1 HE N YSSA G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y SSA , O R E G O N PAG E T W O T H U R S D A Y , NO VEM BER 27, 1947 Dick Province and Mr. and Mrs, will be held at that time, f l o w e d were served to K ay McDonald, Shir- Price and Doris Cooke, M r and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin were ! Don Parker and children, and Bar ley Skinner, Sharon Fox, Joanne by a sermon. (Continued on Page Six) A sewing machine clinic was held Dunaway, Linda Smith, Bernadine in Ontario Saturday on business. ill n iib u iiM l l LI 111 111 lil.lli'llliftil m ill III liM I K it lumi all day Wednesday at the Sunset ...III iM tllilll iiiu i1 "■‘■nini1 ■is>iiiiii|,|i|tlllii.4,|I|;|I||| II M Milli MR M M.U» THE CHURCH O F THE Valley hall. Miss Miriam Black, N AZA RE N E home demonstration agent, super KLASS V. POW ELL vised a thorough cleaning of the 10 a.m., Sunday school. N Y S S A S A N IT A T IO N 11 a.m., Song service, sermon and machines and final special adjust communion service. ing o f the stitching. Five different SE R V IC E AD V E R T IS IN G RATteB S U B S C R IP T IO N H A T H » 7: IS p.m.. Young people, te e n a g e kinds of machines were represented. and junior services. Monday, December 1 Eight women were present. , Open rate. per Inch- O n« Y ear___ has moved its office 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effett sre National, per inch........ — 40c -M J » au M o n ti» December 1 through 4 we are parents of a girl bom November N EED LEW O RK B A K E R Y GOODS ClaaeiXleds, per word...... —Jo ...... j M Single Copie«... conducting a teacheTs training 19 at the Holy Rosary hospital. from Ken Renstrom’s Minimum 30c (Strictly in Advance) course, Iram 8 to 10 pm., Friday The baby was named Deana Lynn. D AN C IN G night the 5th and over Sunday Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer office to Don Graham’s J. Russell Brown, our youth lead are dinner guests Thanksgiving day Published every Thursday at Nyasa, Malheur County, Oregon er on this district, who will be In of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager of American Legion Hall, Adrian Realty office. Entered at the postoffice« at Nyda. Oregon for transmission charge of this training course will Kingman Kolony. be bringing us special messages. through the Dotted States Malls, as second class matter, under Lula Belle Wilson. Harry Hatha •ri'i innnt'i'i m ww i him mm ititm mmm m itmwm iwwiwum mito ni,*wi|i»Miiii'ii' leuniwiMe way, and Jim Robb were Caldwell the act a March 3, 187« C ATH O LIC CHURCH SERVICES visitors Sunday. Mrs. Loren Hite of Haines under A T EPISCO PAL JH C RC II PA R IS H H ALL went a major operation last W ed FUNNY AND THANKFUL Rev. P. J. Gaire. Pastor nesday at the Holy Rosary hospit Mass at 9:30 every Sunday except al. She will spend Thanksgiving Can a person be funny and thankful? on the second Sunday of the month, at the home of her parents, Mr. when It will be at 8 am . and Mrs. John R effett W ell, most o f us can’t because we are not Reverend R. L. Kriner, Sandy funny (strange, odd) in the right way. I f we THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y and Ronnie Kriner, aad Mr. and Mrs. Silas Biglow were Sunday CHURCH are “ funny” we can’t be thankful for the things dinner and supper guests at the Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Coop Sunday school, 9:45 am . we have and we can’t find happiness unless we er. 1 Worship and sermon, 11 am . are thankful. Asa Roberts, John R effett and First Sunday in Advent. B ill Bolitho left Friday on a hunt That is a messy conglomeration of words and Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Youth fellowship, 7 pm. ing trip to the Baker area. The phrases, but it merely says we are not thankful season is a special one which is only Young adult fellowship, 7 pm . because we are “ funny” and the reason we are Bible study and hymn sing, 8 pm . open for eight days. Fellowship of prayer, Wednesday, Glenn Knottingham Is working . “ funny” is that we are not thankful. 8 p.m. at the Pfeiler ranch. Most o f the fellows who have a million dol O fficial board meeting, Wednes Mrs. Robert R effett and daugh day, 8 pm . ter, Deana Lynn, are visiting Mrs. lars are not satisfied; they want two million. Harry Gardner this week. Those who are healthy do not appreciate their F A IT H LU TH E R AN CHURCH Leonard Newgen has finished In The Retail Credit Association, Inc., of Ontario, The Retail Credit A s Roland G. Wuest, Pastor stalling plumbing fixtures In the health, at least until they lose it. Some o f those Thanksgiving day services wtU be house on his farm In Sunset Valley. sociation, Inc., of Nyssa and The Retail Credit Association of V ale oper who have fine houses seek pleasure elsewhere. conducted at 10 am . in the veter Lloyd Hamilton and Harold De ate their own credit reporting offices under the management of Nedra ans’ administration building on King W itt finished Harley Wilson’s beets, People who have good jobs want business own avenue, at the south end of Third and left for their homes at Tulare, Carson, credit reporting expert. ership and business men think they see greater street. The sermon theme will be: California Thursday night. opportunity and pleasure in another man’s busi “ God Spreads His Table For Us” , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share were based on Psalm 23: 5 and 6. The Ontario visitors Tuesday. ness. People are funny that way. public Is cordially invited to attend The heavy ditcher has finished W e find happiness in being thankful for what this service of thanksgiving. work south of Cow Hollow and Is 10 am., Sunday school. Classes moving northward. we have and not in what we would like to have. for all age groups. Beth Chapin arrived Wednesday 11 a.m., Divine worship service from college at La Grande to spend The Nyssa Credit Bureau, located in the Fry building, belonging solely I - .- . , „ u n i __ . . ., , with the holy rite of confirmation the holidays with her parents. F O L K M O V IN G T O meats' 111 klnd3 <* vegetables, s a l-;for adults The u n n on theme: „ xh e Frank Parker has been 111 the to the Nyssa credit grantors listed below should not be confused with the N Y S S A H O N O R E D adS' p,okles’ sandwiches, rolls, spi:- Blessedness of Christianity” , based past week. credit office in the Guss building in Ontario, a privately owned credit ________ ( es and cakes. A fter the dinner, Mr. Ion Psalm 1: 13. T h e public Is cor- Mrs. Robert Dibty and three chil office operating as the Ontario Credit Bureau, Inc., or as Credit Bureaus, dren were Sunday visitors at the B IO BEND, N ov. 27_ The Book W itty presented a program, a piano dially invited to attend this lmpres- slve service. Charles Ditty home. which is not a member of the reporting division of the Associated Credit club met at the home o i Mrs. R. L. 3010 Lorraine Van de Water, T h e annual congregational meet Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Castle and Haworth Saturday afternoon. M rs .1 a reading by Ardlth Swan, a vocal ing will be held on Monday even Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ooiers of King- Bureaus of America. M L. Judd gave an entertaining solo by Mrs. Irene Hatch, commum ing, December 1. The meeting will man Kolony were Thursday dinner and interesting review o f "T ogeth - ty singing by an, :ed by i.rrs, 3oyce begin with a potluck dinner to be guests at the Grover Cooper home er” , a biography oi General M ar- ! Van de W ater and Mrs. Irene Hatch served in the Episcopal church ab There has been some confusion because of the similarity in the names last week. shall, written by his wife. This and a solo by Alva Watts. Mrs. out 6 or 6:30 pm . After the business P h il Dunbrasky and daughter, of these reporting offices, a condition which the merchants’ group can was followed by a social visit and Vtrl Bishop accompanied the musi- meeting two religious motion pic Rosie, of Payette were Sunday a f a lunch. ^ cal selections. Mrs. Darrell English tures will be shown, entitled: “ The not avoid. ternoon visitors at the Charles Can The ladies o f Wade P. T. A. were presented a parting g ift to the Bible—The Book for the World of hostesses as a farewell dinner Sun Haworths and Mrs. Haworth re Tom orrow” , and “T h e Prodigal Son” . non home. Mrs. Lois Knottingham and Glen day honoring Mr. and Mrs. R. L. sponded w ith a “ thank you” speech. Business men in Malheur county, par ticularly the members listed below, made a business trip to Ontario Haworth who are moving to Nyasa, Among the large crowd present 8T. P A U L’S E PISCO PAL CHURCH Saturday. should for their own benefit, understand the difference and be able to and for Mrs. Ruth Morgan and from outside the district were Mr. Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Mrs. Charles Schweizer attended Charles W itty, teachers of Wade and Mrs. Charles Peck, Jr., and distinguish between the private office and their merchant-owned credit Holy communion at 9 am . on the Book club meeting Saturday school. The covered dish dinner daughter of Coulee dam, Mr. and reporting offices. the second Sunday o f each month. at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ha served at the schoolhouse, consisted Mrs. Charles Peck, Sr., o f Boise, of everything imaginable In home Mr. and Mrs. OUn Case of Caldwell At 4 p.m. on the first, third and worth of Big Bend. Harold Gray ISTt Saturday for cooked food, from chicken served and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Watts and fourth Sundays. Extensive files are maintained in th eir offices by the Malheur county Calloway, Nebraska to visit his par Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. In several different styles, other sons of Parma. ents for the winter. merchants. They are at your disposal. You are invited to visit at any of W EATH ER DELAYS | Roger -and /James Stevens were these offices and view their complete credit reference resources. « » D D A T u . n i i r c T Sunday evening visitors at the Her- C A R R O T H A R V E S T , bert Bergam home. SU N S E T V A LLE Y , Nov 27—Due to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Charland were N Y S S A C R E D IT B U R E A U freezing conditions, the carrot seed Caldwell shoppers Saturday. k growers have been finding It d if Sadie Parker has been ill In bed ficult to harvest the carrot roots the past few days. Reporting Office of which will be used for next years’ Mrs. Ada Snyder visited a couple seed crop. of days at the home oi her son, David Cannon, three-year-old son Harold Synder. o f Charley Cannon underwent a Mrs. Russ Talbot and daughter, tonsillectomy last Thursday. On Georgia, were Sunday evening vis Saturday David hemorrhaged heavi itors at the 1 » Chadd home. ly from a broken blood vessel caused Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gahan were Fry Building Post O ffice Box 766 Phone 168-W from coughing. Ether was given and dinner guests of M r. and Mrs. Ira the blood vessel sewed. David Is Chadd Sunday. home and doing nicely now. Bert Easton was a guest at the ♦ * ? The L.DJ9. ward Is giving a fa r e Cash Turner home last Saturday « well party honoring Mr. Ricks, who Easton, form erly of this valley, has Is leaving on a mission in the states. been driving a truck for a lumber T h e party will be held at the Ore company at Joseph, Oregon gon Trail schoolhouse at 7:30 W ed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson nesday night, followed by a Mu made a business trip to Nampa tual dance in the same building. Monday George Whipple, pastor o f the Neta May Terra, daughter o i Mr. Nyssa Christian church, will hold and Mrs. John Terra, was honored a meeting at the Sunset Valley hall with a party Sunday afternoon in W ho Cooperate with the Sunday, November 30 at 3 o ’clock celebration of her seventh birthday. In the afternoon. Sunday school i Refreshments o f cake and Jello M E R C H A N T -O W N E D B U R E A U S O F The Gate City Journal Church Notes Owyhee Ward Bazaar Don’t Be Confused The Nyssa Credit Bureau Retail Credit Ass’n, Inc. omneAD and Owned by the Leading Merchants of Nyssa UND£AG Ontario and Vale Adrian O il Company Aldred Electric Alexander's ...M O R I CIRCUITS TO CARRY YOUR T IU P H O N I CALLS % Maintaining, improving and adding to the vast network of local and long dia- tance telephone lines is a job that goes on day by day, year in and year out. Since the end of the war many circuit miles of long distance lines have been added in the Mountain and Pacific ar eas, and urban lines are being added at a pace to match the installation of central office equipment. Poles, wire, cable, switchboards and That’s what Chevron Supreme Gasoline brings to your car, folk*—skyway performance adapted to the highway. War-born improvements in flying fuels paved the way for this premium gasoline— a gasoline that is tailor-made for your car’s requirements. Chevron Supreme mesns quicker starts, extra power—smoother performance in traffic and on the open road, Try it I other central office equipment— these will be added continuously until every-' one can have the kind of service he, wants, when it is wanted. Malheur Home Tel. Company W. E. SC H IR E M AN PHONE 61 A S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A P P O O U C T C. C. Anderson Stores—Ontario Andrew's Seed Atherton’s Grocery Base he-Sage Hardware Benson Glass Blacker Furniture Boise-Payette Lumber Co.— Nyssa Boise-Payette Lumber Company- Ontario Bracken's Brower’s Plumbing Brown’s Mercantile Bullock Auto Parts Cairo Market Croghan Welders Dan's Market Daley’s Market Dentinger's Feed and Seed Dortty Welding Eagle OU Eastern Oregon Equipment Eastern Oregon Observer Bernard Eastman Eider Hardware Co. Everybody’s Farber's Dept. Store Farmers Supply Oo-op— Service Station Fay's Texaco Station Firestone— Nyssa First National Bank of P o r t land— Nyssa First Security Bank—Payette Fletcher OU Co.. Ontario Fletcher Otl C o , Nyssa Freeman's Machine Shop Fruitl&nd Lumber Co. Garber-Staples G in eel's Oolden Rule—Nyssa Gordon's Drive In Hartley Produce Herman Torwne Garage Herriman Motor Co. Hollingsworth Implement Co — Nyssa HoUingsworth Implement Co.— Ontario Hollingsworth Implement C o .- Vale Iseri Radio and Supply Jack's Market J ohnson-Wells-Turnbull Just Right Cleaners Kinney Bros. <b Keele Kardw. Drs. J. A. M cFall & John Easly Malheur Market Market Basket MaxshaU - Wells— Ontario Model Grocery Morrison Electric Newsom Furniture Nicholson Equipment Co. Nyssa Elevator Nyssa Furniture Co. Nyssa Implement Co. Nyssa Lumber Co. Ontario Branch, U S . National Bank o f Portland Ontario Clinic Ontario Elevator Ontario Grain Ontario Oroceteria Ontario Laundry Ontario Meat Packing Co. Ontario Pharmacy Ontario Tractor Co. Owyhee Bottled Gas Owyhee Drug Owyhee Machine and Supply Owyhee Truck and Implement Parma Seed Company Ivan P Patrick Paul Roberts Paul us Jewelry Payette Standard Station Peterson Furniture Company - Ontario Peterson Furniture Company - Payette Peterson Furniture Company - Vale Pounds' Grocery Powers Groceteria—Parm a E. W. Pruyn Auto Repair Sarazin Clinic Service Corner Signal Station— N yssa Skinner's Service Standard OU Co.—Ontario Star Furnace Sc Sheet Metal State Bank of Malheur County Strawn’s Stunz Lumber Co. Thompson O il Co. A1 Thompson Sc Son Toggery B ill’s Turner Refrigeration Service T u rn er* Sporting Goods and Supply Vale Branch, U S . National Bank of Portland Vale Drug Co. Vale Electric and Appliance Vale G rain and Feed Co. Vale Lumber Co. Vale Supply Van Pet ten Lumber Com pany- Adrian Van Pet ten Lumber Com pany- On tarlo Van Petten Lumber Com pany- Pa yette Wells Western Auto Supply Com pany- Ontario Western Auto Supply Com pany- Vale Western Oorrugator Co. Wilson Bros. W yck offs