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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1947)
•1 f < raeNYSSA VOLUME X X X X II NO. 48 Plans Outlined For Contest O f Xmas Lighting JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, DECEMBER 11, 1947 CLOTHING DRIVE HELD SUCCESSFUL IN NYSSA SECTION COUNCIL APPROVES ftp n p ra l H r iv p RESOLUTION GIVING ^ if . , COSTS ON STREETS! f o r Hospital lO Those Planning To Enter Contest Should Regis ter By Dec. 20 T h e city council, meeting Tues day night, passed a resolution set ting the assessments against pro perty included in street improve ment district No. 2 for the street work now underway. The names ot property owners and the amounts o f their assess ments will be published in the Gate City Journal within the next few weeks. T h e assessments will be pay able after 10 days following the last publication o f the notice. T h e city agreed to settle its ac ount with A. A. Durand and Son for $2000 for packing well No. 2 Tile company had asked for $3443.75. Open Dec. 26 125 Solicitors W ill Work In Large Area To Be Served The drive conducted last Satur day for used clothing fo r European relief was considered quite succ essful. Several hundred pounds of clothing was donated, but the com mittee had expected more than was received. The Boy Scouts, G irl Scouts and church people worked on the drive, which was conducted systematically with the use of passenger cars and trucks over -a period of a few hours in the city and rural areas. Members o f the Nyssa C ivic club will pack the clothing in special overseas bags for shipment. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee treat ed the workers to "hot dogs" and chips and Gordon’s drive-in fur nished bananas. The youngsters at tended the show at the Nyssa theater Saturday afternoon as guests of the management. Telephone Firm Xmas Programs NY READING /rs4AnLErAD PROGRAM plÄ r W ill be Given Reveals Plans The final results of last summer’s reading program in which the By School Tots schools, O f Improvement the Pa rent-Teacher associ Because O f Small Gym nasium Program W ill Be Divided ations and the county library work ed together, have been tabulated. Pupils of the Nyssa schools earn ed the most awards, a total of 134. of which 70 carried the gold seal of the highest award. A t Ontario 92 certificates were earned and 45 o f these had gold seals. A t Vale 33 readers earned certificates with 13 gold seals. Kingman Kolony readers were next with 18 certificates, seven of which carried gold seals. In the Wade district nine earned certifi- -ates, with four gold seals. At Lin coln school there were seven a wards, with three gold seals. Mrs. Dick Jensen, president of the county council of the P.T.A., igned seven certificates for readers at schools where there was either no P.T.A. or the unit did not spon vor the program. Plans are being made to carry out a simitar pro gram next summer. Complaint Filed By Nyssa Residents With Oregon Commissioner “ Friday night, December 26, will Christmas observance in the Nys A complaint recently filed with mark the start o f a short in ten sa schools will be centered in the the Oregon public utilities comm- sive campaign to raise funds for the grade school, which will present isioner and the federal commun a program in two sections because district memorial hospital for the ications commission on behalf of of lack o f room in the gymnasium Nyssa area and surrounding com 31 Nyssa business firms and in to handle the crowds expected to munities", stated Frank T. Morgan, dividuals because of the service attend. general chairman of the campaign, The grade school pupils and high given by the Malheur Home T ele school students will be dismissed after a conference with Arvel Child, phone company In this vicinity has Friday, December 19 for Christmas associate chairman. prompted the concern to announce vacation. They will return to school A volunteer organization o f over improvement plans for 1948 and Monday, December 29 and take one 125 citizens from the large district day o ff for New Y ea r’s. reveal work that has already been to be served by the hospital, will The high school music depart done in lfRJ to improve the service. meet at 7 o’clock at the Masonic ment will give a high school as The complaint, arranged by A tt temple, Nyssa. Names of* the volun sembly program FYiday, December orney Harold Hemigson, points out teer workers will be published m 19. that “ A t present, due to the lim newspapers and also inscribed on The Nyssa Education association ited facilities allocated to this area, The Veterans o f Foreign Wars the Memorial section under com sponsored a Christmas party for it is practically impossible to use and Wilson brothers .took a lead munity service record. teachers o f the Nyssa school system a telephone for long dlstanct calls, this week in the intra-city basket “ I t is a great inspiration to at Wednesday afternoon of this week. outside o f Ontario and Vale and the aall league sponsored by the Lions tend the meetings o f the advance The first grade school program adjoining towns in Idaho, except jluto by winning their first two gifts committee o f the memorial will be given December 16 at 2 with the expectation o f a delay oh ;ames. hospital campaign,” stated Mr. M or The annual district meetings of p.m. and the second will be given from 30 minutes to six hours. Long The V F W defeated the M Men gan. chairman, who said, “ For the the Nyssa-Nampa District Beet December 18 at 8 p.m. iistanct calls are presently routed 18 to 23 and Wilson brothers over past two weeks 25 very busy fa r Growers association have been set The theme o f the first program Several resolutions affecting the through the Boise, Idaho exchange. whelmed Stunz Lumber company mers and businessmen have been for next week. will be "Christmas in Story Book interests o f livestock men and oth The Nyssa telephone exchange has 31 to 12 in Monday night contests. meeting far report luncheons and T h e beet growers will elect o ffi Land” , which will be presented as ers were approved at a meeting of five long distance circuits to O n >n the other game Monday night to select prospects for memorials cers and discuss business matters follows: he Malheur Livestock association tario, two to Parm a and one to -he Owyhe ward nosed out the to be visited by members of the of interest to the growers. Arcadia— "Story Book Christmas held In Vale FYlday and Saturday. Caldwell. Calls south and east must organization. This committee will Eagles by a count o f 33 to 24. The meetings set for the Oregon in Other Lands” , first, second and The resolutions were drawn as be routed through Ontario, Boise, High point players in the three continue its labors until the end side of the district have been set third grades of Mrs. Bumgarner, follows: and exchanges en route. In order games were Norland o f the Eagles, o f the campaign. They are. visit is follows: Miss Taylor and Mrs. Bates. “ Be it resolved that we protest to obtain telephone connection 9; Clson o f the Owyhee ward, 19; ing those whom they believe are Oregon T rail— "M other Goose’s the action of certain Portland busi with any point distant 100 miles Nyssa and Oregon T rail, Nyssa Herren of the M Men, 8; Willson in a position to subscribe for mem high school building, December 17 Christmas", grades 1, 2 and 3, Mrs. ness interests In invoking an in or more from Nyssa, It Is necessary c f the VFW , 11; Bob Wilson of orials. The members o f this com at 8 p.m. Younger, Miss Loeber and Mrs. junction against the brand inspec to overcome the limitations o f the Wilson brothers, 17, and Eldred and mittee will spend several more weeks tion law. W e favor the present law facilities of the Nyssa, Ontario, V a le ' and Luce districts, Vale Ballantyne. Tobler of th e Stunz Lumber com- in an intensive campaign to make community hall, December 19 at 2 Grade 1— “T h e Busy Christmas and as that the president of this Boise, Weiser and Baker exchanges, jany, 4 points each. it possible for those who wish to B j n . Fairies” , Miss Zwemke and Miss association, W. W. Scott, appoint depending upon the direction of Th e games set for Monday night donate to do so. The work of this Jamison, Jamison high school Fothergill. a committee to assist in brand in the call. will be postponed because of other committee is inspiring for ihe rea building, December 19 at 8 pm . Grade 2— ‘Christmas Lullaby” , spection in the county, and to make Presently huge shipments of use o f the gymnasium. son that they are not paid for a study o f any needed amendment produce are being made to N «w Kingm an Kolony, schoolhouse, De Miss Notheis and Mrs. Bice. T h e high scorers in the league their unselfish service to the com cember 17 at 8 p.m. and Oregon Grade 3— “ Carols for Christmas”, and make a report at the next York, Chicago and Boston and are Bob Wilson, 32; Steinlce, VFW , munity and each member of the Slope, community hall, ^December Miss Boydell and Mrs. Pennick. MARSHALL-WELLS meeting of this association’’. other important distribution centers. 10; Gene Bellon, Wilson brothers, committee has donated to the best, 18 at 8 p.m. Grade 4— “ In Praise to the Holy " Be it resolved that the president W ith the markets fo r produce being STORE WILL BE 15; Lloyd Wilson, Wislon brothers, of his ability.” Child” , Mrs. Chadwick, Miss Behn- appoint a committee to make a 'distantly In a state of fluctuation, OPENED FRIDAY 14; Olson, Owyhee ward, 19; Dick "W e are inspired by the number art and Miss Crandall. study o f the tax situation in M al it is vital that sellers and shippers Wilson, V F W , 17; Billings, VFW , of memorials being obtained from The teacher committees In charge heur county and to appear at the be In a position to make reasonably o n a e iy Formal opening o f Nyssa's new 17; Herren, M Men, 17; Linville, citizens all over the area to be served are as follows: Program— Miss annual meeting of the county bud immediate contact with their r m gr- Marshall-Wells store in the build Stunz Lumtoear, 14, and Keefer, by _this hospital and especially by Crandall, chairman; Miss Boydell, get 'board as a representative of this kets* the number of larger subscribers ing formerly occupied by the Nyssa Eagles, 14. Miss Loebar and Mrs. Bumgarner, association” . “ These conditions are not l i m i - Coffee shop will be held Friday, who have sought out members of and decorating— Miss Gehnert, cha- . “ Be It resolved that we ask the ed to the failure o f long dlstaofce Lsta n ie December 12 at 9 a. m. the, committee and ^aved the work .rfnan~; Mrs. Blcs and Miss Father- president of this association to ap sefvice. The telephone facilities In T h e Nyssa Bulldgos tripped the The owners o f the new business ers’ many long trips. Yes, the al gill. point a commtitee to make a study the rural sections of g p i area arc ara Roy Sewright, formerly o f On most universal spirit of service Parma Panthers In a double-header T h e theme o f the Thursday pro of the game and trespass laws as practically nil. played on the Nyssa floor last Sat tario, and Mrs. Mollie T erry of demonstrated by the donors, wor gram will toe "Christmas G iving". they apply to Malheur county stock- “ It Is respectfully urged that an Caldwell. Mr. Sewright was part kers and those who are now en urday night. The A-squad won by a It will be presented as follows: Mu men with the view of obtaining bet immediate investigation be con score o f 42 to 26 and the B-squad owner o f the Marshall-Wells store rolling to serve, greatly bolsters sic by the grade and junkw high ter protection from trespassers and ducted with a view toward correc won by a count o f 30 to 28. in Ontario for two and one-half school orchestra, directed by Mr. with the view o f better cooperation tion of these conditions a t which The Malheur County Farm Bu one’s faith in the hidden humani- In the main event of the Parma- years, but he has sold his Interests reau elected officers at a meeting tarianism of our citizens” . Lawrence. between livestock men and sports time the facts set frth in this pe Nyssa battle, 'both coaches used all there. “ G iving in the Hom e” , fifth grade, men. We also ask that a represen tition can be substantiated in de held in the Moore hotel in Ontario of their players In an effo rt to The building has been remodel Monday night. MRS. B. C. DENHAM OF find an effective combination. Ten Mrs. Lane and Mrs. McKinney, mu tative o f ths association be appoint tail” . ed and re-decorated Inside. A ll new sic directed by Mr. Lawrence. ed to attend the annual state game T h e officers o f the organization In defense of his company. G en Nyssa men scored, with W ilder tak UNION PASSES AT fixtures have been installed and are Charles Taylor o f Nyssa, presi “ Neighborly G iving” , sixth grade, committee meeting in Portland in eral Manager H. P . Stammel of ing high point honors with 10 new merchandise has been pur dent and delegate; Harold Oribbon HOME OF SON HERE points. T h e score at half-tim e was Mrs. Rlgney, Miss Sturtevant and July”. Boise said “ One position o i switch chased. The sales floor Is 30 by 68 of Dead O x flat, vice president; Mr. Luzar. “ Be It resolved that we ask the board was installed in Nyssa in 17 to 15 for Nyssa. feet. “ T h e Perfect G ift” , Junior high, president o f this association to ap Deecember, 1946 and Installers are Mrs. B. C. Denham o f Union died Max Swensen o f Ontario heights, T h e starting lineup consisted of Harold Gribbon, John Timmerman Friday morning at the home o f her Pecka, center; Iseri and Wilson, for Mrs. Schweizer, Miss Cole, Mr. point a commitee whose duties shall now actively engaged 4n adding two Fined On Driving Count— Bunch, Mr. Weatherspoon and Mrs. be" to work with 4-H club extension additional positions, making a tot son, Rev. Stirl D. Spiesz, in Nyssa of Adrian, John H. Hartley o f Nys wards, and W ilder and Hale, guards. Denny Oaamistraci and Rudy sa and W. W. D e lo n g of Vale, following a short Illness. Renstrom. service and other agricultural ag al of four. T w o more positions, Other players were Sutherland Marostica were fined $50 each in ounty directors, and Frank T. T h e program committee consisted encies of the county". Funeral services were held in the Holcomb, Ray, Anderson, Koyano, making a total o f six, are on order city police court by Judge Felton Morgan o f Nyssa legislative com Nyssa Funeral home Sunday at 2:30, of Mrs. Lane, chairman, Mr. W ea- "Be it resolved that we ask the with anticipated delivery by June, Green, Osborn, Christensen and Duncan Monday on a charge of mittee chairman. therapoon and Miss Cole, and the president to appoint a commitee 1946. The entire cable plant at with Rev. Carl Gustafson o f Vale Chadwick. reckless driving. Their driver's lic decorating committee was comprised that will urge state officers to con Nyssa was supplemented with add- Among those in attendance at officiating. The Nyssa coaches have reduced enses were revoked for 60 days. the meeting was Marshall Swear Mrs. Denham was born in St. the squad, including A ’s and B's, of Mrs. Renstrom, chairman; Miss tact our congressional delegation in ttinal facilities, the program start Sturtevant, Mrs. M cKinney and Mr. Washington in an effort to obtain ing in 1946 and completed in the City police officers who made the ingen o f Pendleton, executive secre Joe, Missouri 72 years ago and mov to 30 men. arrests said the youths were racing tary o f the Oregon Farm Bureau ed to Union three years ago. She Luzar. appropriations for the control of summer o f this year. Because of The Bulldogs will play Adrian through the underpass when the federation. rodents on federal land in Oregon". the abnormal demands, some sec had been in Nyssa 10 days. Mrs. here Friday night in a nan-confer car driven toy Cannistraci skidded “ W e urge the officers o f this as tions of this cable are now working Denham was a member of the As ence game, Parma there Satur h o s p i t a l c a m p a i g n as he applied the brakes and crash sociation that they use every effo rt at capacity and additional cables sembly o f God church at Dayton, day and New Plymouth there Tues LEADERS STRICKEN to secure cooperation between the are on order and will be Installed ed against an automobile parked CUB SCOUTS WILL Oregon. day, December 16. on the south side o f M ain street members o f this association and as soon as they are received. Until BE RE-ORGANIZED Survivors are three daughters, T h e workers o f the coming cam those In control of the weed eradi this is accomplished, it will be Im near the post office. The parked Mrs. Louis M iller o f Grants Pass, paign to finance a district mem cation In Malheur county” . car, which was badly damaged, is possible for us to provide rural ex A t a meeting held at the high Mrs. E. T. Stevens of Newberg CHURCH BUILDING orial hospital, deeply regret that owned by B ill H. Hamblin o f M c school Monday evening for the pur and Mrs. Grace Ferguson; one son, Whereas, hoof and mouth disease tensions south and west o f Nyssa WORK IS PLANNED the chairman o f the general cam has been In Mexico for a year or in order to serve the ranchers In Call, who was visiting in Nyssa. pose of reorganizing the cub scouts, Rev. Spiesz, tw o sisters, one broth paign organization, Bernard FYost Cannistraci was driving Earl M ar Gene Stunz was appointed Cub er, 12 grandchildren and 10 great A meeting fo r a discussion of fur was suddenly stricken with ap more and due to internal d ifficu l these territories. T oll facilities in shall's car, officers said. scoutmaster. The Nyssa Cub scouts grandchildren. ther work on the Richland com pendicitis, and they are delighted ties theslaughter of exposed and this exchange, as well as into the are sponsored by the local Lions munity church will be held in Sun that he is now making a very sat diseased animals has been stopped main switching center at Ontario Civic Club Meeting Cancelled— have likewise been improved. club. A t the meeting Monday ev Attends Meeting— set valley Monday, December 15 at isfactory recovery at the H oly R o by the Mexican government. Mrs. Bernard Eastman, president ening, five cub dens were organized, Be it Resolved: That we urge Con Shirley Price, now a student of 8 p.m. Our 1948 budget as submitted to sary hospital in Ontario, committee of the Nyssa Civic club, announced and den mothers and leaders ap Eastern Oregon college - in La- gress to appropriate sufficient funds the public utilities commissioner The committee epseclally invites members said. Cf^at the December meeting o f the pointed. to construct a border fence and to recently shows an anticipated ex Grande, was chosen as a delegate those who w ill donate labor or Another leader, L. G. Hawley properly patrol the border between penditure of approximately $150,000 club would not be held. The De Ralph Lawrence, chairman o f the from the Future Teachers o f A m substance for the church. of route 2, Parma, organizer and cember meeting as planned by the Cub scout work has announced erica organization to go to the U. S. and M exico” . In Malheur county and we propose O. P. Counsil said, "W e feel the W e sincerely thank the various to bend every e ffo rt to meet this program committee was to have that a meeting of den mothers and Oregon Education association meet Lord has blessed this community leader of group 11, suffered a pain ful accident when a stack o f hay speakers, members of committees, program and barring strikes or been devoted to work for the hos dads and those interested in be ing held at Reed college in Port with a bountiful harvest and mast pital. In view o f the needs at this coming den mothers and dads will land. She went to Portland on of us are over the rush, so we fell on him, breaking an ankle. Ac and the officers of this association, other unforeseen contingencies, we cording to last report Mr. Hawley together with the citizens of Vale have the assurance o f the manufac time, the members are requested be held at the Graham Realty Thursday and returned Sunday ev think it a fittin g time to turn at to assist in the serving o f the noon office Tuesday, December 16 at 8 ening. Miss Price graduated from tention to our church building. will soon be preparing his group and the Vale chamber of commerce turers that the necessary materials for the opening of the hospital cam for the success of the first annual will be provided. I t Is hoped that dinners that will be held during o'clock for final organization. Regis Adrian high school in 1945. She Is Therefore we invite all interested meeting of the Malheur Livestock by the time of Che peak season, the hospital drive campaign. Any tration for Cub scouts will be ac now secretary o f F T.A. and In ter to be present at the H. E. Bergam paign. T h e advance gifts committee, at lady who can donate her time for cepted at the meeting. association” . starting In late August, 1948, we faith Fellowship, which are two ac home, across road from Sunset its Monday noon meeting, passed T w o hundred and fifty stockmen will be in a position to meet all this service is asked to contact Mrs. tive organizations on the Eastern community hall”. a resolution to be sent to Mr. FYost nd their wives attended the two- demands for service, both exchange Eastman. Oregon campus. She is a member Benefit Sponsored— and Mr. Hawley, expressing ap day meeting. Thee hundred atten d and toll". Th e Rebekah Lodge is sponsoring of P hi Beta Sigma. Has Operation— preciation for the fine community C. M. Robertson, president of Called by Sister’s Illness— a hospital benefit pinochle party Kaye Hammon, 9-year-old daugh service they have rendered in the ed the banquet and 500 attended the Malheur Home Telephone com Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wade of Saturday, December 13, a t 8 p.m. Girls Have Candy Sale— ter of Mr. and Mrs. Derlin H am district memorial hospital campaign, the dance. Speakers at the sessions included pany, told Mr. Henigson that on Lewiston, Idaho arrived in Adrian at the I.O.O.F. hall on First street. Home-made candy and pop-corn mon, returned to her home after Friday, because of the serious con The public is invited to attend. balls will be sold Saturday after undergoing a m ajor operation in an and wishing them speedy recovery. Alan Rogers, vice president of the December 29, 1947 the company national livestock association; M. E. will finish installation o f an oddt dition of Mrs. Harvey Otis, sister Prizes will be awarded. noon. December 13. a t Eder's hard Ontario hospital. Return from Celebration— Knickerbocker; E. R Jackman of tional toll circuit from Ontario to ware store by the Job's Daughters. of Mrs. Wade. On Sunday, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. O tto R. Anderson Oregon State college; Neil Hoffm an, Boise In March, 1948 the concern Mrs. Charles Peck of Boise, and T o Portland— On Saturday evening the girls will Guest Here— returned home after attending a director of the Malheur experimen will install an additional switch Mrs. Lester French of Roswell call Dr. C. M. Tyler is leaving Thurs sell candy and pop-corn balls at Philip Bolen of Eastern Oregon celebration in Ogden in honor of tal area, and Charles Harden, presi board, providing one toll circuit, one ed at the Otis home. day evening for Portland, where the theater. College of Education of La Grande Mr. Anderson's father, who is 92 dent of the Oregon Banks associa local circuit and one combination he will visit his mother, who is was a house guest of Rev. and Mrs. years old. A fam ily banquet and tion. Coll and local circuit. In August, Here from Hooper. Ctah— seriously til in a Portland hospital. Daughter Arrives— H. J. O em hardt over the week-end. program was held there. 1948 they will Install another cir Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parker of He expects to return to Nyssa Mon A daughter, Susan Kay, was born cuit from Ontario to Boise. In the Services Held for B a b y - Hooper, Utah spent the week-end day. to Mr. and Mrs. Errett Hummel Nursing Home Notes— T o Sing Carols— Funeral services were held In O n spring and not later than early in Nyssa visiting friends and rela of Bums November 26 a t the , Holy New arrivals at the Nursing home T h e music class consisting o f ap tives M r Parker was formerly on Visit Aunt— Rosary hospital M r Hummel was are a weighing 7 pounds I 's proximately 35 M.I.A. members plan tario Monday for Tamara Lee H ol summer, the company Intends to man. 3'4 -month-old daughter of set up two additional positions in the sheriff s force at Ogden. Diane and Joanne Schweizer vis principal o f the Nyssa high school ounces, born December 8 to Mr. on singing Christmas carols, and Mr and Mrs. Tom Holman o f Cor the Nyssa office, and starting with ited over the week-end at the home last year. and Mrs. Don Buell of Nyssa; De enjoying “ progressive" refreshments vallis. T h e baby died Thursday, the next produce shipping season At Home in Ontario— of their aunt, Mrs. Lee Householder. cember 7 a son, weighing 9 pounds, at the home of M.I.A. officers. after a sudden illness. The services will temporarily Install a direct line Mr. and Mrs Charles Wilson, Nurse Here— 3 ounces bom to Mr. and Mrs. G il were held at the Beechler Funeral from Nyssa to Boise. who were recently married In Nys Here from Oklahoma— Miss Hele Anderson, who is tn bert Samson o f Nyssa. To Boise— home, with Rev Bedwell at The sa. returned from a wedding trip Mrs. E ffie McCall of Pawnee. her third year o f training as a M r and Mrs. Hugh Tobler. Rev. Assembly of God church conducting Go to Utah— to California, and are now at their Oklahoma arrived last week at the 1 nurse tn the L .D 8 hospital at Ida- and Mrs. G em hardt and Mrs. K. E. the service. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child left last home in Ontario, where Mr. Wilson home o f her daughter. Mrs. John ! ho Falls, visited her parents. M r sells Christmas Seals__ Keveren were Boise visitors M on Hugh Tobler of Nyssa and Mrs »reek to spend several weeks visiting is employed. Lane. Mrs. M cCall plans to make and Mrs. O. R. Anderson, over the Christmas seals were on sale this day. Bedwell of Ontario. their daughter and other relatives her home tn Nyssa. , week-end. week at the post office on Tuesday, in Ogden. Undergoes Operation— Wednesday and Friday. This ser Boise Visitors— I Parents of Daughter— President Luther F ife o f the W e i Edison Child, co-owner and oper Here from Glenns Ferry— Thanksgiving Day Gurnt— vice was sponsored by the Legion Miss Joan Smith of Weiser, niece I M r and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis are ser L D 8 stoke and Bishop Arvel ator of the Eagle O il company Mrs Fred Chesst o f Glenns Per- i Mr*. Clara Beam spent Thank* - auxiliary, with Mrs E. K. Burton, of Mrs. Ward Wieneke. has spent the parents o f a daughter born Child o f the Nyssa second ward, here, underwent a major operation ry was a Nyssa visitor over the giving day at the Roy Pounds home Mrs Gene Pleshman and Mrs. H. the past two weeks at the Wieneke December 5 at Britt Ingham's Nura- spent several days lost week on last week in the Ontario hospital. week-end. in Nyssa. „ O Hopkins In charge of the sale. home. 'm g home in Ontario. church business at Salt Lake CKy. Plans (or the Christmas decora 'll tion contest, sponsored fey the Nys- sa Civic club were made at a meet ing o f the committee Wednesday afternoon. The competition for the contest will be divided into three groups: one for business houses; one for ■ ^schools, churches and organizations, and one for home decorations, both inside and out. There will be a first prize and honorable mention in each division, the awards being ? i ade on the basis of originality and appropriateness o f decoration. A ll those planning to enter the contest are asked to have their registration in by noon o f December 20. Registration may be made with Mrs. Houston Wilson, phone 288-J, or Mrs. G rant Rinehart, phone 38- R. The judging will be done Sat urday evening, December 20. Mrs. Houston Wilson, chairman o f the contest, is assisted by Mrs. Grant Rinehart, Mrs. Henry Gem hardt, and Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Other Christmas decorating plans for Nyssa are also developing. Through the co-operation o f the ' Nyssa chamber of commerce and the Nyssa Civic club some decorat ing will be done on M ain street. A large tree has already been plac ed at Second and M ain streets and has been decorated with a string o f colored lights. T w o strings o f colored lights will be placed ac ross the street and a six-foot Idght- ‘ ed star will be hung over the Christmas tree. City Basketball Tilts Postponed Beet Growers To Hold Gatherings Nyssa Defeats Parma 42 to 26 Officers Named By Farm Bureau Resolutions O f Stockmen Passed