Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON T H U R SD A Y . DECEMBER 4, 1947 PAGE THREE TOR SALE— 1938 Plymouth. 1941 or will handle for hide tnd offall children, Anita, Betty and Bobby, ner guests in the Derry Mackey thur Holly acreage jy Lie Snake motor, good tires, heater. See Mr. Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atic. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Qotsh home. river bridge. Hadley, Eagle OH Oo., Oo. 6th and of Paima Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey spent 27N2xp. MISCELLANEOUS Main. LADIES ELECT Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Russell and Thanksgiving in the home of their The Womens Society of the • TOR SALE— Choice dressed fryers MISCELLANEOUS— Just arrived family were Thanksgiving dinner daughter. Mrs. Louise Helton, and F-mily in Boise. In the afternoon Methodist church met last Thursday for lockers. Phone 05J-3. Prank J. jin time. Your Christmas gift that Pike. 27Ntfc. j will be enjoved. Fed-Fiash cameras, guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt they visited Mrs. Mackey's aunt, at the home of Mri David Beers. ~ei .ha Hess, in BoLe. The nominating committee present with 4 flash bulbs, $11.34. Evans' Thursday. FOR SA L E Purebred Roller Can Studio. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas ed the names of the following of 27N3xc. Mrs. Benton and Mr. and Mrs. RATES: T wo cents per word fer each issue. Alter one month one ary Singers. Golden Metz. Blue Rib Emerson Bingaman were dinner pent Tuesday evening visiting and ficers for election: President, Mrs. bon Strain. Bred and trained for MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for cent per word. Minimum, cash tn advance, la 30c. guests of Mr. and Mrs. CiiL'o.d playing pinochle in the L. W. Walter McPartland; vice' president, song. Priced reasonable, papers fur winter. We service all kinds of Nieken Thursday. Mrs. Cliff Main: recording secre- Dierking home. nished. North Third street. 1 Vi heating equipment. Nyssa Heating Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and t*ry, Mrs. W. W Foster; corres Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Palmer and 28Atfc. blocks north of siib station. Look for Co., phone 169-W. "ons, Charles. Pat and Donald Donna Lee were dinner guests ponding secretary, Mrs. O. Ander Mrs. J. L. Paries. 27N2xp. POR SALE— Home. Mrs. Betty sign. ____________ MISCELLANEOUS See us for and Pat Johnston o f Vale, Mr Thanksgiving in the parental home son. and treasurer, Mrs. Mary Pruyn. For Sale Mrs. Dennis Patch had charge of Purbes, 633 N. First street. 4Dlxp. j FOR SALE— Corn-fed heavy hens, quick repair service on all makes and Mrs. Charles Landreth and f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steelman the devotions on Thanksgiving. The dressed and delivered. Mrs. Glenn of washing machines. We also ser Mrs. Nora Ray of Nyssa were lear Middleton. They visited in program was under the direction POR SALE— Or will trade for later 27N2xc. vice, clean and repair aU makes of dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- the evening with the L. W. Dierking of Mrs. Walter McPartland on “The model sedan, 1-ton International POR SALE— New basement house, Suitor, Phone 013-J3. family. oil heaters and burners. Free pick land Diven Thursday. pick-up. U. E. Parker, route 2, t rooms and bath, electric hot wa POR SALE— Apples, delicious, up and delivery service. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Niss Hatt and son Gospel for Our Generation’’. Re Mr and Mrs. A. H. Davis and ter heater, all built-in cupboards, N ys... Oregon. 4D2xp. Romes and winesaps, 50c to $1.75 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance Re son, Stanley, spent four days in *ere dinner guests Thanksgiving in freshments were served by the hos unproved yard. Between Fifth and .he home of her sister, Mrs. Vem - tess. per bushel. Bring containers. 114 6Ntfc. Boise v-a ting relatives. POR SALE— 160 Acres, about 85 Sixth on Reece, north of city park. mile east of Oay-Way at Ontario- pair shop. - 8 - >n Parker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg and 4D2xp. irrigable, about H row crop, bal Prank G. Schmidt. Oayle Martin, Howard Hatch, Payette junction. Ed Mess, phone MISCELLANEOUS- Help-Ur-SeU, boys, Richard and Daniel were din NEWS OF RECORD ance good hay and grain land. 125 Fruit land 7-22. 27N3xp. custom and wet wash. White Swan ner guests at the Herschell Gregg Vernon Parker, Bill Nelson and MARRIAGE LICENSES head range permit. Pressure system, POR SALE— Super»flame oil heat laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther home Thursday. E. E. Nelson at Hamedale returned er, one year old: 26-foot tubing and Harry Y. Takami and Toshi Ya- lights, basement house, other out POR SALE:— Circulating coal heat land, prop. Phone 13-J. 7Atfc. Lillian Gregg left for the coast irom elk hunting near Baker Wed mane. both of Ontario. fittings. $100. Jack Field, three miles buildings. U. E. Parker, route 2, er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. nesday evening without an elk. Friday evening. outhwest of Nyssa on Adrian high Albert Charles Marsh and Kath 4Stfc. MISCELLANEOUS-- Available now Nyssa, Oregon. 4D2xp. Mrs. George DeiHaven and Mrs. leen Lois Estes, both of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. BiH Schireman of way. 4D4xp. Electrolux cleaners and air puri Nyssa were dinner guests of Mr. Wilbur Looney were shoppers in COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT POR SALE— Iti acres. Close in. POR SALE— 80-acre fine farm. AU POR SALE— Northern black musk Unimproved. $1000. 2'A acres on fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An and Mrs. Jake Simmons Thursday. Boise Friday. Inez Carter Day vs. James A. equipped with new tractor, pick-up, derson. route 3, Welser, Idaho. rat coat, size 16. Phone 016-R1. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson, Day. Divorce. Lela Runcorn of Portland visited highway, close In, smaU house, Phone 567-J4. hay chopper and every rarm Imple 26Jtfc. 4D2xp. $3000. Bernard Eastrman. a week with her brother, Robert Mrs. Bill Looney and children, and Msry F. Dille vs. Mir.l J. Dille. 230tfc. ment needed. Purebred Jersey herd MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Runcorn, and family, and folks, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Divorce. of cows. New modern loafing shed FOR SALE— 160 acres, good new Wayne were Thanksgiving day PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT 108 feet long. Purebred sheep. All house and barn on highway near POR SALE:— Phone 144-J or write free pick-up or your dead, crippied Mr. and Mrs. Pern Runcorn. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams and guests in the E. H. Bott home at Estate of Dora E. Splawn, de feed to feed livestock through win Hamedale, 80 acres row crop land, v\ .it u> Motor Co.. Nyssa, Ore., for | 0I. sjt.k livestock. Calls rece.ved be- ceased. ter. Total price $32,000. This is a balance waste and pasture, $20,000 Willys parts, motors, extra equ ip-; f0re 9 o'clock are picked up by Mr. and Mrs. Harland Diven at New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierking and ment, Jeeps, station wagons, pickup | noon Efficient drivers. Call col- tended Pomona Orange meeting in Estate of Stanley H. Horyna, de real dairy set-up. Also 80 acres, has eight-room mod- Noima Jean were Sunday evening ceased. 100 acres, railing land near town. er house, other good buildings, Wil trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Harper Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley and dinner guests In the Floyd Peter- Estate o f Calvin Goforth, deceas About 50 acres good spud land, der bench, first class soil, all row POR SA IE — 200 feet frontage, 150 sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products ed. 5Jtfc. family were dinner guests of Mr. oon home near Homedale. fair house with water pressure in crop land, posssesion now, $32,000. feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor Company. Mr. and Mrs. Oayle Martin spent and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin Sunday. house, $9000. No race restrictions. W. J. Winslow, age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. llS tf. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen and Thanksgiving with Mrs. Martin’s CARD OF THANKS 80 acres, about 30 acres in crop. Greenleaf, Idaho. 4Dlxp. We wish to thank our friends for More can be farmed. One-room POR SA IE — Imperial wallpaper. Loans on farms for refinancing, children were Sunday dinner guests liter, Mrs. Louise Boren, and fami building, Improvements, b u y i n g . ly in Nampa. of Mr. and Mrs. William Van Zelf their expressions of sympathy and house, fine well and pressure water FOR SALE!— Registed Cocker span Guaranteed to be washable and Mrs. Helen Nicholson of Owyhee for the beautiful floral offerings. system, nearly new A-C tractor and iel pups. C. A. Ross, 5 blocks north non-fading lor three years. Good Long term, low Interest, see Ber of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg and dam spent the week-end as a house We especially wish to thank the 4D2xp. stock on hand. Slunz Lumber com nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. equipment. Hay derrick and hay o f Shell Service station. 3lAtfc. family were Caldwell visitors Wed guest of Mrs. Oayle Martin. American Legion for the impressive machinery. All goes for only $6000. pany. 26Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGinnis, funeral service given for our beloved nesday evening. 92 acres bottom land, 3 tenant POR SA IE — 1942 Ford jeep, new, MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and family son, Thomas F. Matheny. houses, one nice house, deep weU, permanent top. First class condi POR SA IE — Used Fairbanks plat and clyinder lock keys made. Wes in Boise Thursday. and Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Matheny extra pump for irrigation. Old paid- tion. $900. Powell Service Oarage. form scale. 2500 pound capacity. 250tfc. 27Ntfc. Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc. tern Auto Store. Several friends of Mr. and Mrs. and family were dinner guests and family. up water right. Only two miles Thanksgiving day in Ihe Cecil Harlan Maw gave a going-away to beet dump. This is the finest POR SA IE — A6 Case combine, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING TOR SA IE— Fine row - crop 40. row crop land in the Jamieson 1942 model. In good condition. Her Stock received Monday. Tuesday, party for them Monday evening. Smith home. near Adrian, good water right, fair November 17. Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown district, $26,500. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. bert Fields, phone 0184R-12, Pay improvements. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis and son, entertained at a family dinner 90 acres four miles from Nyssa. ette. 27N2xp. 40 acres cn oiled highway. One to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Stanley, spent four days visiting Thanksgiving. Those present were1 PLANNING TO Real good house, modem except No stock received on Sunday. mile out. Unimproved. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of relatives in Boise. heat. This Is a fine row crop farm. POR SALE— Choice dressed fryers Several good 80-acre and larger Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Old water right, lots of free water for Thanksgiving and for lockers, farms. to Polar locker plant. BUILD? Brown and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. besides, $25,000. 50c pound. Phone 05J3, Flank J. 3 acres lor sale, close In, unim One mHe west on Alberta avenue AMATEUR PROGRAM Korman and Kristine. 40 acres nice land. Small base Pike. 20Ntfc proved. Phone 05R1 GIVEN A T ADRIAN Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and may save money ment house, near church and store, JAKE FISCHER Also have several houses listed. POR SA IE— Attractive, small, mo- Donna Maria and Mrs. Clyde Steel $5250. This is a good buy. 5Jtfc. ADRIAN, Dec. 4— Mr. and Mrs. man and Donna Lee were shoppers 240 acres in Adrian district. 1241 iern dwelling. Good location. Pric KEN RENSTROM Legal by seeing me. Wilbur Toomb and family were .n Boise Friday. acres in crop. Pair house, bam, or ed to sell. Nyssa Realty Co. 2QN*fc. Phone 172-J dinner guests Thanksgiving in the Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and chard, a lot of acres for a cheap IN THE COUNTY COURT OF POR SALE— Stove pipe reducers Reuben Graham home. family, Mrs. Threlma E31iot and price, $16,000. from 6 to 4. Also assorted sizes of POR SA IE — Sewing machine sup THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Mr. and Mrs. James Attefoerry Kenneth and Donald, Wilbur Jack- 15 acres, nice place near town. TIIE COUNTY OF MALHEUR pipe, elbow, etc. Nyssa Flirniture plies. Wholesale and retail. Re- and daughter, Judy, were dinner son, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson Just right for a small dairy, $3300. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Co., one block west of railroad buUding, electrifying, repairing. Re guests Sunday evening in the C. and Donna Marla, and Mr. and Mrs. 160 acres, ideal farm, fine house, In the Matter of the Estate of depot. 20Ntfc. built machines for sale. F. "Lete1 Glenn Brown home. W. E. Piercy and Arlene were am- tenant house, large machine shed, Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west EDITH CORDLEY, Deceased. Betty Moore and her girl friend, jng those from Adrian who attend large cow barn, many other build TOR SA IE— 50 Austrawhite puUets, First street, south, Ontario, Ore NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nyssa, Oregon ings. This place is nearly ready and 55 hens. Charles A. Ditty, Sun gon. 19Jtfc. the undersigned, Cora EMlth C off who visited over the Thanksgiving ed the F\j6ter-WUson wedding in holidays with the Reverend H. E. Nyssa Thanksgiving day. to produce maximum crops, $50,000. set vaUey. man, has been appointed adminis 20Ntfc. TOR 8 ALE— Several houses for tratrix o f the estate of Edith Cord- Moore family, left with Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Nichols and Three rooms, bath, plastered, el Building Contractor ectric water heater, a nice place, TOR SA IE — Baby crip with in- sale. Attractive buys. See Frank lew, deceased, by the County Court Elliot and a group of boys and girls son, Johnnie, of Nampa, little Jane 16JUc of Malheur County, Oregon, and for their school at Corvallis Sun Livesay of Caldwell, and Mr. and only $3200. Why rent when you nerspring mattress. Excellent con T. Morgan. day. Mrs. L. D. Davis of Swan Falls, can buy a house for this price. dition. In«uiire at Journal Office. has qualifed. Wilbur Jackson and Donald El Idaho were Sunday dinner guests 13NLÌC. FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance Pour rooms, nice lawn. This is NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Public Liability, Property Damage really worth the price asked, $2700. having claims agains the estate of liot left Sunday for their school in in the Clyde Steelman home. Mr. A very nice acre with basement TOR SA IE— New crop red beans, Fire, Thelt and Collision. Placet. Edith Cordley, deceased, are hereby La Granue after spending the Nichols is Mrs. Steelman’s brother fine quality, $12 per 100 pound In the best compames at lowesi and Mrs. Davis la her niece. dug, $1700. notified and required to present the Thanksgiving holidays in Adrian. The amateur program, sponsored Brand new fine home, hardwood bag, $7.50 per bushel. One mile possible rates. Bernard Eastman. Mr. and Mrs, John Pointer and same, with proper vouchers, .duly 14Ftfc verified, wihin six (6) months from by 4-H leadens and members was son of Portland were callers In the floors, large bath room with fine east of Owyhee junction. A. D. 6N7xp. iis e - fixtures, lovely kitchen, utility room Moses. the date of this Notice to the un held Friday evening in the high Clyde Steelman home Friday ev with electric hot water heater and TOR SA IE — Chrysler Industrial ening. They have bought the Ar- LOST dersigned, Cora Edith Coffman, at school auditorium. The following program was an buUt-in tubs, fireplace, extra large 8-cyllnder engine, 140 horsepower, the law office of Harold Henigson LOST—Dark red, white faced, h om at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the nounced by Mrs. Threlma Elliot: bedrooms. Priced to sell, $7750. fluid drive with right angle pulley, ed heifer with white markings, 14 undersigned selects as her place of A song by David Hurst; piano solos * CC. ^ L We have building lots, industrial on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co. PORTLAND sites, stock ranches, etc. 90tfc. months, no brand. John Low, phone business in all matters connected by Myrna Lane, Navadna Peterson, f l N * N ^ iaL 03-J2. 4Dlxc. wlm said estate. and Arlene Piercy; duets by Diana E. L. JAMISON Hardman and Adele Hammon, and 252 8. 4th St. Phone 65-J TOR SALE— Large oil heater, good Dated and first published Novem STRAYED— Bay horse. Owner Betty Tomb and Ardyce Hurst; 2 blocks south of International condition, lo ioot copper tubing ber 13, 1947. store. O ffice in my home. Look for and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J may have horse by paying for ad- Last publication, December 11, readings by ICffie Rose Smith and 18Stfc.! vertiiing 811(1 feed. Earl Chard, Mrs. George Besendorfer; and a real estate sign. 4D2xp. 1947. po i Cora Edith Coffman, Adminis song, Bobby Jo Webster, Catherine STRAYED— Brockle-faced steer tratrix of the Estate of Edith Thiel, June Ausman and Edith M at with cropped right ear and over thews. Cordley, Deceased. slope on left ear with four lazy Proceeds from the sale of tickets “ Y ” on left rib, also another brand to the program and pop-corn balls similar to anchor on left hip. Alva NOTICE OF FINAL SFTTLEMENT sold at the entertainment amounted In the Matter of the Estate of Qoodell. Route 2, Nyssa. 4D2xp. to $57, which will be used to send Albert Lee Heldt, deceased a 4-H ¡boy and girl to summer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE1N that For Rent SALT LAKC Everett C. Heldt, administrator of school. Prizes for selling the most tickets TOR RENT— Sleeping room in mo the estate of ALBERT LEE HELDT, dem home, suitable for gentleman deceased, has rendered and filed his went to Larry Matthews, first and Westbound or couple. 152 East Third street, final account of the administra Joe Kellar, second. (Regular Schedules) Mr. and Mrs. Roy EHlibee and phone 177-J. 20Ntfe. tion of the estate of ALBERT LEE ay no a t t e n t io n children o f Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Leo *5:20 AM *-10:20 AM HELDT, deceased. Ellibee and children of Parma, ana TOR RJSNT— Polish your own h a t e v e r o h is -2:05 PM *-3:50 PM That 10 O’CLOCK, A M., Decem floors. Rent our high-speed pol ber 6, 1947 at the County Court Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and fami -6:40 PM *11:45 PM F ir e in s u r a n c e ly of Vancouver, Washington were ishing equipment. Efesily handled •Dlrecf to Portland House at Vale, Oregon is fixed and DENTTSTS PHYSICIANS a d v e r t is e m e n t by women. Nyssa Lumber company. appointed as the time and place I’hanksgivlng dinner guests hi the -Welser Car. 3Atfc. for hearing at objections to the Francis Deffer home. Eastbound Mrs. Elmer Sparks was hostess at DR. C. M. TYLER said final account. S A K A Z IN CLINIC (Regular Schedules) a party Monday" afternoon, Decem WANTED All persons having objections to Wilson Building *3:05 AM *8:3» AM Dr. J. J. Sarazin ber 1. Mrs. Harvey Bennett and A C T l£ £ & said final account shall appear at Phone 165-J, Nyssa 1:10 PM *4:05 PM WANTED— Position as caretaker said time and place and show cause Mis. Ellen Sparks won the prizes Dr. K E. Kerby Office hours from 9 to 5 except 6:10 PM *11:00 PM by elderly man, with house fur if any exists, why the said final for games played. Those present Physician and Surgeons Saturdays, 9 to 12. 'D irect to Salt Lake nished for couple. W. C. Marsh, account should not be allowed and were Mrs. George Riddle, Mrs. City general delivery, Nyssa. 4Dlxp. approved. REAL ESTATE AND IN S U R A N C E Dale Ashcraft, Mrs. John Auker, Phons 196-W L. A. Maulding, M. D. J. R. CU N D ALL PHONE 4 7 J NYSSA OREGON IDverett C. Heldt, Administrator Mrs. Verl Bishop, Mrs. Clyde Steel WANTED— To rent 2 or 3-room Physician and Surgeon of the Estate of Albert Lee man, Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mrs. Dentist furnished or unfurnished apartment. Ellen Sparks. Refreshments of whip Phone 37 Heldt, deceased. Phone 56-J Phone 11. 4D2xp. ped jelk>, cream wafers and coffee Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 First pub. November 6, 1947. Sarazin Clinic were served. Daily—Except Sunday WANTED— To rent land suitable Last pub. December 4, 1947. NYSSA OREXJON The public is Invited to attend i for row crop. Sig Murakami, route the "God's Acre" sale to be held 1, Nyssa. 27N8xp. DINNER PARTIES JE W E L R Y STORES Saturday, December 6. A presto OPTOMETRISTS WANTED— House or apartment to HELD A T RICHLAND cooker, radio, and pop-up toaster rent. Phone 166-W. 20N3xp. will be given away in the after PAULUS DR. J. A . M CFA LL noon. Ladies o f the Community JEWELRY STORE WANTED — Plumbing. Radiant, RICHLAND, Dec. 4—Mr. and Mrs. DR. JOHN EASLY church will serve a chicken dinner Union Pacific Time Inspector steam and hot water heating. Free W. J. Brandt of Meridian. Idaho in the Legion hall, starting at 11:30 estimates. See Fled Braun, across were week-end guests of Mr. and JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Proceeds will go to the kitchen fund street from Nyssa Flmeral home. Mrs. E. H. Brandt. WATCHES Mr. and Mrs. A1 Udlinek and Mr. for the new church. 30Otfc. Main Street a. Second Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson and Mrs. Rudolph Udlinek were WANTFD— To buy anything in Tanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. have moved to their new home, va cated by the Bill Toomb family, beef or veal. Also i/uy hanger cows and Mrs. Dick Udlinek Thursday. W YCKOFF Early cold weather throughout Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams and who moved to Kingman Kolony. the country has brought about JEWELRY STORE Mrs. George DeHaven entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thermin Hill were an abnormal consumption of coal. Official Time Inspector far At a party Monday afternoon for .in Boise Tuesday, That’s another reason why Phone 21. Ontario, Ore Uniop Pacific j Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis and her son, Bruce, on his birthday. roal will likely be Free Pick Up ONTARIO OREGON 'son, Stanley, spent Thanksgiving Many little friends were present and in short supply before CHIROPRACTORS nice gifts were received by Bruce. i day at the home of Mr. Davis’ cous- the heating season O f Your Mrs. Clyde Steelman entertained i in, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Inselman H AY BUYER Is over. at a party Monday afternoon. Mrs. Edwin Oldham, D. C. I of Kuna. Dead and Worthless Beth Mitchell left Sunday for L. W. Dierking received the prizes W . F. JAHN _ Chiropractle PhysieUn ' Eugene after visiting here with her in the two games which were play n . . , , . 1 Physiotherapy - Eleetro-Tnerapy I folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, ed. Each guest received a souvenir Dealer in hay and grain | b o x n * — t e l . m - w — n y s s a Animals | and brother. Joel, over the Thanks of her own choice. Refreshments Third at Good Ave. of ice cream, angeifood cake and giving holidays. Call Collect LODGES Mr and Mrs* Walter A. Mus- coffee were served. O R D E R T O D /VV GRAVE MARKERS howe and daughter. Mary Katheryn Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Macky and There Is s Phone Near You i FRO M Gate City Lodge of Topeka. Kansas and Mr. and children were in Boise and Caldwell Nyssa 100 Parma 28 Mrs. Dewey Annon and daughter, Friday. They took their son, Joe, to For grave markers and No. 214 Dewetta of Caldwell were dinner Boise for a six-week check-up on monuments write or see Ontario 53 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harland polio convalescence. If he does not I.O.O.F. R. A. BENTLEY Diven Friday evening show more Improvement the next "We Haul the Day You Call" O. L. Galloway Meets every Monday Mr. and Mrs. Oene Eleshman and six weeks he will have to re-enter Haines, Oregon Mgr. Ida-Ore Rendering Co. daughter, Shirley, and Mr. and the Boise convalescent home for a Better Values night, 8 :30. LUM BER COM PANY Mrs. Cliff Beckxtead were dinner While. Nys$a, Oregon guests of Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitch South First Street Lower Prices Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gowey and Nyasa, Oregon ell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs John Oowey and 3>' Mr. and Mrs Eric Boenlc and family were Thanksgiving day din Classified Advertising You Advertising J. C. Krul » I F * 0U6 To L0£* STRESS Professional And Business Direciory P W T T : Por KEN RENSTROM \ Store SPRING CANYON ROYAL SLACK COALJ4W?/ r 1 ' ^ ; BO ISE 1 PAYETTE ; ■ •