* i \ « ^ A á iW . K j - J r r n - ,j_i_ iM iv l i l - 1^1 r m ^ 'í ' * ■ , r l ^ j , - | K K k ^ V . * . FAeNYSSA VOLUME XXXXII i NO. 47 JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1947 Annual Banquet Given Gridsters By Lions Club Warrant Issued For Arrest In Shooting Ca«e ) NYSSA CONCERNS BUY $311 WORTH OF HEALTH BONDS Beet Harvest To Be Finished Close O f Week Sales of health bands among the ¡business people of Nyssa amounted Friend Steps In Front Talks and Musical Num to »311, according to Ken Ren- Largest Crop In History chairman of ¿he Nyssa bond bers Featured on Mondaj strom. Repoited; 500 Mexi Of Gun-toter As Offi sales committee of the Maiheur cans Leaving cer Bird Fires Program County Health and Tuberculosis as sociation, which Is now launching j The Nyssa Lions paid tribute tc Harvest of beets in the Nyrsa- Two complaints alleging the car I the spirit as well as the victories its annual Christmas seal drive, j Nampa district wl„ ^ eomp!eted rying of a concealed weapon and ¡of the Nyssa high school football The bond sale was sponsored by ihis welc_end R G Larson pointing a gun at another and a I manager of the Amalgamated 3u- jtcam at their annual football ban- the Nyssa Lions club. warrant sett ng Torth the same Seals were mailed before the bond I sar company stated charges have been issued against jquet in the home economics room ale was completed, so that those James K Transue of Weiser bj With the close of the harvest of the high school building Mon Malheur county officers as a result ” ho purchased bonds also received season ln the county, 400 Mexi day night. eels. Those buying bonds are not of an altercation in which anothei cans who spent tfie summer working The program, arranged by Princi man was shot on a Nyssa street here left for their homes Sunday pal Dennis Patch, featured talks •xpected to purchase seals. last Thursday night. The seals were mailed to 5000 and 100 remaining in the oounty Nyssa high school’s 1947 football comb, S at Koyano, Dean Suti >r- ard Flanary, Richard Endow, Sad on football by schoolmen and play families November 28. Each family will leave the end of the week. All Charles H. Hopper, Transue’s earn tied for third place in th e ; iandi Bob W.lson, Merlin Anderson, Itamuri, Dick Iserl, Bob Wilder, ers and musical numbers. s asked to purchase Christmas companion, was shot in the side 3nake River Valley conference with . . . of the camps have been closed with „ , , „ , „ In keeping with the occasion, the by City Police Officer Floyd Bird our victories and one defeat. The IAlvln Peclca’ Floyd Hale' Royce Reed Ray, Lyle Gilbert, Lester Maw menu consisted of "Red Grange seals at $1 per sheet to aid in the the exception of the Malheur county but Is recovering satisfactorily in V squad players shown above are I Chadwick, Deane Hunter, Kay and Leo Long. association's work. Seventy per cent a t Adrian. tomato cocktail, “Johnny Lujack the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontar .s follows: Back row—Duane Hoi- | Christensen, Ned Campbell, How- i Photo Courtesy Evans Studio) 'urkey and dressing, “Billy Willi of the money will ramain in the The largest crop of sugar beets io. ounty for tuberculosis control and in the history of the district was ams" mashed potatoes and gravy, general health work. ■Kransue was expected to be ar- harvested this year, Mr. Larson “Jim Thorpe” string beans, “Buddy re ted by state police officers today. said, both as to acreage and ton Young’’ salad, "Bronk Nagurski" The story, as pieced together from nage. On 65,000 acres the yield was rolls, and "Whizzer White” pum information given by officers, in slightly over 20% tons to the acre. pkin pie with cream. COACHES IN VALLEY dicated that Transue, Hopper, Don The beets were of good quality In the principal address of the aid E. Amen of Salem and three from the standpoint of sugar con program, Clem Barberry, head coach The Nyssa Council of Churches, of friends of Amen became involved tent. Bob Wilder of Nyssa won a berth the College of Idaho, declared In a quarrel at Eddie's club. Fear _______ I on thé ad-star Snake river valley with the assistance of several or that morale is 75 per cent of the Prcessing of the beets Is about ing that the four men would “gang half completed so that beets are ____ „ 1 r n „ T j„ footoall team com piled by the Tda- ganizations, will conduct a drive winning of ball games and 25 per WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCORES up” on him, Transdue ran to his General Campaign To Be ho 8tfttesm V. g. W. 38, Second Ward 26. now being taken from •stock plies. an ln ‘„-operation with for clothing for European relief ent is material. automobile and pulled forth a .45 The campaign will last until the “A coach can’t give you that Eagles 22, Stun* Lumber Co. 25. Started; Fanners Or the coaches of the conference. Saturday, December 6. calibre revolver, officers said. Trans latter part of February. morale in five minutes before a M. Men 27, Wilson Bros. 55. due is then alleged to have warned ganize Groups Wilder was the only Nyssa boy If possible, the Girl Scouts will tam e”, Partoerry said. “You have everyone not to come closer to ---------- placed on the first squad, but Kay call at each home to ask that the certain responsibilities when you re The Lions club intra-city basket him. As Officer Bird appeared from •Th. citizens residing in the large chraitenflen an(1 Richard Endow donors have their clothing ready. ceive a letter. You have the respon ball league play was started Wed behind the car, Thansdue pointed district to be served by the Mem- j were nained tn the tesm . The Boy Scouts will collect the sibility of making good grades. nesday night with three games in the gun at him and the officer clothing, starting early Saturday. Graduation from high school should the Nyssa gymnasium. fired. As Bird pulled the trigger, orlal Hospital are showing a most l Wilder was placed in the backfield, They hope to be through shortly be only the beginning. Every fel Eight teams registered in the Hopper stepped into the line of co-operative spirit in aiding to or Christensen at tackle and Endow after noon. low needs that degree in this day. league are as follows: Adrian town fire, the officer said. ganize a large organization of vol- at center. A weiner roast will be held for If you put the best you have in team, with K. W. McDonald as Bill Stradley, Nyssa F.F.A. stu un&eer workers to serve in a general manager; Eagles lodge, Vem Far- dent, won first place in region 2 members of the first team the workers at noon near the each game you have won a lot1 campaign to raise funds for the sie Other Bnds, Tom Reed of Emmett schoolhouse. A movie will fee pre C .ach Howard Lovejoy said, “I on. manager; Owyhee ward of the with his exhibit of com in the proposed hospital", stated Bernard sented . by . the . Nyssa theater man don’t know of a better way of L.D.S. church, Kenneth Olson, m an grain and hay show at the Inter .. Frost, chairman of the general cam and Nick Speropulas of Weiser; tackles, Ted Jordan of Vale and fr^ to ,^he y‘?ungI't<!rs ei" finishing the football season than ager; M Men of Nyssa, Dean Fife, national Livestock exposition in paign organization, at a meeting Hank Sherman of Ontario; guards, I £ and 13 or De- to attend the Lions club banquet, nanager; Stunz Lumber company, Chicago, according to information of the division and group managers We appreciate it very much. This Charles Landreth, manager; Brack received here. „ held Monday night at the hos Don Cahill of Payette and Bob ce“ ^ r “ and 20' Stradley, who won the sweep- Hardlsty of Emmett; center, Dick I, J * urch “ ™ cl1 aPP°;nted team has been o.ve of the best I en’s, a VFW team, Roy Hoff, man pital campaign headquarters in the The Nyssa Bulldogs will open the Stingley of Payette; and backs, <™ * r*71’ William Beus and have had in some time. We were ager; second ward of the L.DS. stakes prize in the Oregon state city hall. basketball season against tough Duane Kirk of Payette, Earl Wil- i Hu«h Tobler to take charge of the outweighed most of the time, but hurch, Vem Beasley, manager, and com show this fall at Portland, will "A large number of farmers and hams of Vale and Paul Sumner of «¡ ection campaign. Nyssa residents we came out of each game fight Wilson brothers, Calvin Wilson, probably receive a prize of $20 or competitors, their Baker name-sakes, business men have volunteered to will donate the use of trucks and ing”. ■nanager. in the Nyssa gymnasium tonight. $25 and a ribbon, his instructor, Welser. cars. Trucks will be placed In sev The preliminary to the non-confer serve as workers in the general Following his introduction by Four games will be played each Richard Wilson, said. hospital campaign”. eral sections of th* city nud the Glea Billings, the toastmaster, Ol- Monday The schedule for December ence game is set for 7 p.m. Region 2 Includes some of the The following have volunteered JOHN V. RAMSEY, clothing will be hauled to the trucks ean Wells, club president, opened 8 la as follows: Eagles versus Owy outstanding corn-growing areas In In another non-conference con to serve as organizing members 7>f in passenger cars. test, the Nyssa team will play the the meeting with the thought that hee ward. 7:16; M Men versus VFW, the middle west and Malheur, Jose FORMER OWYHEE Any clean clothing and shoes football boys learn to fight hard 8:30, and Wilson brothers versus phine and Jackson counties In Ore Parma quintet on the Nyssa f\*>r the general campaign organization: RESIDENT, PASSES Division B. Dr. J. R. Cundall, man that can possibly be worn are ac- and clean, which helps them In Stunz Lumber company, 9:46. Saturday night with the prelimi gon. I ceptable. Donors are asked to place their later life. nary scheduled for 7 p.m. Neither ager; group 3, Judge Don Graham, The Lions club basketball com John Vardiman Ramsey manager; group 4, George Henne- of 208 j their names and addresses with the jP arm a nor Nyssa have played a “We envy the coach because he mittee men are Gene Stunz, chair game this year, but the visitors are man, manager; group 5, Ralph Eleventh avenue south, of Nampa clothing as a human interest angle. has an opportunity to mold the man; Galvin Wilson, referee; Ed ARABIAN STALLION former Nyssa resident, died Tues Lawrence, manager; division C, Glea Members of the Nyssa Civic club character of the boys , Wells said. Boydell, ticket sales; Everett Heldt, expected to place a strong team on ASSIGNED TO NYSSA Billings, manager; group 6, Ev day, November 25 at the Idanha will start packing the clothing and Speaking of the businessmen, Wells •corekeeper, and Klass Powell, pub the floor. erett Held, manager; group 7, Ken hotel in Boise following a heart shoes into bags Saturday. The •said “You will find a lot of our licity. Anyone Interested ln playing Coach Howard Lovejoy will prob An imported Arabian stallion, schools are co-operating in publiciz interests are with you fellows”. bjiskeltoall Is asked to contact one •'Wisok'’ lias been assigned to Nell ably sta rt five lettermen, Anderson, neth Renatrom, manager; group 8, attack. Mr. Ramsey was born in the Bernard Eastman, manager; divis ing the campaign and the Lions center; Ray and Holcomb, guards, Dean Sutherland thanked the of the committee members as sev Dtmmlck by the army remount and Koyano and Sutherland, for ion D, group 9, M. C. Seuell, man- Owyhee community of Malheur club is paying the small amount club for the banquet and Mr. Wells eral teams need players. service for a period of three years. ager; group 10, Ed Meroney, m an-¡county May 26, 1904 and lived in of expense involved. wards. Eight or 10 other players for the free show that he gave at The horse, registered No. 4006 ln ager, and group 11, L. G. Hawley,' this vicinity during the first few will be sent into action tonight and the Nyssa theater for the boys. the American Arabian Horse club, NYSSA CHILD HAS manager. I years of his life. Mr. Ramsey, an Saturday. Bab Wilder said that five of the will be available for breeding. "Any farmers, or residents of any | electrician for the Valley Neon JOHN CHARD, NYSSA starting lineup in this year’s team Nyssa will play Adrian here F ri 10 GRANDPARENTS The four-year-old Is a blood bay city, within the district to be ser- j Sign company of Boise, moved to HAS POLIOMYELITIS day, December 12 in the next en will be back in school next year, with star and three white stockings. ved by the memorial hospital who Nampa two months ago from Reno, counter. and he predicted a successful sea Mrs. Ethel Shaw of Glltner, Neb Wisok Is one of the young stall- desire to serve as volunteer work- I Nevada. Services were held Novem- John Chard, five-year-old son of son in 1948. raska recently saw for the first ins recently Imported from Ger ers should write or telephone the ber 29 at Summers’ chapel in Boise j Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chard, was tak- Principal Patch said many things time her first great grandchild, many. He went through many hard EAGLES TO TAKE inemorial hospital campaign head- and interment was in the Clover- en to Boise Monday suffering from contribute to a successful football Gerald Ray Btngman of Nyssa, ships and some rough handling in quarters, city hall, Nyssa, telephone dale Memorial park. HOSPITAL MEMORIAL poliomyelitis. season, but sometimes some of who has 10 grandparents and great Germany and on the boat trip 92-J”. I Surviving are his widow, Carolyn; Paralysis of the throat made them "get lost ln the shuffle”. He grandparents. Gerald Is 3 1/2 years to the United States, according to of "The farmers, in the large district a daughter, Mrs. Helen Lewis veinous feedings necessary. The mentioned the work of Cashier old. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, Major Charlie B. Team. No. 2134 of Nyssa, subscribed $2000 to be served by the community Modesto, California; his mother, child was running a fever for sev Charles Steffens, Band Director The boy’s numerous older rela Mrs. Gertrude Jackson of Nyssa; eral days before the paralysis devel- Lynn Lawrence and the band and tives Include his parents, Mr. and for a roam in the district memorial memorial hospital, have shown as hospital. The lodge plans to sub great an interest as the business his father, O. J. Ramsey of Nampa ' oped, relatives said. the yell leaders. Mr. Patch pointed Mrs. Dale Kingman ; grandparents, SUNSET RESIDENTS men and industrialists In obtaining and a brother, Owen J. Ramsey scribe for a memorial bed. out that practically every school, Mr and Mrs. Pete Shaw of Nys- AID IN ACCIDENT "No funds will be raised from adequate hospital protection”, sta t of Fairbanks. Alaska. ln the conference will have lighted 58. Mrs. Leoma Bingman of Ontario XMAS. DECORATING the individual members, but the ed Frank T. Morgan, chairman of next year. and H. P. Bingman of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner of CHAIRMAN CHOSEN fields memorials will be financed by the memorial hospital campaign, HEARING ON MILK Paying tribute to the team, Patch and his great grandparents, Mr. Sunset valley, who left Wednesday shows with local talent”, stated who said, "The present day farmer ¡»aid, “We are proud of the boys. and Mrs. P. M. Warren of Nyssa, morning to spend Thanksgiving with PRICE SCHEDULED Mrs. Huston Wilson has been ap- Coach Eugene Pratt, chairman, who will is engaged ln industry and is a Lovejoy and Coach Kever- Mrs. A. C. Bingman of Eagle, Ida Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard at Bates, ---------- I pointed committee chairman for the en ”. toe assisted by S. P. Bybee, Ted business man. Through his produc ho, Mr, and Mrs. William Sims were among the first to arrive at A public hearing to consider re- j Christmas decorating contest to R. G. Whitaker extended greet of Aurora, Nebraska, and Mrs the scene of an automobile aocl- Ross and Emil Stunz, members of tion and business ability he makes possible, in a large measure, the vision of minimum prices paid pro- I be conducted by the Nyssa Civic ings to the boys from the city and Ethel Shaw. the memorial committee. dent in which one person was killed "Our organization far years has prosperity of our towns and cities. ducers for fluid milk and wliole- club between now and Christmas. school board. five miles west of the top of Bro The entries in the contest will be Coach Kinsey Keveren, speaking Nursing Home Notes— provided medical care and insur The farmer, like thé townsman, i s 1 sale and retail prices to consumers gan hill. ance for hospitalization of its mem aware of the great danger facing his ' in the Malheur county marketing classified and judged, according to on '"Reserves” said apparently the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parks, Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Adams and bers and families. With this our family and employees because th e re 1 area will be held in Ontario in Mrs. Bernard Eastman, president purpose of reserves is not to win daughter, bom November 28, weight, five children of Bates were en route hum anitarian objective, our mem is no hospital in this area. Many ; the Moore hotel a t 1:30 p. m., of the civic club. this year, but prepare for next 6 pounds, 11 ounces: Mr. and Mrs to Nampa for Thanksgiving when bership is enthusiastically supp- farmers are volunteering to serve | Decernoer 12. according to notices j Anyone interested in having dec year. Laurence Steward. Vale, son, No their car overturned several times. Superintendent Henry Hartley op vember 28, 8 pounds, 2 ounces; Mr. Mrs. Adams was killed instantly \ orting this district memorial hos as workers and are subscribing large issued by the milk control section, orations judged are asked to regis ter with Mrs. Wilson. Both inside ined "We had a good season and and Mrs. Vear Hal lie, Parma, son, and the other occupants of the pital drive. We also seek this pro amounts of money in order to ob- ' state department of agriculture, | Melvin J. Conklin, examiner for and outside decorations will be en I am glad to have had the privilege November 29, 9 pounds, 8 ounces; car were inujred. tection for all of our friends and tain hospital protection. "Over 45 per cent of our enlisted the department, will be in charge tered in the contest. neighbors, the citizens who live in it seeing the games". / Mr and Mrs. Richard Sohler, Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Turner stayed with the large area to be served by the workers and sponsors are farmers, of the hearing, which is expected Duane Holcmb thanked the stu son, November 30, 7 pounds, 2 oun the family on the highway, giving hospital," stated Chairman Pratt, Eight out of 12 of our board of to establish official data for min- Visits Parents— dent body for the dinner served ces; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lohsey, aid and comfort for two end one- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson after the Payette game and thank Adrian, son, November 30, 8 pounds. half hours until the sheriff arrived. who said. “Our organization ini airectors of the memorial hospital imum milk and cream price schcd- tiated the national movement for are farmers. The hospital is de- ; ules under the conditions now pre spent Thanksgiving at the home of ed the Lions far the banquet. 2 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Der Mrs. Turner learned that the Adams Mr. Wilson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. vyrri*men’s compensation for sick signed to serve all residents within vailing in this area, Reed Ray played two accordion rick, Sunset Valley, December 2, children had been schoolmates of ness and injury and are active in this vast agricultural community.! The Malheur county hearing will L. L. Wilson of Imbier, and then solos, Mary Lou Schenk played two 8 pounds; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bue her daughter’s children ln the It will serve all without regard to be one of a series held by the state , went on to Adams, Oregon to visit piano selections and Marjorie Bish no, Nyssa, daughter, December 3, Bates schools. child welfare prog rants. "We gladly join with other or state or city boundary lines.” At a department of agriculture to ln- j Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. op, accompanied by Miss Schenk, 8 pounds, 7 ounces. ganizations and residents of this recent meeting of fanners a spokes vestigate costs and other factors William Perry Baker Mr. Wilson sang two songs. Mrs. Walter Marshall of Ontario Here for Thanksgiving— The tables were appropriately and Ray Boren of Nyssa have been dutHct tn assuming our share of man said, “We will all use the affecting the production and dis Is agriculture instructor in the Nys- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr., of Cor decorated with miniature paper admitted for medical treatment. the responsibility in this commun memorial hospital—why not work tribution of milk in the bottle and j sg high school, vallis and Mrs. Afton Roy and Jaq- can trade. footballs and other gridiron em Walter Cannon was released Tues ueline of La Grande spent the ity movement to protect the life for this community hospital?” Utah Visitors Here— blems. and health of the general public. day after treatm ent for pneumonia Thanksgiving vacation at the Ira Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Whitaker of The net proceeds of the turkey Here from Boise— To Hold Bazaar— Ure home. Ogden arrived in Nyssa last Wed Mr. and Mrs. John Dougal are The annual bazaar and cooked dinner served by the home econ Attend Church Meeting— Her from La Grande— nesday to spend Thanksgiving at visiting this week at the George food sale of St. Paul’s Guild will omics of the high school will be Phil and Leon Bolen of La Grande Rev and Mrs. Henry Gernhardt Arrive from Colorado— were overnight guests in the Hen McKee home. Mr. and Mrs. James be held a t Eder Hardware Satur the home of their son, Ron W hit contributed by the Future Home attended a meeting of the western Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marsh of aker. They were accompanied by Armstrong of Wilder visited Sun day, December 8. makers of America to the hospital district of the Methodist church at Olathe, Colorado are visiting at the ry G ernhardt home last Thursday. their daughter and husband, Mr. fund. The local girls are also send Frultland Monday. day a t the McKee home. Otis Tibbett home. Their daugh and Mrs. Barney Daley. They re ing food to the less fortunate peo Church Dinner Planned— ter. Mrs. Otis Tibbett, has gone to Parents Visit— turned to Ogden Saturday. St. Paul's church will hold a ple of Holland and contributing to Here from Klamath Falls— Undergoes Operation— Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown of Portland, where she will undergo pot luck parish dinner a t the parish the scholarship which will be pre Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison and Richmond. Utah have been visiting Bernard Frost. Nyssa manager of brain surgery. sented to the outstanding F H A. the Idaho Power company, under the last 10 days at the Bumall three children of Klamath Falls hall Friday night, December 6. All Visits Mother— members and friends are invited Shirley Whitley, who is attend spent the Thanksgiving holidays at girl of the state. Brown and Waynard Talbot homes. went an appendix operation In the Home from School— ing school at Salem, spent Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles to be present. Holy Rosary hospital ln Ontario Miss Adrienne Peterson and Spen giving at the home of her mclher, I Wednesday afternoon. of Bumall Brown and Mrs. Talbot. Garrison. Here from Montana— cer Beus. students at Brigham Mrs. E. H. Fleshman. Here from Eugene— Kermit Todd of Moccasin, Moti- Young university at Provo, Utah, Mr. and Mrs Paul Johnston and Attend Knife and Fork Club— Visits Parents— tanta is visiting at the home of his T q Give Show— spent the holidays in Nyssa with Students Visit— Miss Shirley Ann Whitley, who daughters of Eugene spent the Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown and sister, Mrs. Joe Sutherland. j Hollingsworths’, Inc of Nyssa will i their parents. Also with their par- Jack Marshall, Lyle Miner, Clyde Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan at Is attending Salem high school, vis Thanksgiving vacation visiting rela ------------------------ j present a free show, "Doctor Jim”, I ente were Ray Bybee and Udell tended the Knife and Pork club ited over the Thanksgiving holidays tives ln Ontario and Nyssa. While Smith and Reid Cottle were among Christmas Program Planned— for farm friends ln the Nyssa theat- meeting at Boise last Friday ev with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. here they attended the family the Oregon State college students A Christmas play under the di- er Monday. December 8 at 1:30 Thanksgiving dinner at the Frank home for the Thanksgiving holidays. recti on of Mrs. Joe Brumbach will ening. Dean U. O. Dubach of Cor Flesh man. Fry home. vallis was the speaker for the oc be given at the monthly meeting Visit at Raker— Sale. Bazaar Planned— of the P.T.A. at the high school casion. [ Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell December 12. The cast is composed Visit In Baker— The Mitchell Butte Community Here from Pocatello— club and 4-H club will hold a cook Mrs. Afton C. Pari* spent Thanks- and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell of P.TA. members and high school < Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kesler and Mrs. Harold son III— Mrs. Wayne Haroldson. daughter ed food sale and bazaar at G ra giving with her parents. Mr. and spent the week-end visiting at the students. The program will also In- Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Keeler and of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife, has | ham’s Insurance office Saturday, Mrs Dean Smith She returned to i home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thomp- elude the singing of Christmas cor- son. Larry, made a business trip her home in Pocatello on S aturday.! son in Baker. ols. to Baker Wednesday. been critically 111 for the past week. December 13. ______ Hospital Drive To Be Widened As It Develops C,«thi"S To «0 | Collected Here Intra-City Hoop League Started St rad ley Takes Corn Show Honor Bulldogs Set For Two Games \