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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1947)
1 HE NVSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO fhe Gate City Journal KLAS8 V. POWELL - - - - - - - Editor and PubiUher SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATfc.8 One Year................... — .._...S*AO Blx Manttia..... - ................. M M Open rate, per Inch........ M e National, per Inch............40c Classifieds, per word..... ~ ,B Minimum..........30c 81ngle C o p le e .......... j 06 (Strictly in Advance* Published every Thursday at Nysea, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postofflees at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o( March 3, 1879. Church Notes I lng course. 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age and Junior services. | 8 p.m., Rev, Brown will be preacn- ing. 1 We again extend to you an ln- vltation to our services. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 am ., Good congregational sing CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES | AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH ing, special singing and sermon by PARISH HALL Rev. J. Russell Brown, who Is now Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor Mass at 9:30 every Sunday except conducting a S. S. teacher’s train- I If How Struck Fire Much Insure You Would Now And FRANK T. Today Be Lose? Safe MORGAN delicious ,t SnoNUTt l i l i III) Il llcinii liiH kiui Olili! Gel seme today •< The Sweet Shop Santa's Delivered The Goods! W e’ve got shelves and shelves of beau tiful, useful gifts for all the family just left by Ole Saint Nick! All you have to do is come in and pick ’em up, which will be a snap at our low prices. Present* for Her, Giftg for Him, Books and Toys for Girls and Boys— To Fit All Budgets, Fat and Slim! Owyhee Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS PRESICION FILLED CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8th and En ms Sts. George Whipple, Pastor Bible school, 10 am . Morning worship, 11 a.m. This service includes a message on the topic, "Jesus, Prophet, Priest, King” and special music. Evening services at 8 p.m. Ser mon topic is, “Samuel, A Dedicated Life”. Choir practice at the church Wed nesday after school. R. G. LARSON HEADS GROUP TO CONTACT OUTSIDE CONCERNS dos t ijy dsagkiits • • ujr S P U D N U T S t /< on the second Sunday of the month, Mrs. Russell Howell. A group of young people charivar- when It will be at 8 a m. ied Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tarker at THE METHODIST COMMUNITY the hall last Wednesday night. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Be n e tt at- Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor tended__ T,.D.S bazaar and dance Sunday school. 9:45. at Adrian Monday night. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. Dee Durfee and Irvin Durfee of Youth fellowship, 7 p. m. New Plymouth are helping harvest Young Adult fellowship, 7 p. m. beets for their father, Charles Dur Evening worship, 8 p. m. fee. Sunday school board meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rooks tool and Wednesday at 8 p. m. family attended a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rookstool FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH and family at the B. P. Rookstool Roland G. Wuest, Pastor hme. At midnight a lunch was ser 10 a.m.t Sunday school. Classes ved to 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. for all age groups. Rookstool will leave thi* week for 11 am ., Worship service. Sermon Idaho to reside. theme: "Can We Realize Our Re Elmer Cloninger Is confined to demption This Year?”, based on his bed this week. St. Luke 1: 68-79. Rev. George Whipple of Nyssa was a caller in this vicinity Mon ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH day. Beginning Sunday, Decembe/ Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector 7, Sunday school and church ser Holy communion a t 9 a.m. on vices will be held a t Sunset hall the second Sunday of each month. Sunday afternoon instead of morn At 4 p.m. on the first, third and ing. fourth Sundays. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. ARCADIA PUPILS The advisory committee of the Nyssa area memorial hospital cam paign appointed R. G. Larson chair man of the important committee for solicitation of memorials and memberships from corporations and firms located in other cities, but doing business in the large district to be served by the memorial hos pital. “We are certain th a t corporations and firms, doing business in this large hospital area, are very much interested in promoting a hospital for the protection of life and health of their employees as well as of the citizens who live in the district to be served,” stated Larson, who said, “the firms and corporations th at sell goods and equipment to the farmers and townspeople within the large area th a t is to be served by the memorial hospital are doing busi ness here the same as our merch ants and industries. We believe they too are interested in building this community memorial hospital— as are the merchants and corpora tions located here.” The names of all firms and cor porations th at donate funds to the community memorial hospital will be placed in the lobby of the hos pital. MEETING AT UPPER SUNSET POSTPONED UPPER SUNSET, Dec. 4—The Wa ll ine club meeting was postponed last week on account of illness in the Strickland home. It will be held December 18 at the Ray Strick land home, with Jean Strickland as oo-hostess. As the Christmas party will be held, the members are to reveal their secret pals at the meet ing. Mrs. Begins of Utah spent from Saturday until Thursday with her daughter. Mrs. Wayne Berrett, and family. She was en route to her home after spending a few days with her son a t Seattle. Mrs. Marion Lang and daughter, Mrs. William Chadd of Calloway, Nebraska, were callers in the Roy Rookstool home Monday. The party arc visiting in the home of Mrs. Chadds brother-in-law, Ira Chadd, and family. A large crowd attended the Frank Parker sale last Friday. Melvin Pendarvis lias rented the place this year. Mr and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and family spent Thanksgiving In the J. C. Rookstool home at Parma. Mr and Mrs. Jack Parker and son spent Thanksgiving vacation with %ils parents, Mr and Mrs. U. E. Parker, and family. Mrs. Forest Tennant and daugh ter are visiting her parents, Mr. and More Buyers GET HOT LUNCHES ARCADIA, Dec. 4— Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard entertained a t a Thanksgiving turkey dinner Chai- les Bullard, Pearl Orris, Harold Dail, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and family, John and Jack Zltter- cob, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen and Gladys Moss of Portland. Mrs. Art Cook started Monday to serve hot lunches to the Arcadia school children. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bates and family spent Thanksgiving day in Glens Perry, Idaho with Mrs. Bate's niece, Mrs. Robert Uhl, and family. Lee Dail killed an elk in the Baker section recently. Miss Wilma Bullard of Portland spent the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bul lard. She was accompanied by her roommate, Miss Gladys Moss of Montana, who is attending the Mul tnomah School of the Bible in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and family were guests Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Chandler and family of Caldwell. The Arcadia school had a two- day holiday last week. Leo Shilling of Greeley, Colorado Is visiting his brother, Fred Shill ing, and family and his sisters, Mrs. Deward Benedict and Mrs. Ro bert Miesinger, and families. Ted and George Iida left last week for a two-weeks business trip to Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and family had as guests Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hull of’ Vale, Mrs. Lily Dement and Ka- thrine Bruce of Ontario and Ruth Hopson of Eugene. Betty Bullard entertained a group of friends a t her home Friday ev ening with a taffy pull. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miesinger entertained the following guests at a turkey dinner a t their house Thanksgiving evening: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shilling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Deward Benedict and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Winkler and family of Vale, Tony and Rudy Ma- rostica and Leo Shilling of Greeley, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs Ellis Warner and girls went on a picnic to Succor creek Friday. A short Thanksgiving program was given by the Arcadia Sunday school Sunday. Velma Sato, nurse In the Ontario hospital, spent» Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sato. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and children. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Clea ver and Linda and Alva Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Shar- rell, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary, Mrs. John Cleaver and daughter, and Bernice Bowen. Alva Goodell, Alva Goodell, Jr., Detoert Cleaver and Irvin Topliff attended the sale at Ontario Tues day. Several irom this community at tended the Frank Parker sale Fri day afternoon. Mrs. John Cleaver of Iowa and daughter spent the week-end at the George Cleaver home Willis Bertram, Chet and Ho ward Day, Lester, Delbert, and L oyd Cleaver and Ray Griffitt re turned from hunting elk near Bak er. The elk hunt was not a success as the snow was deep. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff ate Thanksgiving dinner a t the War ren home near Parma. Visits In Boise— Miss Alene Ward spent Thanks giving with relatives in Boise. Dignify Your Christmas Sentiments W ith Imprinted Christmas Cards Your Name Printed On Boxed Cards At Reasonable Prices. Assorted Christmas Cards Also Available Gate City Journal PRINTERS and STATIONERS SAN TA MAY MAKE IT THIS YEAR IF WE CAN GET HIM FROM THE COMFORTABLE CHAIR HE BOUGHT AT *& NEW SO M S * /// #g0M m C H R IS T M A S S U G G E S T IO N S For Mother For The Family Give Records BUENA ELK HUNTERS HAVE NO SUCCESS BUENA VLSTA, Deo. 4—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram were Thanks giving dinner guests a t the Chet Sage home in Nyssa. Those from this community who attended the pinochle party a t the Oregon Trail schoolhouse were Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver have gone to Portland, where they will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ourss left last week for their home in Colorado. They had spent the past several weeks at the home of their daugh ter. Mrs. Alva Goodell, and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver en tertained at Thanksgiving dinner More Orders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK At the Northwest’s most modem Livestock Market, every Tuesday. Market Report for December 2, 1947 Fed Steers *34.50 to *26 Grass fat steers *23 to *75. Grass fat heifers *20 to *32.50 Grass fat cows *16 to *18.50 Cutter cows *12.50 to *14.50 Canner cows *10 to *12.50. Beef bulls *17 to (18 70. Veal calves *18 to 28. Feeder iambi $17 to *19. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1947 Fed heifers *21 to *23 Feeder steers *22 to *24. Feeder cows *135 to 8170 head Stock calves *19 to (24. Fat hogs (26 60. Sows *20 to (22. Feeder pigs *2« to *25. Fat lambs (19 to (21 Ewes (7 50 to *9. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY ^ PHONE 2 6 1 ONTARIO, OREGON Cad us for transportation for your livestock or market information. CAKE PLATE CLOTHES HAMPER WAFFLE IRON SEWING CABINET POTTERY WHAT-NOTS COCKTAIL TABLE END TABLES SERVING TRAY PRESSURE COOKER MAGAZINE RACK LIVING ROOM SUITE BEDROOM SUITE BING CROSBY CARMAN For Dad SMOKING STAND (Ash-Away) FLUORESCENT BED DINETTE SET LAMP PLATFORM ROCKER PICTURES DESK & CHAIR MATTRESSES CARD TABLE ELECTRIC CLOCK Radio Phonograph 'nm'MM. (Combination) LAMPS (Table & Floor) Do Not Forget Make us your head quarters for Christmas Lights CAVALLARO BOB WILLS ROY ACUFF FRANK SIN ATRA___ PHIL HARRIS (Hundreds of Others) For The Kiddies The Three Caballeros The Great Gildersleeve Little Black Sambo Pee-Wee the Piccolo Puss In Boots Pied Piper of Hamelin Sparky and the Talking Train Mickey and the Bean stalk (Many Others) Newsom Furniture Co.