l HE N YSSA G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L, N Y SS A , O R E G O N PAGE FO U R H A L L O W E ’EN P A R T Y | Franklin dren of Nyssa called In the W er and son of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs Bob Toyne and s<>n, ner Peutz nome Sunday afternoon. i Jim of were dinner Prim ary oflicers oi the L. D. S. ___ ________ guests in the Kenneth McDonald church spent Thursday afternoon OWYHEE, Nov. 6—A Hallowe'en home Sunday, .n the Grant Patterson home mak party was held In the schoolhouse Mr. and Mrs. O'.en McOinnls were ing popcorn balls for the Hallowe'en Friday night by the pupils o i the callers In the M J. Stanton home party, which was held Thursay night at the Oregon Trail school- upper room. Games were enjoyed Paulson, Jr.. house. a large group. Prizes were given ¡¡j Portland arrived Saturday at. Mr. and Mrs. Compton Mor- to Jackie Smith, "Raggedy Ann", the W illiam Peutz home for a few fltt and Donald Pitkin, all of Bums, visited in the Clyde Hoke home Sun for the best girl’s costume and days of hunting and visiting. Jerry Reed, who was dressed as a I A birthday dinner was held in day. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Thomas and ghost. Mrs. Nlss Hatt was in charge th« “ tty home honoring his of the party. brother, E. L. Ditty o f Nyssa. Other Mr. and Mrs. Nlcl^ Patterson left The Lynn Kygar home was the guests were Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson Saturday for their home in Port scene of a fam ily dinner Sunday, o i Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. land after spending 10 days here. T h e Owyhee garage has beeen Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Nedro o f Nampa. Dick Brown and children of Boise, M r and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and purchased by Arthur Hawkins from Jim Brown ,on leave from the *>ns were callers in the Ray Frank- the form er owner, Paul Adamson. K eith and Fred Raymond spent navy Miss Betty McKercher, also l*n home in Parma Sunday, of Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. Don I Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and the week-end at the Morton Wix- ! Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters were on home In Cow hollow. The executive committee held Sunday evening guests in the Cecil a meeting in the Wilson Winter Smith home. Mrs. Grant Patterson attended a home Monday evening. A budget Sunday school meeting Monday ev "■as drawn up and will be presented ening In the Deffendorfer home In »or approval at the next regular meeting of the association, Nov t Real Estate Adrian. Insurance -I Mrs. M artha Klingback and Fred ember 13 at the schoolhouse. Mrs. Katherine Nunnery, Mr. and were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg. In the a f Mrs. Michael Walrack, and Chuck Simmons, all of Seattle, spent a ternoon they all attended services Phone 64 at the Lincoln schoolhouse, where few days visiting in the Oral Hite Dr. Mangum of Nampa delivered home last week. Mrs. Hite and Mrs. Nyssp, Oregon Nannery are sisters. an inspiring sermon. Mrs. K eith Tallm an gave a H al Merlin and Eddie Ahrens o f Nam pa spent last week with their grand lowe'en party for her 4-H giris parents, Mr. and Mrs. George cooking class Wednesday afternoon. Schweizer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A scavenger hunt for paper hats P L A N N IN G T O Ahrens came to spend the day in and favors was enjoyed. Refresh- the Schweizer home and take the ments o f cake and cider were serv ed to seven girls. little boys back to Nampa. B U ILD ? Prayer meeting will be held at Mrs. Floyd Eason and two chil- the Hershal G regg home Tues You may gave monty day, November 11. Wallace Gregg will be the leader. Serving 5 Counties B ill Rae submitted to an appen by teeing me. From the Largest Stock of dectomy at an Ontario hospital Genuine Thursday. He is convalescing at home now. Callers in the Wilson Winter home Monday were Mrs. Lloyd Adams and Mrs. Thurman H ill of Part* Oregon Trail and Mrs. John A d Orders Shipped Immediately ams of Big Bend. Nyssa, Oregon The O. K. K . club will meet one week early, Thursday, November 13 Building Contractor in the home of Mrs. M artha K ling back. The club has been* invited to Payette. Idaho Phone 49 attend a sewing machine cleaning and adjusting demonstration to be held Wednesday, November 19. Com plete information w ill be given at the club meeting. The middle room pupils oi the Owyhee school were guests at a lunch served by the girls o f the W e are equipped to pump your septic tank room in observance o f Hallowe'en Friday noon. Mrs. Charles W itty or repair it. For your plumbing needs cali is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. K eith Tallm an and' son were am ong the dinner guests in the Woody Free Estimates Furnished Brewer home in Ontario Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Douglas left Phone Nyssa— 196-J Vale— 3282 fo r their home In Seattle after visiting In the Oral Hite home for several days. Mrs. Keith K ygar and Mrs. J. V/, Kygar visited the K eith Kygar infant, Friday at an Ontario hos pital, where the baby is still In an incubator. Mrs. Lottie Montgomery, teacher o f the first and second grades The machinery on your place develops mech gave each o f her pupils a mask and played a few Hallowe’en games anical difficulties through use, and wear and Thursday. * tear from work, needing constant adjustments The Owyhee P. T. A. is interested In organizing a Cub pack if enough to work properly. boys want to join. Rev. Henry Your body also develops mechanical difficul Moore of Adrian will speak at the Owyhee schoolhouse Friday evening ties through work and strain, and needs ad All interested persons are Invited to justments to relieve your aches and pains. attend iiri n a t n W Y H F F u n in c c , B e rn a rd E astm an J. C. Krul Manser, Inc. Septic Tank Trouble? Brower’s Plumbing Shop T H U R S D A Y , NO VEM BER 6, 1947 fellowship. A fter this the delegates Bureaus on these Issues, the res went Into six discussion groups^ olutions will be drawn". each taking different phases o f 1 Each Commodity meeting will have its chairman, the state com the youth fellowship. The closing modity chairman of the state fed service was led by Dennis Asplnall [ eration. Representatives of all other of Payette and Hladne Misbeck o f : agricultural Industry groups have been Invited to attend and take Fruitland. The following sub-distriot of- part in the deliberations. Positions lcers were elected: President, Den- as expressed by resolutions in these >is Asplnall o f Payette; vice presi groups will be Incorporated in the dent, Janice Frost o f Nyssa; sec general resolutions presented to the retary. Orace Shiraishl of Parma; house of delegates. “ In that manner It w ill be pos •reasurer, Katherine Shore of Em mett ; commissioner o f worship, El sible to incorporate the thinking aine Misbeck o f Fruitland; com and desires o f groups such as the missioner o f community friendship, Pacific Oo-op Poultry Producers, Patricia Gilbert of Weiser; com Northwest Nut Growers, U. 8. Hop missioner o f community service, Growers, Wheat Leagues, and coun Margaret Dearborn of Ontario; tless other active organizations who .ommisioner of recreation, Joe Bail have expressed a willingness to ey of Ontario, and pastor adviser, cooperate and coordinate their pro grams with our, where it is pos Rev. H. J. Gernhardt of Nyssa. sible and beneficial to agrlcultlre as a whole," stated W. Lowell Steen, F A R M B U R E A U W IL L president o f the Oregon Farm Bu M E E T IN H O O D R IV E R reau Federation, In announcing the program. Mr. Taylor and other Malheur “The annual meeting and con attend the vention of the Oregon Farm Bureau county members Federation will be held at the state meeting. Anyone wishing to Columbia Gorge hotel, Hood River, make the trip Is asked to contact November 18-21. Delegates and Mr. Taylor far transportation. win members from county Farm Bu reaus all over the state will be In attendance,” according to Charles Taylor, president o f the- Malheur County Farm Bureau. "T h e resolu tions committee will be made up of the entire house of delegates. A “ questionnaire" has been sent out to all county Farm Bureaus covering the principle legislative issues of the day. From the posi tions taken by the county Farm Auto Repairing is the science o f adjustment o f your mechanical ills. Investigate chiropractic today. FREE C O N S U L T A T IO N Edwin W. Oldham, D. C. Chiropractic Physician Box 118 Nyssa, Oregon Tel. 171-W Physiotherapy— Electro-Therapy PREPARE For M E T H O D IS T R A L L Y H E L D IN O N T A R IO The Payette sub-district M etho dist youths held a rally at the community Methodist church In Ontario Sunday. Delegates came from Huntington, Weiser. Payette, Emmett, Fruitland. Parma, On tarlo, Vale and Nyssa. Miss Martha Umemoto, the youth president of the host fellowship, extended words of greetings. Group singing and business was led by Rev. Cecil Hannan o f Payette. A potluck sup per was served In the dining hall of the church. A period of recrea tion was led by Rev. Don Crego of Vale and Joe Bailey o f Ontario. Rev. Don Campbell, the confer ence youth director, spoke on the crusade for Christ and the youth UNKLE Winter! H A N K SEZ USUALLV iVi'GUV T-tATS H AN D IN ' V O U OU1 F R E E . ADVICE O N M OW T ' M A K E A M ILLIO N^ D O L L A R S ------- “ , HASN'T g c ' f if t e e n C NOW is the time to repair windows, N ow In doors and other apertures in your e n t s o , IJ tiS O W M home and farm buildings. Guard ag Stock! ainst excessive loss o f heat— make your G LASS ing, Lathe work. Parts Box D Boise Payette T O D A Y for , R E PLA C E M ETAL B RO KEN W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G SASH C A U L K IN G C O M P O U N D LUMBER mm COMPANY “Tban't a Yard Wear you“ O. L. Galloway, Manager Nyssa, Oregon m gerator and washing machine repairs. Insurance Agency i ¡ Fire and Automobile A ll makes and models. M & W Service Insurance Rentals 908 Main Bonds Caldwell, Idaho The Perfection Milk Master with the patented VARIMA TIC PULSA TOR Phone 135J and accessories Nyssa. Oregon Phone 56-W for is as different from other milkers as the model T is from the V-8. SEE Frank T. Morgan See us before you buy! “The House of Oliver” Nyssa Implement Co. — ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested I j Stunz and Thomas I FARM SALE * Having sold my ranch, I will sell the following described property 13 miles southwest of Nyssa, or 3 miles west and 1 mile north of Langton’s corner or Vi mile south and 1 mile west of Ole’s corner on Monday, November 10 the Jake Kollen ranch. S A L E S T A R T S A T 12:00, N O O N 2 H O R SES 2 1 Black team, smooth mouth, W t. 3000 pounds, gentle and good. 1 Set of harness, other harness and collars. 19 CATTLE 19 1 Guernsey cow, Rosy, 3 yrs. old, springer, 297 days produced 8105, test 4.98; 403.9 lbs butterfat. 1 Guernsey cow, Stubby, 7 yrs. old, milking now, 306 days produced 6258 lbs.; test 4.8, 301.1 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Ornery, 4 yrs., milking now, 277 days produced 5594 lbs, test 5.33, 297.9 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Seven, 6 yrs., nurse cow and records are incomplete. 1 Guernsey and jersey, Hedy, 8 yrs., springer, 305 days produced 9507 lbs., test 4.73, 449.8 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Blossom, 6 yrs, to freshen Jan 17;296 days produced 8819 lbs., test 4.09; 360.5 lbs. BF 1 Guernsey cow, Reddy, 6 yrs., to freshen Jan 12; 311 days produced 8830 lbs., test 4.71; 426.1 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Pearl, 7 yrs., milking now, 265 days produced 6111 lbs; test 4.64; 283.3 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Joan, 3 yrs., milking now, 266 days produced 5688 lbs.; test 4.73; 268.5 lbs. B. F. 1 Jersey cow, Tiny, 3 yrs., milking now, 248 days produced 3607 lbs; test 4.73; 170.7 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey heifer, Sally, 2 yrs., milking now, 178 days produced 5022 lbs; test 5.8; 219.5 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey heifer, Buttercup, 2 yrs, milking now, 183 days produced 4562 lbs; test 6.3; 234.6 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey heifer, Toots, 2 yrs., milking now, 171 days produced 4580 lbs; test 5.0; 220.0 lbs. B. F. 1 Guernsey cow, Cherry, 6 yrs., to freshen Jan. 22. 168 days produced 5992 lbs.; test 4.9; 263.4 lbs. B.F. 3 Guernsey heifers, 15 months old, just bred. 1 Guernsey bull calf, 7 months old. 1 Registered Guernsey bull, bom Jan. 28, 1943, Rocking R ’s Duke W ald o No. 345435, out of the Rigney herd of Eagle, Idaho This herd is listed with the D.H.I.A. and is one o f the top herds of Sunset valley. If you are in the market for extra good cows, be sure to attend this auction. This is an accredited herd, free of Bang’s and mastitis. M A C H IN E R Y buildings more comfortable by seeing TO Don M. Graham V E T E R IN A R IA N Reboring, V alve Grind Call 74, Caldwell N E W S O F RECO RD COM PLAINTS, C IR C U IT COURT R. M. Carllle vs. Anna Carllle. Dr.J.H. Berger E. W . P R U Y N ADJUSTMENT — C H IR O P R A C T IC — Attend Ontario Meeting— Members of the Nyssa Eastern Star attended the district meeting held at Ontario last Friday evening for the official visit o f the grand worthy matron, Mrs. Katherine F il- ger of Salem. Over 100 Eastern Star members attended from Boise. Weiser, Payette and the Oregon district. Mrs. Harry Peterson, past grand matron o f Oregon, and Mrs. Albert Maule, worthy matron of Boise, were presented with the vis Divorce. Sterling Materials company, Inc., iting officials. The Nyssa chapter vs H. V. Richey. Recovery on a c - put on the Initiatory work. count. $475. Jennie Llsoskl vs. Marion Keech. Youth Graduated— Recovery on note. $3.650. Pfc. Dallas W. Keck, son oi Mr. United Credit Men's association. and Mrs. A. H. Keck o i route 1, Inc., vs. W. A. Kinney. Recovery Nyssa was graduated this week on note. $423.59. from the air training command's PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT mechanics training courses at Kees- Estate o f Carl J. Axen. deceased. ler field, Mississippi. The technical course, covering a period of 18 weeks, qualified him for additional specialized training In the main tenance o f heavy bombers, cargo planes and Jet and rotor aircraft. «•••at eo I Our experience should qualify us to fire motorists "free ad rice.” I Your best bet for keeping your car looking like new Is to have the finish re-newed and glaas replaced at the NYSSA AUTO BO DY SHOP. Youll be more than aatisifled If you see us. Call us. when yen need Wrerker Service. 33 55 /VUoßodi|Shofi COMPLETE BODY i WPCCKCB St#VICf CLASS D I P T . PAINT SHOP J- - ^XlriiOTlI» 1 Rubber-tired wagon and rack. 1 Case hay rake. 1 John Deere potato planter. 1 Three-horse fresno. 1 Spring-tooth harrow, Oliver. 1 Spike-tooth harrow. 1 Slip scraper. 1 Potato and corn cultivator. 1 Heavy duty Ford mower for tractor. 1 Oliver mower. 1 Seed cleaner. • 13 Ten-gallon milk cans. 1 Disc. Forks, shovels and other small articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Hotpoint electric range, deep well cooker. Some chairs. 1 Oak buffet. 1 dresser. 1 Dexter double tub electric washer. Canned fruit:. T E R M S: C A S H Jake Kollen, Owner Lunch Served on the Grounds. Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Fritts, Clerk. * i