr. 8Jlxc. The Rodger Tucker family has ning for Utah. He was accompanied moved from the apartment they by Wayne Berrett. The men are FOR SALE—Laundry stove with The House of Oliver were occupying in the Seward home. taking a tractor to Mr. Patterson’s coils, good condition. *10. Minnesota- Mr. and Mrs. Elwood purchased brother. A, cabinet sewing machine, good Werner Peutz, William Peutz, Jr. condition. Phone 06-J4. J. C. Ol the King ranch and have moved and Jesse Ditty Jr., were successful there. son. 8Jlxc. W. H. Grasmick will move to his wild goose hunters last week when FOR SALE— 1942 Chevrolet two- ranch here sometime this month. they made a trip to Rome. Now on Display William Peutz, Sr., fell on some speed axle truck, in fair condition, The place was formerly occupied Stunz and Thomas ice last week and bruised his hip good rubber, $900. See Don King. by his brother, George Grasmick, 8Jlxp. I Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denning were and shoulder and broke one rib. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mis. The O.K.K. club will meet at the i FOR SALE— Small acreage, 9 miles I home of Mrs. Werner Peutz Thurs Frank Preston and family. tu m i i iii m m in in in iiniiiiii m in inini id iii limn m hi hi hi hi hi hi iii h Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moatz enter day, January 15 instead of in the from Nyssa. New 2-bedroom house, I batha nd hot water system; garage: tained in their home Christmas William Peutz home. for Bill Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wistos left Sun chicken and brooder houses for 500 Sewright and Terry, Owners day for their home in Alturas, Cal chickens, deep well with pressure Pete Moatz and family. Mrs. Bob Shaw is reported re ifornia after visiting here with Mrs. system, fruit trees, new woven-wlre fences. Located on good paved rood, covering satisfactorily from injuries Wistos’ sister, Mrs. Henry Slippy, U mile from school. Will sell, with received Christmas eve when they and other relatives. were in a car wreck. I Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and Mr. and Mrs. Morten Jepsen were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and I will sell at public auction on my farm two miles guests Christmas of Mr. and daughter spent Thursday and Fri- northeast of Nyssa the following described proper dinner !day visiting in the John Westfall Mrs. Roy Hansen. A pinochle party was held S atur home in Seneca. ty. Go north on First street, cross railroad track, ta day night at the hall with four | Marion Chamberlain and Jimmy ke first right turn to the river. tables in play. Besides regular mem I Chamberlain visited last week in bers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen the Doc Douglas home in Madras. were present. High score went to Hans Halt of Dannebrog, Ne Emma Orcutt and Dwight Durring- braska is visiting here in the home ton. Low score went to Harriet El- of his brother, Niss Hatt. * ltbee and Henry Orcutt. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oran Scholl and Mrs. Bud Moatz were hosts. Re boys of Buhl, Idaho were overnight SALE STARTS AT 1 P. M. guests in the Charley Culbertson freshments were served. Stewart Taylor of Jerome, Idaho home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. spent Friday with Mr. and Mis. Scholl were on their way home after spending Christmas in Ellens- Frank Preston. — MACHINERY— H. G. Grasmick and family of burg, Washington. Idaho Falls spent Monday and Tues Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon 1 BN McCormick-Deering tractor, in good shape. day with Mr. and Mrs. George ald and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg 1 New buck rake. 1 John Deere beet loader. and Fred Klingback attended the Grasmick. Mrs. Bill Riddle and son are basketball game in Caldwell Tues 1 F20 Farmall tractor with cultivator. day night between the Harlem visiting relatives in Oklahoma. 1 Olson beeter, Olson lifter windrower. New Year’s dinner guests of Mr. Globe Trotters and the College of and Mrs. Frank Preston and fami Idaho. 1 New stock tank. 1 Thomas 10-foot hay rake. ly were Mr. and Mrs. Henry O r Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder 1 John Deere horse-drawn beet lifter. entertained at dinner on New Year’s cutt and family. 1 New Eversman No. 9 leveler, on rubber. Thomas Nodbalek and Rudy had day for Mrs. Ruth McConnell, Mr. supper at the Frank Nedbalek home and Mrs. George Schweizer, Mr. and 1 New Judson fertilizer spreader, on rubber. Mrs. Charley Schweizer, Mr. and New Year’s. 1 Superior beet drill. 1 Cultipacker. Christmas guests at the Dwight Mrs. Oce Schweizer, Bud Schweizer, Durrlngton home were Mr. and Virginia Troutner, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Oliver 5-foot combine, in good shape. — PHONE 124-W— Mrs. Roy Butcher and family of Vic Marshall and son, Jack, and P at 1 McCormick-Deering 9-foot hay rake. Wilder, Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Sim ty, Joanne, Dianne, and Maxine mons of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Schweizer. In the evening Mr. and 1 McCormick-Deering mower. Lawrence Hawley and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Bud Vanscoy and children Church __ Notes Prescriptions DR. C.W. CRAVES Owyhee Drug Company S EE AND BUY SPRING WORK Is Not Too Far Away-- ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Why Not Repaired Now Arvin Radios Nyssa Implement Co. Marshall-Wells Store FARM SALE Farmers Attention Saturday, Jan. 10 W e Have A Few Lockers Available How Polar Cold Storage 1 Oliver horse-drawn plow. 1 Light, two-wheel stock trailer. 2 Gasoline barrels, 50 gallons. 1 Practically new McCormick-Deering manure spreader, on rubber. 1 Very good McCormick-Deering six-foot 18” tan dem disc. 1 Six-row beet and bean cultivator, plenty of tools, almost new. 1 Cultivator mower, bang-on plow and mower fits BN tractor. 13 CATTLE 13 1 Coming two-year-old Guernsey heifer, pasture bred, tatooed. 5 White calves. 3 Roan calves. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 years, milking, tatooed. 1 Brindle cow, 5 years, milking, vaccinated. 1 Jersey cow, 4 years, heavy springer. 1 Yearling past red heifer, open. MISCELLANEOUS 30 New Hampshire red pullets. 10 Sacks potatoes. 6 Weaner pigs. 10 Milk cans. 1 Three-unit DeLaval magnetic milker. Some locust posts. 1 Milk cooler. 1 Dairy sink. 1 Two-wheel trailer, 16” tires. 1 Cold Spot refrigerator, six foot. Lunch will be served on the grounds. TERMS: CASH Wyatt Smith, Owner Statement oj Condition, ~Cdec. 3 !, /9 4 7 RESOURCES C a d i on H and and Dna from B anka .................................................. $ 1 2 6 ,4 0 7 ,1 * 2 .7 1 U . S. Bond», in clud in g U . S. G o vam m aat Agoneioo ... 2 2 5 ,5 1 1 ,9 5 7 « * M u n ic ip a l Bonds and W a rra n t» ................................................................... O H iar Bonds ....................................................................................................... Lo a n s and D iscounts .......................................................................................... S ta ck in Fed eral R asarva B an k ................................................................... B an k P rem ises, Fu rn itu re and F is tu ra s ................................................ O th er R s a l E state C u sto m ers' L ia b ility on Accaptoncoa ...................................................... In te re st Earned ........................................................................................................... O th ar Resources ................................................................................................. FIR ST t nn Tin IRflli T O T A L RESO U RCES $ 5 4 7 9 0 7 ,4 7 7 .1 1 LIABILITIES BRI nH OF P O R T L A N D ................................................................ $ 1 5 1 ,9 1 9 .4 9 0 54 5 8 ,7 0 0 ,1 0 7 .6 9 1 ,5 1 9 ,5 0 0 .0 0 1 2 8 ,6 8 1 ,0 7 0 .0 6 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 4 ,2 5 4 ,5 8 7 .7 7 Nona , 1 4 6 ,8 7 4 .7 8 1 ,9 6 2 ,7 0 6 .9 3 2 7 2 ,9 3 9 .1 5 , C a p ita l .................................................................................................................... $ S u rp lu s ....................................................................................... U n divided P ro fits and R ssarv as ..................................... Rooervos A llocated fa r Tamaa, In te re st, ate ..................................... A ccep ta n ces In te re st C ollected in A d v a n ce ....................................................................... O th a r Lia h ilitia o ................................................................................................. Deposits ( E s d a s iv a o f R ecip ro cal B an k DopaaMsI ........................ 4 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 2 ,1 7 4 4 5 « 2« T O T A L L I A B I L I T I E S ................................................................ $ 2 7 ,1 7 4 ,4 5 8 2 8 8 0 8 ,0 6 5 .4 1 1 4 6 ,8 7 4 .7 8 8 1 1 ,7 6 7 ,0 1 1 0 2 ,4 8 3 .7 8 5 1 8 ,4 4 1 ,8 2 7 .8 6 $ 5 4 7 .9 0 7 ,4 7 T 1 2 In addition to Ita 43 branchoa throughout Orogon, 12 othar Oragon banka are affiliated with the F irs t National Bank of Portland D E P O S I T S F irst N o tio n al B an k o f P ortla n d and 41 krancbaa ......................................................... $ 5 1 8 ,4 4 1 ,1 2 7 .8 6 12 eth er Oropan b a n k s afM m tad w ith First N o tio n a l B a n k o f P o rtlan d _________ 9 5 ,5 7 0 ,1 1 6 .4 9 TO TAL L O A N S A N D D I S C O U N T S Fir»t Notional Bonk of Portland and 41 D E P O S IT S kromchm .................................................. $ 4 1 4 , 0 1 4 , 0 6 4 . 3 5 .................................................. I 2 other Oregon Bank« •ftiliated with lin t HmUomml • mmk a# PoMmmd T O T A L L O A N S A N O D IS C O U N T S Member Federal Deposit Inauranca Corporation $ 1 2 8 ,4 4 1 ,0 7 0 .0 6 I4 tf —¿»t.O T . . . ”^ 1 4 3 , 6 4 7 , 4 6 1 . 1 3