Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON AGE SIX Uncial Notes -5 BASK E T SO C IA L SUCCESS The basket social held at the .D.S. church Saturday evening, un- er the direction of Eton Fife, ath- ■tic representative and LaVere Montgomery, M I A . counselor, was | a decided success. Many artistic 'and beautiful baskets of lunch were [sold, the buyer eating lunch with I the lady who prepared the basket. On top of one basket was an entire team of basketball players in m ini ature, with the goals, players and all complete. The money will be spent In securing new suits for the B azaar and C o o ked F o o d S a le Saturday, November 29 — A t Graham’s Realty Office— Part of proceeds will be donated to European relief. Sponsored by the St. Anne’s Altar soci ety. Fire »trikes homes in winter . . . . Does your insurance cover present values? FRANK T. M O RGAN Don’t Rush Our Doors W e don’t have much Linoleum Mutual players. The program was as follows: vto- lin duet, Lauia Schenk and Angela Peterson: a skit, "Little Red R.d- in- Hood ’, modern version, by El- — r— Peterson Louis- Lewis and Mrs. Florea; r id in g . two popular songs, ^ a little. Print by the yard. Marbelized and blue inlaid Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West Railroad Depot NYSSA J>hone 108 afternoon the prizes went to Mrs. W E A T H E R D ELAYS Ed Frost, Mrs. A. C. Sailee and CARROT H ARVEST Mrs. John Beckham. ■ — §— (Continued From Page 2) ' MR. MRS. CLUB MEETS nle were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee w e r e ; Kenneth Lorenson’s home. '.hosts to the Sunday evening “ Mr. I Mitchell, and Mrs. bridge club this week. Fred Gufchr.e, ¡^ d Mr C * Black! and Mrs. reading!^DeRae johnson of C aldl Honor3 Weilt t0 M r and K rs Harry L w Pom e">y were dlnner ^ est3 of Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy Tues well, and accordian solo. Jack John- Miner, day n igh t son. Don F ife is athletic represen- | — 5 — Darlene Robb arrived from Cor tative for Nyssa. After the lunch , 1 S U N D A Y D IN N E R GUESTS Dennis F ife took recordings o f all Mrs. Charles Garrison had as din- vallis Tuesday night on the bus the guests, who in turn heard their ner guests Mrs. Charles Newbiil, to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. jokes and comments on the loud- and Betty Lou and Donald, and Mary, Fred and Hank Kollen speaker. [ Mrs. Dale Garrison and Joanne dTove to La Grande Sunday to visit -5 — 'on Sunday. Shirley Price and Donald Bergam, W H FO RD BYBEE HONORED i — 5— who are attending college there. W ilford Bybee was guest of hon- I Y O U N G COUPLES CLUB MEET Shirley Price and Donald Bergam or at a dinner given at his home The Young M arrietf Couples Tues- are expected home Wednesday night in celebration of his birthday Men- day Evening club met at the home day evening. Those present were Mr. Qf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. to 3 P f " d Thanl“ 8 iving wilh their parents. and Mrs. Lee Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Landreth of Delbert Gam er, Mr. and Mrs. Lcs- Ulmer, Mrs. Wayne Morris and Mrs. Madras spent Saturday visiting at lie Stoker, Mrs. Ruth Bybee and the John Beckham. Honors for bridge the G rover Cooper home. In the went to Mrs. Wayne Morris and guest o f honor. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lan Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. —5 - dreth of Nyssa were also dinner CELFE R ATE S B IR T H D A Y — a— Miss Colleen Bybee was the in- G UESTS FO R P IN O C H LE P A R T Y guests. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson and spiration fo r a lovely party given | Mrs. Harry Kingrey entertained daughter, Sandra, were Sunday din at her home Friday afternoon, in at her home Saturday with four ner guests at the home o f Mr. and celebration of her 14th birthday.' tables of pinochle. Prizes went to Mrs. I. D. Good of Nampa, cele The cake was four-tier, decorated ! Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom for high with pink doves, pink candles ana score and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cot- brating Mr. and Mrs. Good's 49th silver candles. Refreshments were I ton for low score. Mrs. C. H. Ben- wedding anniversary. Marian Price was an overnight served to 20 guests. Favors were | nett won the traveling prize, guest of Norma Jean DSerklng last given to each one present. Mrs. — $— Thursday. Darnella Bybee was co-hostess. E N T E R T A IN S CLUB T h e L.D.S. Sunday school is —J— Mrs. A. H. Boydell entertained sponsoring a motion picture to be HOSTESSES A T P A R T IE S . ie members of her Thursday a f- Mrs. Joe Sutherland and Mrs. ternoon bridge club at her home shown at the Oregon T ra il school- Henry Hartley entertained last week last week. Mrs. George Mitchell won house Friday night. Popcorn will at three dessert bridge parties glv- the prize for high score and Mrs. also be sold. The W abine club will serve lunch en at the Sutherland home. On R ay Larson the traveling prize. at Frank Parker’s sale Friday. Thursday evening the prizes were i Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D itty vis awarded to Mrs. Bernard Eastman, w . R. Campbell, Mrs. Bernard ited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty of Mrs. Joe Maughan and Mrs. George [ Frost and Mrs. John Beckham. Ontario last Tuesday. Hennaman. The Friday afternoon — Mrs. Homer Brewer, Mrs. Joe prize winners were Mrs. Burnnll ( HOSTESSES A T PIN O CH LE Mrs. Emery Hobson Brown, Mrs. William Schireman and j Mrs. Alvin Kuehn was hostess last ■ Hobson and .. on —* rs&rss.’K.*? sss«& sym -T S home in Apple Valley. Ann Beus was a speaker at the L.D.S. meeting Sunday night at the E N T E R T A IN S A T BRID G E Oregon T rail schoolhouse. Mrs. Nick Rudelick sponsored two Nell Dimmick had Influenza lust tables of bridge at her home last week. TRAILWAYS SAVES 6i to 12 HOURS G O IN G S O U T H ft S O U T H E A S T Portland •#,.P.r«U high by Mrs. Lloyd Marshall. The ; B° ^ s. ^ ^ n y d “ ™ Sid Burbldge. D k iiJ fiU M k San Antonio W. 4 SchsduUs Daily Salt Laka ft Portland Westbound I Regular Schedules) 5:20 A M 10:20 AM *2:20 PM 3:45 P M *6:35 PM 11:45 PM Eastbound (Regular Schedules) 3:05 A M 8:15 AM •1:20 P M 3:45 PM *6:15 P M 11 PM Phone 196-W W° " other of Mr<i. y ,O rover Cooper, left Saturday to I visit her daughter. Mrs. Dwight -5 - Pllne, at Melba, Idaho. Mr. and T O S T A R T K N IT T IN G Mrs. Grover Cooper, Miss Mertrude Th e first meeting of the European King, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold relief knitting class will be held Snyder and daughter will also be at the home o f Mrs. W illiam Schire guests at the D wight Pllne home man December 3 from 1 to 5 p.m. for the fam ily Thanksgiving din Instruction and material will be ier. provided. However, the workers are asked to furnish knitting needles, | size 5 or 6 , for the class. Children’s PREACHING SERVICE ¡sweaters will be the first project. HELD A T O W Y H E E T h e need fo r workers Is urgent and anyone interested is Invited to help. OWYHEE, Nov. 27— Rev. Robert - » - Kriner preached at Owyhee Sun S T U D Y CLUB MEETS day school Sunday morning, and in The St. Thomas Study club met the afternoon the K rin er fam ily Monday night at the home o f Mrs. W illiam Van Zelf. The next meet were dlrtner guests in the Grover ing will be held December 1 at the Cooper home in Sunset Valley. Mr. ind Mrs. S. D. Bieglow were also home o f Mrs. A. Collins. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and son and Mrs. Martha K lin g back were shoppers in Nampa and Boise Thursday. Mr. an Mrs. Louis Skinner were Sunday dinner guests in the Neil Nicholson home. E. E. Crocker spent from Mon- iay until Thursday in Boise, where he received the 32th degree In the Scottish Rite. He was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan. An epic of Indians, Romance and Blazing guns. “W ESTERN U N IO N ” Randolph Scott, Robert Young, Dean Jagger and Virginia Gilmore It’s Zane Grey’s mightiest . . . as adventure sweeps across prairie and plain and death strikes swiftly as an arrow. Color Cartoon Matinee Wrdnraday 2:30. Adm. M r-W r, Eve. Adm. U r A 11.20 Evening «how » 7 and 9:10. Adm. price* urt by the producers. T H U R S D A Y & FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4-5 I^irry Parks, Rita Hayworth, James Gleason and Edward Everett Horton in “D O W N TO EAR TH ” Photographed in Sparkling Technicolor Spectacular, Fun-loving Impossible Gavety. . . Something new and exciting in Musical Ro mance ! Color Cartoon Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. ARE IN USE IN THE NYSSA AREA. THESE CLETRAC OW NERS ARE O UR BEST SALESMEN. They tell us the HG is the most economical tractor in the field. They say it has more power for its weight than any tractor made. Talk to the neighbor who owns one or “The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Co. Stunz and Thomas M o re B uyers M o re O rders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR Y O U R LIVESTOCK At the Northwest’s most modem Livestock Market, every Tuesday. Market Report for November 25, 1947 Fed steers $24 to $25. Grass fat steers $22.50 to $24. Grass fa t heifers $19 to $21. Grass fa t cows $15.50 to $18. Cutter cows $12 to $14. Caimer cows $9 to $12. Beef bulls $18 to $17.50. Veal calves $20 to $24. Fed lambs $18 to $20. PHONE 264 w ith a LOW-COST REGULATE! W AT« v SUPPLY Fed heifers $22 to $24. Feeder steers $22 to $24. Feeder cows 14c to 16c per lb. Stock calves $19 to $24. F at hogs $25 to $25.25. Sows $19.50 to $24. Feeder pigs $24.10 to $26. F at lambs $20 to $21. Ewes $7.50 to $9. O NTARIO, OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. PEERLESS TURBINE PUMPS CapocitiM ! 15 to 30,000 O .P.M . Lifts: from any Practicable Depth O il or W ater Lubricated Types S U N D A Y & M ONDAY, NOV. 30 and DEC. 1 T U E S D A Y & W EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2-3 She craved power, love, wealth, and got them! Linda Darnell, Cornel Wilde, Richard Greene, and George Sanders in “FOREVER AM BER” In Flaming Technicolor Cartoon H. G. OLIVER CLETRACS ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION c o m pa n y Insure Your CROPS - Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. *5c-5c. Inr. Tax Kveninxn, 40r- Or, Inrludinf Tax Mat., Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, lnr. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40r-9r, Inc. Tax. 15 Six registered hereford bulls, extra good quali ty, 18 months old. Also 500 stock cows. THEATRE Clark Gable, Deborah Kerr, Sydney Green- street, and Adolph Menjou “THE HUCKSTERS” Clark Gable, as you like him, ridiculing his rivals and romancing his way to a lovely lady’s heart. . . A behind-the-scenes of a billion dol lar entertainment field. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children visited Saturday in Homedale. Mr. McDonald attended the football game In Caldwell in the afternoon while Mis. McDonald vis ited her grandmother. In the ev ening they were dinner guests In the Ray Fletcner home. Vera Paye Counsll spent the wek-end with Betty Culbertson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans and daughter of Parma were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W il liams Sunday. Charles Sohwelzer was a Saturday caller at the Lee Householder home. A party was held Friday night at the G rant Patterson home for the L D S . primary officers and tea chers. Bunko was played with Mrs. Richard Maw winning high and Al- lie Hartly low. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D itty, Jr., who have been visiting his parents, left Monday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays w ith her folks in Yakima. Mrs. Gertrude Jackson, a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee House holder, left Monday to spend a week visiting in Nampa. SPECIAL CONSIGNM ENT FOR NEXT W E E K PROGRAM FR ID AY & SA TUR D AY, NOVEMBER 28-29 Adm. Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville and children of Wallula, Washington are here visiting relatives over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Mrs. Martha Klingback attended the de monstration given on sewing mach ine cleaning and adujstlng at Sun set valley hall by Miss Miriam Black. Bobby K riner was a dinner guest of Fred Klingback Sunday. Brenda Walters of Boise Is spend ing a few days with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Slippy were week-end guests in the Ray Frank lin home in Parma. Shirley Skinner. K ay McDonald, Sharon Fox, Joanne Dunaway, L in da Smith, Doris Cook, and Berna- dine Price were guests at a birth day party given in observance of Nita Payton’s seventh birthday at the home o f her parents, M r. and Mrs. John Terra. Byrd Walters, Jack Walters, and Neil Nicholson were pallbearers S at urday at the m ilitary funeral of Eugene Evans, and Sunday for Thomas Matheny, both servicemen killed overseas In world war n . Ulmer and Mrs. Ed Ostrom. 3,1 1 Uk But we do have a THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 sforring LINDA DARNELL CORNEL WILDE RICHARD GREENE GEORGE SANDERS Dir«ct«d by Produced by OHO PREMINGER - WILLIAM PERIBERG Fr«, ib. Nov.i by Kathleen Wfnsor Peerless provides a pump in the size, type of drive and capacity you re quire for long-lived, trouble-free op eration in all farm work such as irri gation, domestic uses, dairies, water ing stock, farm fire protection, etc. Exclusive Peerless Pump features in clude Double-Bearing, Double-Seal Bowl construction for added pump life and efficiency—lower pump cost. Let us help you with your pump and power drive requirements. Alto H i Lift fmmfii for p roJu cin t tm r lltr ct- prctiitt from Jtrp weilt tt tmrJJ r i tnttJt Jut. Thanksgiving On the last Thursday in November in the midst of huge cities and on tiny farms, America S oU By: turns to celebrate Thanksgiving. The turkey and PARM A W ATER LIFTER CO. Parma, Idaho Lhe mince pie are but symbols. Beneath the Showing At The Nyssa Theatre December 2 €r 3 Matinee Wed. at 2:30. Admission 55c and 75c. Evening shows at 7 and 9:40 Admission 55c and $1.20 — Admission Prices set by Producers— holiday jollity the heart beats high with love of country not to be expressed in words. It’s a PEERLESS pumps rana nu» wv„ very real thing . . . Be thankful, America! HERR1MAN MOTOR CO.