THE N YSSA G ATE CITY JO UR NAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEM BER 27, 1947^ PAGE THREE Classified derson of Ontario. FO R SA LE — Circulating coal h eat- ¡custom and wet wash. White Swan Clyde Steelman’s name for the “ my favorite actor". The next meet­ COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber C o .! laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther- ] door prize. Each person was given ing was postponed until Decembc, Katheryn Barclay ts. Raymond 7Aifc a souvenir. Those present were 3. It will be held at the home of AStfc. ! land, prop. Phone 13-J. F. Barclay. Divoice. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft, airs. Jack Ran­ Lavinnie Smith. Plans for the F O R SALE— 1 14 acres. Close in. | M ISCELLAN EO U S— Available now Ontario Creamery and Poultiy ey of Parma, Mrs. George De Haven Christmas pariy will be made at the Unimproved: $1000. 2 Vi acres on ' Electrolux cleaners and air puri- company vs. Paul D. Towell, et. ux. and Mrs. Bawtinhetmer o f R-vs- In a guessing game several highway, close In, small house,! fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Au- well. Refreshments o f jello, cake vere awarded prizes. Lunch was Recovery on note. $2,704.87. $3000. Bernard Eastrman. 23Ctfc. aerson, route 3, V.’elser, Idaho. arui eived by the hostess, assisted by cciffee Here served. Carlisle Osborn vs. Leah Osborn. 26Jtfc. Vernon Parker. Os vie Martin. •I*rie Holmes. RATES: Two emus per word (or each Issue. A ile r one month f O R SALE— Phone 144-J or write Phone 567-J4. Divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp­ Watts Motor C«a, Nyssa, Ore., tor M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Prompt and B,r*,al’d Hatch- BiU Nelson ,n miles north of Nyssa 13Ntfc. can buy a house for this price. undersigned selects as her place of Harris won her second class badge Lor Rent Four rooms, nice lawn. This is business in all matters connected and gave a short talk on what she on First street, on old Hinch ranch. really worth the price asked, $2700 FOR S.U.E— New crop red beans, FOR R E N T— Sleeping room in mo­ with said estate. did to receive the badge. The badge A very nice acre with basement fine quality, $12 per 100 pound dern home, suitable for gentleman Dated and first published Novem­ was presented to her by the lead­ bag, $7.50 per bushel. One mile dug, $1700. or couple. 152 East Third street, ber 13, 1947. er, Mrs. Harris. Girls winning first Brand new fine home, hardwood east of Owyhee junction. A. D. phone 177-J. Last publication, December 11, class badges were Betty Hall and 20Ntfo. 6N7xp. floors, large bath room with fine Moses. 1947. Shirley Sparks. Each girl gave a fixtures, lovely kitchen, utility room FOR SALE— Montague Duchess FOR R E N T — Polish yefur own Cora Edith Coffm an, Adminis­ brief talk on how she won the Beginning at 1 P. M. with electric hot water heater and Coal range. Used 3 months. 502 floors. Rent our high-speed pol­ tratrix of the Estate of Edith badge and what fields were m ajor­ built-in tubs, fireplace, extra large North 6th street, or see Stan Keefer ishing equipment. Easily handled Cordley, Deceased. ed in. Badges were presented by — M AC H IN ER Y— by women. Nyssa Lumber company. bedrooms. Priced to sell, $7750 Mrs. Charles Newlbill, who also at Eder’s store. 30Otfc. 3Atfc. W e have building lots, industrial N O TIC E OF F IN A L S F T T LE M E N T Dresented the girls with a midget 1 John Deere manure spreader, like new. F O R SALE— Davenport reasonably sites, stock ranches, etc. In the Matter o f the Estate of G irl Scout pin as a reward for 1 Oliver corn cultivator, almost new. W ANTED priced. J. W. Rigney, 7th and Enn­ E. L. JAM ISO N ( Albert Lee Heldt, deceased earning a first class badge. A group is. 230tfc 252 8. 4th St. Phone 65-J 1 Corn cultivator with fertilizer attachments. N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV E N that of tenderfoot girls and Brownies 2 blocks south of International Everett C. Heldt, administrator of danced the Virginia reel, showing 1 Beet cultivator and all attachments. itore. O ffice in my home. Look fox- FOR S A L E - Chrysler Industrial the estate o f A L B E R T LEE HELDT, this as a part of the tenderfoot HELP W A N TE D — Ambitlous.en- 8-cylinder engine, 140 horsepower, real estite sign. 1 Oliver 2-way plow. 1 Disc. deceased, has rendered and filed his badge work. Presentation of 54 bad­ ergetic young man for service fluid drive with right angle pulley, final account of the administra­ ges won by the different girls was station and garage work. Chance 1 John Deere 6-foot mowing machine. FOR SALE Used Montgomery on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co. tion o f the estate o f A L B E R T LEE made by Mrs. Charles NewtoiU, for right man to learn and ad­ 90tlc. Ward refrigerator, 6 foot, good con­ 1 McCormick-Deering hay rake. HELDT, deceased. vance. Herriman M otor Co. 27Nlc after which the announcement was dition. Mrs. Henry Reuter, Adx-ian. That 10 O 'CLO C K , A M., Decem­ made that the Scout meetings 1 6 or 7-Foot Curler. 2 Wagons with racks. 27Ntfc FO R SALE— Hohncr 12-base ae- ber 6, 1947 at the County Court would be held the first and third cordlan. Excellent condition, with 1 3-Section spring tooth harrow. F O R SALE- - Five-room house and ease. $75. W rite box 37 or phone W A N T E D — House or apartment to House at Vale, Oregon is fixed and Saturdays in December instead of 160tfc. rent. Phone 166-W. nine acres, two miles from Nyssa 194-J after 7 p.m. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. 20N3xp. appointed as the time and place the second and fourth. T h e m eet­ for hearing of objections to the ing was dismissed by the Brownies on Apple valley highway. Immed­ 1 Wood 2-section harrow. FO R SALE— Large oil heater, good singing their "G oodnight Brown­ W A N TE D — Wanted at once, men said final account. iate possession o f house. R. S. A n ­ A ll persons having objections to ies Song” . 1 DeLaval electric separator. derson. 27Nlxc condition, lo loot copper tubing to supply customers with everydav and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. household necessities under our fac­ said final account shall appear at Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and 1 Float. 2 Hay slips. 3 Slip chains. 18Stfc. tory to home plan. Full time. Earn­ said time and place and show cause, fam ily of Vale spent Thanksgiv­ FOR SALE 1938 Hudson 4-door. 1 4-Horse fresno. 1 Road drag. ings based on sales. W hite Raw- if any exists, why the said final ing day at the home of W . W. leigh's. Dept. ORK-331-728, Oak­ account should not be allowed and Webb. 36— C A T T LE — 36 land, California. 20N2xp. approved. Everett C. Heldt, Administrator 1 Holstein cow, 5 years. 1 Holstein cow, 4 years. NU-ACRES TO FORM W ANTED — Plumbing. Radiant, of the Estate o f Albert Lee 1 Black Holstein, 5 years. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years. PINOCH LE CLUB steam and hot water heating. Free Heldt, deceased. estimates. See Fred Braun, across First pub. November 6, 1947. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years. street from Nyssa Funeral home. Last pub. December 4, 1947. NU-ACRES. Nov. 27— Several fam ­ These cattle are milking now. 30Otfc. ilies ot the neighborhood are gath­ 2 Springer Holstein heifers. ering to form a pinochle club. They W A N T E D -- T o buy anything in LEGION C A R N IV A L met at Ed Meroney's home Friday 3 White-face springer heifers. beef or veal. Also ouy hunger cows V E R Y SUCCESSFUL night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston, or will handle for hide *nd offall. 1 Black Angus bull. Could be registered. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moots, Mr. and Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atfc. AD R IAN , Nov. 27— The American Mrs. Henry Orcutt, Mr. and Mrs. 10 Coming yearling heifers (Holsteins). Legion carnival held in the Legion Frank Nedbalek, Mr. and Mrs. M ISCELLANEOUS 10 6-Month-old heifers (Holsteins). hall Saturday night was a success. Dwight Durrington, Mr. and Mrs. DENTISTS 3 Steer calves. N O TICE — On strayed cattle. Please The bingo table and fish pond won Leo Ellibee and Mr. and Mrs. PHYSICIANS notify Ed Jamison, secretary of the most o f the crowd. The ball throw Charles M cFarlan were present. These heifers are from registered bull and good Mrs. Ida Glick and son and dau­ Owyhee Cattle association if you attracted most o f the boys and cows. DR. C. M. TYLER SAR A ZIN CLINIC have any stray cattle and we will men present. M any ladies present ghter-in-law o f Empire, California pick them up. Do not keep cattle bought Christmas gifts at the baz­ visited at the Meroney home last Wilson Building Dr. J. J. Sarazln Freshening dates will be given sale day. All Bangs more titan three days before noti­ aar booth. The children bought week. Phone 165-J, Nyssa tested by sale date. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Randolf of Dr. K E. Kerby many things at th e country store fication. Phone 65-J. 6Ntfc. O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except booth. Everyone enjoyed the hot Madras called at the Frank Nea- Physician and Surgeons Saturdays, 9 to 12. 10— HORSES— 10 M ISCELLAN EO U S—T h e party who dogs, coffee and pie which were balek home. took a little stock trailer on the served. Another attraction was the Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson took 1 Bay mare, age 9, weight 1600. L. A. Maulding. M. D. J. R. CUNDALL htghway west of Frank Sherwood's cake walk. Sunday dinner with their daughter, 1 Pair black and bay geldings, weight 1800 pounds. Pnyslcian and Surgeon return to F. P. O ’Neill, route 1, The ladies of the community Mrs. Carl Peterson at Greenleaf. Dentist 1 Bay mare, age 9, weight 1500. T h e Farmerettes club met at the Nyssa and receive reward. 20N2xp. Phone 37 church will serve a chicken dinner Phone 56-J in the Legion hall Saturday, Dec­ hall Wednesday, with a good att­ Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 Sarazln Clinic 1 Bald-faced team, 7 years, weight, 1700 pounds. 'M IS C E LLA N E O U S — Get ready for ember 6 at the “ God's acre sale” endance. Miss Minnick of Boise Daily—Except Sunday NYSSA OREGON , winter. W e service all kinds of starting at 11:30. Proceeds will go discussed last minute Christmas 1 Buckskin mare, 8 years, weight 1500. heating equipment. Nyssa Heating into the kitchen fund for the new hints and also the wrapping of 1 Spotted mare, 2 years. 1 Black horse, 2 years. JEW ELRY STOKES | Co., phone 169-W. 28Atfc. church. presents. OPTOMETRISTS 1 Bay horse, smooth mouth, weight 1350. Refreshments of chicken noodles, Mr. and Mrs. K . I. Peterson and M ISCELLANEOUS— See us for wafers, salad, pie, coffee and punch P A U LU S Donna M arie were dinner guests 1 Heavy set of Heiser hand-made harness. quick repair service on all makes DR. J. A. MCFALL were served. of washing machines. W e also ser­ in the W. E. Piercy home Sunday. JEW ELRY STORE 2 Sets of good harness. Mrs. Alice Fry called at the hot DR. JOHN EASLY Mrs. L. W. Dierktng attended the vice. clean and repair all makes of Union Pacific Tim e Inspector 1 Saddle. Several collars. oil heaters and burners. Free pick­ birthday party of the Rebekah lunch room at Frultland as the J E W E LR Y — D IAM O ND S up and delivery service Phone lodee in ifvssa Thursday evening fifth and sixth grades were being 8 Halters and miscellaneous harness. W A T 'H K S served. She reported it gave a fine 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance R e­ in the Odd Fellows hall Main Street a. Second feeling to see the way so many — HOGS & FEED— Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman ot pair shop. 6Ntfc. Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests children behaved, how they were 4 Tons of barley. served and took their places to eat. M IS C E LLAN E O U S - Help-Ur-Seif. In the E. E. Eastman home. W YCKOFF 60 Tons of sweet com silage. Mrs. Anna Sparks, Mrs. A. C. A very nourishing lunch was served. JEW ELRY STORE T h e regular Orange meeting and Henderson and Mrs. Clyde Steel­ 1 Sow to farrow in December. 1 Open gilt. O fficial Tim e Inspector far man attended a party held in the election of officers was held Thurs­ Phone 21. Ontario, Ore ' — M ISCELLANEO US— Union Pacific home of Mrs. Verl Bisop in the Big day night. Allen Curtis was re-el­ Free Pick Up O N T A R IO ’ OREGON Bend community Tuesday after­ ected master. Plans were completed 3 Rolls woven wire. 80 Rods of barb wire. CHIROPRACTORS noon. Nine were present and en­ for the public dinner to be held O f Your 1 Hoe feeder, 16 feet long. 2 Hog houses. December 12 at the hall. Oeraldine joyed a demonstration of cookwear. H A Y BUYER Refreshments of pumpkin pie with F ry gave a reading on why the Edwin Oldham, D. C. 100 Hardwood posts. 10 Panels. Dead and Worthless whipped cream and coffee were stomach aches after the Thanks­ Chiropractic Physician 2 Cow troughs. 16 feet long. Several hog troughs. W. F. JAHN served. Others present were Mrs. giving dinner. A potluck dinner was Physiotherapy - Electro-Therapy served. E. H. Brumbach. Mrs. Jesse H igg­ Dealer in hay and grain BOX 118- TEL. 171-W -N YSSA 8 Forks of different kinds. 1 Weed sprayer. Animals F. A. Johnson is laying the foun­ ins. Mrs. W alter Bishop and Mrs. Third at Good Ave. 1 Hay knife. 6 Shovels. dation fo r a cabinet shop on his Leroy Bennett. Call Collect LODGES Mrs. K. I. Peterson returned home property. There will also be living Also lots of shop articles too numerous to mention. G R A V E MARKERS from Portland Tuesday morning. quarters in the building. There is a Phone Near You Gate City Lodge The newly organized Cubs met Lunch Served on the Grounds. Nyssa 100 Parm a 28 For grave markers and Wednesday after school in the BiU MERRY M ATRONS OF No. 214 Looney home. Mrs. Looney is den TERMS: CASH monuments write or see Ontario 53 OREGON T R A L MEET mother and Ohuck Riddle is den I.O.O.F. R. A. BENTLEY chief of the Cubs. "We Haul the Day You Call' Mrs. Herbert Thomas entertain­ O R E G O N T R A IL , Nov. 27— The Meets every Monday Haines, Oregon ed at a party Wednesday after- M erry Matrons club met at the Ida-Ore Rendering Co. night, 8:30. Better Values rton. Mrs. Ruth Looney won the home o f Opal Holmes November prize for drawing a picture with 12. The afternoon was spent em­ Lower Prices South First Street Welty and Lane, Auctioneers— Phone 116-J, Nyssa Nyssa, Oregon eyes clowed after looking at the broidering for the hostess. Nine Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Welty, Clerks object. Mrs. Thomas drew Mrs. members answered roll call with Advertising Call 74, Caldwell M & W Service FARM SALE Monday, Dec. 1 Professional And Business Dlreciory W. E . Williams, Owner