THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA^ OREGON PAGE SIX THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 Anderson and Church, auc arator, grain, other equipment, and owner. PUBLIC FARM SALE— Saturday, some the evening was spent with a fish es were won by Mrs. Charley Me- for high score, and Mr. and Mrs. November furniture. Lunch. Bert Porcell, tioneers; L. H. EYltta, clerk. 15, 12 noon, 44 miles pond and fortune telling and other Connell and Arthur Cook. Refresh-1 John Barnett for low. Traveling ìorth of Payette, on old Porceli games as entertainment. The re- ments of cider and doughnuts were I prizes went to Mrs. Harry Kingrey ranch. 1 team horses, 28 dairy cat of the evening was spent served. and Charles McConnell. te, dairy equipment, hay derrick, REBEKAHS ARE HOSTESSES | mainder playing pinochle. Prizes for first -5 - milking machine, new cream sep- -t- A large group attended the Hal- and second scores for women went INFORMAL CLUB PLAYS SCOUTS MEET lowe'en party given by the Rebek- to Mr«. Floyd Irwin and Mrs. Clyde The Informal Bridge club mem Girl GIRL Scout 'i roop 3 met Friday, ah lodge for members and their Gilbert. Arthur Cot*, Jr., and bers were guests last Wednesday of husbands Thursday evening at the Floyd Irwin held first and second I Mrs. Henry Bor^inan. High score and again on Monday at a special O. O. F. hall. The first part of prizes for the men. Traveling pru- ' was held by Mrs Luray Trabert meeting, to foid cartons of Christ by I ----------------------— — — __________________________ _______ ____I and second by Mrs. Walter Fox. mas seals. T.iose attending were Mrs. John Ostrom won the travel Patsy Settles, Patricia Hussy, Col- ing prize Mrs. Harry Kingrey was a guest. lien Bybee, Patricia Orunke, Joan GIRLS’ UNLESS YOU’RE PROTECTED with Incomparà 5 Hartley, Betty Lou Mathney, Bev HALLOWE’EN PARTY GIVEN erly Burbidge, Merle Burning and Mr. and Mrs. Bartel Ostrom and Sweaters BY FIRE INSURANCE Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostrom enter- a guest, Barbara Hussy. tined at a Hallowe'en party Sat —5— 100 per cent wool urday a t their home. The guests AMITY CLUB MEETS —SEE— tallies were drawn for pinochle, The Nyssa Junior Women's Amity Button Front arrived In costume and after the met at the home of Mrs. Dean Ages 8 to 16 masks were removed, indicating the club Fife last Friday and had as guest partners chosen. High scores went speaker, Mrs. Carre; Stam, who NYSSA PHARMACY to Mrs. Lyle Fulmer and Floyd returned from a trip to GOOD HEALTH TO ALL— Hill and low scores to Mrs. John recently She told many Interest FROM REXALL Ostrom and Alvin Nye. Traveling Holland. ing things about the conditions prizes went to Mrs. Veni Chad and scenery of Holland. Lunch was wick and A1 Kuehn. The next meeting will be Ir Refreshments were served by the' served. November 14 at the home of hostess to the following guests: Mr. held WATERBURY JOHNSON Waynard Talbot, with Mrs. Mrs. A1 Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hortense Zobell and Mrs. Carrie 40-Hour Spring Alarm and Lyle Fulmer, Mr. and Me». Vern Fife In charge of the program. Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nye, Chintz Prints Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ulmer, Mr. and Clock PIKE'S ENTERTAIN Mrs. John Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. Guaranteed Fast To Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pike enter Heimer Ostrom and Mr. and Mrs. tained at chicken dinner Sunday Washing. Floyd Hill of Ontario. for Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee and , - 5 - two daughters, and son Keith, and BRIDGE GROUP MEETS The Wednesday evening Mr. and ^v^ s's Barbara Tucker at their home Plus Tax Mrs. Bridge club met last Wednes- Adrian. Prior to the dinner, the day evening at the home of Mr. grouP attended the Kingman Kol church, where Mr. Bybee of and Mrs. Warren Farmer for a pot- ony Boys’ Buck-hect ficiated fn christening his first luck dinner, followed by an even grandchild, Outing Flannel Ann, who is the COWBOY ing of bridge. High scare was held daughter of Mary Mr. and Mrs. Pike. A1 Kuehn and second high 36-inch Wide in Strip by by Mrs. BOOTS Glea Billings. BIRTHDAY -V- PARTY HELD ed and .Plain Colors $7.95 —5 - Miss Reona Christensen, daugh v is it o r s e n t e r t a in e d Sizes oi Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chris Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown ter tensen, was guest of Honor at a 8i/2 to 12 of Torrence, California were guests party held in celebration of her of honor at a no-host dinner Thurs 7th birthday. Refreshments were day evening at the Payette Country served to 10 guests. Per Yd. club. Those honoring Mr. and Mrs. many lovely gifts. Reona received ON ANY JOB, LARGE OR SMALL, YOU’LL LIKE THE Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin SKILLED WORKMANSHIP—THE COURTEOUS SERVCE— —8— Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings, BRIDGE GROUP ENTERTAINED Ladies Robes THE FAIR PRICES. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke and Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis. WON’T YOU MAKE IT A POINT TO her Tuesday evening bridge club at Chenille Quilted 8 her home this week. Honors went PAY US A VISIT SOON? GUILD TO MEET Corduroy Rayon to Mrs. Artie Robertson . . and _ Mrs. St. Paul’s guild will meet at the _ , . Seersucker home of Mrs. A. H. Boydell Wed- J*rank Morgan Mrs. John Beck See them while our nesday, November 12 at 2:30 p. m. bam was a P»*w- Members and friends are invited to MR. & MRS. ENTERTAINED stock is complete attend, taking articles for the Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oampbell en $5.95 to $14.95 Christmas box to be prepared for tertained the members of the Wed Your Ford Dealer the guild’s adopted French girl. nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Din The rummage sales held at the Slips ner club at their home last week. parish hall will be closed Novem The group enjoyed dinner at the ber 15. Black Rayon Payette Country club followed by j _ s_ an evening of bridge at the Camp Lace Trimmed SOCIETY TO MEET bell home. Ray Larson held high I The St. Anne's Altar society will score Tea Rose and White and Mrs. Burnall Brown sec meet November 13 Instead of No $4.95 high. Mr. and Mrs. George vember 20 at the home of Mrs. ond Collins. Members are asked to take Sallee were guests for the evening. Plain and Lace 5 to the meeting articles for the ba Trimmed HUNTERS ARE GUESTS zaar. As the meeting will be an all Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sid $2.49 to $4.95 day affair, each woman is asked to Flanagan last Saturday were furnish a dish for a potluck lunch Galen Swanson and Vern night Alvin of at noon. The regular business JUST RECEIVED who hunted In this vicini meeting will be held in the after Portland, ty last week. Lester Goulet of Los- noon. tine and friend, Mr. Smith of Sea 5 ttle, hunted in Sunset and Newell GUEST HONORED Heights several days last week. On Mrs. Grant Lewis and Mrs. Glea Sunday 5 Per Cent Wool evening, they, together with Billings entertained at an after Mr. L. V. Sheppard, en Blue and Pink 70 X 80 noon of bridge Friday, with Mrs. joyed and a Mrs. pheasant dinner at the NOVEMBER 7TH AND 8TH. Laurence Brown as guest of honor. A small deposit will hold any item until Xmas. Mrs. Kenneth Cottle held high S. E. Flanagan home. We will have a special showing with good selection of styles, sizes,prices. score and Mrs. Laurence Brown Feel free to use our lay-away department. loo Late To Classify second high for the afternoon. FOR SALE— Baby crib, with cot ENTERTAIN AT PARTY 119-R. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Wilson en ton mattress, like new. Phone 0N2xc. at a Hallowe’en party at their home Friday evening with WANTED— Man or woman book DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING tertained four tables of bridge. Mr. and Mrs. keeper with typing experience. Hol X-Ray Shoe Fitting Wilson held high score; Mr. lingsworths’, Inc. 6N2xc. NYSSA, OREGON Lloyd and Mrs. Warren Farmer, second: FOR SALE— 1 ABC washing mach Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boydell, third ine, like new. One baby buggy, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, slightly used. Opal King, phone low score. The Hallowe’e n theme flNlxc was used In room decorations and 2-J or 015J4. tally cards. FDR SALE:— 22 Caterpillar tractor, 5 completely overhauled, phone 07-R3 HAVE PINOCHLE PARTY 6N2xc Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett in PROGRAM vited guests for three tables of FOR SALE— Met-L-Top ironing Sport and dress styles. 1 pinochle at a Hallowe'en party giv boards, warp and fireproof. Sturdy en at their home Saturday evening. metal legs. Nyssa Furniture Co., 6Ntfc , Mr. and Mrs. Cotton won the prize phone 149-W. Also fur collars. Phone IOÔ Social Notes When Fire Strikes There’s Beauty fur Ail at Retail.^ - S35 - YOU’LL PA Y PLENTY FRANK T. MORGAN $3.95 yd. 49c You Will Like Our Service $ 4 .4 5 Courtesy, Efficiency And Economy Count With Us 39c I - it m ___ l_____________i - ____ ________ ;_____ u - j » „ - IOO Double Blankets $ 4 .4 9 - Herriman Motor Co. ■"“ Q — - —Special— Women’s & Children’s Coats - FRIDAY 6- SATURDAY BRACKEN’S Women’s Coats $24.95 Up NYSSA - - THEATRE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Jon Hall and Lynn Bari in “KIT CARSON” Blazing with frontier adventure, thrills and excitement! Mat., Sat., 2:30; Adm. 25r-5r. Inc. Tax A dm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9-10 Not love—Not money—But a haunting hunger drove her to lie, cheat, steal! Why?—It’s the strangest secret ever told! Laraine Day, Brian Aherne, Robert Mitchum and Gene Raymond in “THE LOCKET” Cartoon Mat.. Sun., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c, 2-Reel Comedy Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Donald Barry and Ann Savage in “THE LAST CROOKED MILE” Paul Campbell and Ruth Terry in “SMOKEY RIVER SERENADE” Adm. Evenings. 25c-9c, Including Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, NOV. 12-13 Do you believe ‘Like Mother, Like Daughter?’ Here’s a sinister secret . . was it told ? Breath taking beautiful natural backgrounds photo graphed in gorgeous technicolor. Lizabeth Scott—John Hodiak in “DESERT FURY” Cartoon News Evenings, Me-9c, Inc. Tax. Notice Of Election OF Many colors in your size to choose from. Director Of Owyhee Irrigation District Children’s Coats for a term of three years. NOMINATED CANDIDATES Also on special showing. Quality and Style at Reasonable Prices Edw W. Ker Jess Rich Vote For One Time Tue., Nov. 11 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Polling place Frank Cahill residence, three miles due west of Nyssa on Alberta avenue. NYSSA, O R EG O N