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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1947)
I HE N ÏSSA GA IE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE EIGHT Social News WINONA GALLOWAY BRIDE OP ROBERT LANDES Miss Winona LaRee Galloway o t Boise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L Galloway of Nyssa. and Rob ert Max Landes at Spokane were united tn marriage In a ceremony conducted in the Immanuel Luth eran church In Boise at 5:30 p. in. November 23 by the Rev. J. Kenn eth Edwins. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white brocade, with full skirt and train, a Basque style veil, seed pearls and finger-tip Juliet cap. She car ried a white prayer book and bou quet of camellias and stephannotis. The maid of honor. Miss Phyllis Galloway, wore a gown of dusty rose faille, and carried a bouquet nosegay of red rosebuds and white carnations. The bridesmaid. Miss Merry Norcott, wore a bouquet nosegay of bronze rosebuds and white carnations and a gown of blue faille. James Ingalls of Spokane was groom's man and Wayne Wright, cousin of the bride, and William Roden, Jr., were ushers. Alvin Hultgren sang The Lord's Prayer” and Mrs. Hultgren played the wedding music and wedding march. The brtle a member of the Del- ta Delta Delta sor.<rlty. Is a soph omore at the University of Idaho. Mr. Land«», son of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hammond of Spokane, is a junior at the University of Idaho. He is affiliated with Delta Tau Delta at the university. A wedding reception was held at the R. A Wright heme, 1325 E. U. S. 30, Boise Cotton Throw RUG Lily Quality Washable 22 by 40 COLORS Green Blur La vendar Granee Black Ladies SKIRTS By Koret and Janet Walker Wool, Struter Cloth, Gabardine Special $1.39 Ladies BLOUSES Janet Walker White Crepe Lace Trimmed $2.95 to $ 9.95 Long & Short Sleeves Men’s Leather House Slippers Sheepskin Lined $ 4 .9 5 $ 2.9 8 Cr $3.95 Men’s white Broadcloth SHIRTS $3.45 Bathroom Set Washable —Colors— Black Blue Green THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 GRACE FOSTER AND a number of Nyssa homes. I Albert Pfeller to hear the opera eU held high score, and Mrs. Bur- of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Virgil CHARLES WILSCJN WED Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell had “Verd's Masked Ball” over KGEM. 1 r.all Brown second high. Mrs. Harry McGee. Miss McGee Is a senior Grace Poster of Nyssa became the as their guests. Miss Doris Kuntz Members of the club are studying Miner was a guest player. cadet nurse at St Anthony's hos- bride of Charles Wilson of Ontario of Boise, sister of Mrs. Mitchell, the operas this year. Those present pital in Pendleton. She will grad E. C. VanPetten, Mrs. uate In March. at an Impressive candlelight service Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Donnelly and L were L Mrs. QUEEN'S BALL HELD Kline, Mrs H L. Peterson, Bethel No. 37 of Job's D a u g h t e r s ----------------------- children of Caldwell and Dale Don held m the Methodist church on nelly Mrs. S. D. Doreman, Mrs. Charles held Us annual queen’s ball in the • cf Council. ----------------------- Thanksgiving evening, with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Newsom had Puller. Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. Masonic hall November 28. honor- ' Game Hearing Scheduled— Henry Gernhardt officiating. C. P. Cox, Mrs. M. Lenord, Mrs. as their dinner guests the Kenneth mg the retiring queen. Miss Lorr-1 a legislative interim committee The wedding marches were played | Cottle family and Mr. aikl Mrs. D. , M. Taggart and Mrs. J. W. aine Parr. The grand march was appointed to investigate the game by Mr». Carlos Buchner. Preceding Otto Wolf of Seattle opened with the playing of the commission and its activities will the ceremony, Mr. Leon Bolen of The Heruy Hartley and Kinsey Cudd. theme song. 'Sweet Lorraine '. • hold a hearing in Ontario Monday, La Orande sang "Because ", accom Keveren families were entertained ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Punch was served by Lois Wilson, December 8 at 8 p. m., according panied by Mrs. Buchner. at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dr and Mrs. Sarazm entertained Beverley Burbidge and Phyllis to information received from Chair- The bride, who was given In mar at dinner at Carl’s Doll House Sun , Cheldelin. 1 man Lew Wallace. The committee riage by her father. W. W. Poster, Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans of day for Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Peter- —§— »rill consult with sportsmen, busi- wore a long-sleeved white satin , Ha J way and Mr. and Mrs Thom- on of Reokey. Montana. Dr. and HARVEST BALL ness men and others relative to the gown with a train. The veil was .5 Jones of Nyssa were guests st Mrs. Willard Peterson and son. The harvest ball SUCCESSFUL sponsored Dy game situation. The meeting will caught in a flower wreath. The bri 1 the Klass Powell home. John, of Twin Falls, Dr. and Mrs. two L DS Mutuals Friday in oe one of a series to be held in the dal bouquet was of red roses and and Mrs. Bums 11 Brown had 0. O. Peterson and children of the the gymnasium, was considered very second congressional district, white fresia, tied with white satin as Mr. their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Portland, Miss Eva Boydell and successful, with approximately 300 ribbon. Boyd Brown and Stephen of Boise, Jorbert Sarazm. persons attending. Most of the lad- Here From Idaho— The bride was attended by Mess Mr. and Mrs. Harold P.nch of ies wore formats of pastel shades. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Walker of -5 - Marie Sebum as maid of honor and Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Amos ENTERTAINS CLUB The hall was decorated with the Burley, Idaho. Mrs. Dorsey and Nadeen Wilson, sister of the groom, Brown of Richmond, Utah. Mrs Gene Stunz entertained the M.I-A. colors, gold and green. The baby girl of Sunnyslope and Mr. and Beth Mitchell as bridesmaids, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oarrtson members afternoon dance manager. Dennis Fife, con- and Mrs. Elmer Barlow and baby ' who wore gowns of pastel shades entertained 14 guests m their home bridge club of at her her Tuesday hone last week. ducted various dances, ladies choice, of Homedale were Friday visitors and carried nosegays of carnations. at a family dinner. went to Mrs. Ed Boydell and circle two-step, and others. Music at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clui- Jewel Wilson acted as best man and Mrs. John Qstrom, Mr Honors Mrs. Wayne Morris. was furnished by Shane's orchestra enee R. Kesler. for his brother, and Jim Wilson and Mr Mrs. Helmar Ostrom and Tord The dance was free and the pu^- —«— and Oscar Bratton served as ushers. Osirom had Tnanksgivtng dinner VFW, Auxi'iary To Meet— MEMBERS PLAY i lie was invited to attend. Following the exchange of vows at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barte. The CLUB The Veterans of Foreign Wars members of the Tuesday af in the double ring ceremony, the Ostrom. ternoon bridge club were entertain Nurse Visits— and ladies auxiliary will hold a soc couple knelt while Mr Bolen sang Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kerby of Boise ed week at the home of Mrs. Miss Mary McGee spent Wed ial meeting at the veterans hous- "The Lord's Prayer”. The church were Thanksgivmg guests in the Joe last Sutherland. Mrs. Oeorge Mitch- ne«dav and Thursday at the hor'c ing project December 9 at 8 o’clock. was decorated with baskets of iiome of Dr. and Mrs. K. & Kerby. chrysanthemums and candelabra. Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings were A reception was held In the church entertained at the Grant Lewis parlors during Which Mrs. Kinsey home. Keveren furnished piano numbers. A family dinner was held at the The bride's cake was served by mme Mrs. Hilda Tensen with tne Mrs. Curtis Poster and Mrs. Alvin Grant of Rinehart family and Dick Kuehn. Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Tensen of Corvallis as guests. Mrs. Walter McPartland presided Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seppich and it the coffee table, and Mrs. Sager children were guests of Mr. and and Margaret Eleanor Poster serv Mrs. Chester Stephenson. ed punch. Mrs. Jean Fleshman, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton en Janice Frost and Betty Winchell tertained Mr and Mrs. Claude Bax ir ranged for the refreshments. and Barbara of Chehalla, Wash Prances Poster had charge of the ter ington, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Webfc 3 guest book. and Sue Ellen of Wendell, Idaho. The bride Is a daughter of Mr Mrs. Della Webb of Eugene, and and Mrs. W W. Foster of Nyssa. and Mrs. Frank Cummins and She graduated from the Nyssa high Mr. Mrs. Lula Cummins of Kingman chool In 1SM6 and attended the Kolony at a Thanksgivmg dinner Eastern College of Education at Guests at the Ira Ure home for La Grande. The groom, son of Mr. Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. and ind Mrs. Charles Wilson of On E. L Rundquist of Utah. Mr tario. Is a graduate of the Univer Mrs and Mrs. Rundquist and daug sity of Oregon. He served four hter,, Ann, Don of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. years In the army medical ¡corps. Ira Ure. Jr., of Corvallis He is now with the state unem Afton Roy and Jaqueline and of Mrs. La ployment service at Ontario. Grande. After a wedding trip to California Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman the couple will reside in Ontario. entertained the Dennis Patch fami ly. -5 MARRIAGE - ANNOUNCE Mrs. George Schwelzer Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Herren of had Mr. as and their guests. Mrs. John Nyssa have announced the marriage Ramsey of Reno. Nevada, Owen of their daughter. Mrs. Elsie Mah- Ramsey Alaska, A. J. ron, to Ted Mavae of Nyssa Nov Ramsey of of Fairbanks, Nampa, Mrs. Gertrude ember 18 at Vancouver, Washington. Jackson of Reno and Mrs. After a two weeks trip to Ocean- Dee Householder, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. side, Oregon the couple are at home Vic Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles in Portland where Mr. Mavae is1 Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Make Your Selection From Our Complete Stock attending a body and fender school. Share and Mrs. Ruth McConnell. All Sizes Now Available ___— 5— DINNERS SERVED METROPOLITAN OPERA Thanksgiving day In Nyssa was HEAR Music Study club observed with special dinners In met The at Ontario the country home of Mrs. StUURlentu VOLUME Plans 0 For Cc Xmas Those Plan Contest S ter B) Plans for the tion contest, spo sa Civic club we ing of the con afternoon. The oompetitii will be divided one for buslnes ' schools, churches and one for Jiou inside and out. first prize and h< each division, 1 l 'ode on the b and appropriatei All those plan contest are ask registration in by 20. Registration i Mrs. Houston W or Mrs. Grant R R. The judging urday evening, J Houston Wilson, contest, is assist Rinehart, Mrs. and Mrs. Bemart Other Christma for Nyssa are Through the co Nyssa chamber the Nyssa Civic ( ing will be done A large tree has ed at Second t and has been string of colored of colored lights ross the street an ed star will b Christmas tree. ■ i C festoni BIKE FOR MARSHALL STORE 1 OPEN TRIKE GREATEST &C\tfàvee/cs $2.9ô BRACKENS A L W A Y S U SE $43 5 0 DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA, OREGON NYSSA Phone IOÔ Bright Red and Plenty Cut» W HEEL BAKHOW THEATRE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Dana Andrew’s and Fred Stone in “THE WESTERNER” Cartoon Mat.. Sat.. t:M; Adm. 2V-5e. 2-Reel Inc. Comedy Tax A te. Evening». tor- *r. including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, DECEMBER 7-8 Van Johnson, Janet Leigh, Thomas Mitchel and Marshall Thompson in “ROMANCE OF ROSY RIDGE” Van in a new’ role in this turbulent drama set in the feud-tom days immediately after the Civil War. Color Cartoon Mat., Sun.. t:M; Adm. N e-k. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening». 46r-9e, Inc. Tax. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Roy Rogers, Dale Evans and Andv Devine in “SPRINGTIME IN THE SIERRAS” George Montgomery in “BRASHER DOUBLÒOM Adm Evening». ÎSc-Jr. Including Tai WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, DEC. 10-11 Bing Crosby, Joan Caulfield, Barry Fitzgerald, and Robert Shame in “WELCOME STRANGER” A down-to-earth human story of a carefree Latest New*s young doctor and his struggle to overcome the resentment of a small town. « f-k , Inc. Tax. WE M A IN T A IN A C O M P LETE STOCK OF GENUIN E PARTS A N D WIL L TO S U P P L Y Y O U . BE FORD GLAD HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Nyssa Food Center Friday And Saturday December 5 And 6 Big '25-Inch 2.39 All-steel: wheel with rub ber length tire. over About all. 29-inch 3.39 This shining beauty will really make a boy’s Christmas happy. Heavy-gauge steel with detachable trailer. Six rub tier tired wheels, even a spare in the rear. A Carriage Little " Mothers“ W ill Take Great Pride In Fit for the Grandest Doll to Ride In •B Rat-a-Tat-Tat I 'Folds and locks just like the big onee. Has brakes and rubbsr Urea Kealiy elegant! All-Steel & G “M «m .lia fh in p .\ i ; i He'll W ea r It [ v e r y Leisu re M om ent (O A L T R I C K A whiz of a truck' The “dump ' Is easl'y operiled. Eleven Inch* long. & 9.95 Brown on one tide, tan on the other. BoauUfully tailored for easy, perfect •V. 8Udo fastener Water repellent. Wamtefal gift idea. Open until 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 8:30 Saturdays. Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store Ny»»a, Oregon 2.29 A real thrill for any small boy' Has a wind-up motor, sboots sparks and makes a realistic rat a tat-tat noise. Reversible Twill and Poplin JACKET 1 .(H) r' " «¡S : Folding DOLL CARRIAGE 11.15 Built et *r* S e m i-T ra ile r TRUCK Buy By The Case Garden Gem Peas 13c can—$2.90 case. Ray Crest Beans 15c can—$3.35 case. Ida-Dell Com 15c can—$3.24 case. Also Delmonte and Sun Valley Lodge Brands By The Case. 50 lb. Drifted Snow Flour—$4.79 Complete line Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Ice Cream and Frozen Foods. $10.45 up It'll Look Wonderful Under the Tree FOR FORD CARS AND TRUCKS PROGRAM up I 11 Formal opening Marshall-Wells st Ing formerly occu; Coffee stoop will December 12 at 9 The owners of a re Roy Sewright lano, and Mrs. Cald’vell. Mr. Se owner of the Ma in Ontario for t years, but he has there. The building h¡ ed and re-decorat fixtures have be< new merchandise chased. The sales feet. Fined On Driving Denny Oamnlst Marostica were fi city police court Duncan Monday reckless driving. 1 enses were revok City police officer arrests said the yc through the und< car driven by Ca as he applied the 1 ed against an at on the south side near the poet oil car, which was bi owned by Bill H. Call, who was ri Cannistraci was d: shall's car, officer Civic Club Meetini Mrs. Bernard Be of the Nyssa Civic Cf^at the Decembei club would not tx cermber meeting as program oommitte been devoted to w pital. In view of t time, the membei to assist in the ser «diners that will the hospital drive lady who can don this service is askei Eastman. Called by Sister's 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewiston. Idaho ai Friday, because of ditlon of Mrs. Ha of Mrs. Wade. On Mrs. Charles Peel Mrs. Lester French ed at the Otis horr Here from Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, Utah spei In Nyssa visiting f tives. Mr Parker the sheriff's force Ai Home in Ontai Mr. and Mrs. who were recently sa, returned from to Oalifomia. and home in Ontario, « is employed. Undergoes Operatic Edison Child, co- ator of the Bag] here, underwent a last week in the <