Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1947)
% ,'Y ^ r r r r r r r r r p g g ^ t V , »y w ^ p -v r -^ s * \ » V ~ - ^ = A v - • 77>e NYSSA VOLUME X X X X II NO. 44 JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1947 DEER OVERPOWERS BEAR IN BATTLE FOR SUPREMACY IN NYSSA SECTION 2 Sections Are Added To Local i ¿-one Exchange This is the story of a deer who "treed” a bear. As George N. Bear of Nyssa, rec- amat.on bureau employe reached us after quitting his bull- o-er work Saturday about 11 a.m„ a young but k from the state game farm accosted the two-legged Bear ind made good h>is challenge to a how-down. As Bear started to leave the plck- ;p. the deer slammed the door shut with its spread of antlers in i about that time Harvey Hatch, also a reclamation bureau employe Operating Facilities In Nyssa Office W ill Be Doubled appeared. When told o f the clrcum- stances under which Bear was slt- ting in the machine. Hatch "booed lhe deer and ^ stack ed Bandit Secures $100 In Holdup At Sweet Shop Women Ordered I u * c* r- 1« turn., Hatch cheerfully Three ; climbed into the pick-up and re Around by Amateurish mamed there with Bear until Young Robber game farm attendant appeared. The deer, which was declared The Malheur Home Telephone The youthful bandit who escaped to have become mean, was shot by company announced this week tiial the state employe. Despite the fact with more than $100 taken in a It has started installation facilities that the deer was sporting foui ensational robbery of the Sweet t>f the Nyts.«a office. points, It was only about 18 months Shop last Saturday night remained Employes of the company started old. ui.ipprehended late Wednesday. checkin? the equipment early this While one of the owners, Mrs. week and expected to start in- Jar.son Healy, and Mrs. Helen An- ation work today. Jerson were washng dishes at the T h e company will install two fountain and the cook. Mrs. M ary more sections o f switchboard, m ak Pierce, was working in the kitchen, ing a total of four sections. The Firemen have announced that Major and Mrs. G rant J. Williams the robber entereed the eating work, which will result in the hey will establish an Ice skating ( visited Sunday and Monday at the place, which was devoid o f cus einplc yment of two more operators, tomers at the moment. The youth, will be finished in about four weeks' nk on the Cable property on Main 1 Barney W Ison home, The concern is also surveying the treet between Fourth and F ift h 1 Major Williams, a cousin of Mrs. reputed to be in his 20's, pulled a . .__ j Wilson, has recently returned from pistol and told the two women at rural area and will start Installation erects especially for youngsters^ Germa ^ h' was a m g f the fountain that “this is a holdup of additional lines as soon as m a terial is available. However, Mr. f WU f 0™ * ,, at the Neurenberg and Berlin trtais. and I want the money". About that £ Mr. and Mm. Williams, in speak time he noticed the cook in the R ob erton , the manager, pointed he west half of Che block for the ing of conditons in Germany, told kitchen and he ordered her to come out that materials are still very ink. Firemen will keep the ice in of the hopelessness that seemed to forward. After Mrs. Pierce had come scarce, tu t they have been ordered, Prank W ilcott is shown above with some of the The feed bill for raising 3000 turkeys amounts to ondition. lose to the man she fainted and characterize the Qerman people 1000 turkeys that he has raised this year on his is T o e rink will be started as soon The important Item for them Is he turned his attention to Mrs. more than $7000 a seasen. Wilcott, who has a few land farm in Snake river about three miles north small white turkeys in addition to the regular birds, vs the weather is oold enough to the immediate need for food, for Healy and Mrs. Anderson. of Nyssa. Wilcott, who has been raising turkeys for plans on raising from 5000 to 6000 turkeys next year freeze the water. When ordered to the cash regis which the people will sell or trade 17 years, still has well over 2000 birds on the island. providing the market outlook is good. (Evans Photoi ter, Mrs. Healy "s tifle d " as much any posession. Major Williams was formerly dis as possible, hoping for a break, but trict attorney In Curry county. Mrs. finally started handing the man "T h e annual observance of A r Williams taught in the Nyssa schools small change, in the meantime mistice day is a constant reminder one year while her husband was dropping currency an the floor. of the heroic suffering and sacri overseas. They left Monday for The bandit soon noticed the trick fice of our men and women caused western Oregon, and will proceed and demanded the larger money. by wars—making it necessary for Funeral services for Clarence H. from there to Fort Knox, Kentucky, The youth, who apperaed to the them to serve in order to perpetu Henri Temianka, first violinist Merrick. Nyssa farmer, were held where Major Williams will serve women to be very “ amateurish” , ate the Christian ideals o f Am eri of the Paganini quartet, was a laid his gun on the counter and .n the Methodist Community church as judge advocate. ca", stated Arvel L. Child, associate guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Mrs. Healy grabbed it. She said she this afternoon, with Rev. H. J. chairman of the memorial hospital Churches Plan Programs; Lawrence between the concert in Other Matters Discusse'd Gem hardt officiating. had a good hold on it, but somehow Interment campaign, who said, “ all those t skipped on the counter or some Committees Namd By Caldwell Sunday and the concert A t Regular Gathering was in the Nyssa Memorial park. who experienced the horrors o f war in Boise Monday evening. thing else happened and the bandit Mr. Merrick's body was found in • Frank Morgan saw the destruction of life and O f Group Mr. Temianka is one of the most regained control o f it. the bunk house at the Art Boydell the crippling of their fellow Am eri outstanding violin soloists in this The robber walked out the front ranch, which Merrick had been The churgjies o f the Nyssa area country and Europe. Mr. Temianka cans. T ney feel that instead o f er Two street issues, involved In the operating, county Coroner R. A. door and Mrs. Healy followed to ecting a memorial of cold granite in and neighboring cities will observe came to this country in 1939 and city street improvement program, Tacke of Ontario said that M er Frank Morgan of Nyssa, who re leant what she could of his escape. & honor of their service and sacrifice, ''Hospital Sunday” November 23. his plans to return to Europe were were settled at a meeting o f the rick drank a mixture o f nicotine turned home last week from the Then Mrs. Anderson called the o f f ■they would rather have a "living changed by the war conditions. sulphate and strychnine sometime National Reclamation association icers. city council Wednesday night. memorial''— a memorial that will The ministers will tell of the bene Mr. Lawrence has the distinction Saturday night or early Sunday Just a few minutes after the rob fits o f a modern non-profit hos The council decided to lay 31 morning. He was reported to have convention held in Phoenix, Arizona bery. the place was reported to have live from generation to generation, o f being Mr. Temianka’s first pupil stated that one of the principal foot paving on Fourth street from active day and night, saving human pital in the life o f the community, in the United States. been despondent over ill health. topics of discussion was the pro filled with customers again. Mr. lives instead of destroying, relieving and urge their members to parti The Paganini quartet is reputed Good avenue to King avenue, be Mr. Merrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. posal to extend the repayment per Healy, who is normally on duty at suffering instead o f crippling hu to be the finest stringed quartet caue of the present narrow road Lemuel Merrick, was born August iod by farmers on reclamation pro night. Was in Salt Lake City at man beings— a living memorial hos cipate. each to the best o f his In existence. Each of the four mus way between Good and Reece. The 20, 1900 at South Greenfield, Mis jects from the present 40 years to the time of ths holdup. ability, in this great humanitarian pital dedicated 'to preserving life icians is an oiitstanlndg chamber city had originally intended to souri. When he was five years old. 70 <jr 78 yean. , . v and health—a memorial that lives cause. musician. T h e quartet is unique build a 26-foo t.street from Good his parents moved to Lamar, Colo Mr. Morgan quoted Maurice Green, instead of a cold shaft. According to' one prominent in that they play on the four his- to K ing avenues and later agreed rado, where he obtained his school Boise attorney retained by the This living memc-iel will be made c h u r c h m a n “ A ll the church fra- ktoric Strain varius instruments once to make the street 36 feet from ing and grew to manhood. He was Owyhee irrigation district and the possible by the establishment of tem al, univerfity, and memorial I orwned by Paganini. The four in- Reece to King and 26 feet from united in marriage to Buima Fill- Gem Irrigation district, to assist memorials by various citizen » of this hospiitals throughout the United 1 5*fujnenr*3> dispersed after Pagan- Good to Reece. Charles Garrison man August 11, 1921 at Lamar, Mis and A. H. Boydell are giving ground souri. The fam ily resided at Lamar in negotiating a new repayment area. Further data may be secured States are operating on a non-profit b:^ve (>n^\ recently been to make1 room for the widening. Thfe contract for the Owyhee project. from the full page ad appearing in basis—the same as is planned for brought * * together again after years property owners on the street were until 1937, when they moved to Mr. Greene talked a t the annual Sugar beet growers in Idaho, U t this issue of the Grfte City Journal Malheur county. They have farmed of effort. They are the four most , ah and Oregon will receive more our memorial hospital. Such hos represented at the meeting last in this vicinity since that time. Mr. convention. on page 6.” perfect instruments made by Strad “ Federal reclamation was, as we than $14.000,000 from the Amalga pitals are the tangible evidence of night by Mr. Garrison. In the lobby of the hospital under Merrick was a member of the Un Christianity at work in the com ivarius. Several property owners objected ted Brethren church o í McClave, all know, born of a single purpose', mated Sugar company for beets the title “ Names T h at W ill Live” The violin played by Mr. Tem - munity. Mr. Greene said. “T h at purpose was delivered from the beginning of the to provision for diagonal parking Colorado. will be placed memorial plaques 'In fact, the degree o f care given *an*ca valued at $60,000. to finance Irrigation projects which harvest in late September until on Second street from Main street and also the names of all who Survivors are his widow, Emma; to the sick and Injured In many to Bower avenue. They were rep three daughters, Mrs. Helen Thomp were beyond the ability of private October 30, according to H. A. Ben- contribute any sum o f money, countries is a measure o f its stan- -»• • a ir * t resented by Attorney Harold Hen- son of Newberg, Oregon, and M ar capital to undertake on a basis nlng, president of the company. names o f the volunteer workers of igson. The council agreed to pro jorie and M ary Ellen of Nyssa; the water users could readily repay. Checks will be mailed November 15. the money-raising campaign, all dard of civilization. I am certain that all the churches are united The Initial payment is based on vide for parallel parking as in other two sons, Clarence A. and LeRoy I t was to help the water user, not who made the hospital possible. to make him an economic slave deliveries of 1.300,000 tons of beets in this common cause of protecting sections of town. T hey will be known as the founders of Nyssa; three grandchildren, K en the lives and health of our citi Don Graham, manager of the vet neth, Keith and Gordon Thompson; T o expedite the construction pro and Is $5,587,000 more than the of the “memorial hospital” . zens." gram, congress began appropriat payment for corresponding beet de erans housing project, asked the three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Hutchin The observance of Hospital Sun- The junior class, presenting “Ten city to install a light on the pro son and Miss Mary Merrick of L a ing funds from the general treas liveries In 1946. When final settle ury and as the projects became ment has been made on the 1947 day by the church marks the be- Percent Tom m y", won the Nyssa ject grounds. The request was grant mar, Colorado and Mrs. Mattie more and more expansive, it ex crop. Including the conditional pay ginning of the campaign o f solicits high school one-act play contest ed. Johnson of Belflower, California, tended the term in which the water ment, the Amalgamated’s growers tion by the advance gifts committee held In the gymnasium Monday A chamber of commerce request and a brother, Sam O. Merrick of night. users could make repayment. The will receive approximately $27,000,- to finance the memorial hospital. for financial help from the city Rainier. Alberta. Canada. The freshmen won second with first extension was to 20 years In 000, Mr. Bennlng reported. The next In the present campaign all gifts in buying Christmas street decor- 1914. T h e second was fo r an un beet payment will be made on Leo** will be by individuals or families Everything N ice” ; the sophomor atioons, presented by Bernard East Th e Nyssa Lions club voted at and not by organizations ortnstitu- es third with "Miss Mobray's Big limited period by the fact finders delivered from November 1 to 16. man, was rejected because of lack its weekly luncheon Monday noon tions. Moment” and the seniors fourth act in 1924 and the third and last Orowers In the Boise valley area of funds. The chamber o f commerce In Carl's Doll House to sponsor to 40 years by the omnibus ad serviced by the company’s two larg The personnel of the public re with “ The Lost Kiss” . and Nyssa Civic club are attempt the sale of health bonds In Nyssa lations committee of the memorial The players were as follows: justment act of 1926. The 1948 act est factories at Nyssa, Oregon and ing to work out a street decorating for the Malheur County Health hospital campaign was announced did not extend the time for pay Nampa, Idaho will receive a total Seniors— Dorothy Settles, Duane program. ment. I t simply provided for vary- of approximately $8,400,000; the Id and Tuberculosis association as part at the hospital campaign head Holcomb, Margery Bishop, John The Idaho Canning company ask Plans for the playoff in the Snake Ing the amount of the annual pay- aho district Including Tw in Falls. o f the annual Christmas seal sale quarters. T h e following is the mem Relk, M ary Lou Schenk, M erlin A n ed for a contract with the city River Valley conference football j ment over the 40-year period, campaign. bership of the committee: K. V. derson, Dean Sutherland, Wesley Burley, and Rupert, $4,400,000 and for fire protection. The council will race were outlined at a meeting of | "Summarizing my thoughts, I can the Utah district, which Includes Sale o f the bonds, in denomina Powell, chairman; A. O. Wells, as Jordan, Alice Warner and Barbara attempt to arrange such a contract. the conference board in Nyssa th is , tell you frankly that the repayment Weber and Cache counties, $1,315- tions of $5 to $50, will be started sociate chairman; Mrs. E. K. Bur Tucker. morning. The board consists of provisions o f the existing law and 000 . November 17 and will be completed ton. D. H. Christensen, Mrs. Ber- Freshmen— West Beus, Helen Kenneth Carberry of Em m ett.' the seeming reticence on the part (Continued on Page 2) before the general seal sale Is start Telford, M ary Ann Bumgarner, Yields are unusually high this chairman; Henry Hartley o f Nyssa o f the bureau to negotiate a re- year, averaging almost 20 tons to ed. Business establishments will be Karleen Jones, Cleo Flinders, Betty and Dennis Patch of Nyssa. payment contract on any basis the area in the Nyssa-Nampa dis asked to buy 'the bonds. F ife and K en t Bunn. Miss Margaret Beattie, executive Nyssa will play Payette Tuesday other than the maximum a water trict and 17 tons in the South Cen Juniors— Jim Rigney, Dean Irving, aftenoon at 2 o'clock in Payette user can pay Is leading to open tral area. Ma'ble Toombs, Jane Parr, Marian secretary, told the Lions that the Continued on Page 7) Registration for the intra-city and Emmett will play Vale ait Em county association is attempting to Brown, Doris McGee, Donald Jen The six factories are making T h e circuit court jury which was sen, Bob Wilder, B ill Stradley, Val basketball league sponsored by the mett the same afternoon In regular carry on a general health education 39,000 100 pound bags of sugar program as well as locate tuber unable to reach a verdict in the Dee Child,, Llewelyn »Robbins, Betty Nyssa Lions club must be com scheduled games. In the playoff Return From Trip— a day. the winner of the Vale-Emmett culosis cases, 'because the rate of case of the state versus H. T. Jo Williams and Joy Gann. pleted by noon, November 24. Mr. and Mrs Ed Stelnke return Managers must furnish a list of game and the winner o f the Nyssa- ed home Wednesday evening of last deaths from tuberculosis in Oregon Morcom and his son, Jean, was Sophomores— Donna Garner, Dor is fairly low, 20 to 100,000 o f popu dismissed Saturday night. othy Erwin, Dorothy Dillon, Ar- members, together with an entrance Payette game will meet In the Ont week after spending four weeks in The two defendants were charg villa Sandeis, Dean Erwin, Marlin fee of 50 cents for each member. ario field November 21 fo r the Nebraska and Kansas. They vis lation, which is half of the national average. She said the seal sale will ed with killing a horse belonging Niday and Clarence Suiter. A player must be registered with Snake river valley championship. ited Mrs. Stelnke'« parents at Red to Stacia Davis o f Ontario. be started November 28. In the ticket sales the freshmen a team at least two weeks before Edward W. K er was re-elected Cloud, Nebraska and relatives in District Attorney Charles W. won first, the seniors second, soph- j a scheduled game in order to play Attend Boise Concert— Kearney, Columbus, David City and as a director of the Owyhee Irri Swan said probably hearing of all omres third and juniors fourth. | with that team. Therefore, it is Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mrs. A l Superior, Nebraska and Mr. Stein- gation district at an election held charges against Morcom would be The gross receipts amounted to important to make this Initial reg in Kuehn. Mrs. Olea Billings, Mrs ke's sister at Mt. Clair, Nebraska. at the Frank Oahlll residence on postponed until the January term $330.85. istration as accurate as possible, Grant Lewis and Mrs. Ed Boydell Mr. Stelnke had not seen his sis Alberta avenue November 11. Mr. of court. league leaders said. went to Boise to hear the Paganini ter fo r 15 years. They also visited K er was elected for a term of three Nyssa members o f the jury were Undergoes Tonsliectomy T h e teams already registered are quartet Monday evening. A clinic for crippled children will his nieces at Bollot and Herbon, years. Wanda Lee Groot, John O strom ' Larry Schenk, 8-year-old son of practicing Wednesday nights in the In the unusually light vote. K er be held Tuesday. November 18. at Kansas. The Nyssa residents said Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk, under- | gymnasium anJ from all lndlca- K ill Elk— the Women's club building. SW Sec Ostrom and Claude Wilson. the com crop at Columbus was received 19 votes and Jesse Rich ond street, Ontario. An orthopedist went a tonsliectomy last Thursday, tions the league play this winter Murle Marcum, Walter and C liff good and winter wheat also looked 13 votes. Will provide some interesting bas- Fox, Dick Hall of South Dakota, good. Many farmers were holding M r K er will take office Tuesday, from Portland, who will examine T o Speake at Church— Foreign missions and home mis Here from Corvallis— the children, will be named later. Ed Henderson and Harry Kingrey their wheat and last year's corn, January 6. ketball. A ll children attending the clinic sion work will be emphasized es killed two bull elk near LaOrande not far higher prices but because Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wycfcoff of must have an application for sendee pecially this Sunday morning both Corvallis visited Mrs. W yckoff’s par P.T.A. Executive Board Meets— of Income taxes. The vacation was Banquet Scheduled— during the season. ______ _ their fam ily _ physclan in the Sunday school session and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson signed by T h e executive board of the Nyssa The annual banquet sponsored Mr. Stelnke's first vacation from Applications are made through the j in the worship service of Faith Thursday. The two W yckoff child Parent - Teacher association met Attend Seoul C on feren ce- his work with the city in eight by the Nyssa Lions club for mem office o f the Malheur county public ! Lutheran church as the congrega- ren had spent several days a t tne Thursday evening at the home cf bers o f the high school football Waiter McPartland and Ralph years. health department. Vale. Box 273, tion observes Its annual mission { Wilson home while their parents Mrs. Ed Frost. A final financial re Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. Sto squad has been tentatively set for phone 3051, Vale. (festival. The guest speaker for the were in Baker where they were c a ll port made on the carnival showed ker, Scout leaders of Nyssa, at Visitors from Grechi Monay night, December 1. ------------------------ | occasion wiU be the Rev. Herold L. ed because the death of Mr. W y a balance of $376.12, after all bills tended a two-day “ University of Mr. and Mrs. Date Lewis of Ore- News of Grandson— Daugs, pastor of Emanuel Lutheran ckoff's mother. were paid. Reports were made by Scouting” course held in Payette sham, Oregon are visiting at the To Hold Sale— W ord was received by Mr. and church of Walla Walla. The Rev. the committee chairman. Mrs. Char Saturday and Sunday Oerald Spe home of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mauld- The Mission society of Faith Luth les Grider is a new member of the edy, assistant national director of lng. Mrs. Artie Robertson o f the birth Mr. Daugs is the meet recent ad- n pw ch o ir Formed— eran church will hold a faneywork a junior choir has been organized executive committee, representing Cubbing, was the principal speaker of a son November 9 to Mr. snd dition to the northwestern district and food sale at Eder's store Sat for the conference. Mart Buahncll, Return from Trip— Mrs. Joe Robertson of Oakland, o f the American Lutheran church, | py the Christian church. The choir the high school room mothers. urday, November 15, beginning at coutmaster and training specialist California. T h e baby weighed 7 having come to this district from j meets for practice with the director, M r and Mrs Carl Hill o f Newell 10 a. m. for the national council, assisted Heights and Mr! and Mrs. J. C. the Iowa- district Just two months Rev. George Whipple Thursdays at Song Published pounds. 4 ounces. ago. He served as pastor of St. M at noon In the church. A M other’s day song en\itled, Mr Speedy in giving instruction in Mumm of Nyssa returned last Wed Raises Heed Potatoes— thews Lutheran church of Dubuque. "T h e Sweetest Person on Earth", the various phases of Scouting lea nesday from a trip to Astoria. Here from Boise— Clarence Frltts, Apple valley far computed by T. Carol Bybee, is be dership. The meeting was attended Olympia. Everett and through the mer, raised 200 bushels of netted Mrs Mildred Brant and niece. Iowa, the home of Wartburg Luth Here from Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Hansen of ing published at Clncinattl, Ohio. by Scout leaders, officers, den m o Grand Coulee project At Everett. gem seed potatoes per acre on an 0*11 Smith, o f Boise, were guests eran seminary. At the last meeting over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. of the Wartburg Seminary Alumni Smithflekl. Utah visited over the The song la the fifth written by the thers and dad*, troop members Mr. and Mrs. Hill vslted Mrs. Jesse eght-acre plot owned by J. P. Lane. A. (I. Sallee Mrs. Brant is a sister association, the Rev Mr. Daugs was week-end at the Kenneth Oottle local composer that are now on and troop committeemen from this Phipps and Mr. and Mrs. Mumm The potatoes, o f good site, were elected to the office of president. district. and Frei Blair homes. visited their son, John. the market. • o f M. Sallee. raised from blue tag seed. FIREMEN TO START JUDGE IN GERMAN ICE SKATING RINK TRIALS VISITS HERE HOSPITAL WILL BE “LIVING MEMORIAL’ DEDICATED TO LIFE Hospital Sunday To Be Observed In Nyssa Nov. 23 FAMED VIOLINIST VISITS EX-PUPIL, LYNN J. LAWRENCE Funeral Is Held Street Issues For C.H. Merrick Are Settled At Council Meeting Farmers Ask For 70 Years To Pay Beet Growers To Receive Money J UIllOTS W ill 111 Play Contest Lions To Sell Health Bonds Nyssa In Line For Title Game JURY UNABLE TO AGREE AT VALE BASKETBALL TEAMS SHOULD REGISTER SOON AS POSSIBLE OWYHEE DISTRICT RE-ELECTS E. W. KER CLINIC SCHEDULED FOR CRIPPLED TOTS r