RACE SEVEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON____ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 COMMITTEE SEEKING LARGE DONATIONS number of customers. We are now serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. —Open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.— Gingham Inn Legal A dvertising ________ ________ _ 4Dtfc. j Work. Will consider most anything. FOR SALE— Garden tractor, prac- 1 John H. Benedict, route 2, Nyssa, NOTICE OF SEASONAL 4D 2xp. tically new. Will sell reasonable.! Oregon. DETERMINATION Notice is hereby given that the 598 N. Third. 4Dlxp i j > o r RENT— Smali house, phone employer listed below has been de 4D3xc termined to be a seasonal em WANTED— Daytime care of child- ! 26. 40-J ployer within the meaning of Sec ren. Donna Mikkeison, phone 4Dlxc ■ TOST— Keys on chain at Third tion 126-707 O.C.L.A. Any interested and Park Wednesday night. Return party may request a hearing be WANTED— Middle-aged man wants ' to past office. 4Dlxp fore the Commission within 10 days after final publication of this not MiilM l.llll.lllliillU ll.lliU lllilllU lllllilL ice. The “off-season" (in calendar weeks) of each seasonal employer in Malheur county for the calendar year 1948 is as stated below: The Amalgamated Sugar Co., 32-13 1940 Buick Fordor. The “off-season" (in calendar 1930 Chevrolet Truck. MANY VISIT AT weeks) of each seasonal employer PARTY IS GIVEN Malheur county for the fourth 1945 G. I. Studebaker 6 by 6. KINGMAN KOLONY in calendar quarter of 1947 is as stat- AT OREGON TRAIL 1946 Ford Tractor and Equipment. sd below: KINGMAN KOLONY, Dec. 4— 1938 Willys motor. Completely rebuilt. rhe Amalgamated Sugar Co., 31-12 Guests at the Guy Moore home OREGON TRAIL, Dec. 4—Mrs. Lu- Oregon Unemployment 1 Hertzell and Zook buzz saw. Never been used. -ille Johnston of Ontario and Mr. for Thanksgiving dinner were Mr. Compensation Commission ind Mrs. Prank Pry were hosts and Mrs. Richard Schultz and fami Complete std^k of Laher batteries and Rich Dated and first published this 4th Thanksgiving at a family dinner ly of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. James day of December, 1947. mond tires and tubes. given a t the Prank Pry home. Snead and two sons of Letha, Ida Date of last publication 18th day Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl ho, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gunderson of December, 1947. Dean of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Paul and three children of Caldwell, Mrs. Johnston and family of Springfield L. Hill of Canada and A. B. Zim NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and merman of the Kolony. NOTICE is hereby given that a Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and family of Haines, Mr. and Mrs public hearing will be held before Dean Johnston and daughter and family spent Sunday at the Dutch Melvin J. Conklin, Examiner for the BOX A NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 144-J Dwight Johnston of Ontario, Mrs. Hopkins home in Parma. Jean Dilly of Weiser visited Shir Department of Agriculture, Milk Ella D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dean " iwumiiii h i | : | it lit id mu mi.iiiiiiiiii i:hii iiiiiiii m Control Section, at the Moore Hotel, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith ley Sparks Thursday afternoon. Ontario, Oregon, December 12, 1947, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins and and Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. John J. it the hour of 1:30 P.M., to receive Smith and daughter and Mr. and Mis. Lula Cummins were Thanks testimony and evidence on matter.- Mrs. Carol Tucker and family, all giving dinner guests in the C. C. relating to the production and dis Cotton home in Nyssa. of Nyssa. of fluid milk and cream [ MlC* 6 Y. CAN ANNONE "COuft&t NOT/ WHAT ’C a u s e i ^ Thanksgiving dinner guests at the tribution Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mitchell were n Malheur County Marketing Area; B e P unished por (HAKES y OU RS* A an hosts a t dinner Thanksgiving. Cov L. L. Kreager home were Mr. and to consider minimum wholesale ana SILUV QUESTION L\ k 6 S omethin he D idn ' t Mrs. Hugh Glenn and son, Mr. retail prices and minimum prices ers were laid for 30 guests. do ? T H A T ,T E E W E E ? ,— / Mr. and Mrs. B.,F. Rookstool en and Mrs. Dale Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. distributors shall pay to producers. % ----- tertained a t dinner Thanksgiving.. Charles Schweizer, Mr. and Mis. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Rol George Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. 1st day of December, 1947. and Whitman and family of Pay Gave Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glenn Thomas L. Chisen, Chief, Milk ette, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Control Section, Department oi_ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Victor Marshal and son, Jack. Willard and Dave Hall left Sun- Agriculure, State of Oregon. Rookstool and son and Mrs. Lola Jay morning for Coolidge, Arizona Reffett and daughter. Too Late To Classify Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers were ,o bring back a truckload of ma- FOR SALE— 1942 air float trailei hosts Thanksgiving at the annual hinery. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, Sr., house. Modern, with Butane equip family dinner. Guests were Mr. and Equip your truck or tractor today with a 4Dlxp. Mrs. A. M. Goodson and daughters have rented the Keever farm and ment. 671, Park avenue. set of new tires and tubes, made of the of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. moved from Ontario this week. The FOR SALE— Late model Hotpoint finest rubber in America—this tire is made Holmes and Robert, Mr. and Mrs Keever family have moved to Hom- range. Also one snare drum. Phont for any type of rough wear—and is a guar Gilbert Holmes and daughters, Mr. e cl ale. 4Dlxc. antee of complete satisfaction— available at Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Petty and 130. and Mrs. Ronand Holmes and fami O.K. RUBBER WELDERS. ly and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes children arrived from Yamhill, Ore FOR SALE— 1935 Dodge four-dooi gon Wednesday to spend the sedan in exceptionally good me and Bonnie Kressly. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Holmes and Thanksgiving holidays at the Walter chanical condition. Phone 135-J. 4Dlxc Robert and Mrs. F. S. Byers and Pinkston home. Other guests for Betty shopped in Boise last Wed Thanksgiving at the Pinkston home NEW CAR, T R U C K - T R A C T O R TIRES were Mr. and Mi's. Andrew Mc FOR SAT E—Genuine Goodrich rub nesday. , . R E C A P P I NG & R E P A I R I N G ber matting, suitable for floor matf Oregon Trail Grange gave a pin Ginnis of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter and in oars and stairways. Nyssa F u rn ochle party at the schoolhouse S at PHONE 5 M ------r NYSSA. OREGON family spent Thanksgiving at Un iture Co.; 1 block west of railway urday evening. More than 50 friends and neigh ion visiting relatives. Mr. and M r^ Howard Dodson of bors gathered at the B. F. Rook stool home Saturday evening for Klamath Falls and Mrs. Nova Grimm of Ashland were overnight guests in the Henry Reuter home Monday night. The D. L. Hurst family were Thanksgiving guests in the J. G. Lane home. Mr. and* Mrs. James Snead and Mr. anu Mrs. Bob Harrison of Le- iha, Idaho were callers at the Guy Moore home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Snead took their son, Jimmy home with them. Jimmy had spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft en- teitaineJ at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rieli- aids, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Salter and Mrs. Evelyn G rant of Woods Cross, Utah spent the Thanksgiving holi days at the Glen Salter home. Child and Prank T. Morgan. tlon. v “A large number of memorials | Morgan said, “Volunteer workers are being subscribed for during this | of the advance gifts commmitte« have donated in a sacrificial man An active campaign to secure preliminary campaign. The stand ner and a>e faithfully canvassing large donations from those who are ard of donations set by those in for larger amounts. We appeal to in a position to subscribe larger this area, who are in a position to all who are In a position to do so to amounts Is now being conaucted by subscribe large amounts, will deter subscribe for memorials now, and the advance gifts committee, which mine the success of this campaign", in this manner aid the work of the is composed of two groups of work stated Prank T. Morgan, president advance gifts committee, which ers, under the leadership of Arvel of the Memorial Hospital associa- meets every noon for reports and discussions of the work to be done”. Mr. Morgan announced th at Roy Hashitani and Jim Wataoa.be have volunteered to serve as members of WE HAVE ENLARGED the advance gifts committee and also as members of the general our quarters to accommodate a greater campaign organization. a surprise farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rookstool, who will leave soon for Jerome, Idaho to make" their home. The evening was spent playing cards, and Chin ese checkers, and visiting. Lunch was served by Mrs. B. F. Rookstool, assisted by Mrs. Leonard Olson. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Whitman of Madras were here on business the first of the week. Mrs. P. G. Holmes and Robert and Mrs. Roy Holmes made a busi ness trip to Nampa Monday. Mrs. Dale Bingaman of Nyssa visited Mrs. Gilbert Holmes Monday afternoon. FOR SALE Watts Motor Company The Ideal Gift Luziers Fine Cosmetics And Perfumes Play the role of Santa in a grand holiday manner. . . .give Her a gift of enchanting al lurement from our glorious assortment of re freshing beauty aids. Give Him something he’ll truly enjoy . . . a handsome kit of shaving lotion. Presentations are given by appointment in either your home or ¿urs. . Mrs. E. H. Fleshman Bennett Apartments, Phone 189-W Mrs. Adam Focht Route 2, Phone 005-F11 Here’s Your Invitation to Our BIG, FREE M/CK£Yaod WS MA Br ° K- rubber welders fr DO ( HOMEWORK V T E A C H E R SEE:- O.K. RUBBER WELDERS WORK OVERTIME COLUMBIA FAMILY DINNERS SERVED “The High Flying Review” One of America’s greatest variety programs Music—Comedy—Magic—Novelties ON THE STAGE New Color Movies Educational—T ravel—Comed y ON THE SCREEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 BEGINNING AT 2.00 P.M. NYSSA THEATRE NYSSA, OREGON Refreshments will be served at 4 :00 P. M. in the Dealer’s Store OWYHEE TRUCK i O- IMPLEMENT COMPANY “Your International Harvester Dealer” 4th and Main Street, Nyssa, Oregon COLUMBIA AVENUE, Dec. 4— Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen entertained at Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Claus Tensen, M. and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and Dick W. Tensen. Several members of the riding club of this community attended the dance at Nyssa Thursday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres entertained the members of their pinochle club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Dick Groot, Mrs. Jake Groot and Z. Davidson. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Florence Larsson were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Weatherspoon and son, David. Recent Boise visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Wilson and Diane were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wil son of Oregon Trail. Visitors Friday at the Gerrit Stam home were Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Groot of Apple Valley and their house guest, Dick Sellman of Med ford. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Jensen of Nyssa were Mrs. T. H. Beranek, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ten- sen, and Neil and Carolyn Tensen. Sunday dinner guests at the Ger rit Oroot heme in Apple Valley were Fred Koopman of Nyssa, Klaas Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Groot, Jr., and their house guests, Dick Sellman of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larson entertained a t Thanksgiving dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Rulan Staples and family of Nyssa. BUILDING PERMITS Leland K. Carsn, alteration, N. First street, lots 3 and 4, block 81, Park addition, *150. frame, 10 by 12. C. K. Olson, oonstruuction, lot 9, Stunz addition, *12.000, 58 by 36 feet, King avenue, frame. Helmer C. Ostrom. construction, double garage. Seventh street, block 13, Teautsch addition, *1500, 22 by 26 feet, pumice blocks. Paul W. Heldt, construction. Third street, lot 8, block 71. Green addition. *3500, 22 by 38 feet, frame. Loyd Focht, construction, lot 9. block 38. Park addition, *4000, 24 by 30 feet, cinder blocks. When you heat water the Old Fashioned way ... considering the cooking, cleaning, dish washing, laundry and all the other household chores that must be done daily, the average homemaker has a full-tim e job. Plenty o f hot water is needed for each of these tasks. Heating it the old-fashioned way is an extra job— one that makes you work overtime. Instantaneous hot water helps make these jobs easier and faster. You have tap-ready hot water for shower or tub, for laundry and dishes, too, if you heat water electrically. Your family, and every fam ily in the Snake river valley, can enjoy now the efficiency, the comfort and the economy of electrically-heated hot water. There's no shortage of electric water heaters. Your retailer has them in stock in all sizes. The average family needs a storage lank of 52- gallon capacity so that hot water can perform its duties instantly during a 24-hour day. Let your dealer help you join the thousands of Snake river valley resi dents who live more comfortably with electric hot water heating. Y o u ’ ll eliminate dimming lights and “blown" fuses If your home is equip ped with the right slse wire, enough circuits and outlets. Insist on Adequate Wiring. ÍD A H O ? P O W E R f fa.P oti So MUCH*Cost! So UTTLE!