Classified TH E N Y S S A G ATE CITY JO U RN AL. N Y S S A , OREGON fifi T H U R S D A Y , NOVEM BER 6, 1947 PAGE TH REE meeting was changed to the first • time In the community before going day. They visited many Interesting Thursday in December. It will be ¡on to Calif em la and places In tire place* In Nampa—KFXD, Idaho held at the home of Mrs. Jensen , south during the winter months. Free Press, Carnaiion evaporated December 6. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward luilk fattaory, and L ie sugar fao- j __ i n . , . .1 tory. The eighth grade consists of and family dreve to Boise last Mon- 3 g tty s ^ t o n Evelyn Ferguson, B U EN A V IS T A FOLK lay evening to attend the Navy Charlotte Kratzer, Beverly Fox, GIVEN C H AR IV AR I lay celebration. They witnessed Dolls Cearley, Jeannette Wiiouu, ton truck with teet bed. Watts -he of the flags and official Leatrice Huff, Marcella Morris. J. C. MISCELLANEOUS RATES: Two cents per word (or each issue. Alter one month one Motor Co. 230tfc. ommissiomng of the naval reserve Campbell, Clayton Lisle, Wallace BUENA VISTA, Nov. 1 — Glen cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, Is 30c. FOR SALE— 14 acres. Close In. MISCELLANEOUS— See us for Hoffman purchased a Chevrolet irmory, the first post-war armory Lane, Charles Eason and Robert o oe completed In the United Thompson. Unimproved. $1000. 2 4 acres on quick repair service on all makes pick-up last week. Jtates. Bight planes in formation Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarland highway, close in, small house, of washing machines. We aiso ser Ellen and Dora Lynn McGee call' $3000. Bernard Eastrman. 230tfc. vice, clean and lepair all makes of ed at the Alva Goodeil home Sun .'lew over the building. At another and little son enjoyed a week's trip oil heaters and burners. E'ree pick FOR SALE— 1936 V-8 sedan, good time a plane dropped flowers on into Washington with thetr friends, day. • che navy monument, which bears Mr. and Mrs. Don Mutch and baby For Sale motor, prices reasonable. T. F. FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write up and denvery service. Phone A charivari and shower for Mr 162-R. Lowe's Home Appliance Re -he names of 81 Ada county men of Boise. They viewed the Grand Crutchfield, route 2, Nyssa. 30O2xp. Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for FOR SALE— Nearly new 1946 Ford, ON tic. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff were held who gave their lives In the navy Coulee dam while there and spent Willys parts, motors, extra equip pair shop. at the home o f his parents, Mr 6-cylinder, 1 4 ton truck. Complete FOR SALE!— Kiest fleet lifter-load ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup and marine fighting during the some time with friends. with 0.1. bed and top. Not broke er and Sishc beet loader. See or trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. M ISCELLANEOUS- Help-Ur-Sell, and Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Thursday last war. Mrs. Alec Wagner and Mrs. Char evening. The honor guests received custom and wet wash. White Swan in. 10,000 miles. Heater and Pres phone D. H. Christensen. 30O2xc. Twenty six teachers and officers FOR SALE— 1 D.S. 35 Internation taundry. Soft water. R. M. souther- many lovely gifts, while the crowd of the Nazarene Bunday school of les Lisle drove to Boise last Thurs tone. H. Beckdolt, route X, Box day and brought home 364 quarts 7Atlc. was treated <to candy and cigars. 205B, Vale, Oregon. 6Nlxp ?OR SALE:— One-fourth block with al truck, 1940 model. Long wheei iano, prop. Pnone 13-J. Mrs. Delbei t Cleaver and baby Nyssa met In the dining room at of sweet potatoes, which had been three-room house facing city park base, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet Carl’s Doll house with Rev. O. F. FOR SALE— 1946 Ford pick-up, on south side. Close to school. See truck, long wheel base, 2-speec MISCELLANEOUS— Available now .-ion came home from the Nursing Alice Friday evening. Rev. Allee Is allotted the Apple Valley ladles as their share of the bulk canning new condition. Phone 523-W. 148 R. J. Carroll, box 623, Nyssa. 30O2p. axle. These trucks are in fair con Electrolux cleaners and air puri home Tuesday. touring the district for the purpose which was done one day at Boise. Leslie Topliff and the Cleavers Caldwell Blvd., Nampa. tiNlxp. dition and priced reasonable. Also fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An of building and improving the Sun A teachers reception was given FOR SALE— Montague Duchess one 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- derson, route 3, Welser, Idaho. have finished harvesting beets. FOR SALE— New Hampshire red Coal range. Used 3 months. 502 berg, Phone 154-J. 26Jtfo. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and day schools. He preached at the at the schoolhouse last Thursday llS tfc. Phone 567-J4. .church that night, but in order to evening. The program consisted of pullets, beginning to lay. See Mrs. North 0th street, or see Stan Keefer Gtendla were In Ontario Tuesday. James Stephens, iirst house north at Eder’s store. 30Otfc. FOR SALE— 200 feet frontage, 150 MISCELLANEOUS—■ Prompt and Mrs. Maize of Nebraska is vis have opportunity for a workers’ group singing, vocal duet, Mr. and of Reeder's grocery. 6Nlxc. feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor Iree pick-up ol your dead, crippied iting her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Hoff liscussion -and consultation with Mrs. Glover; report on article, Mrs. Rev. Allee, the dinner was scheduled John Fisher; accordion solo, Nadine FOR SALE:— New mounted Chevro age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. llS tf. or sick livestocx. Calls rece.ved be man, and family. prior to the evening service. Rev. Seward; talk. Rtv. Stanley Banks NOTICE— On strayed cattle. Please let truck wheel, tire and tube, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage of Nyssa notify Ed Jamison, secretary of the 10- FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col called at the Willis Bertram home and Mrs. E. J. Wilson, pastor, and of Parma, and Introduction of the ply, size 8.25-20, price $70. Phone -he Sunday school superintendent teachers by Roy Pilcher as follows: Owyhee Cattle association if you 011- J2. 30O2xc. Guaranteed to be washable and lect Payette OlBj-JJ or 155, or Nys Sunday evening. ind wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tuck- Principal, Mrs. Hazel Ferguson; have any stray cattle and we will non-fading for three years. Good sa 102- W. Idaho Animal Products Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff are pick them up. Do not keep cattle FOR SALE:— Circulating white en stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com Company. . aJtxc. visiting at the Leslie Topliff home. jr. were among those present. fifth and sixth grade, Mrs. Mecum; Charles Lisle returned last Thurs- third and fourth, Mrs. Emery Rath- more than three days before noti amel trash burner. Used very little. pany. 26Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? 30O3xp. lay from a trip to Moscftw, where bun; and first and second, Mrs. A1 fication. Phone 65-J. 6”Ntfc. Phone 148-W. FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat Loans on farms for refinancing, MRS. CLONINGER IS his son, Emmett, Is a sophomore Kuehn. POR SALE— 8 barracks-type build- j TOR SALE— Fat hens, live or form scale. 2500 pound capacity. building, improvements, b u y i n g . at the university. Mr. Lisle was Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frttts and ILL OF INFECTION ings. Former CCC camp, H unting-! dressed, also ready for your locker, Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc. Long term, low interest, see B ei- one of many fathers honored Tues Donald returned Sunday from a ton, Oregon. Included are shop and Fred Kratzberg, route 1, Nyssa. uard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. day when "Dad’s day" was ob 10-day trip visiting relatives In 30O4xp. FOR SALE— 125 acres, 96 irrigable, mixing shed, 19-8 by 10; two ^ar 3Atfc. UPPER SUNSET, No. 6— Mrs. El served by the sons enrolled at the Los Angeles. Alameda, San Diego mer Clonlnger returned home Sat college. Mr. Lisle also visited his racks, 20 by 65; mess hall, 20 by FOR SALE— Apples, Johnathan, good Improvements. Reuben Har- and Long Beach, California. Mrs. 50; latrine, 20 by 20; officers quar Delicious, Romes and Winesaps, 50c oldsen, 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car urday night from the Nyssa Nurs sister, Mrs. Naomi Dunfon, while Fritts’ sister and husband, Mr. and phone 016-R2 or 03-R1. 2304xp. and clyinder lock keys made. Wes ing home, where she was treated ters, 20 by 30; recreation hall, 29! there. Mrs. Ous Ostermeier o f Roswell, to $2 per bushel. Bring containers, tern Auto Store. 250tfc. for infection In the arm. by 40; oil house, 6 by 8. Bids w ill1 The eighth grade class, chaper accompanied them. 14 mile east of Ontario-Payette FOR SALE:— Fine row - crop 40. Bonnie King of Nyssa was a guest oned by Mrs. Dwight Seward and be accepted on any or all build- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cearley and junction. Ed Mess. 30O3xc. near Adrian, good water right, fair CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING of Reva Rooks tool Thursday nigh*. ings and their contents. Also on Mrs. Robert Hopkins went on a Mrs. Cearley’s father left Monday improvements. Stock received Monday. Tuesday, Mrs. Roy Rooks tool entertained “sneak" from school last Wednes- for a few days of hunting. one-inch galvanized pipe in ground. FOR SALE OR RENT— Trailer 40 acres on oiled highway. One Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Sunday in celebration of the 11th Each bid is to be accompanied by house in good condition. J. C. mile out. Unimproved. to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. birthday of her daughter, Reva. certified check for 10 per cent of Smith. 30O2xp. Several good 80-acre ana larger No stock received on Sunday. The afternoon was spent playing bid. Successful bidder to furnish farms. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery games. Ice cream and cake were performance bond and to remove FOR SALE— Global 6-foot off-set 3 acres lor sale, close In, unim to Polar locker plant. served. The guests present were building or buildings to ground disc, practically new, $300. Nyssa proved. One mile west on Alberta avenue Betty Jean Strickland, Lois McGee, 30O2xc. level by December 31, 1947. The Implement Co. Also have several houses listed. Phone 05R1 Marlene Darvus, Paula Bergam and Extension Farm Labor Service r e - . __ _______ _ , 5Jtfc. JAKE FISCHER Ronald and Reva Rookstool. Reva serves the right to reject any or FOR SALE: P nf! * rge circulating KEN RENSTROM all bids and to accept the best coal or wood heater, praetlcal y received many lovely gifts from Phone I72-J overall bid or bids. Sealed bids | ™w, suitable for com m u n ity hall, Legal Advertising her friends. 2303XC must be received by 12 o’clock noon, Priced $7a. Phone OOR-5, The Wahlne club will meet with POR SALE:— Sewing machine sup NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Jean and Eleanor Strickland No November 10, 1947 at Oregon State FOR SALE— Davenport reasonably plies. Wholesale and retail. Re In the Matter of the Estate of vember 20. The club members will College Extension Service, Emer priced. J. W. Rigney, 7th and Enn- building, electrifying, repairing. Re I ’ m right here in th e Albert Lee Hrldt, deceased gency Farm Labor office, 310 Dairy 230tfc built machines for sale. F. “ Lete NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that also serve lunch at the Frank Par store . . . grow ing fast ker sale. building, Corvallis, Oregon. 6Nlxc. Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and on Purina C alf Start- FOR SALE:— Chrysler Industrial First street, south, Ontario, Ore Everett C. Heldt, administrator of FOR SALE:— Crosley electric stove, 3-cylinder engine, 140 horsepower, gon. 19Jtfc. the estate o f ALBERT LEE HELDT. Henry Durfee attended an L.D.S. tena, hay and water. No deceased, has rendered and filed his masquerade dance at New Plymouth used about two months. Lyle Bar- fluid drive with right angle pulley, m ilk at a ll- tron, sodth of Dority’s Welding on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co. FOR SALE:— Several houses for final account of the administra Friday night. shop. 6N2xp. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett and 9Otf0. sale. Attractive buys. See Frank tion o f the estate of ALBERT LEE T. Morgan. 16Jtfc HELDT, deceased. — ■ ■■ ~ ...... . —— * "■ ~ ^ children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FOR SALE— 56 H.P. International POR SALE— Hohner 12-base ac- That 10 O'CLOCK, A M., Decem Durfee, Mrs. Deb Gamer and child stationary motor. New John Deere cordian. Excellent condition, with FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance ber 6, 1947 at the County Court ren and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and 3 H.P. stationary motor, write box case. $75. Write box 37 or phone Public Liability, Property Damage House at Vale, Oregon is fixed and children attended a Hallowe’en par 727 or phone 289-W. 6N2xp. 194-J after 7 p.m. 160tfc. Fire, Thett and Collision. Placeo appointed as the time and place ty at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse for hearing o f objections to the Thursday evening. FOR SALE:— One 7 4 foot Leonard FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good In the best companies at lowe* said final account. Deb G am er is driving a new deluxe refrigerator, used. Jim Huff condition, lo ioot copper tubing possible rates. Bernard Eastman All persons having objections to Dodge car that he purchased last 14Ftfc man, Alberta avenue, or Ostrom and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. said final account shall appear at week. Bros. Appliance Co. 6N3xc. 18Stfc. said time and place and show cause, ESTBAÏED POR SA L E - Good used Hotpoint p o R s a l e — Stoves, grates and c ~ pr *V F n — T o mv nl«re it Fn If any exists, why the said final electric range. Cheap. 399 North fnr „ „ „ rooir stove STRAYED To my Place at En account should not be allowed and First street or first house north repai.*-?“ terprise avenue and Vale road approved. or heater. Delivery usually five yomng black steer, white face, legs Everett C. Heldt, Administrator Star hotel. dNlxp. days. Nyssa Furniture Co., one and belly. Owner please come and of the Estate o f Albert Lee FOR SALE— New crop red beans, block west of railroad depot. 18Stfc. get him. John H. Benedict. 6N2xp. Heldt, deceased. fine quality, $12 per 100 pound FOR SALE— 16-foot stock bed and First pub. November 6, 1947. bag, $7.50 per bushel. One mile rack. Alfred Brim, inquire at Gene’s STRAYED— T o my place two black Last pub. December 4, 1947. yearling calves with white faces, east of Owyhee junction. A. D. Grocery, Ole’s corner. Hugh Tobler, Proprietor 18Stfc. one blackish-brown with brockle Moses. 6N7xp. NOTICE TO CREDITORS face, brand 4 quarteer circle 7 on By Clarence Nlccum FOR SALE:— Circulating coal heat IN THE COUNTY COURT OF FOR SALE:— 1946 Road Queen er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. left side. Ben B. Lamib, Rust ranch THE STATE OF OREGON FOR house trailer, 14 feet, sleeps 4, Bu 4Stfc. on Owyhee. Owner may have calves THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR You wonder what has became of by paying for advertising and feed. tane, airbrakes, Venetian blinds, 6N3xp. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES the Happy Farmer. He aint dead. $1095 cash. Collins Trailer Court. FOR SALE— New, modern two- TATE OF CLARENCE J. DICK Not quite. He is topping beets. 80O2xp bedroom house, gas furnace, hard- There is a difference. A dead man SON, DECEASED LOST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN cant feel his aching back. The local kids put on a grand LOST— Gasoline tank cap with that the undersigned, Katherine key case. Car! Clarkson, Owyhee Dickson, has been appointed and evening last Thursday nite (the Truck and Implement shop. 30O2xp. has qualified as administratrix of nite before Halloween) at our Cow of the estate of Clarence J. Dick Hollow Hall. Just amature stuff, LOST— Hubcap for a 1941 Chev son, deceased, by the County Court but a swell Job. A half-dozen of rolet on the streets of Nyssa last of Malheur County, Oregon. the 'boys put on old shabby clothes Thursday afternoon. Leave at Jour NOW THEREFORE, all persons and blacked themselves up as dar nal office. 30O2xp. having claims against the estate keys and acted just as goofy as of Clarence J. Dickson, deceased, they looked. It was most all spur- are hereby notified and required of-the-moment stuff. They never For Rent to present the same, with proper had a good fifteen minute program POR RENT— Rooms, one mile west. vouchers, duly verified, within six arranged when they got there. Fred Linder. 304xp. (6) months from the date o f this Hubert Parker was master of ser- Notice to the undersigned, Kath imonies. They wheedled all they FOR RENT— Polish your own floors. Rent our high-speed pol erine Dickson, at the law office could out of us older ducks in the DENTISTS PHYSICIANS ishing equipment. EJasily handled of Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Ore audience and made capital out of by women. Nyssa Lumber company. gon, which place the undersigned what they got. Most all of us laugh- 3Atfc. elects as her place of business 3 d more In an hour and a half S A R A ZIN CLINIC DR. C. M. TYLER in all matters connected with said than we had In that time in years. Its surprising how much talent Dr. J. J. Sarazin estate. w anted “ Wilson Building Dated and first published Octob there is In most any audience if Dr. K E. Kerby you can only get it out of them. SALESMAN WANTED— Rawleigh er 16, 1947. Phone 165-J, Nyssa Physician fand Surgeons route open nearby. We put you In Last publication November 13, 1947, Then If you have a half dozen of the right kind of monkeys to work business. Territory available immed Dickson, Deceased. Office hours from 9 to 5 except Katherine Dickson, Administra on It you’ll get a laugh. They got iately. Car necessary. Good oppor L. A . Maulding, M. D. trix of the Estate of Clarence me up there to srN G . Bmagine me Saturdays, 9 to 12. tunity. Write at once for particul Physician and Surgeon lnglng. Was very earnestly doing J. Dickson, Deceased. ars. Rawletgh’s, Dept. ORK-331- Phone 37 my best when one of the brats 2160, Oakland, 7. Calif. 6N2xp Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to S J. R. C U N D ALL Jropped a lighted firecracker at my Dally—Except Sunday WANTED — Plumbing. Radiant, RICHLAND VISITOR heels. They claim I four feet Dentist W IL L RETURN HOME nigh but its not so? “Had topped steam and hot water heating. Free G R A V E M ARKERS estimates. See F*red Braun, across beets all day. Phone 56-J street from Nyssa Funeral home. RICHLAND, Nov. 6—Mrs. Anne 30Otfc. Russell returned to the Bill Rus APPLE V A L L E Y GIRL Sarazin Clinic For grave markers and sell home after visiting several monuments write or see NYSSA OREGON WANTED— Handy-man for fur weeks with her son. Tom Russell, OBSERVES B R ITH D A Y niture store. All winter employ in St. Anthony, Idaho. Mrs. Rus R. A . BENTLEY ment. Ed Case's Hi-Way Mart. 23otf sell will visit here with her son, APPLE VALLEY, Nov 6—Phyllis OPTOM ETRISTS Haines, Oregon WANTED— 40 acres potato «round. Bill Russel, several days before Castater celebrated her 12th birth Better Values Phone 03R2. 1604xp returning to her home In California. day at home Saturday with sev Mr. and Mrs. Earl Owen and Mr. eral of her friends and her grand Lower Prices DR. J. A . M C FALL MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for and Mrs. Bill Conway of Middle- mother from Parma present for winter. We service all kinds of ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. the afternoon. The girls spent some DR. JOHN E A SL Y JE W E LR Y STORES E. H. Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. A. time roller skating and playing H. Davis Sunday. Mr. Owen and games. They then enjoyed roasting Mr. Conway are a brother and welners and marshmallows, which PAU LUS cousin of Mrs. Brandt and Mrs. were served with other refresh Free Pick Up JE W E LR Y STORE ments. Phyllis received many lovely Davis. Union Pacific Time Inspector Mrs. Dave Mitchell attended a gifts and greetings. Of Your JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Herb Nelson and son, Kenny, and card party held at the home of These solid cedar chests come in attractive W A T ’ HES Mrs. S. P. Bybee Friday afternoon. Elbe Wynn returned from their Dead and Worthless Main Street a . Second Mrs E. H. Davis left Thursday hunting trip last week with a two- designs, including some with waterfall fronts. to visit her mother, Mrs. L. D. point deer. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bailey have Owen for several days in Boise Animals WYCKOFF Mrs. Charles Garrison of Nyssa recently purchased a small acreage Guaranteed moth-proof. JE W E LR Y STORE was a guest of Mrs. Clifford Niel of land adjoining the Anderson LODGES Call Collect property on the Apple Valley main sen and Jill Marie, Friday. Official Time Inspector for Mrs Ed Taggart and daughter, road and have started const ruction There Is a Phone Near You Union Pacific Gate City Lodge Patsy, o f Nampa, spent the week of a new modem residence. ONTARIO OREGON Nyssa 100 Parma 28 Dr. James McOraw of the North end with Mrs E. H. Brandt Mrs No. 214 A Taggart and Mrs. Brandt have been west Nazarene college at Nampa H A Y BUYER Ontario 53 was present at the Apple Valley I.O.O.F. friends since childhood. Mrs. Emma Merrick was hostess church Sunday for special services. “We Haul the Day You Call" Meets every Monday W . F. JAH N Mr. and Mrs. Roy Saver and two to the Friendly Neighbor club Oc Ida-Ore Rendering Co. tober 31. with nine members pres sons of Dodge City, Kansas are Dealer in hay and grain night, 8 :3 0 . ent. Following the business session here visiting friends. They moved Third at Good Ave. South First Street games were played, with Mrs. Mc- their new trailer home Into the Nyssa, Oregon Oee and Mrs. Anderson taking low I yard at Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Olb- and high prises. The next regular sons home and will spend some 1 Block W est Railroad Depot Advertising wood floors, close in, $6500, $1500 heating equipment. Nyssa Heating 28A Ü C. down, F. H. A. terms. Bernard Co.¿ phone 169-W. 28Atfc Eastman. WANTED— To buy anything in FOR a at .Ft— Rabbits and hutch. | beef or veal. Also uuy uunger cows Phone 183-W. 2303xp. or wm handle for hide tnd oil all. 22Atlc. FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet 1 4 - Pnone 3iM or 011J1. COME SEE ME M GROW! '/ The Happy Farmer Professional And Business Directory PURINA CALF STARTENA A1 Thompson And Son An Ideal Christmas Gift $44.50 and up Give Furniture For Christmas i Nyssa Furniture Co.