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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON C H U R C H W O M E N OF A D R IA N G A T H E R ADRIAN, Nov. 6— Mrs. Anna Sparks was hostess to the young married women's class or the King- man Memorial Community church Thursday evening, October 30 in her home. The allair was a hobo and hard-times character party. I Sixteen were present. A poem and short sermonette was read by Mrs. Paluine Defier and Mrs. Sparks, ! alter whi; h several games were ! played. Refreshments were served | by Mrs. Sparks and her assistant | hostesses, Mrs. Threlma Elliot and 1 Mrs. Ruth Looney. Those present besides the hosteesses were Mrs. i Florence Dierking, Mi s. Paul’ne ‘ Mackey, Mrs. Mabel Brown, Mrs. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Weekly Market Report For November 4, 1947 Grass steers top $24. Bulk common to medium $21 to $23. Grass heifers top $22.30. Bulk common to medium $19 to $22. Grass cows top $18.50. Bulk common to medium $16 to $18.50. Cutter cows $12 to $14. Canner cows $10 to $12. f eeder cows $14.50 to $16.25. Bulk bulls $17 to $17.80 Veal calves top $24. Bulk calves $18 to $24. Stocker or feeder steers $21 to $23. Hogs top $20. Feeder pigs $22 to $26.50. Sows $20 to $24. Lambs top $21. Bulk fat lambs $18 to $21. Feeder lambs $18 to $20.50. Bulk ewes $6.50 to $10. O N T A R IO LIVESTO C K COM M . CO. “ Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Ellis W hite, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. * ONTARIO—413-M Harvey Bennett, Mrs. Pauline Def I Samaritan hospital In Nampa ier, Mrs. Dick Kreigh, Mrs. Myrtle j Marcelyn McKinley was the over steelman, Mrs. Louise Hill, Mrs. night guest of Dum a Maria Peter- H. E. Moore, Mrs. James Stephens. ! son Friday. Mrs. Jake Borge, Mrs. Charles Har | Donna Steelman attended the ris and Mrs. Lynn Hurst. ‘ Hallowe'en party given by Shirley Shirley Sparks was an overnight Sparks Friday and remained as guest of Dpnna Steelman Wednes ¡Shirley’s overnight guest. Those day. Mrs. William Toomb returned present at the party were Joe Vlers, home Wednesday evening from the , Bril Radigan, H. Radigan, Delores j Auker, Les Auker, Mary Ann Thiel, Alan Haney, Donna Steelman, Dick Sparks and Shirley. The boys and PAINTING girls made fudge. Other refresh ments were popcorn,, marsli- d e c o r a t in g ; mallows and weiners. ! The Kingman Kolony grade school PAFER H AN G IN G ' pupils were guests at a Hallowe’en party given for each of the rooms Kemtoning and wallpaper by their _ respective room mothers cleaning. The seventh and eighth grades Linoleum laying and hardwood played several games and attended floor finishing, the play at the high school. Rocfs repaired and sprayed. Mrs. Art Sparks and Mrs. Luit Heavy t'omnfercial spraying and Stam, the room mothers, served also fine laquer and enamei doughnuts and cider to the group. furniture work. Mrs. Floyd Peterson .fifth aird Workmanship and materials sixth grade teacher in Kingman, Kolony, was a dinner guest of Mrs. Guaranteed Threlma Elliot Wednesday evening. FREE ESTIMATES The 4-H leaders met Wednes COMPLETE PAINTING day evening in the home of Mrs. SERVICE Threlma Elliot to make plans for By the 4-H achievement program Nov ember 14. A group of business men and other men of the community met Onion Contractor with Rev. Moore and the church Phone 68-M Nyssa, Oregon committee to make further plans for "Our God's Acre sale", which R. C . K E L L E R FRUITLAND—522 Pm M w % SHOP HERE (*, FOR B E A U T IF U L o will be held Saturday, December 6. Louise, returned home Sunday from Grandview and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "Our G od’s Acre safe’ is to raise ! the Nyssa Nursing home. ' Ford visited several days at the funds toward finislilng the building Mrs. Stanley Reffett and Rose Ed Price home. Mrs. Archie Ford of the new Kingman Memorial is a sister of Mm. Ed Price. ! Mary are visiting at the John Community church. Mr. and Mr». John Bowers, Mrs. Reffett home. Mr. and Mrs. James Enas and Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Donald Bergam, who Is attend- family left Wednesday for thel) Dldertckson and children were Sun home hi Adrian, Missouri aftei ng the Eastern Oregon ollege at day guests at the Ira Chadd home. aOrande, has been notified that pending the past few weeks vls- ilng their brother, John Enos >e has received a Lions club achol- ship. fhey will visit In Colorado befon Marie Black and Mr. and Mrs. continuing their journey. The three 4-H club member.' > w McCoy were In Payette Tuea- from here, who are representing iay on business. Optometrist L A. Mitchell was called to Utah Malheur county In the state and tational contests are Arlene Pier- last week. Lula Belle Wilson and Mr. and y, clothing; Fred Deffer, vegetable Eyes Examined garden, and Donald DeHaven, Mrs. Claude Wilson were la Cald well Friday. crops. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and Kenneth Elliot, a former Adrian Phone 720 high school student, has been ln- daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Roy Brewer at Ontario. tlated into the Alpha Tau Omega 718 Arthur St. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner fraternity at Oregon State college. and children were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Zlmmerlee and Caldwell, Idaho ■son, Jimmy, of Prineville were over the Robert Reffstt home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford of night guests Wednesday and again Sunday In the George Cartwright home. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright attended a family reunion Sunday in Sunnyslope. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Plercy and Annual Financial Report Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman and son, Johnny, spent Sunday af July 31, 1947 ternoon visiting In the Cyrus Bish op home. Trial Balance DR. G.W. CRAVES Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District TEA C H ER RECEPTION H ELD A T BIG BEND BIG BEND, Nov. 6— The Big Bend P. T. A. gave a teacher’s reception Wednesday, October 29. The pro gram, arranged by Mrs. Jack Jones onsisted o f a piano duet by Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Miss Mildred Han.-Mev, duet by Maryan Stradley and Alberta Reno and an Interest ing chalk talk by Mr. Yensen of Parma. Guests were Misses Cleo- iiell and Mildred Handley. Lower Bend teachers Mr. and Mrs. Al bright, Adrian's principle and wife; Mr. and Mrs. Reuter, F. F. A. In structor and wife ; Rev. and Mrs. Moore, and Mr. Yensen of Parma. Refreshments of sandwiches, cof fee and cocoa were served. T ie upper room of the Big Bend school enjoyed a Hollowe’en party given toy their teacher Fri day evening. Following games and Hallowe’en fun refreshments of and popcorn balls were lerved. Mrs. Charles Whitty attended an executive board meeting at the Owyhee P. T. A. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Merl Lee and daughters, Ladonna and Julane shopped In Boise Saturday. Laura Pillsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hatch were business visitors in Cladwell Monday. Joe King and nephew, R. L. Hardman of Portland, returned Saturday from a brief elk hunt in the Blue mountains. Mr. Hardman cut his foot with an ax as he was getting ready for camp. Mrs. Irene Hatch won a bet from her husband last Friday morning by going to Adrian with a wheel barrow and getting a load of gro ceries. The Wade P. T. A. will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. E. H. Brumibach. Miss Helen Hatch was a hostess at a Hallowe'en party given far the lower grade pupils of the Wade school Friday afternoon. The room yas appropriately decorated with jack o ’lanterns and ghosts. The pupils and teacher enjoyed Hallowe’en games and refreshments of pumpkin pie, cookies, candy and punch. F E S TIV A L HELD L. D. S. PR IM AR Y (Continued From Page 2) the Owyhee school house Thurs day night, with Mrs. Mary Hatt's pupils participating. Mr. and Mrs. John Price and children of Grandview, Washing ton are visiting at the Ira Price home. John Price Is helping hi» uncle harvest his beets. Mrs. Jim Chadd and baby, Linda FOR EVERY M EMBER OF THE FAM ILY She's A ll Dressed Up In Dotted Swiss . . , Imagine a Doll As Pretty as This I DOLL BUGGY Folding carriage with sun visor, brake and rub ber tires. Fit for the grandest doll I Five Games in One Budget Term s A lso »"veritable ^ Her head turns and her eyes move. Long lashes, mo'a air wig. Sixteen Inches tail. $305,189.52 Soft, Cuddly and Cute :i.»n STUFFED A N IM A L S A pin-ball game, expertly made. Includes Baseball, Pnt-and-Take, Bagatelle, Twenty-One and Pennants. Donkey, elephant or ador able fawn. Made o f silky rich rayon plush. Ny*sa, Oregon Listen to th e V oice o f Firestone every M ondey evening over N BC S n S -‘ \ - . S04.M4.33 w- 68.81 50.89 36.40 $305,189.52 $ 5.258.16 3,602.51 150.00 2,424.13 975.25 Total ......... ..................... .... $ 12,410 05 DISBURSEMENTS O O O O O O O O O O O and and and and and and and and and and and M for August, 1946 .......... r .................. M for September, 1946 .................. M for October, 1946 ................................ M for November, 1946 M for December. 1946 M for January. 1947 ................................ M for February. 1947 ....................- ...... M for March. 1947 ........................... M for April. 1947 ................................... M for May. 1947 .... M far June, 1947 ......... $ Total Disbursements .......... ............. Bond and Interest Fund ............................... .... Operation and Maintenance Fund .................. 308.72 273 30 345.11 114.92 85.61 2.073.20 3.565 80 329.57 491.25 341124 378.05 $ 8,306.77 952.95 3,150.33 Total Cash on Hand August 1. 1947 .................. $ 4.103.28 Total ____________________ $ 12,410.05 HAROLD HENIGSON, Secretary-Treasurer Idaho Power Company $100 PAR VALUE Cumulative Dividends from November 1, 1947 Priced al $102 Per Share Wegener & Daly, Inc. IB BUILD INO FALLA, IDAHO OCTOBCB M, 1947 169.09 August 3, 1946, Cash on Hand ......................... Taxes Paid in for Year 1946-47 ......................... Interest ............................................. Land Sale Contracts ........................................... Bureau of Reclamation Refund .................. Copie* of the Prospectus may he obtained from the sedersigned. Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store 500 00 August 3, 1946 to July 31, 1947 4% Preferred Stock M arble G AM E . . ; . . » RECEIPTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 35,000 Shares M 4.9ft Bonds Outstanding .................. Bond Coupons Paid ........................ . ............. $ 80.535 00 Bond and Interest Fund 952.95 Bond & Interest Tax Receivable lor Year 1934 2,113.55 1935 357.69 1936 439.37 1937 88 39 1938 575.96 1939 93.31 1940 1941 1.92 901.84 1943-44 County (Uncollected Taxes) . 9,175.36 Drainage Tax Record ............................. Drainage System Construction 88,163.70 Drainage Well No. 2 .................. . 888.05 Frahm Contract ........... 546.10 Pennle Contract 90.00 Tenscn-Burbldge Contract 170.00 Interest and Discount .............. . 8,032.59 Oi>eratlon and Maintenance Fund 3,150.33 O <fc M Tax Receivable for Year 376.32 1934 380.30 1935 289.67 1938 354.16 1937 205.76 193d 1939 1940 1941 79.20 1942 57.42 1942-43 1,84734 1946-47 98.783,18 Operation and Maintenance 6,740.00 U. S. Bonds ............................................ Tbl« advertisement appear* aa a matter of record oaly, aad la aader ao dreumatancee to be construed ao aa offarlag of those shares tor sale, or aa a solicitation of an offer to buy aay of such »hares. The offoriag Is made oaly by tbs prospectus. The latest In design . . . the finest In de luxe equipment . . . the best for trouble-free, effort less riding. Balloon fendera, Firestone Hi Speed balloon tires and tubes. 10.45 PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 NATIONAL BANK BUtLDINO BO US, IDAHO