Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1947)
PAG E FO U R 1 HE N YS S A G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A , O R E G O N Social Notes . t ■ning were Mrs. George ind Mrs. Clare Peterson. _____ C H ILD R E N R A D IO P R O G R A M A children's radio program will be broadcast over station K D S H ev- ery Saturday at 10:30 am . It if sponsored by the Children's Friend magazine, used In the L .D S P ri mary associations all over the world. Mitchell -s - PETERSONS HAVE GUESTS Mr and Mrs. Otto Rosel A n dir on and son. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and Deane Hun- .er were Sunday dinner guests at me home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson. —s— __ H A P P Y E IG H T M EET The Happy Eight Pinocle olub met at the home o l Mrs. Dale Garrison Friday afternoon, with Mrs. George Vaughn, Mrs. Ray Barnes and Mrs. Rodger Oris as guests. Mrs. Vernon Chadwick and Mrs. Roy Barnes won high score. A special feature was the large birthday cake made by the hostess In honor a t Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee. Refreshments were served to eight ladles. —I - D O N NA M A R S H A L L HONORED Donna Marshall, who is leaving Nyssa to attend beauty school at Nampa was honored guest at a pheasant dinner given at the home of Mrs. LaM ont F ife Monday a f ternoon. Mrs. Shirley Warden was co-hostess. Those present were Mrs. Herbert Fischer, Mrs. Lynn Law rence, Mrs. Nona Fischer, Mrs. V ir ginia Brandt, Mrs. Dorothy Rus- sell, Mrs. Wanda Oroot, and Mrs. Laura Chadwick T h e afternoon was spent in visiting. - I - > H O STESS T O CLUB Mrs. Ed Fro6t was hostess to members o f her Wednesday night bridge club at her home last week. Mrs. Herbert Fisher held high score. The traveling prize went to Mrs. Sid Burtjldge. Mrs. Quinby and Mrs. Edward McNamara were guest play ers. HONORED A T P A R T Y Verla Blodgett was honored at a surprise farewell party Friday ev ening at the home of Patricia Grunke. Eight young people spent the evening in games and candy making. - j - Visit Here— Mrs. Paul Bralnard o f Los Angel es, Earl Brainard of San Diego and Mrs. Ralph Thurston of Payette called at the H. R. Sherwood home Wednesday. Mrs. H. Sekijima, formerly Con nie Nlshltani, who wss recently wed to H. Sekijima of Spokane at the Calvary Baptist Church at Se attle. Mr. Sekijima is the sister of Thomas Nlshltani. Th e entire floral background was of whits chrysanthemums and white gladiolas. T h e bride wore a simple but lovely white satin gown touched with beading. The veil was plain tulle with fingertip length. The bride, wearing white mesh gloves, carried a round colonial style cor sage o f white orchids in the cen ter surrounded with gardenias and bouvardia. Martha Nldhitanl, bridesmaid, wore a gown of aqua brocaded sa G IR L BOOTH'S E LECT tin, and lace mitts, and carried a G irl Scouts o f troop 3 held a bouquet o f American beauiy iuocs . business meeting Thursday evening. Officers were elected as follows: T U E S D A Y CLUB MEETS President, Colleen Bybee; vice presi Members of the Tuesday evening dent, Patsy Settles; secretary, Merle bridge club were entertained this Birmingham; treasurer, Patricia week at the home of Mrs. Ed Host. Grunke, and scribe, Phyllis Hadley. High score was held by Mrs. W. R. The girls also planned a Christmas , Campbell and second high by Mrs. party and Initiation in December. I Dean Smith. Guests for the ev- G IR LS 4-H C L U B FO R M E D A T A R C A D IA AR C AD IA , Nov. 37— Gene Kipp went to Boise last week and left there by plane for Denver to attend to business for Northrup-Klng and company. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkhart of Vale were business visitors In Bak er one day last week. Mrs. Nell Bowers met with sev eral girls at the home o f Mrs. Tommy Drydale November 23 and organized a 4-H club in home making and cooking. Those Joining were Violet Drydale, M arlyn Lytle, Joretta Moeller, Helen Iida, Ann ette Stradley, Janice Dowers, Dor othy Sparks and Margaret Bates. Marlyn Lytle was elected president and Violet Drydale secretary. The next meeting will be held Dec ember 0 at tne home of Margaret Bates. The Arcadia Sunshine club met November 20 at the home of Nell Bowers, with four members and one visitor present. A fter a potluck dinner the afternoon was spent In quilting. T h e next meeting will be the Christmas party to be held m i i n i u r iiin i I [ !i - i u m ; i i i iiiiit ii;i.i:[ m i i t T M i i ii i i i i . i T r i i T ii i n r i M m at the home of Mrs. Jamison Dec ember 18. Those going to Baker elk hunting this week were Charles Bullard, Vem Butler, Lee Dali, Otis Bull ard, George M oeller and Fred Schilling. Mrs. Hammon visited her dau- i ghter, Mrs. Don Runquist, last Thursday. Katherine Bruce o f Ontario spent at Ontario, Oregon the week-end in the Ellis Warner home. Ellis Warner left Wednesday for Myrtle Point, Oregon to attend the funeral of his mother. — 8 P.M.— Mrs. Betty Oarren and sons mov ed last week from Gem avenue to The largest and most modern rink between Lakeview, Oregon. Denver and Portland. Everything completely Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brady of Houston, Idaho visited In the Olenn new. • Dowers home last week. Mr. and Don’t miss it! Follow the crowd to Mrs. Brady have three children In Franks in Ontario a hospital in Boise with Infantile paralysis, but the children are im — Rink Open Every Night— proving. The fam ily moved from rim itm iiiw iitw iiin mmiiim in n m i ni iii iiniriii i riii in ni'iii iiriitiinnn i m in in mum Arcadia two years ago. Grand Opening Frank’s Roller Rink Thursday, November 27 See The General Electric Disposali T H U R S D A Y , NOVEM BER 27, 1947 A CALL FOR SERVICE Preserving Life and Health Should Be The First Concern of a Christian Community “The Work That Men Do Lives After Them” > * NAMES THAT WILL LIVE Under this title in the public lobby o f the hospital, will be listed the memorials, the names o f all who contribute any sum of money, and the volunteer workers of the money-raising campaign . . . all who make this new hospital possible their names will live. Be a Founder! in order that future generations will know that you helped build this hospital. ESTABLISH A LIVING MEMORIAL Your name or that o f a loved one— wife, husband, mother, father, son or daughter, sister or brother— will be honored, and his or her memory perpetuated by this service rendered the community. Establish a memorial for yourself or your loved ones by mak ing a really sacrificial gift. You and they w ill continue to live— year after year, you and they will live— active day and night, relieving human suffering— saving lives. Memorial Plaques To Be Placed In Lobby I The name of any person or family may be commemorated by donating one or more of the following units: S I T E .......... L A R G E S T S U B S C R IP T IO N C E N T R A L S U R G E R Y H A L L ..........$2000 2 W IN G S (each) .......................... $5000 L A B O R A T O R Y ............................... $5000 M A T E R N IT Y D E P T ....................... $5000 N U R S E S ’ D IN IN G H A L L ................$2000 N U R S E R Y ............ $5000 RO O M S (each) ............................. $2000 X -R A Y R O O M .............................. $3000 BEDS (each) ................................... $1000 OPERATING ROOMS: B A SSIN E T S (each) ...................... . $500 M A JO R ..................................... $5000 M I N O R ....................................... $3000 One Hospital Voting Membership for $100 or more subscribed. Associate Membership, gift of less than $100. N O T E : Contributions Are Deductible From Income Tax You may add to your previous subscription to obtain a larger Memorial. Associate Memberships may be added to in this Campaign to obtain a voting Membership in the hospital. Many are planning to subscribe Memorials fo r other members o f their families. You May Pay Installments Subscriptions for Donations and Memorials are payable in installments. The first payment o f 10% o f subscription is payable on Request. The balance is payable 10% o f subscription every thirty days thereafter. N O T E : If sufficient subscriptions are not obtained to justify proceeding with the hospital project, A L L S U B S C R IP T IO N S will be cancelled and any money In The Idaho Power Building T H E M O D E R N W A Y T O D ISPO SE O F F O O D W A S T E BE FO R E IT B ECO M ES G A R B A G E \ Nicholson Equip. Co. paid on subscriptions in this, or in prior campaign, will be returned. District To Be Served TH IS H O S P IT A L IS SO PLA N N E D AS TO SERVE C ITIZE N S OF TH E N Y S S A A R E A AND N EIG H B O RIN G COM M UNITIES. TH E A R E A W IL L EXTEND 10 OR 15 MILES IN D IFFERENT DIRECTIO NS FROM N YSSA, W IT H O U T REG ARD TO C IT Y , C O U N TY, OR S T A T E B O U N D A R Y LINES. WHO OWNS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL? This will be a Living W ar Memorial, OW NED A N D FIN A N C E D B Y TH E C IT I ZENS in the D ISTR IC T T O BE SERVED. It will be managed by a Board o f Direct ors all laymen, elected by members o f a non-profit memorial hospital association. E IG H T O U T OF 12 MEMBERS OF TH E BO ARD A R E FA R M E R S living in the hospital district. They, together with the Sponsors and volunteer workers are work ing in order to better protect the lives and health o f all who live within the Hospital District. REMEMBER— Existence o f the hospital is to be perpetual. Your General Electric and Case Implement dealer for this area. T O M O R R O W W E LIVE, B E C A U S E T O D A Y W E PR E P A R E ! O N T A R IO , OREGON The Ceet of This Advert! M E M O R IA L H O S P IT A L Campaign Headquarter« City Hall, Nysta Phone 92-J t Hat Been Raised by r e M ir-Spirited c it ile IU