Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON I Betty and Shirley. Mrs. L. L. Kreag- KINGMAN FAMILIES and Justine, Mrs. Henry Reuter CHANGE RESIDENCES I | er and Charyl and Mrs. Art Sparks KINGMAN KOLONY, Nov. 27— Mr. and Shirley attended the Girl Scout and Mrs. Frank Cummins are mov ing into the tenant house on the court of awards held at the Adrian Kreager farm this week. Mr. Cum : high school auuitorlum Saturday mins has rented part of the Kreag- j afternoon. The girls received badges | for workcompleted during the past er place to farm next year. Mr. and Mrs. William -Toomb six months. Myrna Lane was a Sunday dinner are moving into the Beaumont place vacated by the Cummins fam , guest of Betty Hall, i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter took ily. Mrs. Willard Hall and daughters. their daughter, Donna, to a doctor M/CK£Yaftd VV 5 MA - flr DO YOU KttMriKKfcV Ml UTTLE COUSIN RNN WftS OVER -fO NW HOUSE RN WE9UV1ED rilslDC-QCl \ sv t welders xve g o t lots o f CLOTHES- i was ** two S\STE«S/ V GURL SEZ Don’t risk Y O l'R life on old rubber with slick, smooth treads— you can NOW own a set of super-safe, beautiful, lone-wearing ti res from O.K. RUBBER WELDERS, speci alists in truek, tractor and automobile tires and tubes—also complete recapping service. j^ jj| O.K. RUBBER WELDER NEW CAR, T R U C K - T R A C T O R TIRES R E C A P P I N G & R EP A I R I N G PHONE 5 M NYSSA. OREGON in Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall were In Jordan Valley on business Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore and Mrs. Esther McCormick and daughter, Lorraine were in Ontario on bus iness Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred of Vale and Mrs. John Auker and family visited at the Cliff Beau mont home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glenn and family. Mr and Mrs. Dave Hall and Mr. and Mrs. L. Kreager and family attended the charivari held for Mr. and Mrs. Dale Glenn in Cwvhee Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and daughter. Athea May, of Parma were dinner gveHs in the WiUard Hill home Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston | were dinner guests in he Andrew McGinnis home in Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lane and Myr na shopped in Nampa Saturday. The senior girls of Adrian high school gave a surprise birhday party for Ardis Hurst at her home Thurs day evening. Those present were Betty Jean Toomb, Selma Stam, Eloise Crocker. Joyce Stoker and Delores Blanch and Joan Webb. Lynn Hurst purchased four head of registered jersey calves from Frank Cummins this week. The Pollyanna club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lynn Hurst De cember 4. Each lady is to provide a present to exchange. The Home Economics club of the Kingman Grange will meet with Mrs. Howard Hatch in Adrian De cember 2. Roll will be answared with a short humorous poem or song. Mrs. Adam Focht for a week. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Russell and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt attend ed the Utah and Idaho football game in Boise Saturday afternoon. Marvin Ure of Oakley is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dave MitcheU sev eral days. Clifford Nielsen, Emerson Binga- man, Dale Garrison and Charlie Yewbill are spending several days tear Baker hunting elk. Dick Udlinek is spending sev eral days elk hunting near Baker. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks o the friends and neighbors and o the American Legion for the inciness and assistance given for he memorial service for our bro- her, Eugene Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Suitor. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Stimmel. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Evans. SALE CALENDAR PUBLIC FARM SALE— Vale, on the airport road, 5 blocks south of the Beach grocery. Tuesday, Dfc- •ember 2, 12:30 p.m. Lunch served in grounds. Heavy duty machinery, cattle, household goods, children’s furniture. Terms, cash. Bruce Hunt, iwner. Bert Anderson and Joe Church Auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, lerk. PAGE FIV1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1947 John Day highway, halfway between Willowcreek and Jamieson. Thurs day. December 4, 1 p.m. Lunch served on grounds. Cattle, work hor ses, truck, poultry, hay and seed, farm machinery, household goods. Terms, cash. M A. Morris, owner. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers; L. H? Frltts, clerk. nished. North Third street. 1H wUl be enjoved. Fed-Flash blocks north of sub station. Look for with 4 flash bulhs, »11.34. Evas; sign. Mrs. J. L. Paries. 27N2xp. Studio. 27N3xc FOR SALE— Corn-fed heavy hens, dressed and delivered. Mrs. Glenn Suitor, Phone 013-J3. 27N2xc. i Bernard Eastman FOR SALE— Apples, delicious,' Romes and winesaps, 50c to »1.75 Real Estate .er bushel. Bring containers. U4 Insurance mile east of Gay-Way at Ontario- Too Late To Classify Payette junction. Ed Mess, phone WANTED— To rent land suitable Fruitland 7-22. 27N3xp. Phone for row crop. Sig Murakami, route 1, Nyssa. 27N8xp. MISCELLANEOUS— Just arrived in time. Your Christmas gift that Nyssa, Oregon FOR SALE— 1935 Plymouth, 1941 motor, good tires, heater. See Mr Hadley, Eggle OU Co.. 6th and Main. 27N2xp. 6*1 FOR SALE— Choice dressed fryers for lockers. Phone 05J-3. Frank J. Pike. 27Ntfc. i — Pureored Roller Can ary Singers. Golden Metz. Blue Rib bon Strain. Bred and trained for song. Priced reasonable, papers fur t \ J it PLANNING TO BUILD? You may save money by seeing me. HOLSTEIN DAIRY SALE— Six mi. west of Vale on Harper highway, hen 1 mile south and V4 mile east. Friday, December 5. 1 p.m. Lunch served on grounds. Registered HoL BUENA RESIDENT Nyssa, Oregon steins, horses, household goods. LEAVES ON VISIT Terms, cash. Lawrence Inmoos, own- -r. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Building Contractor BUENA VISTA, Nov. 27—Leonard auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, clerk. Cleaver has gone to Missouri for a visit. 15 miles northwest of Vale on I Mrs. Ethel Goodell and Leonard, Dorothy and Neil of Vale spent Suntiay afternoon at the Alva Good- ell home. Those from this community who are elk hunting are Willis Bertram, Howard Day, Lester Cleaver. Ray Griffitts, Jim Ritchie, and Delbert Cleaver. — ALBUMS— Mrs. Willis Bertram spent Mon day in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and — CAMERAS— SUPPLIES— Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attendee, a pinochle party given by the Ore gon Trail Grange Saturday evening. — PHOTOS and FRAMES— Mrs. Jim Ritchie entertained the Out Our Way club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Seven members -OIL COLORS PORTRAITS- attended. Election of officers was held. Those elected were Mrs. Jim Ritchie, president; Mrs. Howard Day, vice president; Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, secretary; Mrs. George Cle aver, treasurer, and Mrs. Alva Goo dell, club reporter. Refreshments of salad, sandwiches, cookies and coffee were served. The next meet ing will toe held at the S. B. Hotf- man home December 1. At that time the club's annual Christmas party will be held. Mrs. Willis Bertram has been staying with Mrs. Chet Sage at Nyssa the last several days. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff spent Sunday at the Warren home near Parma. Mrs. Irvin Topliff spent several days at Pocatello the past week. She attended the wedding of a friend. For George Cleaver shipped a band of his sheep last week. J. C. Krul Monday dawns brighter for the housewife with the Fowler Elec tric Water Heater. Its exclusive economy temperature control is not only automatic, but also tuijtaU M t to the hot water tem perature she prefers for heavy or light demand. Fowler fore saw this added efficiency in water heating and made it pof- eible for your convenience. Just one more o f the "firsts’* brought to you by Fowler—the porcelain-lined tank, 3-way in- T h e Gift T h at Lasts stilation, 20-year replacement ueiencee, and ' long-1 g-life "b "black elements. See the new Fowler Water Heeler now. E nent" eut” Evans Studio ''F O L E R IS F I R S T W I T H T H E B E S T » Eder Hardware Company Make A Date Free Family Party RICHLAND FAMILY MOVES TO WASH. RICHLAND, Nov. 27— Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Maw and daughter and sons, Judy, Carl and Lester, moved Monday to Toledo, Washing ton, where they will make their home. They bought a 170-acre farm near Toledo. « Miss Mary McGee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil MoGee, left Friday for Pendleton after visiting two days with her folks. Miss Mc Gee, who is taking nurse’s train ing, is expected to graduate some time in March. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and daughter, Phyllis, spent Tuesday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rossander of Pawnee, Oklahoma and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huntingwell of Garber, Oklahoma, were guests of Mr. and UNKLE Rr .EMEMBF.R Thanksgiving at Grandma’s? Remember tlie lordly turkey, crisp and brown, richly lined with two kinds o f stuffing? Remember the gravy, too good for a king — and the mountain o f mashed potatoes, crowned by a crater o f melted butter? HANK Remember Thanksgiving at Grandma’s? Grandma remembers! » /* . H m k H o M t - r t . HDCiK U t U iA K M . *-M P. M , ESI. CBS I D CCecPucitu A H O V POWER ...Pott So MUCH-Costs So UTTLEt Friday, December 5 at 2 p.m. at Nyssa Theatre SEZ rrs FUNWV now folks hate .-To have OPERATIONS Buf h o w -T h e v like -T o ■T a lk a b o u t TU em , AFTER ■TH e V' HAVE 'EM. Stage show, with professional singers, acrobats, magicians, etc. Also regular movie. This FREE party is given to express our appreciation for the patronage extended to us during our first complete year of busi ness. Remember the vegetables from Grandma’s own pre serve shelf — and the flaky hot biscuits — and the pumpkin pies freckled with nutmeg? Remember Thanksgiving at Grapdma’s? Getting that dinner was a giant’s task. N o watchful electric oven to brown the bird to toothsome perfection — no electric mixer to foam the mashed potatoes to airy lightness — no home freezer to capture the green goodness o f vegetables at their flavor-peak. N o faithful electric clock to mark the passing hours — no electric switch to flood the table with gay light — no washing machine to chum up suds for the damask cloth — no vacuum cleaner to whisk up crumbs. Yes, and n o time-saving dishwasher, either. Our Bring Your Family! Come One; Come All Free refreshments will be served at our ! g v w iv a M A t * f A TW «U C4 Having your car painted by the right company is as important as having the right doctor for an op eration. Don’t take chances—depend on the NYSSA AUTO BODY SHOP for a paint Job you'll be proud of— and let us take this opportunity to tell you how THANKFUL we are to be of service to you. 5 [Y ^/'A(feBodqShofi 1 COMPlfTT BODY 4 PAINT SHOP WBCCKCB SCRVICf CLASS DIPT. h S s & O I" store following the family party. Your McCormick-Deering------ International Dealer Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. NYSSA PHONE 83-J OREGON T aj *